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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
MONTEREY PARK.CA.....just incredible and was the 33rd mass shooting in the USA since January 1......33 in 21 days... terrible stat....there is no safe place in this sad sad sad.....
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
The stereotype of the mass shooter is a young, white male. There is some truth to the stereotype (as with most stereotypes), but most people would be surprised to learn that most mass shootings are committed by blacks against other blacks. In this article, Steve Sailer explores the demographics of mass shooters and reveals some surprising facts.

Sadly, mass shootings are back in the news with the second Dylann Roof-style white-racist-on-black-innocents mass shooting of the past seven years, this one not in a Charleston church but in a Buffalo supermarket.

But despite all the chatter about mass shootings, almost nobody understands the different types of them, so public discussion makes little progress.

Thus, tens of millions of Americans assume, having been reminded over and over again by the media about a handful of canonical cases, that mass shootings are the doings of rifle-wielding angry young white men. These white supremacist terrorists are, we are informed, the worst security threat facing America. Something must be done, such as junking the first two amendments to the Constitution.

But last year, according to Gun Violence Archive, there weren’t just a handful of memorable mass shootings, but 693, almost two per day. There had been “only” 272 mass shootings back in 2014, before the Ferguson Effect kicked in. Then the Floyd Effect drove the number up from 417 in 2019 to 611 in 2020 and 693 last year. This year is on pace to be similar to the first two years of our ongoing “racial reckoning.”

Still, there are different definitions of a “mass shooting,” from the common “at least four victims dead and/or wounded” to Mother Jones magazine’s tendentious but informative “we know it when we see it” list of 127 mass shootings that best fit media stereotypes.

All careful investigations find that a large majority of mass woundings involve black victims and black perpetrators. For instance, The New York Times published its analysis of all 2015 incidents with four or more gunshot victims (not counting the initiator of the shooting) killed and/or wounded:

Over all, though, nearly three-fourths of victims and suspected assailants whose race could be identified were black. Some experts suggest that helps explain why the drumbeat of dead and wounded does not inspire more outrage.

Mother Jones
takes further steps to exclude off-Narrative incidents, such as robberies gone wrong, gang dustups, domestic murder-suicides, and shootings in which nobody saw nothing because, in this neighborhood, snitches get stitches. For instance, the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre that Al Capone ordered in 1929 that rubbed out seven Irish mobsters would not make Mother Jones’ list if it happened today because it was gang-related.

These criteria pare down Mother Jones’ mass-shooting count to only 127 cases over the past four decades, but their list manages to catch almost all the mass shootings that New York Times subscribers are trained to recall. All the hits are included: Columbine, Aurora Dark Knight Rises, Sandy Hook, that incel in Santa Barbara, Roof, the gay Pulse nightclub, Las Vegas, Parkland, the El Paso Walmart, and so forth and so on.

They started with a requirement of four or more murdered victims (with the wounded ignored), but in 2013 switched to three or more dead bodies.

Whether the minimum number of victims counts only the dead or the dead and wounded has a sizable impact on the racial makeup of the enumerated perps. For instance, the New York Times study was dominated by black-on-black mass shootings because it required four victims to be struck by bullets, but not necessarily to be killed. Blacks tend to get involved more in mass wounding shootings than in mass killing shootings...

The racial impact in mass shooting counts depending upon the methodology is owing to what I, semi-facetiously, call Sailer’s Law of Mass Shootings: If more victims are wounded than dead, then the shooter or shooters are likely black. But if more are dead than wounded, the shooter (who is almost always a loner) is probably nonblack.


In the exciting man-bites-dog stories of rare non-black mass killing shooters—you know, the ones with lengthy manifestos that you can use to discredit your ideological opponents—the gunman made up his mind ahead of time that he was never coming home: He’d die at his crime scene or spend life in prison. Hence, not needing to flee, he has time to finish off the wounded.

This also helps explain why rifles and shotguns are used half the time in mass killings according to Mother Jones, while handguns accounted for 92 percent of total 2020 murders according to the FBI. If you don’t intend to get away, it’s less of a risk to have a witness notice you carrying a long gun on your way to your crime. (Still, it’s surprising that half of Mother Jones’ cases are handgun-only mass murders.)

In boringly typical dog-bites-man stories of black mass wounding shooters (usually at a black social event), the shooter (or, quite often, shooters) isn’t aiming to become nationally notorious by murdering everybody in the room. They just want to kill one or a few guys with whom they have a beef, frequently on social media, and are indifferent to the fate of bystanders eating ribs in the background.

When they hear sirens or their enemies’ friends start shooting back, they run. They often have a quite reasonable hope of getting away scot-free because witnesses at the party will likely be too intimidated by these crazy mofos who are so cold they accidentally shot a bunch of little kids and old ladies that none of the survivors will squeal to the cops.

But on their way to the party, they don’t want an honest witness outside of their social circle to notice they are carrying a big gun, so they generally stick to concealed handguns...

But it’s not just that black mass shootings tend to be kind of stupid and dull, with more social media beefs than manifestos. Even a truly memorable black mass shooting, such as the spectacular July 7, 2016, Dallas Black Lives Matter police massacre that helped get Donald Trump elected president, can get memoryholed for subverting the Narrative.

During a Black Lives Matter mostly peaceful protest, just hours after President Obama interrupted his European trip to make a TV speech denouncing police shootings of two black men, Micah Xavier Johnson then murdered five policemen and wounded nine others and two civilians, the biggest police toll since 9/11.

Johnson, who’d had military training, was notably more competent than most mass shooters. The reason he didn’t kill more than he wounded is because he chose to take on hard targets: cops, who are armored, who are trained what to do when they get shot at, and who shoot back.

And then Johnson became perhaps the first (but probably not the last) human in history to be blown up by a robot.

So which massacre is more part of The Conversation in this decade: Dylann Roof in 2015 (nine killed, one wounded) or Micah Johnson in 2016 (five killed, eleven wounded)?

The New York Times has mentioned the name “Micah Johnson” or “Micah Xavier Johnson” three times in this decade versus “Dylann Roof” 36 times. Since 2020, The Washington Post has run eight Roof articles and zero Johnsons. records their making sixteen references to Roof and none to Johnson. So, sixty Roofs to three Johnsons across the three sources over the past 28 months, with no mentions of Johnson at any of the three outlets since the Buffalo shooting.

The fact that Johnson shot fourteen cops the night that Obama, Hillary, and the prestige press explained how angry blacks should feel over police shootings is too embarrassing to be remembered.

So, it isn’t.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
The stereotype of the mass shooter is a young, white male. There is some truth to the stereotype (as with most stereotypes), but most people would be surprised to learn that most mass shootings are committed by blacks against other blacks. In this article, Steve Sailer explores the demographics of mass shooters and reveals some surprising facts.

This is so true and is an often ignored statistic. Most mass shootings are catagorized as more than 3 or 4 victims in one shooting. Gangs in the states account for the majority of these mass shootings. Just look at Chicago on any given weekend. The sad reality to all of this as shown by these MERB experts is that we only raise an alarm when it's a white male and its more than 3 or 4 victims. All gun violence in America is horrible, but the majority of these mass shootings isn't what CNN or MSDNC is feeding you guys up north. It's much worse, and it's happening much more than you care to admit. Instead, the MERB experts focus on the headlines so they can feel good about themselves while they bitch and moan about something but give no reasonable solutions for.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Sadly, stories of mass shootings like this one now occur routinely in the United States. Most of them are covered mainly in local and regional news sources. They only become national stories when they fit an image of what the mainstream media wants Americans to think about the identity of a typical mass shooter (i.e., white male, often young, attacking defenseless people in a school or church).

However, as I noted above, most mass shootings are committed by black criminals targeting innocent black victims with bystanders often adding to the victim count. Often such crimes occur in black neighborhoods far from the eyes of liberal white and black leaders who live far from the sound of the gunshots that ring out nightly across the U.S.

A few days ago, this mass shooting (3 killed, 4 wounded) occurred outside a short term rental home in an upscale Los Angeles neighborhood that would not normally be witness to a drive by shooting. The three murder victims were black women and the other victims probably were too. Though no suspects have been identified yet, the odds are extremely good that they are black gang-bangers (who probably didn't get an invitation to the party at the house :rolleyes: ).

Leftist mayors, city council members, and prosecutors run most of the American cities where these crimes occur in such regular fashion. Their anti-police, pro-crime policies are encouraging the epidemic of murder that is plaguing the cities inhabited by Americans of all backgrounds (blacks are the biggest victims of mass shootings). The only "solution" proposed by the left to this problem is to ban "assault rifles" in the hands of law abiding citizens. Even if that could be done (and it can't be done), the bad guys have no intention of handing in their (illegal) guns.

Two young mothers were among the three victims identified in a mass shooting at a rental home in a ritzy Los Angeles neighborhood over the weekend — as police continue to hunt the suspects.

The Los Angeles County coroner’s office named those killed in Saturday’s shooting in the Beverly Crest area as Iyana Hutton, 33, of Chicago; Nenah Davis, 29, of Bolingbrook, Illinois, and Destiny Sims, 26, of Buckeye, Arizona...

Four other people — three men and a woman — were wounded, two critically, in the shooting. There was no immediate word on the survivors’ conditions Monday. Their names and ages have not been disclosed.

Police Sgt. Frank Preciado said Hutton, Davis and Sims were sitting inside a car parked outside a $3 million home when they were shot dead.

Police investigators were trying to determine if there was a party at the short-term rental home or what type of gathering was occurring at the time of the shooting.

Police Detective Meghan Aguilar said the search for suspects and evidence was ongoing.

The mid-century home is in a quiet neighborhood in the Santa Monica Mountains where houses are large and expensive. The multimillion-dollar rental property is on a cul-de-sac and described in online real estate platforms as modern and private with a pool and outdoor shower.

Police did not immediately know if the house had a history of noise or other party-related complaints...
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Active Member
Feb 2, 2019
Sadly, stories of mass shootings like this one now occur routinely in the United States. Most of them are covered mainly in local and regional news sources. They only become national stories when they fit an image of what the mainstream media wants Americans to think about the identity of a typical mass shooter (i.e., white male, often young, attacking defenseless people in a school or church).

However, as I noted above, most mass shootings are committed by black criminals targeting innocent black victims with bystanders often adding to the victim count. Often such crimes occur in black neighborhoods far from the eyes of liberal white and black leaders who live far from the sound of the gunshots that ring out nightly across the U.S.

A few days ago, this mass shooting (3 killed, 4 wounded) occurred outside a short term rental home in an upscale Los Angeles neighborhood that would not normally be witness to a drive by shooting. The three murder victims were black women and the other victims probably were too. Though no suspects have been identified yet, the odds are extremely good that they are black gang-bangers (who probably didn't get an invitation to the party at the house :rolleyes: ).

Leftist mayors, city council members, and prosecutors run most of the American cities where these crimes occur in such regular fashion. Their anti-police, pro-crime policies are encouraging the epidemic of murder that is plaguing the cities inhabited by Americans of all backgrounds (blacks are the biggest victims of mass shootings). The only "solution" proposed by the left to this problem is to ban "assault rifles" in the hands of law abiding citizens. Even if that could be done (and it can't be done), the bad guys have no intent of handing in their (illegal) guns.

You obviously are not with the program.

Whether it is an African-American shooting African-American bystanders or an Asian shooting a mostly Asian dance studio... it is obviously caused by white supremacy ideology!


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Here's a mass shooting/mass killing that Joe Biden and his sidekick Karmilla won't be giving speeches about.

In January two two hispanic gangsters massacred six hispanic people in Central California, including a 10-month old baby. The killers, who were captured today, were both convicted felons who should have been in prison for life, but they were free thanks to lax leftist policies on bail and prison terms. It's probably true that both the killers and some of the victims were in the U.S. illegally.

Meanwhile Joe Biden ignores the flood of illegal aliens coming across the U.S. southern border. Those illegals undoubtedly include more people like those involved in this killing.



Jun 8, 2020

Once again, the moderation had to intervene in a political discussion because members were behaving in an uncivil manner, and were breaching the Forum Rules.

The following reminder that has been made too many times at this point: this is an Escort review board first, not a political discussions forum. These spaces are provided as a courtesy to members who are also interested in these subjects.

This is supposed to be an adult board and yet certain posters - always the same - again and again persist with insults, goading, trolling, etc., all of which is unacceptable.

The moderation reiterates the expectation that the discussions in the political threads will be civil and fully adhere to the Forum Rules, especially when members are at opposite ends of the political spectrum.

If you believe that some members are breaking the Rules, use the Report tool or send a private message to the moderation, and the matter will be looked into.

If it is not possible for you to engage in political discussions without insulting, goading, or trolling other members, do not engage with these members - or simply stay away from the political discussions. Period.

Reminders such as this one have been made more than enough for the culprits to know better.

The patience of the moderation for these kinds of antics has reached its limits, and the next time the moderation has to intervene because of a breach of decorum in any of the political discussions, the Rules will be applied in a broad sweeping manner and all the posters involved will be facing lengthy suspensions.

The nonsense the moderation has to clean up on a regular basis in the political threads has got to stop. Final warning.

Thanks for your collaboration.
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
On Monday, four men drove through a mostly black neighborhood in Lakeland, FL and one or more men in the car fired at neighborhood residents, wounding 11 people, though thankfully killing no one.

Today, police caught up with one suspect in the mass shooting, Alex Greene, and killed him when he fled in his car and then turned on them. As I have noted, this type of mass shooting, i.e. "people of color" shooting other people of color en masse is much more typical of mass shootings in the U.S. than the media lead people to believe. So far neither Sleepy Joe Biden nor Karmilla Harris have announced plans to visit Lakeland in the wake of this mass shooting.

The man suspected of a mass shooting in Lakeland, Florida, was fatally shot by police following a long chase.

Alex Greene, 21, was suspected of being involved in a drive-by shooting that injured 11 people in a neighborhood on Jan. 30. Four shooters were believed to have opened fire from a dark blue Nissan sedan, which later fled the scene. Two people were critically injured, and all victims were men ages 20 to 35.

The car driven by Greene eventually crashed into a business in Winter Haven, a short distance from Lakeland, after a police chase.

"We are very confident he was in fact involved; to what extent we don’t know yet,” Lakeland Police Chief Sammy Taylor said via the Associated Press...

mass shooter lakeland.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The far-left idiots who control a lot of the media is brainwashing ppl with woke nonsense. Great article. I like that you post facts and not far-left bs.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
The Michigan State University mass shooting is not listed in this thread. I wonder why. Leaving the gunmans race out of this, there is something even more disturbing about the mass shooting. Anthony McRae, the shooter, was arrested inc 2019 for carrying an illegal handgun. The soft on crime DA Carol Siemon a favorite of George Soros dismissed the felony charge which carries a 5 year prison term. Instead McRae pled to a misdemeanor and was released on 12 months probabtion. If the DA had done their job, McRae would still have still been in jail and the three young students would be alive. Despite all of this, the far left continues to push soft on crimes policies as the bodies continue to stack up. Criminals need to be held accountable. Reasonable gun restrictions would be welcome. The violence will never get better unless we hold the bad guys accountable and lock them up.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
The Michigan State University mass shooting is not listed in this thread. I wonder why. Leaving the gunmans race out of this, there is something even more disturbing about the mass shooting. Anthony McRae, the shooter, was arrested inc 2019 for carrying an illegal handgun. The soft on crime DA Carol Siemon a favorite of George Soros dismissed the felony charge which carries a 5 year prison term. Instead McRae pled to a misdemeanor and was released on 12 months probabtion. If the DA had done their job, McRae would still have still been in jail and the three young students would be alive. Despite all of this, the far left continues to push soft on crimes policies as the bodies continue to stack up. Criminals need to be held accountable. Reasonable gun restrictions would be welcome. The violence will never get better unless we hold the bad guys accountable and lock them up.

I didn't know that parts of USA was plagued with the same craziness that is put in place by Trudeau's Government in Canada.
Releasing dangerous criminals on the streets often based on their race which I find completely irresponsible.
All the while attacking lawfull firearm owners.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I didn't know that parts of USA was plagued with the same craziness that is put in place by Trudeau's Government in Canada.
Releasing dangerous criminals on the streets often based on their race which I find completely irresponsible.
All the while attacking lawfull firearm owners.
Whereever there is a leftist Liberal politician, these problems exist. Some states have been infected with far-left nonsense.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Here is another story of a mass shooter that does not fit the left's favorite type of mass shooting. If leftists notice these shootings at all, they use them as an excuse to try to deprive law-abiding citizens of their legally obtained guns.

Like many mass shooters, he is a convicted felon who should have already been in jail. This shooting could have been prevented by keeping this thug in jail for decades. Instead three people, including a young girl, are dead and a couple others have serious wounds.



Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
Here is another story of a mass shooter that does not fit the left's favorite type of mass shooting. If leftists notice these shootings at all, they use them as an excuse to try to deprive law-abiding citizens of their legally obtained guns.

Like many mass shooters, he is a convicted felon who should have already been in jail. This shooting could have been prevented by keeping this thug in jail for decades. Instead three people, including a young girl, are dead and a couple others have serious wounds.

I'm sure the 400 million guns, plus untold numbers of ghost guns, has nothing to do with yet another senseless shooting. Just another day in gun-loving, pistol-packing USA.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
And apparently Santos and Boebert are sponsoring a new bill to make AR15s the national gun of the USA or some similar nonsense. The evil and corrupt GOP, bolstered by huge monetary support and pressure from the NRA, bears a fair amount of responsibility for the epidemic of gun violence in the USA.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
Here is another story of a mass shooter that does not fit the left's favorite type of mass shooting. If leftists notice these shootings at all, they use them as an excuse to try to deprive law-abiding citizens of their legally obtained guns.

Sad to see on a Canadian board
The left does not have any favorite type of mass shooting, they abhor them all.
While there are issues with keeping bad guys locked up, there are also issues with guns themselves. Both warrant attention.
The left is not trying to take away everybody's guns, that's a false narrative meant to rile people up


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
This killer was in Florida. Florida has had a Republican governor the entire time this guy has been alive. Yet you are trying to blame it on "leftists" for not keeping this guy in jail.

I don't have access to all the details of why that thug was walking the streets after committing numerous felonies. But I am sure that a big reason that he was free was because of liberal judges and parole boards who released him when he should have been locked away for decades.

Unfortunately there are a lot of liberals everywhere, even in Florida. Ron De Santis is not a dictator and I would not want him to be one. But I have much more confidence that he will enforce the law, appoint conservative judges and keep the criminals in jail to protect the community.

It's laughable when liberals try to blame crime in certain states on Republican leadership of a state. The simple fact is that states with high percentages of blacks have high rates of violent crime. Crime rates will vary within those states depending on where black people live. Crime rates vary tremendously by local areas within a state and even within a city.

Some data on crime rates by U.S. city:

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