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Mega Rant - SP's not answering texts and very poor follow up


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
I'm not say humpchies/annonceintimes were the best sites but I'm not a fan of leolist
LL has merged (bought out) with humpchies.

In western Canada LL is mostly scams where someone takes your money but no escort exists. Scammers won’t waste time answering texts, especially if they are running dozens of ads all over the country.
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Jan 30, 2022
Even worst are those who confirm but once you arrive in the vicinity, they don't answer texts or even calls. You wait like an idiot for 10, 15, 20 and sometimes 30 minutes. Then after you leave, they text you to ask where you are and that they're waiting for you. This is despicable and disrespectful. Making us drive all the way then get ghosted, how is that not time wasting for us the clients? Not counting the fact that you probably cost us an opportunity with another provider.
I am extremely busy and sometimes I have to drive several hours to make it to town. I have to schedule my entire day in advance.

Getting canceled last minute is very unprofessional.

Why is Katrina Vianna the #1 voted SP?

Because she is very organized. She does not overbook.

The ones that overbook start losing passion for their job and quality diminishes. They also burn out faster.

I have an appreciation for ladies that keep their word, do not overbook, prioritize regulars and know how to keep regulars.

Take notes ladies.
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Active Member
Feb 21, 2022
I was in the same situation and then I restarted my phone and was able to send texts again. The texts were displayed as being sent, but they never reached the destination. I restarted my phone and it magically worked again. I didn't restart my phone for 15 months, because I thought you didn't need to restart it.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well i think Anna Bijou's post truly highlight how important it is to have a booker/helper. Thats the issue when you do it all yourself. I mean, if you only see 2-3 clients a week (aka being very part time) it may not be too much of an issue but if you work 3-4 days a week for several hours, booking can be become complicated.

I know how much some "clients" are time wasters. I had enough conversations with SPs who told me. Personally i prefer to book in agencies for the reason that everything is prompt and easy and replies usually enter fast. It does not eliminate the risk of the SP deciding to ghost her agency that day or cancel, but usually i get notify fast by the agency. But when i do go for indies, i really try to be as brief as possible. I usually contact only once for infos, and only if im truly interested in that person. But i like to know what service she offer to see if she suit my needs, usually once i get the answers, i reply thank you and i say ill contact back when i can book. Mostly because for me booking is a long process as im not in Montreal and has to make the trip etc, and im talking even pre-covid, now its simply so complicated i wouldn't even try to pre-book, but still pre-covid i had to book hotel, reserve rides, plan a trip to Montreal etc. Anyway. Point is i try to really waste less time as possible.

But there is one thing you guys need to understand, i know lots of you book on the spot but the providers often enjoy pre-booking. 1 to 2-3 days in advance. So if you text, giving them a few hours to reply should not be an issue.

Im not an SP but i absolutely despise the guys who text "hey avail?" and expect the SP to be "delivered like a pizza, 30 mins or its free" style... lol. Thats not how it works.

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
This made me think of you guys and this thread..
The comments are worth it.. Here




Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
Well i think Anna Bijou's post truly highlight how important it is to have a booker/helper. Thats the issue when you do it all yourself. I mean, if you only see 2-3 clients a week (aka being very part time) it may not be too much of an issue but if you work 3-4 days a week for several hours, booking can be become complicated.

I know how much some "clients" are time wasters. I had enough conversations with SPs who told me. Personally i prefer to book in agencies for the reason that everything is prompt and easy and replies usually enter fast. It does not eliminate the risk of the SP deciding to ghost her agency that day or cancel, but usually i get notify fast by the agency. But when i do go for indies, i really try to be as brief as possible. I usually contact only once for infos, and only if im truly interested in that person. But i like to know what service she offer to see if she suit my needs, usually once i get the answers, i reply thank you and i say ill contact back when i can book. Mostly because for me booking is a long process as im not in Montreal and has to make the trip etc, and im talking even pre-covid, now its simply so complicated i wouldn't even try to pre-book, but still pre-covid i had to book hotel, reserve rides, plan a trip to Montreal etc. Anyway. Point is i try to really waste less time as possible.

But there is one thing you guys need to understand, i know lots of you book on the spot but the providers often enjoy pre-booking. 1 to 2-3 days in advance. So if you text, giving them a few hours to reply should not be an issue.

Im not an SP but i absolutely despise the guys who text "hey avail?" and expect the SP to be "delivered like a pizza, 30 mins or its free" style... lol. Thats not how it works.

2-3 clients a day is not very part time lol Well, not in my galaxy. In my galaxy, that's pretty full time.. It's definitely full time + if you're answering your own email, phone and taking care of your ads, incall, etc. Everyone is different and I would assume that for some Sp's it might be, perhaps especially agency girls. I don't know.

But yes, if you're seeing 3 clients and all your bookings are same day, a booker would probably help. But you'd have to pay the booker and to pay the booker you'd have to book that extra appointment. So how are you winning? Lol

The booking process is how I #1 decide if I think we're going to be a good fit or I feel it best not to go further #2 it gives me an idea of who I am meeting #3 I can decide how I want to address some of the questions and info requested. It's really not something anyone can do for me.


As far as pre-booking, of course it's great to know a few days in advance but I actually enjoy same day quite a lot because if I'm putting out an ad, it's because I already know I'm feeling good, have the energy. It's weird, I used to hate same day but now I don't think I have a single regular who books ahead of time.

What I find really hard is the pressure of being given barely an hour, or even 30min notice. That's just almost for sure not going to happen. It gets frustrating though, if you get this several times per day. Thinking, really? Like you're not even able to give me 2hrs of notice? Nope. Lol
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
2-3 clients a day is not very part time lol
No i meant providers who see 3 clients a WEEK, i did say 2-3 a week. There was a few i remember a couple years ago who did this. It was really just a sideline to round the end of the month. They had another job full time.

And yeah a booker has to be paid, but it can be worth it if you are (but obviously you are not as you just said) someone that can see multiple clients a day a few different days. I know a few providers have "assistants/bookers" but again its a case by case depending on provider and what they suit them best. Actually this is true for every aspect of the job lol.
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Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
No i meant providers who see 3 clients a WEEK, i did say 2-3 a week. There was a few i remember a couple years ago who did this. It was really just a sideline to round the end of the month. They had another job full time.

And yeah a booker has to bepaid, but it can be worth it if you are (but obviously you are not as you just said) someone that can see multiple clients a day a few different days. I know a few providers have "assistants/bookers" but again its a case by case depending on provider and what they suit them best. Actually this is true for every aspect of the job lol.
Oof absolutely misread. That's what I get for squinting at my phone instead of using my laptop for these things! Sorry about that.

Makes more sense. I was like, 2-3/day omg I can't even imagine :eek: lol Apologies.

As you say, it's probably case by case. I can see why someone who's in school or working on other projects would find it helpful. For sure.
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Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I've been VERY guilty of this since the pandemic started - went on a ~4 months hiatus in the beginning, and ever since I came back to work, I have no will to do admin work, so I miss out on so many potential appointments. I prefer seeing less people now than I used to, I see mostly regulars and I get longer bookings so it evens out, but I still should probably find a way for me to "get back in track" with admin work because I'll admit I'm really not as consistent with it as I used to.


Jan 30, 2022
A big thanks to all the unreliable, entitled, conceited instatwitterlizards that have finally pushed me to quit the hobby.

Many like me had this hobby because we didn't have the time for the exhausting dating game.

Now it seems like the hobby has become more exhausting.

What happened to keeping your word?

Prioritizing regulars?

Now when we book we get rescheduled, cancelled, and when you finally meet you leave unhappy and unimpressed.

To the gentlemen that post reviews warning us of this unprofessional behaviour, thank you.

To the rare ladies that respect their regulars and treat them like kings, thank you.


Active Member
Dec 21, 2018
I have a general rule when it comes to patronizing businesses that I also apply to seeing SPs: if I'm trying to give you money and you're too cool to get back to me in a somewhat prompt manner, I just move on to the competition. There are too many competitors to be hung up on one company or person.

What you tell me when it takes you 17 days to return a text is my money isn't important to you. That's fine. I'll find someone who wants my business.
As a SW, I’m booking my own calls and providing service.. so generally most clients book for and hour, I get back to them in about an hour max.. some people expect us to respond in the exact moment which isn’t always possible. Some of us are trying hard to provide quality service. Also if it’s been more than 3 hours I’m hesitant to respond to a client because you don’t know if he’s married and you aren’t trying to screw up his life either.. we need to take into account these things.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
Well don't waste your time then, honest you are the customer, ok no need to be rude or anything but if the SP does not reply back or at least does not share her info price etc just never text her again.

Its quit commun form independant SP to give you a location and when you get there her real address, i guess its some kind of safety it happen to me 3 times.

One was with an SP who apparently did that a lot she made you drive up north to a Mcdonalds close to her place and when you got there she never texted you back. I actually drive to her place in frozen rain one night 20 minutes not so bad and texted her 30 minutes from the Mcdonalds she never replied back. When i got home i did a review on her and many people jumped him. She even came on to try and justify herself and a guy that went there driving 45 minutes then came back empty handed so un hour and 30 minutes said i forgive her those SP have stressful life what an idiot. I told her off in a very bad way and i never ever tried to book her again.

Even if they are SP there need to be a respect between them and clients. Clients are customers ready to go meet them and pay their fee. Its only normal to get good service or at least the SP replies sorry i am fully booked.


Active Member
Sep 18, 2022
LL has merged (bought out) with humpchies.

In western Canada LL is mostly scams where someone takes your money but no escort exists. Scammers won’t waste time answering texts, especially if they are running dozens of ads all over the country.
Annoncemarket is merging slowly also


Location: Fantasy Land
Mar 27, 2016
I've been involved in this hobby for quite a while now. I can honestly say that I've only met a handful of girls (maybe 2-3) who really understand excellent communication skills with clients as a whole. I've been disappointed over and over again through the years by ghostings and miscommunication/noncommunication with the large part of sp's I've met. I find that sp's that hire bookers might be acceptable to most, but rarely for me. I find the experience to be more impersonal when dealing with the Booker exclusively. Some bookers are far better than others and some continue to work for sp's regardless of how badly they cancel or reschedule or simply make the Booker look bad by they're actions. Sometimes they'll explain a screw up by blaming the other for a miscommunication on an appointment .I've seen this occur on multiple occasions. Everybody's time is precious and it seems over the years that cancellations are increasingly prevalent. It's frustrating from my perspective since I rarely cancel. My advice is that if you find an SP that is an excellent comunicator with you and you enjoy her service, embrace this and stick with her. They're very rare in this industry


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
For the most part, I have dealt with Indies and have not had problems associated with long and meandering text messages, or being ghosted. Usually, I am direct, and to the point about what I am seeking, always polite and respectable and have nothing to hide as I am a single male. I always use my cell and I am transparent as to who I am.

On the other hand, I have not enjoyed the experience of booking with bookers and agencies. I have only used one in the past and the experience has left a bad taste in my mouth. I believe that it had more to do with the SP themselves as opposed to the actual bookers or agencies.

Having said that, I contacted a well-known and well-reviewed Indy by text during the summer to set up a first appointment with her. I did not hear back from her for almost 6-8 weeks and was surprised when I did. She told me that she was engaged in other interests at the time and could not get back to me until now. She was apparently out of town. I accepted it at face value as I wanted to see her and was relatively new to the hobby. Moreover, we were expected to engage in sexual activity that is not run-of-the-mill sexual activity. She said via text that she wanted to speak over the phone and we did for about 10-15 minutes. It was a great conversation.

What happened next really confounded me as she texted me for a week straight and we began this back-and-forth about our experiences, limits, etc. in the sexual activity we were to explore together. We made two appointments and she had to cancel both, finally on the third we met.

When we met the experience was good and I enjoyed it her company was wonderful but I wonder if all the text foreplay was necessary. Needless to say, I have not booked again, as I do not want to possibly have to go through the same experience just to get an appointment.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
I've been involved in this hobby for quite a while now. I can honestly say that I've only met a handful of girls (maybe 2-3) who really understand excellent communication skills with clients as a whole. I've been disappointed over and over again through the years by ghostings and miscommunication/noncommunication with the large part of sp's I've met. I find that sp's that hire bookers might be acceptable to most, but rarely for me. I find the experience to be more impersonal when dealing with the Booker exclusively. Some bookers are far better than others and some continue to work for sp's regardless of how badly they cancel or reschedule or simply make the Booker look bad by their actions. Sometimes they'll explain a screw up by blaming the other for a miscommunication on an appointment .I've seen this occur on multiple occasions. Everybody's time is precious and it seems over the years that cancellations are increasingly prevalent. It's frustrating from my perspective since I rarely cancel. My advice is that if you find an SP that is an excellent comunicator with you and you enjoy her service, embrace this and stick with her. They're very rare in this industry
I totally agree and I’ve experienced the same as well! It’s something that I can’t understand and I try not to take it personally anymore.

An example is we’re discussing about setting up an appointment and suddenly the conversation cuts off. Then the next day I get a text continuing that conversation!! I don’t get it, if you’re busy, just say so and we’ll text another time!!
Another example is we’ve set up an appointment for a certain day. The day comes, I text to confirm, and nothing! It’s ok if something came up, but just send me a text to say you can’t make it we’ll reschedule. But some of the ladies are great when you actually meet them and to them it’s like nothing happened. They don’t even bring up the previous communication mishap!

It’s happened over the years with a few ladies that I had already seen a few times. It’s extremely annoying and a waste of time. I don’t get it. Not sure if it’s a generational thing that for some people ghosting is normal?!?
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Active Member
Feb 28, 2023
Montreal, Quebec
You guys really expect a lot when I know you're not reaching out how the provider asks in their ad, which you probably didnt read. If you don't write your first message with the info I ask (including date and time you're looking for) and you havent looked at my website for my rates and info like I asked, you're probably not getting a reply. If you're polite, I'll tell you to go to my website and then you can book if you're still interested with all the info I ask for. Sometimes getting info on what service, duration, time and date, let alone whatever screening, is like extracting info from someone duct taped to a chair afraid their mob boss is gonna kill their whole family if they talk. It shouldn't be that hard, and it doesnt make me feel too secure as an indy to meet someone who cant communicate or follow basic instructions (will they understand how to get here on time, and discreetly? Will they understand consent? Will they bring the right amount and in cash even though I confirmed?)
Booking with me may be dry, but I am a professional and I take that to heart, and your in person experience with me is the opposite and what counts.

Also, I respond same day and take clients often within a few hours notice, but others are very clear on how they have full time jobs and kids and you prefer this "low volume" type but dont want to deal with what comes with that, like very limited availability and taking days, weeks to respond. It's like we're robots. Not everyone is on twitter or takes that platform seriously either, telling people weekly schedules or when they're taking time off, and no one is obligated to either. I've never ghosted on anyone, if you contact me how youre supposed to and give me at least 2-3 hours notice and I'm home, I'm seeing you and happy about it. But it seems like you guys have no perspective on how this actually works as an independent worker and what we deal with daily and want to give unsolicited advice on how to run our business, when it doesnt make sense, because you have no experience doing the actual work (there's a word for that ;) )

Massage parlours and agencies are available for your every whim, with independents you have to put in more effort to book and probably pay more. If you're not willing to put in that effort, don't bother with us. I've seen posts on here about being ghosted, cancelled on last minute, and burned by providers multiple times and the client is STILL trying to book that person! A lot of you really are your own demise.

And like with any service, not all people or places are great. Expecting us all to be all the same is weird. If you get a less than ideal experience, suck it up and move on to someone else, maybe learn a lesson along the way. Like once I got my eyebrows waxed and they waxed skin right off my face. It freaking hurt, it was very visible, and I had to wait weeks for it to heal. I'm not damning the industry, I just didn't go back and asked for a recommendation for someone who won't skin me alive. Or the time I went to a random place in a mall to get my hair cut and they styled my hair into a bouffant a la Dorothy from Golden Girls on Jeopardy. I was like 12. Bouffants were not in style at this time. I never went back though I must admit, I didn't tell anyone for about ten years.

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