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Merb’s reputation amongst SPs


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
I would like to start by saying that if I didn’t like merb, I wouldn’t be on here almost daily.

With that being said, a lot of you will routinely ask in person or on the forum “why do girls seem to hate merb so much?”

It’s more than just the reviews, a lot of women value discretion and having reviews about you just confirm that you are doing sex work. They can be used as proof when travelling to the US for exemple.

Beyond the reviews, some users of this website speak about women with so much violence and dehumanizing approches. It’s human nature to generalize and I know that those isolated threads have gained you the reputation of being very antiwomen. For that reason, many SPs simply do not feel welcomed or safe advertising, replying or even just browsing.

I have a few times attempted to bring some of my colleagues, the “ask us anything” thread was yet another attempt.

Even without an account, it is possible to read some of the content on this website and truly sometimes it makes us wonder “do you even like women?”

I’m very happy when I see fellow members replying with “hey dude chill” “no need to insult so&so” and whatnot.

Once again, I would just like to point out that if I didn’t like this website I wouldn’t come on here that often. I just try my best to ignore the vile comments.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
I'd offer reading playboy just for the articles has less weight here than being here on merb for more than just its reviews.

That is to agree the reviews are a mere small part of what this board offers, being that the reviews here can be very suspect and inconsistent anyway.

The main point of the reviews imho are supposed to be to protect from wasting money / money well spent.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
I would like to start by saying that if I didn’t like merb, I wouldn’t be on here almost daily.

With that being said, a lot of you will routinely ask in person or on the forum “why do girls seem to hate merb so much?”

It’s more than just the reviews, a lot of women value discretion and having reviews about you just confirm that you are doing sex work. They can be used as proof when travelling to the US for exemple.

Beyond the reviews, some users of this website speak about women with so much violence and dehumanizing approches. It’s human nature to generalize and I know that those isolated threads have gained you the reputation of being very antiwomen. For that reason, many SPs simply do not feel welcomed or safe advertising, replying or even just browsing.

I have a few times attempted to bring some of my colleagues, the “ask us anything” thread was yet another attempt.

Even without an account, it is possible to read some of the content on this website and truly sometimes it makes us wonder “do you even like women?”

I’m very happy when I see fellow members replying with “hey dude chill” “no need to insult so&so” and whatnot.

Once again, I would just like to point out that if I didn’t like this website I wouldn’t come on here that often. I just try my best to ignore the vile comments.
You have also braught attention from terb here... and can only appreciate that you can ask the question here. I would be terrified to know how they would act over there to the same question.

There very much is a devastating way many men who enjoy hobbying seem to view the ladies they are opting to see.

I am confident in saying most I meet aren't hobbiest veterans, because there is often a callus way over time the ladies are spoken to, straight to the point. Very few men who are prone to booking escorts even get past my personal screening which isn't actually hard...

A part of my criteria is talk to me and realize i am a human being and not an object and this is more than just a transaction. Get us to want to see you, don't just make demands and expect we will just show up. I prefer to go without their financial help just to avoid seeing them. 90% of clients fail on this point alone.

Though I will answer your question with I adore women too ;) . Playing with men is a given, but getting to play with other women is a rare treat. :D
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
Sadly the political world will not necessarily attract the brightest or the best - it will often bring in those who are narcissistic, power hungry, greedy, etc. Not in it for the good of the people, in other words.

Similarly, a lot of people who see SP's are messed up by some experience in their past or are similarly selfish (cheating on their partner, no matter how you cut it - does involve a degree of ego). Many will unfortunately see women as objects for their pleasure, specifically SP's. Many will be sexual addicts. Goodness knows.

It's a sad fact that this hobby will attract some of the more decrepit/lowlife types (along with normal people as well, of course), like other activities in the world will attract other less savory personalities. I don't know that there's a way around that.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
I am confident in saying most I meet aren't hobbiest veterans, because there is often a callus way over time the ladies are spoken to, straight to the point.

A lot of the clients I’ve found here don’t actually have an account. They’re just lurking


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Similarly, a lot of people who see SP's are messed up by some experience in their past or are similarly selfish (cheating on their partner, no matter how you cut it - does involve a degree of ego). Many will unfortunately see women as objects for their pleasure, specifically SP's. Many will be sexual addicts. Goodness knows.

A lot of them would be called “incels”


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2023
Considering this is an anonymous internet forum, the level of the discourse here is actually way, way better than I expected honestly. Even more so when you consider the subject at hand. I've been participating in various online forums and saw so much worse. The moderators seem to be pretty strict too.


Active Member
Aug 2, 2019
I absolutely adore women, and not just in this world. We all have families and in my case, my female family members have been my role models. I also respect the women are who are in this profession, and I have been delighted to meet some amazingly gorgeous women that I would not have been able to otherwise. From a dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin perspective, the feeling I have when I am with them has been quite indescribable and the other experiences I have in life don't come close. I also have a number of female friends, each with their own unique combination of beauty, verve, personality and backgrounds, and I truly appreciate their friendship.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Le nom d’utilisateur est caché pour des raisons évidentes mais c’est ce à quoi je faisais référence. Un exemple parmi tant d’autres.



Active Member
Sep 27, 2023
I work in the service industry ( not SP) we get reviewed often
Because of anonymity the boards are never fair
The ones that love us keep coming back and defend us in the review board
The ones that posted the most ugly review of us were not clients but jealous rivals that hide under false pretense
They were not customers.
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Pas très édifiant, mais bon si le gars s'est fait bait & switch c'est normal qu'il ne soit pas content.

Là n’est pas là question, merb est fait pour ça, pour prévenir et partager. Par contre ce n’est pas nécessaire d’utiliser un tel language.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
I am aware of the actual definition of incels but with time, it kind of evolved and is now used more casually on Twitter amongst other websites.
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Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
I adore women, they make me feel all warm and gooey inside. But to be honest, some women do try my patience sometimes and i wouldn't mind putting some of them over my knee and give them a little spanking.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2018
Je comprends que ça doit pas être évident de lire un review pour la majorité des demoiselles qui pratiquent ce métier.
Je compatis avec vous.
Mais faudrait pas généralisé et penser que tous les hommes sur ce forum sont misogyne et n'aime pas les femmes.
Bien au contraire je pense même qu'on les aime beaucoup et je remercie ce forum qui m'a permis de rencontrer des courtisanes intéressantes avec l'aide de bon compte rendu de rencontre.
Avec les bonnes recommandations de certains membres je me répète mais j'aurais jamais pensé rencontrer autant de femmes incroyables à plusieurs niveaux malgré une transaction monétaire.

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
Je comprends que ça doit pas être évident de lire un review pour la majorité des demoiselles qui pratiquent ce métier.
Je compatis avec vous.
Mais faudrait pas généralisé et penser que tous les hommes sur ce forum sont misogyne et n'aime pas les femmes.

The problem is so few of you hold other men accountable. If men didn't let other men get away with it, it wouldn't be so tolerated and men wouldn't feel so comfortable about that kind of behaviour. Most of you don't talk like that but sadly you're enablers for the ones who do. You can't exist as a woman on the internet, not only Merb, without being acutely aware of that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
I'll just pop in to say it's quite simple, really. They don't equate sex with love, necessarily.
We girls doing this job don't necessarily equate sex with love, or we wouldn't be able to do this job. We don't love all our clients, yet we have sex with them. But in commitment, we expect our partners not to lie to us.

Though all relationships are different. I do this job with my master, my loves, blessing. And yes there is kind of a double standard. I do this for work. He doesn't sleep around, his pleasure is in control, and with him others are something when we get to share in the fun together, in a form of swingers. The relationship is monogamous, but we are open with sex together, what i do with work is counted as a job.

There are also a shocking amount of people, men and women, who have no qualms cheating on their partners if they never find out.

Personally I couldn't. I often need masters regular encouragement that it is something he enjoys, otherwise I feel like I am doing something wrong by being intimate with other people. Besides he likes and gets off and excited with the idea of sharing. He wants to know what happens on all my visits, and wants to hear i have enjoyed myself during these visits. His sex drive is no where near as high as mine, and he likes that my work can bridge that gap. As he encourages me to embrace myself in all ways, and doesn't want me to have to shut parts of myself down because i am in a relationship. (This is my only relationship where i haven't had to bury my drive to meet his lower drive, but am encouraged to embrace and be free to explore it to its max)
The funniest part is this is the type of relationship I fantasized haveing but never thought I would have, until he came along.

There is still a way to be in a relationship, and be with other people. It is the lieing and covering it up that makes it wrong. But viewing working girls as objects and treating them as such is a misogynistic viewpoint.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
I respect women the same way I respect all genders, but I certainly feel more attracted to them.

I might (?) have been guilty as well of being too descriptive in some of my reviews, but there was never an ill intend.
I do agree with the other posters that this board is doing much better than many of the more popular social media platforms when it comes to misogyny. But it does not mean that there is no area to improve. I personally haven't see many posts that are degrading towards woman with dehumanizing or violent approaches, but I also only stick to a few subforums.

The example @Anna Bijou provided is a great one and I 100% agree that this kind of language is beyond good and evil.
On the other hand I don't think the example screenshot from @LC18 conveys the same. (I am not a French speaker, so maybe things got lost in translation) For me it was an upset customer venting about a bait and switch. Yes, he does call her ugly, but considering the context, I can understand why those words were chosen.
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