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MERB Suspensions: Check here for why

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Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspended for 1 week: WoodyWoody

  1. Publicly accusing an agency of being part of a well-known ring of agencies known to trick customers, simply because the agency`s web site bare a similar name. That doesn`t hold water.
  2. Publicly accusing an agency of posting shill reviews, again without providing any proofs.
Woddy, we said it enough, public accusations based on suspicions are not tolerated. We allow some leeway in the bait&switch thread but in this case, I clearly indicated the discussion was closed until there was new facts. Your way around it was to distort reality, add some devilish conspiracy plots, throw everything in the same pot and stir, without any regards to the real facts. This isn`t acceptable.

EDIT: I am adding 3 days for insulting a member in another thread. Sorry, you are a victim of vBulletin. The duration are a fixed value and after 7 days, it`s 10. Sad...
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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Banned: gohabsgo

Duration: 1 week

Reason: Making flame posts in the Hot Stove thread after repeated warnings to keep it free of such posts.

I do not expect to have to repeat myself again about that thread remaining free of such posts.

Mod 8

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Banned: cameo

Duration: 2 weeks

Reason: 2) Forbidden Activities:

iii) Personal attacks on others, flames, fights, name-calling, etc...

iv) Lack of respect to either client, escort or other board members.

viii) Disclosing private communications. PMs are to remain PRIVATE between the 2 parties, and not disclosed without the consent of the sender. PMs may be forwarded and disclosed to Moderators if they contain anything offensive or require the attention of Moderators.

It is against MERB rules to post a PM on the board. They are called PRIVATE MESSAGES for a reason. Calling someone a "robotic silicon sex doll" is also considered an insult and is disrespectful.

After examining your posting history you seem to have a habit of posting personal information regarding the ladies you see. I would advise you to change your attitude if you intend to continue posting here.

Mod 8

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Banned : YouVantOption

Reason: 2) Forbidden Activities:

iii) Personal attacks on others, flames, fights, name-calling, etc...

iv) Lack of respect to either client, escort or other board members.

Duration: 2 weeks

While we may tolerate a certain amount of flaming and insults in the sports threads, we will not tolerate such behavior spreading to other sections of MERB. I have posted warnings multiple times to keep tech threads free of personal insults and flame posts but these warnings seem to be ignored. In the future, such posts will be met with a 2 week suspension which will be doubled for each subsequent offense.

Mod 8

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
Jezabel, Spicy, 339fleuryouest, 3colombes

Banned permanently:

339fleuryouest (not yet active)
3colombes (not yet active)

All these are from 3Colombes and are now banned permanently. User 3colombes will be allowed back as a paid advertiser if and when they pay their dues to become paid advertiser. At that point, they will have to follow the rules. User Jezabel is obviously used by 2 persons. One of the 2 was warned to stay away from review threads and obviously didn`t communicate the message and instead shared her password. This isn`t acceptable.

If ANY more user from 3colombes register a new handle, the entire place will get banned from MERB, advertiser or not. I repeat, only 3colombes will be allowed back, and only once the advertiser fees are paid and only if MERB rules are followed. Not posting in review threads is one of these rules.

Thread cleaned.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspended for 1 month: Lanum

Why: Some people just don`t think before they post. Some things are to be kept off MERB, simply because that type of comment will attract people MERB don`t want around. No, I will not specify.

Lanum, take the month to think about what your simple uninterested comment could have caused, not only to MERB but the hobbyist population.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Banned: D.T.

Reason: Posting links to a non-advertiser outside of a review post.

2) Forbidden Activities:

xi) Posting links to Craigslist or similar website advertisements of non advertisers, posting contact information of non advertising providers, or links to their web sites, in a 411 post will result in a 2 day suspension for a first offense. Repeated offenses will result in a longer ban. Such links are only permitted when posted in the context of a review.

Duration: 2 days

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspended for 2 days: QuebecoiseFemmesCochonnes

2) Forbidden Activities:

xi) Posting links to Craigslist or similar website advertisements of non advertisers, posting contact information of non advertising providers, or links to their web sites, in a 411 post will result in a 2 day suspension for a first offense. Repeated offenses will result in a longer ban. Such links are only permitted when posted in the context of a review.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspended for 2 days: Doggyluver

2) Forbidden Activities:

xi) Posting links to Craigslist or similar website advertisements of non advertisers, posting contact information of non advertising providers, or links to their web sites, in a 411 post will result in a 2 day suspension for a first offense. Repeated offenses will result in a longer ban. Such links are only permitted when posted in the context of a review.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspended for 2 days: matureboy

2) Forbidden Activities:

xi) Posting links to Craigslist or similar website advertisements of non advertisers, posting contact information of non advertising providers, or links to their web sites, in a 411 post will result in a 2 day suspension for a first offense. Repeated offenses will result in a longer ban. Such links are only permitted when posted in the context of a review.
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