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Merc Advertiser Boycott Starts December 1

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Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
Hello PT,

While on one level I would agree, on another I would say you don't know what you are talking about.

Yes, overall it seems like bickering. No, in fact it's well beyond bickering. The truth is most of those involved have met and were acquaintances or casual or close friends who know personal information on each other. That means that using slanders and threats could have real impact on private personal lives, and there have been attempts to interfere in that way...thus taking the whole thing well beyond childishness into serious real world affects. It becomes a serious board matter because all of it is supported and given the means to continue by the blue board owner who REFUSES to stop it.

So try not to be superficially glib about it.



You aren't convincing ignoring them would accomplish just as much .....and without all the stamping of feet and holding of breath.
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Sep 19, 2005
A little message for agentleman: we have always had polite exchanges in the past but you have seriously crossed the line. I invite you to come to this thread (as you know, I am banned from your forum) and we will try to restore some of your credibility, if any is left.

I suggest we have discussions on the the following subjects:

1 Leslie
2 The case about HornyForEver (since you made it public)
3 The boycott

Hi Gugu,

Please send me the info that this looser Arsehole27/Huges has posted about me by PM, I need it.

Thank you.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
You aren't convincing ignoring them would accomplish just as much .....and without all the stamping of feet and holding of breath.

Shit, man! We ignored them for over a year and they just kept going on and on with the accusations and bullshit. Ignoring them accomplished nothing. I've totally stopped reading them anyways now so let the idiots post whatever lies and crap they want to post and let the gullible fools who believe what they post over there continue to be blind followers with no ability to think for themselves.

The really sad thing is that Tony and company obviously have such empty lives that attacking us is the most important thing in their pitiful existence. I'm way past being pissed off at them and now I only feel sorry for them.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Well all,

Having made a poor illustration of how ridiculous and callous speculation about what happened can be, never let it be said that the blue board, Dee in particular, can't find a way to use the tragic death of a woman at the Holliday Inn Express to exploit the board war for Tom and his own personal agenda. Of course he went true to character adding more vulgarity to his usual compulsory creative slanders.

Dee said:
Many will be familiar with Merl*t's treacherous activities related to the girliecott and his Machiavellian efforts to drive down the prices of the ladies he sees. His own words and multiple positions revealed him for the monster that he his. The opinion that he was only supremely stupid, did not survive an examination of his own conduct and words.

Just when we thought we had seen the worst of this man (who pretended that the reason he changed his handle was so that he could be gentler and kinder) we discover worse.

On both boards there is discussion of the tragic death of a young woman of 25 who apparently fell to her death from the 11th floor of the Holiday Inn Express. There is much speculation about the circumstances including the thought that she may have been an escort visiting a man in his 40's. We'll have to wait until the full facts are known.

With the body of the young lady still warm; with her extended family still likely unaware of her death; with her parents and any children overcome with grief, here is how Merl*t gleefully wallows in this tragic death... this is an exact quote from his post on the green:

Merl*t likely supports the Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church ... members attend the funerals of American military personnel killed in Iraq and Afghanistan and cheer their deaths in the face of the deceaseds' families.

Using the woman's death to leverage the board war Dee. Is that the value of her life to you Dee?

Coming Out said:
Classless, to be sure, but is there any point in complaining about it here?

Sorry to say, but it comes across to me as if you're using the same sad story as an excuse to persecute your own feud with this guy.

As I

That's Dee, :(

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Using the woman's death to leverage the board war Dee. Is that the value of her life to you Dee?
What a low-life scumbag. Dee's nadir shows that one can be poisoned by the company one keeps. If anybody is still wondering about the necessity for this boycott, here you go. As long as Tom lets pigs like Dee wallow freely, the boycott will continue.
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
What a low-life scumbag. Dee's nadir shows that one can be poisoned by the company one keeps. If anybody is still wondering about the necessity for this boycott, here you go. As long as Tom lets pigs like Dee wallow freely, the boycott will continue.

Hello Rumples,

Dee says both boards are discussing the woman's death, but there is no thread for her there, just the exploitation of her death for another slew of attack posts. While I might almost agree with NYME that coverage of the tragic death of this woman might not be appropriate for any board unless she was an escort, some notice is certainly better than using her death as a ruthless cold-blooded excuse to throw trash for the sake of a board feud. Even Ziggy kept his comment brief and to the point without real exploitation, but Dee, he uses a woman's death to sharpen his vocabulary of very sick bile. Such is her value to Dee and Dee's memorial to her. Yet, he was appalled by the mere mention of Judy Star's real name, which he also used for the feud. Shows how he cares for anyone. Call him DEEsgusting!!!


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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Gugu, she's not listed because the list was taken from merc on December 1, after her advertising had been removed.

Do you know if her removing her ad had anything to do with the boycott and/or her no longer wanting to be economically responsible for the slime that appears there on a daily basis?

I don't know for a fact of any others who have cancelled their advertising there though I do know that there have been definite economic repercussions. Some have reported losing more income, certainly, than their merc advertising can possibly give them. I'll post a fresh list of their advertisers come the first of the year, unless, of course, Tom decides to clean his filthy room.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Extra! Extra!

This holliday season has made me think over many things. I've given this matter a lot of thought & have decided to end my boycott of the sps/agencies who advertise on the blue board. However, i still wish that the owner of the blue board put his house in order & make his board the best it can be. However, i will no longer be boycotting the sps/agencies who deep down, have nothing to do with the b.s. that has been going on for years on that board. Therefore, i will no longer be posting in this thread.

Good luck to everyone, be kind to one another............and Merry Christmas! :D

Man Spors

New Member
Nov 8, 2010
No Boycott Required

How about a Business Genius shooting himself in the boycott ass

The Wickerman; said:
Extra! Extra!

Agency Review: Eleganza Escorts

People need to be warned that this agency posts personal info on it's customers on public review boards. It's been evidenced that instead of dealing with issues on a private level, they will bring their problems to the public exposing the private info of their customers.

Be very weary of this agency if you value your private info.:D
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Quote Originally Posted by The Wickerman;
Extra! Extra!

Agency Review: Eleganza Escorts

People need to be warned that this agency posts personal info on it's customers on public review boards. It's been evidenced that instead of dealing with issues on a private level, they will bring their problems to the public exposing the private info of their customers.

Be very weary of this agency if you value your private info.No Boycott Required

How about a Business Genius shooting himself in the boycott ass

Hello MS,

Surprised??? The Wickerman, alias Tom, alias Mod1...the blue board owner who shills for himself. He has never stopped his boys from making slanders, threats, or any other malicious postings, and he has done nothing about Dee exploiting the tragic death of a woman to promote an individual feud, or it's growing use as a general attack thread against Merb. Yet, there are no sentiments expressing any sympathies for the woman. Such is their memorial to her. So why would the blue board owner have any scruples about anything. TYPICAL TOM!

Extra! Extra!

This holliday season has made me think over many things. I've given this matter a lot of thought & have decided to end my boycott of the sps/agencies who advertise on the blue board. However, i still wish that the owner of the blue board put his house in order & make his board the best it can be. However, i will no longer be boycotting the sps/agencies who deep down, have nothing to do with the b.s. that has been going on for years on that board. Therefore, i will no longer be posting in this thread.

Good luck to everyone, be kind to one another............and Merry Christmas! :D

Doc, I respect your choice. Joyeux Noel.


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User Registered
Feb 4, 2010
Montreal, QC
I just made an appt with a SP last night... looks like I've inadvertently joined your boycott without knowing it!


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
l'irrésistible clown said:
les problèmes sont affaires de valeurs


Je vais te faire la même proposition qu'à ton copain agentleman qui n'a pas eu assez de couilles pour l'accepter. Tu viens ici pis on a une petite discussion, juste toi et moi. Je sens qu'on va bien s'amuser. Comme je l'ai toujours fait avec toi, je te promets de te ménager une porte de sortie honorable.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
J’aimerais rappeler à Maria Divina, Ysabelle, Anna ainsi qu’à tous les autres annonceurs de Merc qu’en ne vous opposant pas clairement et publiquement à la divulgation de communications privées sur ce forum, vous les accréditez et que de ce fait, vous indiquez à vos clients que vous pourriez sans problème divulguer à votre tour des informations privées sur eux comme Valdeesse le fait elle-même.

Le boycott des annonceurs de merc continue.

I would like to remind Maria Divina, Ysabelle and Anna as well as all the other announcers of Merc that in omitting to oppose clearly and publicly to the publication of private communications on that forum, you agree with it and, in consequences, you would have no problem in comunicating yourself private informations on your own clients just as Valdesse is doing herself.

The boycott of the merc announcers continues.


Jun 30, 2006
Je crois que nous devrions aidez ce pauvre DT à se trouvez un emplois!!! Ce pauvre type passe vraiment trop de temps dans son sous-sol, qu'en pensez-vous? Il doit commencé à avoir le teint pâle.

We should help this poor guy (DT) to find a job. He have way too much time in is hand. Live a entire life in a creepy basement, that's very sad!!! This guy must see the sun !!! LOL


New Member
Apr 25, 2010
Laval chomedey
J’aimerais rappeler à Maria Divina, Ysabelle, Anna ainsi qu’à tous les autres annonceurs de Merc qu’en ne vous opposant pas clairement et publiquement à la divulgation de communications privées sur ce forum, vous les accréditez et que de ce fait, vous indiquez à vos clients que vous pourriez sans problème divulguer à votre tour des informations privées sur eux comme Valdeesse le fait elle-même.

Le boycott des annonceurs de merc continue.

I would like to remind Maria Divina, Ysabelle and Anna as well as all the other announcers of Merc that in omitting to oppose clearly and publicly to the publication of private communications on that forum, you agree with it and, in consequences, you would have no problem in comunicating yourself private informations on your own clients just as Valdesse is doing herself.

The boycott of the merc announcers continues.

Sa prend un culot monstre pour affirmer une telle chose............ Donc, si je comprends bien, sans savoir qui je suis dans l'âme, tu insinues que je pourrais fournir de l'information privés sur mes clients, pour la seule raison que je refuse d'être contrôlé par qui que se soit.

Il est tout à fait déplacer de prendre parole en mon nom et ainsi insinuer que je pourrais m'avérer être une mauvaise personne pour l'unique raison que j'ai une toute autre opinion de ce boycott que la tienne.

Alors la, j'avoue que ton dernier commentaire me sidère complètement, et démontre une certaine forme de malveillance..

Rappelez-moi donc qui est mieux que qui dans ce monde ......


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Il est tout à fait déplacer de prendre parole en mon nom et ainsi insinuer que je pourrais m'avérer être une mauvaise personne pour l'unique raison que j'ai une toute autre opinion de ce boycott que la tienne.


En associant vos noms à un forum qui n’applique pas des règles strictes pour protéger la confidentialité des communications, ce qui est une obligation légale soit dit en passant, vous donnez des indications sur le peu d’importance que vous accordez à la transmission de telles informations. Les forums respectueux du monde empêchent la publication d’informations privées, et plus particulièrement les échanges de courriel sans le consentement de l’émetteur de tels courriels.

On peut avoir, toi et moi, une opinion différente sur le boycott. Je suis respectueux de ça. Sauf que la question n’est pas de savoir si le boycott est une solution appropriée. La question est celle de la protection des renseignements personnels. Et sur cette question, je suis passablement moins respectueux de votre silence.

Je te repose la question qui et pourtant très simple : es-tu d’accord avec la publication de courriels sur merc sans que ceux qui les publient n’aient obtenu l’accord de ceux qui ont envoyé les messages ?


Sep 19, 2005
Je crois que nous devrions aidez ce pauvre DT à se trouvez un emplois!!! Ce pauvre type passe vraiment trop de temps dans son sous-sol, qu'en pensez-vous? Il doit commencé à avoir le teint pâle.

We should help this poor guy (DT) to find a job. He have way too much time in is hand. Live a entire life in a creepy basement, that's very sad!!! This guy must see the sun !!! LOL

Talk about wasted X-mas holidays, or should I say life? Pathetic.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
merc : Most users ever online was 591, 01-19-2011 at 12:43 AM.
MERB : Most users ever online was 2,901, 01-08-2011 at 11:01 PM.

MERB has 5 times more activity, so for the best return on advertising money, there should not any hesitation, MERB is #1.
Yup, advertising on merc is not only amoral, it's stupid. I guess it's for people who have enough money that they don't mind throwing it away.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
MERB has 5 times more activity, so for the best return on advertising money, there should not any hesitation, MERB is #1.

People make a mistake when they're comparing the two. Comparing Mer(c) to Merb is like comparing the Saskatchewan Roughriders to the Dallas Cowboys. There's no comparison. But considering the amount of references made to this board from the various active posters of that particular board, it's not that surprising to see people compare the two boards. As long as its members continue making references to this board, it will always continue to be known as Merb's illegitimate little brother (or sister).

It's my personal feeling that Mer(c) will never be taken seriously as long as this is the case. Any mention of its big brother (Merb) will always bring about comparisons, which is the last thing Mer(c) should want. It actually makes Merb much bigger than it actually is. And for Merb's operator, it's a great bonus since it brings up the value of his board.

I also can't think of a single reason why Mer(c) would deserve to be more popular than Merb. It's simply not an interesting website to surf to & the amount of information it provides the avid hobbyist is very poor. A lot of the stuff is either already available elsewhere or totally made up or grossly exaggerated. Gossiping has basically taken over the board & it can no longer be used for reference purposes. It reminds me a lot of the Fox News (a.k.a. Fake News) right-wing propaganda network. I suppose advertisers have their own reasons to advertise on it. Personally, considering the amount of hits it gets (as compared to other sites) & its low membership, i also cannot fathom why. However, it's not my money & the advertisers can do what they want with their hard-earned dollars.

My guess is that considering their huge differences, both boards can easily co-exist with one another. The amount it costs to operate Merc(c) is extremely small as compared to the amount of advertising money it helps to bring in (along with the other sites the operator has). There is no financial reason for the operator to ever want to close it down since it basically pays for itself....and more.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The amount it costs to operate Merc(c) is extremely small as compared to the amount of advertising money it helps to bring in (along with the other sites the operator has). There is no financial reason for the operator to ever want to close it down since it basically pays for itself....and more.
Actually, Doc, I don't think merc brings in a nickel. My sense is that Tom throws it in for free when they advertise on his other site, which despite it's enviable url, also gets very little traffic. It's basically an advertising portal for bait and switch agencies and unsuspecting indies.
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