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Moderation of the board

What kind of posts should be removed

  • Everything but reviews and discussions directly related to the sex trade

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • ALL flaming and obvious attempts to stir sh*t, right away.

    Votes: 11 45.8%
  • Moderate the board the way it is now (lightly moderated).

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • Other (please add comments please)

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters
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Mod 2

Hello again,

Once that you gave me your opinion on how incorrect actions by posters should be dealt with, I have another question for you:

In trying to clean that board from getting full of clutter, what kind of posts should be removed...

Thanks again



Gentleman Horndog
Jun 10, 2003
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C'mon, Mod 2! You just deleted a hockey thread.

This section of the board is full of non-sex topics. At the time of posting this, the three threads directly below that one were:

The Apprentice vs. Benefactor.

Did you get your free doughnuts?

New Montreal Restaurant Thread

Why are those topics of any more interest to the community than hockey? Besides, there have been hundreds of threads similar to these ones, and no one's complained, as long as they're in The Lounge, and not in the review forums.

I'd rather see threads on US politics and foreign policy deleted than far less controversial ones on sports, eating, etc.

Mod 2

That's exactly the point... Do we still want all those non-review non-hobby related threads? I get PMs about such threads, that they shouldn't be there, and started to act upon the more obviously out of wack, but still wanted people's opinion.

By the way, the hockey thread was deleted because of a nasty comment in it, directed to me. It's either the thread or the poster that I will delete. For now, I just deleted the thread.

By the way no 2, those other threads you are talking about are going to be deleted soon too, except the Restaurant thread, as it's usefull to all visitors coming to Montreal for hobbying, and will definitely NOT be removed.


Mod 2

Originally posted by StripperLover
Mod 2,

I don't agree with removing threads because they don't have anything directly to do with Montreal Hobbying but if a thread has something to do with the city og Montreal & it can or may encourage or help tourism here, I'm all for it.

Hummmm You don't agree, or you do agree?

By the way, the Apprentice, the hochey and the doughnuts threads all have nothing to do with Montreal or its tourism.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I agree with Stripper Lover that some threads having to do with Montreal or tourism which contain useful non-hobby information should not be deleted.

I started the Restaurant thread because there had previously been a Restaurant thread, and many posters were upset when it was deleted as part of a purge of my posts. A lot of posters sent me PMs saying that the Restaurant thread contained a lot of useful information and gave guidance on where to go for dinner dates, and were upset that I deleted it.

The Apprentice and doughnut threads have little to do with Montreal or its tourism, as indicated by Mod2, although the Restaurant thread might arguably be an appropriate forum for discussing the virtues of KK donuts.

The hockey thread I think has some relevance because Montreal is a hockey town and a hockey hotbed.

The political threads usually have to do with US politics or foreign policy, and typically these threads involve the same cadre of posters who are well entrenched in their very predictable political positions, and as a result these threads typically deteriorate into flame wars with the same posters going back and forth.

I am not sure if there are black and white rules on any of this stuff, but I agree that any thread that has to do with Montreal or provides useful information for tourists should be allowed to stand.


A taste of paradise
Aug 16, 2003
Lost in Space
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Totally agree with EGB on that.

The lounge is for like is well writen "Open discussion for all" not "Tourist section". So it could be whatever we want. If someone want to start a thread on a stupid subject, let him try. If a thread didn't connect with anybody after a certain number of day, then just delete it. After a month, maybe you can do a cleanup of non-significant thread that were made in the last month.
MERB is not only for tourist from out of town. I have no problem to accomodate them but we should think about the local people too. After all, they are a majority on this site. We should let the people do this site as they want this site to be. If we control too much what the people should do, they will go else where.
Mod 2, i am sure there is a number of thread with no sigificant reply that are keep alive in the history record. Almost every week, there is a thread of newby asking for the perfect lookers who does everything for a few bucks.

That was my comment and thank you for your job. MERB is now a wonderful site that i like to read because of the freedom of speech allowed to everybody.


Phrygian Nymph
Jul 25, 2003
Mount Ida
Originally posted by Mod 2
From the board rules and posting guidelines:

1) Permitted Activities:
ii) Discuss on any subject that may be of interest to the community.

I don't see how doughnuts have anything to do with this board and this hobby in general. Please help me keep this board clean of clutter.

This thread will be deleted soon.

This was posted on the doughnut thread. While I agree that it should be deleted, then so should the restaurant thread using your logic: It has nothing to do with this board and this hobby in general.

Mod 2

Ok guys,

I give up. I'll continue to stay in the background and moderate the board to keep enforcing the rules, as before, but not more censoring of subjects. If you want to speak about the weather in Russia or the next launch of an exploration satelite, or your mother, or the politics in US, I won't intervene anymore. Happy?

The line is too wavy to follow. While it's easy to draw that line for some threads, for others it's not. Since moderation has to go with a set of easy to follow rules, this is too subjective.

I'll remove my pending deletion comments if the other threads.



New Member
Mar 11, 2003
Perhaps we should have additional categories like:
Escort Hobby (any topic remotely related to the sex business)
Montreal City (anything on Montreal unrelated to the hobby, e.g. restaurants)
Board Feedback (suggestions to improve this board, help with searches etc.)

Then the Lounge can be used only for shooting the breeze, even if it's about humping penguins & snakes in the desert.
Last edited:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I think the Mod2 is making a good faith attempt to find out democratically what crap we all think should be removed from the Board.

I think we all agree that too much crap is posted on the Board. The difficult part is pigeonholing the crap into neat categories for purposes of a uniform system of deletion.

A U.S. Supreme Court Justice once said that he could not define what is obscene, but that he knew obscenity when he saw it. I think the same applies to crap that is posted on this Board.

The Lounge should exist for a broad range of topics. But if someone were to start a thread on sex between penguins at the Biodome, I think it is crap that should be deleted.

There are a large number of threads that should be deleted for various reasons. Frankdee posting on his romantic problems when he should be seeking professional therapy. That thread was crap. Other threads in which SPs are accused of being STD carriers despite no conclusive medical evidence. Crap. And finally there is a broad category of threads in which agencies or SPs are attacked in an unbalanced, non-objective and unfair manner by posters who never contribute anything more than negativism towards the same agencies. Crap.

It is not an easy job but someone has to try to do it. The senior posters need to help the Mod2 and give feedback rather than take shots at him. Similarly, new posters should not be zealously attacked for posts that show they have not done research, but rather they should be constructively prodded to use their search function. All of the above will make MERB a better place to live and raise a family.:)

Mod 2


I like this clean, easy to apply idea, but it deserves a poll all by itself (later).



New Member
Nov 28, 2003
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I think the Mod2 is making a good faith attempt to find out democratically what crap we all think should be removed from the Board. I think we all agree that too much crap is posted on the Board. The difficult part is pigeonholing the crap into neat categories for purposes of a uniform system of deletion. A U.S. Supreme Court Justice once said that he could not define what is obscene, but that he knew obscenity when he saw it. I think the same applies to crap that is posted on this Board.

Just remember that one man's crap is another man's fertilizer.


Aug 18, 2004
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Mod 2,

First, let me say you do a great job.

Here's my 2 cents.

Clearly, off-topic threads don't belong in any other section besides the lounge. I feel that besides flame wars, anything goes in the lounge. The lounge is more of a community posting area for general discussion. Things relating to hobbying generally fit into other categories so the lounge is a place for all the other BS that the community may want to talk about. I see a lot of BS in other areas and by all means either delete it on the spot or move it to the lounge if it catches traction.

Keep up the good work,

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
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The threads are ranked according to how recently someone has posted in them. So to cut clutter, why not just go to the bottom of the pile at the Lounge and delete anything that's gone without a contribution for six months? (You couldn't do that for the review sections because people might want to keep track of an agency's or escort's record.)

Anyway, I hope to God we don't start deleting non-sex posts. Someone in this thread made the point that posters don't contribute to a thread unless they find the topic interesting. Seems pretty simple: if people have something to say about a topic, they don't mind having the topic around.

Threads where one guy calls another guy a shithead because they've hated each other ever since one of them took the other guy's seat at Solid Gold -- those should go, but I gather the rules already forbid them.

In general, I was just thinking how the moderating here is better than it was at Canbest (where it was nearly nonexistent) or at Big Doggie (where moderators have, or used to have, a weakness for posturing).


A prestiged re-member
Jan 5, 2004

Have you heard of newsgroup?
There are topics from bears, dolphins, felines, to sex with bears, but not sex with penguins - unfortunately. Oh wait, any hockey fan? Here’s one with mtl-canadiens. You have things for sale newsgroup?

But most important is that there is mtl.general accessible through Goggle website. Within that newsgroup , you would have more fun arguing about Montreal Canadians, Expos fans, penguins lovers, Krispy Kreme give-away and have a good time discussing among them. There’s are logical affiliation for every topic on the web.
This site remains: Montreal Erotic Review Board, and I wish not to find irrelevant topics on donuts even if it’s in the Lounge.

In case you have a hard time accessing the newsgroup links above, contact your local Internet service provider and ask for newsgroup configurations.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
So far on every board I know of, the lounge area is sort of a mish-mash of themes.

Bruce34>> while you might not think something like the free doughnuts thing is relevent, out-of-towners who might not read the Gazette, may appreciate this kind of info...



Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2003
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I agree, if there's a topic in the lounge I don't care for, I just ignore it. It doesn't bother me. The lounge is kind of like a buffet, you take what you like and leave the rest for others who might enjoy it.
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