Montreal Escorts

Montreal just banned pit bulls.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
The only thing it'll happen is if she books me. I only accept bookings now, not the other way around. I'm a provider, not a buyer. ;)

p.s. All along i thought 'Olliesparks' was in fact Oliver Kloseoff.

No offense doc but it does just not work that way, 1 out of a million girl will book you, good luck! ;)



New Member
Apr 3, 2012
I'm not against eliminating certain types of human beings for the sake of living in a better & safer world. Isn't what the death penalty is all about? I'm totally for the death penalty for certain crimes. Why waste $80 000+ a year just to keep some sick scumbags alive when they have zero chance of reforming or getting out of prison?

In that case, I would propose to eliminate you first. Prisoners are human beings like you and me. Circumstances forge human beings and a lot has to do with luck. It's easy to spit down on people at the bottom of the ladder when one has a comfortable situation.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
It does not matter if we spend million to train people on how to train pits...
There will still be a risk, one day, that one of this powerfull dog kills or disfigures a kid. One human kill by this beast is still too much.

Why aren't we allowed to pet lions, wolfes? They can be very very kind when well tamed if starting when they were babies.
Because, these are too strong and there is a high probability of serious injuries or death should one of them go aggresive for any reason...

Pits falls into this category now.


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
Some things to recognize:

We talk about how this situation where pitbulls are a more lethal risk could be avoided by proper training misses the fact that very very few people ever train their dog properly at all no matter what breed it is. People play, cuddle, run with, have fun with their dogs and rarely train them.

Why do they need any training? Because the design of the breed and the type of reaction the breed can have makes the risk more lethal. Labradors are big, with extremely muscular necks and jaws with the same kind of potential risk but their temperament is markedly different overall despite individual differences in each breed. It's just not a simple matter that the person is the problem.

Is the dog or the owner responsible for an incident? Both. Whether designed entirely by nature or humans the dog is a more serious risk than the vast majority of breeds. The typical owner probably often has one for the particular traits that make them a risk and chances are they prefer the dog because of it's deterrent character and the only training it's likely to get is to recognize it's owner as a friend. The rest is most likely left up to the individual temperament of each dog.

To avoid the more dangerous types of incidents training would have to be legally mandatory for these kinds of dogs and the owners need to be trained how to handle them also. That's going to be a resisted political headache for many reasons, especially with enforcement.

Breeds do have a particular nature in their character. Don't expect training to be a cure all for any breed. Animals can react within their natural character for many reasons and some cues that create incidents cannot be completely controlled.

About polls on this issue, most people will have an emotional reaction that's not entirely based on good information or facts.


I recognize that there are many causes, the easiest way to solve this would be to only permit chihuahuas because they're unlikely to cause any real severe harm given their size. Now in between exclusively only permitting Chihuauas and allow any kind of dog there are millions of opinions on the matter. The question is what is the risk that the society is willing to accept with respect to this matter (or in this case the risk Coderre is willing to allow, aside from political considerations). Everyone is right in a way because we all have different tolerance to risk. In that sense the decision will not be reverted because only a small amount of people will protest for this cause since this issue is not serious enough to create any kind of social cohesion among people to go strong on the streets and express their anger.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Why aren't we allowed to pet lions, wolfes?

Who can forget what happened to the Connecticut woman attacked by her friend's pet chimpanzee back in 2009?

This case led to a state ban on chimpanzees as domestic pets, as well as other exotic animals, like Tigers. However pit bulls are still legally allowed in CT. A few years ago there was a fatal pit bull attack, in Branford, in which a 93 year old woman was killed by a pit bull that bounded out of its house. The gory details are set forth in this article:

and earlier this summer a pit bull owned by a doctor at the Yale School of Medicine mauled a women rather severely:

Was this medical doctor an unfit owner?


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
That's interesting, if I was in Bagdad I would feel more safe with a big bad dog but in Montreal what do I have to fear? Strippers? Beggers? Hipsters?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I'm not against eliminating certain types of human beings for the sake of living in a better & safer world. Isn't what the death penalty is all about? I'm totally for the death penalty for certain crimes. Why waste $80 000+ a year just to keep some sick scumbags alive when they have zero chance of reforming or getting out of prison?

I agree 100%

p.s. All along i thought 'Olliesparks' was in fact Oliver Kloseoff.

Could it be Oliver Kloseoff? If so, could Oliver please bring back my favorite MERB thread Cruising With Oliver Kloseoff?

I miss that thread and Smuler said that he always read that thread as well

I saw an Inuit girl in front of the X-rated theater....

Are you too busy training dogs Oliver?

We miss the thread.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
No offense doc but it does just not work that way, 1 out of a million girl will book you, good luck! ;)


I've already had a few bookings. That's how i now finance my trips to Mtl. A little harmless fun on the side with some occasional benefits. I offer great companionship and i'll talk about anything and the lady will end up feeling absolutely great about herself by the end of the night. My marketing ploy is "I'm the cheapest date in town, so why not take a chance?"

It's been a success so far and i love it! ;)


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Greetings all

I'm not against eliminating certain types of human beings for the sake of living in a better & safer world. Isn't what the death penalty is all about? I'm totally for the death penalty for certain crimes. Why waste $80 000+ a year just to keep some sick scumbags alive when they have zero chance of reforming or getting out of prison?

Sad ,sad,sad ,capital punishment debates occurred over 40 years ago in Canada

I agree 100%,,

"As far as I'm concerned, it was the Maurice Duplessis government which was pressured into doing it from a hunting club in the States," his sister said. "They [Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs] wanted to get the case solved and they didn't care who it was."

Maurice Duplessis was also chief prosecutor of Quebec.

Duplessis' government was characterized by patronage and corruption, used to keep the opposition weak. He once proclaimed a much-needed bridge at Trois-Rivières would not be built should a Liberal be elected and kept his word while the opposition held the seat. In a rural district which had always elected a Liberal, the roads were kept unpaved, making it difficult for commerce and medicine to be transported, so the residents decided in 1956 to vote for the Union Nationale as that was the only way to get new roads constructed. He was also accused of vote-fixing. Contemporary rumors say that groups would arrive in rural towns armed with whiskey, food, and appliances in exchange for votes.

Duplessis's party, Union Nationale, often had the active support of the Roman Catholic Church in its political campaigns and employed the slogan Le ciel est bleu; l'enfer est rouge: Heaven is blue (Union Nationale); Hell is red (Liberal)

During his mandates, several significant labour strikes occurred. In those conflicts, Duplessis responded rapidly with force, using the provincial police to disperse picket lines.



Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
That's interesting, if I was in Bagdad I would feel more safe with a big bad dog but in Montreal what do I have to fear? Strippers? Beggers? Hipsters?

The drivers. Montreal (and the entire province of Quebec) has the worst drivers in North America.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I don't care. I'm tired of being taxed like crazy in order to feed and support those scumbags who should be dead.

High profile errors in idifying the true
scumbags who should be dead.

David Milgaard (right) also had received a fair trial according to the Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan in 1994 and the Supreme Court of Canada in 1992. As it played out both were dead wrong.

Wrongful conviction

Like I have said its a debate that occurred over 40 years ago




New Member
Apr 3, 2012
I don't care. I'm tired of being taxed like crazy in order to feed and support those scumbags who should be dead.

Drivers are awful, I agree.

"Should be"? Who are you to decide upon another man's life? Who is anyone to decide? You can't be serious, you're not serious.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I don't care. I'm tired of being taxed like crazy in order to feed and support those scumbags who should be dead.

Are you sure you are not a republican Trump supporter after all? Or were you posting under influence? ;)



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I've already had a few bookings. That's how i now finance my trips to Mtl. A little harmless fun on the side with some occasional benefits. I offer great companionship and i'll talk about anything and the lady will end up feeling absolutely great about herself by the end of the night. My marketing ploy is "I'm the cheapest date in town, so why not take a chance?"

It's been a success so far and i love it! ;)

You almost convince me :) After all, I am sure you're better than a psy. But still, and again no offence, but I would see Ollie a zillion time before you!



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Could be both but based on Doc's description of Trump supporters he is definately one, don't let that masters degree fool ya, was told it is really a "Masters" degree in "baiting", does that really count :noidea:
Are you sure you are not a republican Trump supporter after all? Or were you posting under influence? ;)



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Could be both but based on Doc's description of Trump supporters he is definately one, don't let that masters degree fool ya, was told it is really a "Masters" degree in "baiting", does that really count :noidea:

Last time I saw Doc at VIP 7 he told me if he was American there is no question he would vote for Trump because he respects a leader who is decisive even if the decisions are not always the best decisions. He said decisiveness is better than stagnancy, inaction, inertia, and the status quo. He sounded dead serious to me, even though he had had a few drinks at the time. When I questioned him about it, he said there are no breathalyzer or blood alcohol tests administered to American voters immediately prior to voting. Which is true. You can blow a .33 and still be allowed to vote as long as you have photo ID and your name and address appears on the voter rolls. They may ask you if you drove to the voting precinct, of course.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Greetings all

Sad ,sad,sad ,capital punishment debates occurred over 40 years ago in Canada,,



Booker, I believe that capital punishment should be used in rare instances. There is true evil in this world that cannot be rehabilitated and some of these monsters actually enjoy prison. I have walked through prison grounds and I have seen with my own eyes murderers playing team sports and lifting weights. Come on! You purposely kill a family of four during a break in because you were attempting to cover your own tracks....So you execute them without mercy and you are going to spend your days lifting weights and playing pick-up basketball or softball (depending on what color you are) and then you are going to strike for higher wages? Fuck em!!!! These bad apples need to be destroyed. And yes, I too am bothered by wrongful convictions and prosecuting attorneys trying to pad their batting average by convicting an innocent man. However, most of these guys that are languishing on death row committed several heinous crimes. They need to be destroyed. We should do all that we can to insure that society is not convicting the wrong man. I am willing to live with the risk that occasionally, in rare circumstances, the wrong man is executed. The families of the victims need closure and society needs peace of mind. I will go one step further for all you bleeding hearts out there that are against capital punishment. You should be able to to go down to the prison and grant a stay of execution and take that convict home to live with you. This way you can show the world your benevolence and just how fashionable and progressive you really are. Oh yes, and you will have to learn how to sleep with one eye open.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Doc confided to me in a PM. He was once a finalist to be on the cast of The Apprentice and at the last minute he was rejected.


New Member
May 14, 2016
In that sense the decision will not be reverted because only a small amount of people will protest for this cause since this issue is not serious enough to create any kind of social cohesion among people to go strong on the streets and express their anger.

My immediate reaction on hearing about this ban was...huh, overkill isn't it. I was surprised and a little bewildered why the authorities would go that far. It's absolutely legitimate, despite any rationale otherwise, to cite this breed as a real risk above most others because of the temperament and damage capabilities that comes with the breed. I'm not saying the breed is too aggressive. I'm saying when it does react to something it feels some kind of intrusion from it's type of reaction and strength of the tools it uses separates it from other breeds regarding possible consequences. But banning it completely looks like the authorities chose a quick, cheap, and easy answer, failing to deal with the issue responsibly, thoughtfully, and fairly.
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