Montreal Escorts

Montreal scene: Is it me or the industry is really going down?


Mar 28, 2007
hankypanky said:
I don't think it has anything to do with the Montreal scene or any specific scene, but a general reflection overall. Just the other day I saw on the news that since 1985 there has been about a 50% dropoff in the number of stripclubs in Toronto. Is it money? Morals? New generation not into this stuff? Recession? Could be a variety of factors.

I think that stripclubs fall into same woes that have bars overall have felt, namely stricter drinking and driving laws and the banning of smoking inside.

Another new marketing avenue not mentioned is the LavaLife phone, Quest phone personals which are loaded with free voice ads of pay-for-play ladies - although generally a crapshoot.


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
View from afar

I don't live in Montreal, but from what I could tell the situation seemed to be going downhill for the last few months and so I cancelled my trip for May. I am very glad that I did. The escort scene seems almost dead and I would have wasted all kinds of money on airfare and hotels just to have very slim pickings in terms of escorts. I hope things will return to how they were last year. (an oasis of knock-outs)

In fact, for those of you who noticed Jessie's post in the outcall section, it would appear that one of the best escorts of all times is now expressing her displeasure with us. Things are getting bad indeed.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
the state of the hobby address

ive only been to montreal twice,, but i noticed a definite difference,, seems like last time (in july),, there was more agencys,, the people allways answered the phone,, and there were plenty of girls on my TDL that were on,, this time xxxtase wouldnt answer saturday or sunday,, mgof wouldnt answer saturday or sunday,, eleganza only had 2 girls on when i called,, and devilish pulled the old lets tell the dumb american that megans on, then give him the she called off sick but so and so's available routine,, which i did not take,, even though i wanted some booty there was principalities involved here,, so i just went back out to cleopatras


New Member
Sep 17, 2007
Old days are gone

I'm an old timer I was the second member of the FKS club and a Doc Holliday saloon member. Yes the escort scene has deteriated especially over the last year.

Usually I had a list of 10 potential ladies. On the average I saw 4 out of those 10 . Now if I'm lucky I get to see one. But incredibly i've found a few gems on Craig List. But you have to search really hard to find them.

I'm thinking of going south to Costa Rica or Argentina if things don't improve in Montreal. With the prices going up in Montreal its cheaper to hobby south of the border.


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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Its the total cost of the trip

Doc Holliday said:
There isn't necessarily less girls working, the changes are more obvious since it's no longer cost-effective for the American traveller to come to Montreal for hobbying purposes. He's discovered cheaper & in some cases better options elsewhere.

All the costs associated with getting to Montreal have gone up. Exchange rate, cost of gas/oil, etc. With the exchange rate at par...everything is now, escorts, beer, food. Another deciding factor is the airline industry. Not only are prices going up with the increase of fuel...but certain Canadian airlines have a lock on the Montreal airport. Something isn't right when you can fly from Toronto to Montreal for 300 but from Rochester to Montreal runs you close to 700. Doc even told me he bought 4 roundtrip tickets to Montreal for 500 bucks once. You just can't beat that.

I love Montreal...the city, the people and the hottys walking around when it gets in the 80's...but its just not a cost effective destination anymore. Not when I can find a flight to Germany for less than a flight to Montreal...and get 10x's the airmiles. 2.5 flights to Germany gets me a free flight to would take me 25 flights to Montreal to get anything in return.

Another issue that is often overlooked is the photo's of the girls. I remember way back when...when the agency used to just blur the face of their girls. Now photoshop has gotten into almost every agency's computer. Some use it more than others, devilish and xtase to name a few. How many girls have shown up and not looked a bit like their photo's? Too many to name. And after so many calls where the girl is a no show...or the girl doesn't look a bit like her photo' start to question why your even in Montreal in the first place.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007

"All the costs associated with getting to Montreal have gone up."

last weekend my round trip bus ticket from syracuse to montreal cost me $135. checked this weekend and its now $173! $38 more dollars in just one week! fucking bullshit!


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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cpp433 said:
"All the costs associated with getting to Montreal have gone up."

last weekend my round trip bus ticket from syracuse to montreal cost me $135. checked this weekend and its now $173! $38 more dollars in just one week! fucking bullshit!

That's about a 25% increase, pretty steep.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
cpp433 said:
my round trip bus ticket from syracuse to montreal cost me $135. checked this weekend and its now $173! $38 more dollars in just one week! fucking bullshit!

The adjustments required to compensate for the astronomical high costs of fuel are now kicking in. This is only the tip of the iceberg. People used to think that the increasing Canadian dollar would be a major cause for the decrease of tourism in Mtl, including the escort industry slowing down. The high cost of fuel & gas will be the major reason for that decrease, not the at-par dollar.


Small Member
Aug 17, 2003
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Doc is dead on. I have a 185 mile drive one way to Montreal -- it's a tank of gas just before I cross the border, and another when I come back. That's $100, so I think a lot longer before I head out. That, with the cumulative impact of the exchange rate and the hobby has doubled in price in about 3 years without factoring any change in pricing from providers. It's bound to have a big impact, and it will just get bigger


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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Doc Holliday said:
The adjustments required to compensate for the astronomical high costs of fuel are now kicking in. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

What about the guys driving the escorts around? If they have a bunch of girls on a given night, its probably not that big of a deal to throw in an extra 10 bucks into the gas tank. But on a slow night they might not be making all that much cash. So maybe they opt out of driving on those nights and the girls can't make it to the calls on certain nights.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Well guys. I have got to say that I have spent the last several weeks traveling in the US and I can`t wait to get back to Montreal. Girls in the US are about 1.5X + of what they cost in Montreal and the service is usually no where near as good. For example, DFK, , DATY, and multiple sex positions is the norm in Montreal. In the US this service is the exception. If you can find a girl that will provide the service that a Montreal girl will provide for the same price, look out. The girl is usually so ugly or so fat and ugly that I`d rather go home and yank it. Also, I believe that the girls do not take care of themselves in the US to the same degree that they do in Montreal. Last week I picked a girl from a glamour shot and she shows up in some dingy jeans and Wal Mart top with no make up or lingree, looking like she just woke up from sleeping off a buzz.

I`ll take whomever Xxxtase or Eleganza gives me site unseen, over the past three girls I have seen in the US. I keep saying I will quit the hobby outside of Montreal but I am too addicted. Maybe after the past 3 regretable appointments, I will be able to keep this promise to myself and save my pennies for Montreal!


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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hungry101 said:
Well guys. I have got to say that I have spent the last several weeks traveling in the US and I can't wait to get back to Montreal. Girls in the US are about 1.5X + of what they cost in Montreal and the service is usually no where near as good.

Maybe after the past 3 regretable appointments, I will be able to keep this promise to myself and save my pennies for Montreal!

The U.S. just can't compete with any hobby destination...period. Only good escorts ive ever met locally are the girls working the stripclubs offering their services for $400 bucks or higher. And the girls advertising on the U.S. forums are all in their late 30's and 40's and need someone to vouch for you before they even see you...and they are asking in the $300's. Not only is that shocking...but reading these posters rave about these trailer park talent throws me for a loop.


Mar 7, 2008
MarathonMan said:
Many stars are becoming Indys: this is 'a la mode', most of the good SPs are trying to become indy. Results are very different from one girl to another but I think this is a real problem.

I don't see what is the problem? Fact, I think this is good for all...even the girls.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
breadman said:
The U.S. just can't compete with any hobby destination...period. Only good escorts ive ever met locally are the girls working the stripclubs offering their services for $400 bucks or higher. And the girls advertising on the U.S. forums are all in their late 30's and 40's and need someone to vouch for you before they even see you...and they are asking in the $300's. Not only is that shocking...but reading these posters rave about these trailer park talent throws me for a loop.


Then you have seen some of these Indys in the States? The ones that are 250 Lbs or Ladies in their 40 and 50's that should have quit 10-15 years ago? I am a member of a few forums and I love to surf the web sites for these girls. Its always good for a laugh. There is a forum with a section where the girls are supposed to show their tits. Many of them are nice but some of the old ladies that post have age spots on their sagging tits. I swore I saw a few carpet burns. Reminds me of that scene in There's Something About Mary. And they want me to pay them US currency?????

Yes maybe Eleganza is a little down and we don't like who answers the phone at Xxxtase when Martin is gone nd someone from Devilish tried to talk me into one of their girls that doesn't work much etc. etc. but overall I think we are spoiled in Montreal.

I cant wait to get back
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New Member
Jun 10, 2006
Montreal is still the best

There is no question that Montreal is the place to be for escorts. The topic of this thread is just whether or not it is starting to go downhill. It's like comparing Canada's economy to Ethiopia's. Canada's economy might be going downhill, but you are still much better off in Canada.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
freedom3 said:
There is no question that Montreal is the place to be for escorts. The topic of this thread is just whether or not it is starting to go downhill. It's like comparing Canada's economy to Ethiopia's. Canada's economy might be going downhill, but you are still much better off in Canada.

Oh, well thank you. I'll go with its not going downhill.

Rex Kramer

New Member
Nov 28, 2004
freedom3 said:
There is no question that Montreal is the place to be for escorts.
Montreal is more of a place for hobbyists than for escorts. I see many Montreal escorts touring other cities, but not too many SPs from out-of-town who tour Montreal.


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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Ohhhh, the irony of this statement

Daringly said:
Now germany and these places might be great and if i were a younger lad i may have given them a try but being approx 50 i am not interested in all the hassle of finding out, so montreal is just fine, thank you.

Maybe you picked the wrong handle then :cool: Guess the hobby does end at 50.

Rex Kramer

New Member
Nov 28, 2004
The good old days are back?

May be the Montreal scene is not going to hell after all as the devil would like us to believe? :D

John the very talented talent scout is threatening to flood us with a new crop of fresh recruits and has actually began to deliver. New pictures, board presence and all that jazz.

The devil has more bookers than some agencies have girls these days. When there is a poll on the bookers you know that the agency is buzzing. My head got dizzy when I saw 22 girls on one's night roster. It is definitely time to grow another agency. And there is no stopping from there.... day time shifts, pre-bookings, and bringing back Crystelle!

Xxxtase has more than 10 girls on tonight, and 5 of them are on my list! :eek: Rex Jr. would have to do double overtime if I were in town tonight. Martin's evil twin at Asservissante has five girls on tonight!

Every time I turn around there seems to be another new arrival at MSC. Robin is building a new agency, and Valerie is back as Woman with Passion!

All I can say is, bring it on!
Toronto Escorts