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Most famous ever Quebecer worldwide?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
"FAMOUS" is Bin Laden. It's a label given out very cheaply and often for nefarious or the most inane notoriety. Try making a thread of the "Greatest" Quebecer and Shatner's name withers to beneath hundreds.

Well put. I'd even go as far as saying that Adolf Hitler may be the most famous person in the history of the world.


Nov 12, 2007
Well on one hand Hitler sure did a lot of bad stuff. On the other hand he DID kill Hitler so he can't be all that bad.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
You guys are way out of your mind.

The population doubled since the 60's and Star Trek.
And 3/4 of that has been in Asia and Africa.

You think they know sh!t about your fantaisies and whatever happened in WWII.

I betcha more people know about OBama, than Ben Laden already and it has been what 10 years since Sept 11th.
More people know about Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber (yishh !), Madonna and Psy than the Beatles or whatever...

People who became famous during the expansion of the Internet and now with smart phones are widely more famous than anything that happened before.

And if you think comon people know about history ? just look at a couple Jaywalking on youtube and you'll know how clueless the majority of the population is on anything that happened 70 years ago, let alone 10.

With the amount of informations we are bombarded with now with the Internet-TV-Smart phones people don't remember what they did a week ago.

I dare you to do your own survey with everyone around u asking if they heard and know about Hitler, Star Trek, William Shatner, etc.. vs whatever is happening now and a year ago at the very max.

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
Clearly EB you have a man-crush on Shatner. The thread, however is famous and not just "famous in North America". Worldwide you can throw out Boston Legal and you can throw out the dumb little commercials. There is a whole generation who have never heard of him in Europe and Asia but who have seen the Titanic and heard that mind-numbing song. So if we are less myopic in our scope the edge clearly goes to Ms Dion :D

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
The title of this thread is for the most FAMOUS, not most WORTHY...Try and learn what the difference is

I was lamenting the fact that the two are not the same. Guess I wasn't clear enough for you to grasp that , sorry.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Clearly EB you have a man-crush on Shatner. The thread, however is famous and not just "famous in North America". Worldwide you can throw out Boston Legal and you can throw out the dumb little commercials. There is a whole generation who have never heard of him in Europe and Asia but who have seen the Titanic and heard that mind-numbing song. So if we are less myopic in our scope the edge clearly goes to Ms Dion :D

Then I guess it's a good thing that Star Trek has steadily been broadcast on multiple channels all throughout the world for the last 50 years...Yes in Europe they have heard of him. In all continents as well... In Asia as well since I was there twice, as recently as 2007. When socially isolated in a completely different culture you tend to go to DVD/video stores to find something to cure boredom. And yes they would sell Star Trek DVD box sets right next to LOST, the Sopranos and Friends...funny enough they also had season-box sets of Boston Legal...

Again, Titanic was over 15 years ago. That means that apart from Quebec and France, there is a giant, overwhelming percentage of under-20 year-olds worldwide who have no bloody idea who she is. Or are you going to argue teenagers in most countries like to listen to adult-contemporary radio stations? That's about 25% total population worlwide...

''Oh, but these kids will still flock to see the movie and discover her''... the song is played during the final credits after the movie is over. I dunno about you, but when I see a movie at home, I don't sit through the 5 minute credits section. So effectively zero penetration for any potential new fan base...

Like it or not, Star trek might not have made as deep an impact as Titanic, but what it has is durability. It doesn't lose its fans, it gains more with each generation.

Celine is like other pop sensations of its day, like the Spice Girls and the Backstreet Boys, once immensily popular worldwide, but nowadays barely register a blip. Except for the fact they they can actually GAIN new fans since their music can still get played in youth-market radio stations. Celine's music is geared for older adults, and they already know her.

Time is on william Shatner's side. Right now it can go either way as to who is more known planet-wide. In twenty years from now, not so much

I was lamenting the fact that the two are not the same. Guess I wasn't clear enough for you to grasp that , sorry.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Clearly EB you have a man-crush on Shatner. There is a whole generation who have never heard of him in Europe and Asia but who have seen the Titanic and heard that mind-numbing song. So if we are less myopic in our scope the edge clearly goes to Ms Dion :D

I beg to differ. I discovered 'Star Trek' and William Shatner when Star Trek was being shown 'in french' on a tv channel from France. Indeed, i grew up watching Capt. James T. Kirk speaking french! (since i'm a francophone, it seems! :lol:)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I am trying to figure out why so much negative and primarily false propaganda has been posted about William Shatner in this thread. If we can get past the Anglo-Canadian thing, I think the problem here is that most of these posters are either young or else not science fiction genre fans. However I think the genres that Shatner has encompassed in his 60 year acting career goes far beyond the one genre that Celine Dion encompasses: pop music vocals. In popular culture Celine had had one hit that has worldwide reach. Shatner has had a multitude of hits, if you include Twilight Zone, TJ Hooker, The Practice, Boston Legal, Priceline, spanning 60 years, and this is not to mention his iconic and generations endearing role as Captain Kirk, probably the most famous science fiction hero in the history of the world.

Now, one of the myths being promoted by the anti-Shatner propagandists, with the same zeal as Joseph Goebbels, is that Priceline is an American company with no reach beyond the USA. This flatly ignorant statement is simply wrong:

"Priceline is the parent company of the European organization Established in 1996, is the world's leading online hotel reservations agency by room nights sold, attracting over 30 million unique visitors each month via the Internet from both leisure and business markets worldwide. offers many types of property, ranging from small independent hotels to a five star luxury through The website is available in 41 languages and offers over 240,000 hotels in 167 countries. is based in Amsterdam (Netherlands) and is supported internationally from offices in Amsterdam, Antalya, Athens, Auckland, Bangkok, Barcelona, Beijing, Berlin, Bolzano, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Cambridge, Cairo, Cape Town, Casablanca, Chicago, Copenhagen, Dubai, Dublin, Edinburgh, Grand Rapids, Helsinki, Hong Kong, Honolulu, Houston, Innsbruck, Istanbul, Kiev, Kuala Lumpur, Kuta (Bali), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Vegas, Lisbon, London, Loulé (PT), Lyon, Madrid, Málaga, Mexico City, Miami, Milano, Montréal, Moscow, Mumbai, Munich, Natal, New York, Nice, Norwalk, Orlando, Osaka, Oslo, Paris, Phuket, Prague, Riga, Rome, San Francisco, São Paulo, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Sofia, Stockholm, Sydney, Thessaloníki, Tokyo, Toronto, Tourcoing, Vancouver, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw, Zagreb and Zürich. have customer services HQ in Amsterdam, Berlin, Orlando, Grand Rapids, Singapore and Lille."

Second, while I realize that we do not have too many people with MBAs posting in this thread, the inability to understand the scope of Shatner's role in the ascension of the world's #1 online travel website is staggering. I think reading this article can somewhat alleviate this ignorance:

"People very quickly associated the Priceline brand with William Shatner, and the benefit for us was instant name recognition."

"But the people wanted their Shatner. According to the company, 94% of Priceline customers surveyed wanted the Negotiator to return, and in a bit of either shrewd or serendipitous timing, Shatner's resurrection became the Priceline news of the day, displacing the disappointing second-quarter earnings. The people got their way, but the hubbub made clear the disconnect between how Priceline is perceived by casual investors and the true international nature of its business.

Boyd doesn't seem terribly worried about this. He's more focused on growth opportunities in Asia and South America. In the new Shatner ads, the Negotiator is miraculously found alive by a Priceline agent who tries to convince him that his mission isn't over. Jeffery Boyd needs no such convincing."


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
What i am trying to figure out, Beav, is why you care so much about this thread and defend to the bitter end everytime someone posts a negative about Shatner or a positive about Celine??? You must have a lot of priceline stock lol.... I like Shatzy as i have said, MUCH more than Celine but objectively i agree she is the more famous Quebecer, ever.

And i also think Luke Skywalker is more famous than Capt'n Kirk and Capt'n Crunch for that matter. :eyebrows:

I am trying to figure out why so much negative and primarily false propaganda has been posted about William Shatner in this thread. ."


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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False information and lies, if not rebutted by the truth, become the reality. Do you want to live in a world in which false propaganda, lies, and misinformation are the new reality?

Yes I own Priceline stock, not as much as Shatner, but that is besides the point. The point is that Shatner is the most famous living Quebec native in the world. This cannot be disputed. He has also been the most famous Quebec native for many years.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
The point is that Shatner is the most famous living Quebec native in the world. This cannot be disputed. He has also been the most famous Quebec native for many years.

Totally incorrect. The fact is that many have disputed it even in this very thread. Furthermore, they have disputed it by using facts and statistics, rather than relying on blind and unlimited adoration of the Shat.

They have also done it without resorting to name-calling or to totally inane arguments such as stating that the MORE famous a person is the FEWER times his name will pop up in a Google search. (How's THAT one for completely ass-backwards thinking?)


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Who is William Shatner? I did not have a clue before reading this thread.

Would a poll compare Shatner with Dion or Captain Kirk with Dion? Are we comparing a character with a singer or an actor with a singer?

Put these 2 names, Shatner and Dion, on any poll worldwide, I think Dion wins by a wide range.


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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I can't believe this issue is still being discused.

William Shatners popularity is more concentrated in North America and globally he is not as well know as Celine Dion.

Some people have to stop thinking that we are the center of the world because if you polled 2 billion yellow and brown people hands down more of them will know who Celine Dion is before knowing who William Shatner is.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

False information and lies, if not rebutted by the truth, become the reality. Do you want to live in a world in which false propaganda, lies, and misinformation are the new reality?


Did you see the kind of sources he used in the Obama thread? Fox "News" (oxymoron alert). BTW EB, you seem to be the only one characterizing to Shatner's as an Anglo or Jewish and using it as a defense where no offense has been given. I guess this works in court, but it's just a stunt here.

Shatner is a lovable fun guy. If he is 1000 times more popular than Celine more power to him. You can hang that blue ribbon on your wall. But this is a thread in a sex board, not the resolution of the meaning of life some (one) wants to push it as. I hope WINNING this conversation is not THAT important in your life.

Cheers Mr. Sheen,



Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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Shatner the most famous ever Quebecer worldwide?

Naaah...that's not strong enough for those who hail him: He is the most famous ever intergalactical Quebecer. He is also the epitome of a real Québécois....

Enough....EB's arguments (or absence of arguments I should rather say) remind me of a young child telling his friends that his father is stronger than yours.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto

I guess she cant be that anonymous even 15 years after Titanic..... :rolleyes:

This huge event was 6 days ago............

Ah ! here is someone who understand what fame is and... fame by association !

And Dion has been seen with so many others stars since before that Titanic gig that you have to be totally ignorant to believe that new generations don't know about her.
It's the opposite ! A m'tombe su les nerfs bordel tellement est partout ! :D

While for Capt Kirk you have to look closely in some news about some conference somewhere or pick-up a DVD or flip the 900 channels on your TV to find him.

With her... Even kids on X-factor are singing her songs every new week !
Do you know how many watch this show ?
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