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Most famous ever Quebecer worldwide?


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
The only credible piece of evidence we have is the Techman poll and its results,

Ha ha ha ! that's funny EB.

I just gave u the best credible evidence.
In the last 12 years Shatner never made it in the top 10 of the world's celebrity while Dion did.

In the last 3 years in the top 5 there are singers and musicians other Oprah which in turn gives exposure to Dion around the year in all sorts of concerts, tv shows, news, social media etc...

So unless you can't conceive what is fame... you are clearly going on the same path as Iggy did in the Obama thread :D
Like many said here I like Shatner better (since he's funny) but you can't come anywhere close to Dion for worldwide fame as a Quebecer.

Lesson no. 14 on Communication and marketing is about the difference between men and women in the public area.
Famous men don't need to look their best all the time. In fact it helps them not to be recognized and get some peace.
While famous women sure don't want to attract fame for the wrong reason which is looking bad or trying to cover up by being wrongly dressed and thus having the world making fun of them.

BTW this is where Gaga was able to get around this.

So to look bad (specially for a movie star or a female singer) being one of the worst possible publicity, female singers like Dion has to do her best to look good and thus being recognized almost anywhere all the times.

That makes her look easy to remember.

If you would hve to turn this around for Shatner...? he would have to be dressed like Captain Kirk walking in the streets for people to remember his face.

Lesson 18. is about getting old. As people get old, their face and body change a lot and thus to make the distinction between Capt Kirk and the fat guy walking on the street you would need more bodyguards around him to attract the attention.

Which brings u to Lesson no. 23 about "how security attracts attention" which Dion has more than Shatner walking around her simply because she's not old enough for people not to make the rapprochement with her look in the celebrity spot.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Now how about the risk factor on fame ?

Dion's vocal chords are insured by Lloyds.
Unless I didn't read properly... I don't see any of Shatner's body part being there.

How's that for fame ?

Strangely JLO went back at no.1 spot this year in the celebrity top 10.
Does JLO has anything insured ? You bet your a**... I mean her a***. yep !


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Merlot said:
If you want to go that route then would you please explain why Alyssa's poll isn't as valid as Techman's?

Maybe because she didn't take a poll, just asked a few people, and that her site is not representative of a wide demographic. The site I posted on has members from all over the world, from all ethnic backgrounds who speak a wide variety of languages and all ages as opposed to a site composed of primarily French speaking women from a narrow age group.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Maybe because she didn't take a poll, just asked a few people, and that her site is not representative of a wide demographic. The site I posted on has members from all over the world, from all ethnic backgrounds who speak a wide variety of languages and all ages as opposed to a site composed of primarily French speaking women from a narrow age group.

Exactly why Techman's poll is more meaningful than any poll that would be conducted within Quebec, where I would not expect Shatner to win. International is a different ballgame and one in which Celine cannot compete.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Seeing as you like Forbes so much, how about something more recent? Like maybe from November 11, 2012?

Forget Star Trek. William Shatner is the hottest thing going on Apple iTunes today. The actor, who is best known for portraying Captain James T. Kirk in the Star Trek TV series and movies, is attracting a mainstream audience with his new app that goes well beyond Trekkers. The Priceline Negotiator has hit the digital jackpot with his very first app.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Having more followers on Twitter doesn't make him more famous.
Shatner isn't washed up pour autant.

The same counter argument would go for youtube as I previously said earlier.
If you count only one media in social media you get a different answer.

But if you take into consideration all social medias, tv, movie industry, news, radio, newspaper, etc...
Dion is getting way more exposure thus getting in top 10, top 100 lists here and there while Shatner isn't.

Shatner's still to my best knowledge good 2nd in front of everyone else but Dion's beat him despite of it all.

Recap on youtube ? Shatner gets up to 2millions hit. on some clips.
Dion gets many, many clips with over 15millions hit, some in the 40 and even over ...are you ready???? 90Millions.

Same thing on Youku.

So again... you guys should apply for a communication and marketing course.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
International is a different ballgame and one in which Celine cannot compete.

Haha ha ha ha :lol: EB you gave me the best laugh of today.
From a guy who said that nothing besides the US mattered (like you don't give a .... about the world) when talking about DSK...

Did you ever went somewhere else than the states ?

I'm going to Japan again in 2 weeks. Wanna come ?
We'll make our own poll right smack on Shibuya and I'll bet you 100K that more Japanese know the name Celine Dion than Shatner.
I'll even throw 10K just to compete between capt. Kirk vs 'My f*ckin heart will go on' with the chick on the Titanic.

Gawd ! qu'est-ce qu'on peut pas entendre (et lire) !


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
and shartner couldnt certainly become more famous than her in 6 years...

No. Like I said earlier. In the Bible of the Celebrities lists.
Shatner never made the Top 10 since over 10 years now.
While Dion did.

Being in the top 10 of the celebrities (all news agencies combined) basically means your name is a household name for more than 3/4 of the world's population.
Not 3/4 of North America, England, Australia, New Zealand or even Japan...

But The whole WORLD !!!


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Seeing as you like Forbes so much.../[/URL]

Ha ha ha ! direct from a guy who's been covering video games and technology for 20 years....
Yep ! you got it ! A nerd who probably flunked sociology playing with his Nintendo in his basement.

You want kaduk comparisons ? Then take Forbes again and you'll get Dion ranking 5th as richest woman in Entertainement.
That should be about the same conclusions you can get out of your poll on a guitar site or twitter. :D


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Jan 13, 2004
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Alyssa, you are probably the most articulated person on this board. It is always a pleasure to read your posts and your arguments are flawless as usual


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Alyssa, you are probably the most articulated person on this board. It is always a pleasure to read your posts and your arguments are flawless as usual
I totally agree. It was quite refreshing to see her study the recent US election in depth in order to form her opinions.

I'm in pretty much the same place as Alyssa. I have little or no use for either Shatner or Dion. However, the evidence is quite convincing as is the Forbes poll. It's not like Celine was 24th and Shatner was 35th; he didn't even fucking appear. He is, in short, a nobody...or rather a has been, reduced to cheezy television ads.

Consider his career. He was on a well known show 40 years ago. So was Hopalong Cassidy. He then appeared on TJ Hooker, a just another cop show nobody ever heard of and then disappeared after five seasons. He was then out of work for EIGHTEEN YEARS, before landing a job for five more years on the low-rated show Boston Legal, which ranked 28th in its first season, then sagged to 47th, 62nd, 51st, and 47th before being dumped, averaging under 10 million viewers, or less than 3% of the US population. It's quite unlikely that a show with such dismal ratings was able to land much in the way of international syndication.

Basically, if you don't watch North American television and are under 50, it's quite unlikely that you've ever heard of William Shatner, hence his failure to appear on the Forbes list.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
He then appeared on TJ Hooker, a just another cop show nobody ever heard of and then disappeared after five seasons. He was then out of work for EIGHTEEN YEARS, before landing a job for five more years on the low-rated show Boston Legal, ...

Out of work for 18 years? Now come on, Reg, its pretty obvious you're not a follower of pop culture, but Shatner kept himself pretty busy and visible during the 80s and 90s, notably on 6 Star Trek movies, produced his own series of science-fiction books (Tek War, admittedly mostly ghost-written by someone else) which got made into an Ontario-made television series he was its executive producer for three seasons. The man is an admitted workaholic.
By the way, Shatner was also a fixture on the TV show The Practice also by David E. Kelley, which prompted Kelley to feature Shatner and James Spader for Boston Legal. What's funny is you dissing a show that survived for at least 4 seasons when real television failures often don't last half a season...just cause it didn't beat FRIENDS (bleahh) in the ratings doesn't mean no one watched...

Nobody ever heard of TJ Hooker? I remember I watched it back in the early 80s, and I guess enough people watched too, it lasted 3 seasons...


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
...notably on 6 Star Trek movies...
Actually only three, unless you include the guest roles he took on the Patrick Stewart movies when he couldn't find other work.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Actually only three, unless you include the guest roles he took on the Patrick Stewart movies when he couldn't find other work.

What the hell are you talking about? Shatner was in Star Trek: the Motion Picture which came out in 1978, so I didn't count it. But he was in Star Trek 2, 3 , 4, 5 and 6. then he appeared in Star Trek Generations with Patrick Stewart...He even directed Star Trek 5, but he should really stick to acting :)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Star Treks 1, 2, 3 all came before the TJ Hooker series. My time frame above was for the 18 year period between Hooker and Boston Legal. The 13 year period between ST 6 and Boston Legal contains little beyond video games and television ads.

but he should really stick to acting :)
Ha! If it weren't for camp, he'd never have gotten an acting job in the first place.
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