Is this some sick joke? If a man wishes to torture and kill his daughter because she has been raped, should he call the police and warn them not to interfere due to it being normal for his culture?
I have seen a man assault another as the latter was innocently conversing with his sister. Even if this was normal for the ethnic group of the former, should the latter be protected by the law?
a) unconditionally yes
b) unconditionally no
c) only if he belongs to a different ethnic group than the first man?
Anyone living in Canada is entitled to the protection of Canadian laws.
Hello Anon,
Unfortunately, the premise Dee refers to is very real. In the case of what we would call "rape", in some Muslim societies the guilty one is not necessarily a rapist, it's being the victim who failed to resist the rape successfully. Women in some countries have been hanged publicly for unsuccessfully defending themselves against what we would call a rape. The one we would call the "rapist" would get far less blame or punishment. An episode like this in Kingston is nothing new. There have been many stories of Muslim women in Western countries who dare to go on dates Western-style being killed for disgracing their families.
Honor as applied in Muslim countries regarding marriage is very male biased. I had a very close friend from a less conservative Muslim country, who grew up in the U.S., for several years. He acted like every "red-blooded American boy" chasing and fucking women whenever he could. He saw Western non-Muslim women as whores to be used for his pleasure, something not made clear to me for a long time. Though he was able to take his pleasures as he wished, the view he had of his sisters was they were to be unquestioned virgins absolutely. He was extremely worried that even their going out with American friends would taint their value for a Muslim marriage, which was to be arranged in the ancient way. The sisters were to have no choice about this future. So men could do much as they pleased, but the virtuous honor of the women was sacred. That's Muslim honor regarding sex and marriage. As to him, his marriage to a Muslim woman was also to be arranged, but unlike the Muslim wife, he could screw around if he pleased.