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My Experience with Kim Mtl (independent)

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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

That's a pile of crap & only a fucking idiot would believe this bullshit! :rolleyes:

p.s. Having met both Kim & EB, i'll vouch for the both of them over anyone else. Kim has always appeared honest & truthful to me, and EB is one of the most legit people to ever post on these boards. His legitimacy is impeccable.
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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello MG_Mtl,

Providers are only permitted limited responses in review threads to prevent those threads from becoming war zones whenever an unfavorable review is posted as well as to limit SPs from thanking everyone who makes a good review. This case is an exception as it deals with circumstances outside of the usual services provided and we feel that Kim should have the right to explain the situation as she saw it.



Jul 24, 2007
I couldn't agree more: The hopeless Fornicator! really hopeless

That's a pile of crap & only a fucking idiot would believe this bullshit! :rolleyes:

p.s. Having met both Kim & EB, i'll vouch for the both of them over anyone else. Kim has always appeared honest & truthful to me, and EB is one of the most legit people to ever post on these boards. His legitimacy is impeccable.
Feb 9, 2006
No solution

I have been in a similar situation (also caused by email communication). The problem is that email is not reliable and sometimes not even fast. I have to agree with Bat-man and Marathon man that customer service is the SP's responsibility and to use the easiest, most reliable method the customer uses, which is still the phone for now. For the customer, all we have to do is show up on time (and have directions with us :) ) have the money ready, be showered and brush our teeth. The rest depends on the person.

On the other hand Kim (who I don't know nor have I ever met) has some of the best reviews on this board and it sounds like this doesn't happen often. Also she apologized and admitted she made a mistake, which is not an easy thing for anyone to do, so I give her a lot of credit for that.

The only suggestion I could offer (if the mighty mods would allow:) )would be for a mod to (close this thread) chop the non-review down to 3 or 4 sentences without giving all the details and put it as a footnote on her review thread as an incomplete booking, because booking is part of the service, without the booking, there's no service, right?

If you let Kim, Bat-man and all their supporters post threads, it's never going to end, it will create animosity between the two of them and nothing will be resolved.

Just a suggestion


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Peeeeeeeuuuuuu White Knights.

as i said it s my fault

I've never thought somebody will go somewhere without having an address
especially when i wrote

i ll send you the location during the morning
(and for some reason i didn t)

So, i thought you had to take the email before to come ( because you didn't know where to go)

The agrreement was to call you 5 minutes before to give you the room number
but in this case i didn't have any room number
that s why i asked to wait between the two doors

So, yes it s my fault. i should called. i didn't because for me if someone is not on time .... that means something came up

And about the phone number.... i am not and i won't give it..... you can think it's stupid ...... personnal issues

Dude, enter the 21st century and invest in a laptop or some electronic technology that enables email access. It took me until 2007 to do it and it was unexcusable, in my case.

Okay guys,

Just for the record SPs should be allowed to post responses to criticism within the same rules as clients.

No laptop was needed for this situation. First, clearly if anyone does not own a laptop by now they have no need for one to get by in their daily life. So the statement above is in fact saying that someone should make a purchase of hundreds or thousands of dollars specifically to keep in touch with an escort through a tool that he/she has not needed otherwise. That is nonsense. Blaming the guy for not having a piece of technology he has no other reason to need is just going over the top. I suppose if he had a laptop but got lost because he had no in GPS system in his car that would make this situation ONLY his fault too. GET REAL boys. If some of you have the funds and interest in having all available technology then bravo for you. Some people either don't need it or aren't interested in unnecessary tech tools and that does not make them at fault for anything. Both parties here are at fault equally.

I read every post in this thread and the White-Knightism is so obvious and it's really sad. K.I.M admitted her mistakes honestly. She says it's her "fault" and for her part she's right. He did make his own critical mistake by leaving without confirmation thus becoming part of the problem, but all some of you can do is blame him for his while saying nothing about hers. Ignoring the escorts fault while trying to slam the client is the essence of being a White Knight and some of you guys are pretty blatant about it. WHERE is your fairness? Stop what amounts to the big I-Can-Suck-Up-Better-Than-You routine and try to be fair about this. Because that's what it is when you ignore the facts or blame only one guilty party.

The real problem is two mistakes were made, one at least by each person which were totally avoidable regardless of having a laptop or not. Bat-Man should have waited for confirmation and K.I.M should have provided it in the timely manner she agreed to. If you can't see that point then you have a real White Knight issue.

I have gone through exactly this kind of process to meet escorts both in Montreal and Boston. When a meeting is arranged I ask the escort to be sure to provide me with a sure way to contact her (often by two and phone number), be available when we need to make contact, and most importantly to confirm before an agreed upon time or I do not leave for the appointment. In my case I will definitely not make the 1 hour to 1 1/2 drive (depending on traffic) to Boston unless I have all of the preceding information set. I also make sure I follow her rules precisely. That makes us both responsible for the success of the meeting and by doing this I have never faced the result described here.

Both sides must do their part. In this case neither side did, and to blame one side more than the other is just plain biased White-Knightism.

K.I.M, thanks for being honest about the mistakes. That shows you have real integrity, which is more than the one-sided views have displayed here.

BTW...I don't know how expensive those throw away phones are, but wouldn't that have solved the problem of not being able to make contact or having to give out a real permanent number??? It does seem like that would have solved the problem without spending a far, far larger amount needlessly on a laptop. :rolleyes: Of course doing what you agreed to and being sure all was confirmed first would have cost nothing more.


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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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White Knight=Bullshit

This White Knightism nonsense is complete bullshit. First off I never met KIM and she has not been on my radar nor will she be because she is not my type. So how am I sucking up to anyone? What a bunch of moronic bullshit. I have never even met KIM socially.

Second, the SP chooses the method of communication. Once email has been established as the method of communication and Bat-Man gave Kim his email address there was some responsibility on his part to communicate its limits. Maybe Bat-Man should have a laptop or a Blackberry if he can see a $250 escort. He has the money to spend on KIM but it's okay that he does not have the money to spend on a basic tool of hobbying, especially HDH/indy hobbying that costs the same price? What kind of half assed nonsense analysis is that?

In this case maybe KIM could have called, maybe not, sounds like she did not have a room number, and it was a case of miscommunication, but one that may have been cured if Bat-Man had prepared by equipping himself with HDH technology to go along with his HDH escorting activities. If he had a laptop or had even texted from a Blackberry, he could have emailed his room number to Kim.

All hobbyists, not just Bat-Man, should be encouraged to have technologically adapted themselves to modern society. We certainly expect the same of SPs and should expect the same of ourselves. If Bat-Man prefers to live in a cave and flirt with neanderthalism and knuckle draggers he should only take the Bat-mobile out to hobby on Ontario Street where he will find SPs who have similar poorly evolved technological skills.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
This White Knightism nonsense is complete bullshit. First off I never met KIM and she has not been on my radar nor will she be because she is not my type. So how am I sucking up to anyone? What a bunch of moronic bullshit.
I totally agree with you. It is a bunch of BULLSHIT. You analyze a situation, chose a side & state your opinion, and then the idiots immediately throw out the 'white knight' comment. The bottom line is "who gives a flying fuck if someone is a white knight or not?" What's so wrong with being a "white knight" anyways? It's been my experience in life that people constantly passing accusations at others & referring to them as "white knights" have no balls & have serious personal issues, which has a lot to do why they only women they've been able to take to bed in their lifetime are women they've had to pay to have sex with them. These people usually have zero confidence & zero social skills, yet are the bravest when hiding behind in front of a keyboard & freely pass judgement on others who don't see eye-to-eye with them.

I totally agree with you, Beave.....and i for one vouch that you've likely never met Kim in person & i'm 100% certain that your intent wasn't to kiss her ass or anyone else's.


New Member
Oct 1, 2004
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Bat-Man, I feel your disappointment and frustration! I have met KIM on a few occasions - when she was with Devilish and more recently as an Indy. I did not have any problems with either booking system; with Devilish, it was a phone call away (fast & friendly service, no planning on my part), but with KIM the Indy, it took a few emails back and forth to confirm appt etc. which is expected. What I noticed on night of rendezvous when she was working at Devilish was her late arrival. One time it was over an hour long. Overbooked perhaps! We've all experienced this when using an agency, even the best ones. Good news though - i was in my hotel room with a drink in hand! As an Indy, I found KIM to be more punctual which is what I would expect as part of overall customer service experience from an agency SP making the leap to Indy. At the end of the day, I hope you two kiss and make out – all night long!

Have fun!

p.s. my sessions with KIM were all outcall, so I’m not certain if incall would make any difference – should be same process.

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
Having read all this I have to say that Bat-man has a legitimate complaint. A simple phone call or text message was not to much to ask rather than assuming everyone has access to e-mail all the time. Seems they have sorted it out in an adult fashion which is always good to see.

A bit surprised by the quickness of some to bash the hobbyist. Disappointing really as he was actually doing the novices a bit of service by mentioning what can go wrong with in-calls. You would think people would be more sympathetic. Its not as if these kinds of screw-ups haven't happened at one time or another to everyone chastising him.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
It looks like if i'm the worst of all time....

I did some mistake and starting of now

If i take any booking and i cancel less then 24 hours in advance you will get an hour free

Please, for one time, don't start an other big story

I'll do my best to be 100% professionnal

Merry Christmas to everybody!


Hello K.I.M,

You were wonderful when I met you, and I just want to be sure you understand I think there were just simple miscommunications and misunderstandings by both parties here. I don't think any less of you than when I met you and I am sure no one else does. This stuff just happens at times. I don't think you need to make any new offers because of this episode. You have been honest and have resolved everything with Bat-Man on your own. That makes you a lady of real respectability, so I don't think you owe anybody anything more. The unfortunate bickering of others (including me) is obviously only a reflection on all of us going off here and our fault alone.

A bit surprised by the quickness of some to bash the hobbyist. Disappointing really as he was actually doing the novices a bit of service by mentioning what can go wrong with in-calls. You would think people would be more sympathetic. Its not as if these kinds of screw-ups haven't happened at one time or another to everyone chastising him.

And some by the most senior members too. You would think a learning newbie could get a break.

Cheers, :)

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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
This White Knightism nonsense is complete bullshit. First off I never met KIM and she has not been on my radar nor will she be because she is not my type. So how am I sucking up to anyone? What a bunch of moronic bullshit. I have never even met KIM socially.

Second, the SP chooses the method of communication. Once email has been established as the method of communication and Bat-Man gave Kim his email address there was some responsibility on his part to communicate its limits. Maybe Bat-Man should have a laptop or a Blackberry if he can see a $250 escort. He has the money to spend on KIM but it's okay that he does not have the money to spend on a basic tool of hobbying, especially HDH/indy hobbying that costs the same price? What kind of half assed nonsense analysis is that?

In this case maybe KIM could have called, maybe not, sounds like she did not have a room number, and it was a case of miscommunication, but one that may have been cured if Bat-Man had prepared by equipping himself with HDH technology to go along with his HDH escorting activities. If he had a laptop or had even texted from a Blackberry, he could have emailed his room number to Kim.

All hobbyists, not just Bat-Man, should be encouraged to have technologically adapted themselves to modern society. We certainly expect the same of SPs and should expect the same of ourselves. If Bat-Man prefers to live in a cave and flirt with neanderthalism and knuckle draggers he should only take the Bat-mobile out to hobby on Ontario Street where he will find SPs who have similar, slowly evolved technological skills.

I totally agree with you. It is a bunch of BULLSHIT. You analyze a situation, chose a side & state your opinion, and then the idiots immediately throw out the 'white knight' comment. The bottom line is "who gives a flying fuck if someone is a white knight or not?" What's so wrong with being a "white knight" anyways? It's been my experience in life that people constantly passing accusations at others & referring to them as "white knights" have no balls & have serious personal issues, which has a lot to do why they only women they've been able to take to bed in their lifetime are women they've had to pay to have sex with them. These people usually have zero confidence & zero social skills, yet are the bravest when hiding behind in front of a keyboard & freely pass judgement on others who don't see eye-to-eye with them.

I totally agree with you, Beave.....and i for one vouch that you've likely never met Kim in person & i'm 100% certain that your intent wasn't to kiss her ass or anyone else's.


You can remove the labels and your are still trying to lay the bulk of the blame on a the client here. K.I.M has said she made mistakes by failing to provide the critical information on time. She said that was her "fault" by not calling when she said she would, and yet still all you can say is "maybe K.I.M could have called" only grudging admitting it's possible she made a mistake when she says she did. The lady is being honest and all some member can do is try to say she MIGHT have had a responsibility she accepts. Why are you trying to whitewash her when she accepts the fault. You don't like the label White Knight while you're proving it. And seeing a lady or not is unnecessary when the description and action fits perfectly.

This was a 50/50 episode of responsibility mistakes, not mostly or the majority on either party. Yet the choice of laying the bulk of the blame on one side has been largely because of the assertion the client did not have a laptop or a Blackberry or whatever. Geeeeez, you can smell the tech snobbery right through the computer. This reminds me of the kind of people who are so addicted to tech overkill they can't put down their Blackberrys or cells long enough to take a decent shit, go on with the kind of class it takes to share a long loud intense argument on what kind of milk or socks they should buy, and are so obsessed with having their Blackberrys stuck in their ear they can't be bothered to wash their stinking hands. Claiming the client should have had this or that technology or else he's a caveman is nothing more than an irrelevant cheap dodge for the fact she didn't call and he didn't get conformation.

If the client in this case had had a laptop or a Blackberry he would only have had the opportunity to straighten out the mistakes by both parties, and that would have been likely. But how many endless times have I heard so many others say he or she knows this is important and is expecting my call/message and I can't reach him/her by this state of the art tech whether it's a Blackberry or a laptop because the other person isn't responding or there is a connectivity problem that can happen absolutely anywhere. We have read about these very issues of the failure to respond or tech failure on this board many times despite any technology you can imagine and the resulting failure to complete the meeting. So what garbage it is to act like tech is a panacea that guarantees the elimination of miscommunications or mistakes. Personally, I love having all kinds of tech devices. They make many things far more accessible and convenient. But they guarantee nothing and acting like they do is nonsense. I have never had a laptop when traveling to an incall or needed a cell phone and the escort of the moment and I have never failed to complete a meeting in a situation like the subject of this thread.

All you guys have conjured up is an excuse to lay the burden of mistakes on one side. If this had been handled right and each party kept their word and used good sense this episode does not happen...barring some third party interference or sudden new circumstance. All I am trying to say about the responsibility for the errors here is that they are equal. I am not taking sides and to say so is arrogant BS!!!

As for hiding behind a keyboard and making accusations, thanks for the perfect examples. Look at the crap and the name calling. Caveman, Neanderthal, no balls, serious personal issues, moronic bullshit...and yet these truly self-aware members :rolleyes: dare to say "the bravest when hiding behind in front of a keyboard & freely pass judgement on others who don't see eye-to-eye with them." What an accurate self-description by both. Hypocrisy be thy name. If you loath the tactic you describe so much then why become the same?????????? And, as a self-described "hopeless fornicator" (with so many SPs) one should rethink the line "which has a lot to do why they only women they've been able to take to bed in their lifetime are women they've had to pay to have sex with them." Not saying you haven't been the top Don Juan on the planet at other times :rolleyes:, but look at your amount of hobbying you've admitted...and money spent. KA-CHING!


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Oct 16, 2004
6' under
...and yet these truly self-aware members :rolleyes: dare to say "the bravest when hiding behind in front of a keyboard & freely pass judgement on others who don't see eye-to-eye with them."
i guess you didn't get the memo telling all of us less fortunate merbites to heed the words of the self-appointed mods, eh? now shut up and get your ass back in line, merlot. i don't want to get punished for your individual mindedness.

back to topic: my dealings w/ k.i.m have been
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Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Hello K.I.M,

You were wonderful when I met you, and I just want to be sure you understand I think there were just simple miscommunications and misunderstandings by both parties here. I don't think any less of you than when I met you and I am sure no one else does. This stuff just happens at times. I don't think you need to make any new offers because of this episode. You have been honest and have resolved everything with Bat-Man on your own. That makes you a lady of real respectability, so I don't think you owe anybody anything more. The unfortunate bickering of others (including me) is obviously only a reflection on all of us going off here and our fault alone.

And some by the most senior members too. You would think a learning newbie could get a break.

Cheers, :)


White knight! :rolleyes:


Oct 16, 2004
6' under
Should I now heap and endless rant of name-calling and other despicable abuses on those who disagree from the mountain perch of my superior pseudo-ethics?
your name wasn't on the list so you are expressly forbidden from doing anything of the sort, lest you risk imprisonment.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

It seems from reading the posts in this thread from the two people concerned, Bat-Man and Kim, that the situation has been resolved between the two of them. As this is the case there is no reason for this thread to remain open as this will in all likelihood end in someone being suspended.

If either of the principals has something further to add, please contact a moderator to have the thread opened for you to make your post.

Thread closed.

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