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Need advice on owning a 2nd cell phone


New Member
Aug 24, 2010
i tried buying a prepaid phone at best buy, but you have to set it up on line and give your personal info, so it was a no go. Is there a way to get a pre-paid phone that is not tied to a personal identification?

Just get a prepaid sim card from fido or rogers. pay in cash. wear shades and a dumb hat at the store if you want to be a stupid idiot about it. then burn the shades and eat the hat just in case.

put the simcard in a crappy throwaway nokia and you're set. i think i had to call to activate it but you can give a fake name (harry johnson lol); when you need to refill just buy more minutes in cash at any fido/rogers store.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
As suggested in couple of posts...

Fongo app seems to be doing an excellent job.

Fomgo gives a local number that could be seen by the receiving party and all the calls are "Free" using
data package or wifi.

No need for a second phone...tried that option for a while and sometimes it was a headache...

One drawback with my texting unless you subscribe for the paid option.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
OK, so I do not want to leave an electronic paper trail on my work cell phone/ I also do not want my business phone number associated with escorts. So I can just down load an App and I can use my business I-phone to call escorts in Montreal and only the NSA will know which escorts I am calling?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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So I can just down load an App and I can use my business I-phone to call escorts in Montreal and only the NSA will know which escorts I am calling?

The App is not free -it is paid with your credit card on file at Apple. You can't pay cash for an app. So Apple, and government investigators who subpoena Apple records, will easily determine who downloaded the App (not to mention Snowden and the NSA). Like I already said we have some guys in this thread who think it is very simple to be James Bond- they think this is all easy gimmicks like in the movies. In reality however they are casting more suspicion on themselves than if they used a prepaid with a fake name, which is not traceable to you as long as it is kept in a secure location.

If you are ever investigated in your life for any other reason (like not paying taxes) governmental investigators will note that transaction and assume hanky panky. This is exactly how Spitzer got busted. The feds thought he was corrupt and were watching his banking transactions. They then found out that he was using his own personal funds to pay for hookers. Spitzer was so clever about the deposits that they initially thought they were on to a scheme in which he was laundering bribes. What led them to the finding that it was his own money being used on escorts, was a totally unrelated corruption investigation that revealed suspicious electronic transactions.
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New Member
Aug 10, 2013
@hungry101, again as many of us have told you, you can use Fongo. It's free to download on both iPhone and Android phones. When you install it it gives you the choice from multiple local numbers from the province you have selected (That's right, you can pick Alberta if you feel like it) and calls are all free. Texts is a different thing. You have to pay for a package 1mth for about $2 or longer. (I usually take the 3mth package for $6). Will someone know that you purchased this app or txt msg subscription? Of course, Apple, Fongo and the nsa will know. Will you get a bill? Yes by email and only at the time of the download (0 fee) and txt subscription. Oh, and did I mention that it's free to talk? (will use data so might want to check your data usage but free on Wi-Fi)
Hope that answers most questions from most interested parties. If you need more info, there's tons of them online and I really feel like doing your own research is much better. If you'd like to chat about it PM me and I'll be happy to help you guys out.

And yes I work in an IT environment, does it show, lol!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Byton, sounds great but EB has a point. I would hate to get a subpena for something else and then have to explain this. "Yes I occasionally see hookers, I'm a man damn it!"


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I defended a case one time involving a woman who was claiming that my client's actions caused her to suffer damage to her creditworthiness. I subpoenaed her credit card records and statements, among other things. They showed that she purchased many sex toys and dildos (hundreds of dollars worth of sex toys per month on a $35,000 annual salary), ate out regularly, and left 50% tips on her drink and dinner tabs. She was running up huge balances and not making many payments on them. The claim of loss of creditworthiness went away very quietly without much of a whimper. It should have actually been withdrawn before the credit card records were produced. I don't think her attorney bothered to look at the credit card records before producing them.

Lily from Montreal

I went the two Iphone route finally...and you can give whatever name you want...nobody at Telus ever bat a eye when I call to change my plan and they call me Lily Montreal loll....I decided to totally separate my two lives and even with a app it made me uncomfortable to use my real life does help that i am partial to big purses ...
And by getting a 100$ card it last one year,the bigger the amount the longest it is, 20$ doesn't last long enough,not in minutes but in time before renewing...
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New Member
Aug 10, 2013
Hi EagerBeaver, Unless you pay your second phone in cash and recharge it in cash and had provided a false identity to begin with, I don't see how different it is from the app option. On top of that on your credit card it just shows a charge made by Apple (iPhone) or Google (Android) like any other app or games you would purchase. Non - hobbyist use these apps because they allow free calls with a local number even when you're let's say in Guatemala as long as you have a data connection. I've used it many times to call people here when I was away. I fail to see how a $2 charge in your credit card to the app store would raise a flag. Better yet you could just use the free call option and don't buy the text package. You won't get a charge on your credit card at all cause it's free.
My 2 cents. There are more risks of getting caught with a second phone than someone snooping on your credit card charges to find a $2 charge to an established tech company.
All that to say both options are good I just prefer the most affordable one.
Appreciate your input on this subject EagerBeaver, I've learned a bit of things I have to be aware of from now on!


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
i say prepaid is way to go.

if you want to be utra secretive, go to walmart and they have many prepaid phones in hard plastic display rack cases. purchase this with cash also purchase voucher for cash at the same time. i recomend the $100 which most cell company give 1 year of service without having to remember to renew every month or every few months. phone in hard plastic display case doesn't hav to be activated immediatly at store.

open hard plastic case to remove cell and charge it. call cell company from pay phone. most have a toll free number and calling toll free number from a pay phone is completly free and untraceable. activate the celphone. dpending on company they might ask your name. give a believable fake name. if you speak like french pick french name if you speak like asian pick asian name. they might ask for address and city. say you are out of town and purchased prepayd cellphone to save on roaming charges and give them a fake address and fake phone number in some other country just make sure you know some things aobut the country like usa uses zip codes and not postal codes and britain uses postal codes.

at the end you hve a prepaid phone or sim card that is working and is untracable to you. $100 airtime dpending on how many escorts or other uses is plenty of airtime for most people. this prepaid phone is also good for other purposes like selling items on internet or over the phone.

just make sure to deactivate the voice mail which many prepaid companies give for free but charge you when someone leavees messages and or they will charge you when you listen to the messages from the cell or from a land regualr phone.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
LOL at your step-by-step instructions jacep.

Also, you either watch a lot of TV or you're a drug dealer!


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
unless your dealing wigth kidy porn or a terorist, i don't think any police or nsa or governmetn will consult walmart cameras to trace who bought plastic hard display phone on day with prepaid voucher. they can also triangulat your position based on which cell tower your phone is connecting to if they want to.

adult prostitution betwen conseting adults is legal in canada. some things dealing with prostitiution is now in gray area bcause of suprem court ruling while feds have one year to rewrite laws.

no one will consult walmart cameras to find you unless you deal in kidy porn or a terorist. this is what i think. take it for wat it is.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
LOL at your step-by-step instructions jacep.

Also, you either watch a lot of TV or you're a drug dealer!

if you folow my steps, i think you probably shuldn't see escorts in canada since you are too scared or parnoid. i just write to be funny but true.


Mar 17, 2003
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Go to petro-Canada and get a prepaid sim card. No need to spend extra $ and buy a Prepaid phone just to get the sim. Absolutely no ID required. If your old phone is already locked to Rogers, no need to unlock it as petro Canada runs over the rogers network.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
yes gerbera idea will work also.

but to be ultrasecretiv, if you put sim card in a phone that you use in the past, that phone can be traced to you with a new sim in it by government. the cell company have a record of you using old cellphone with diffrent sim in it. :D

for family privacy & work privacy i would try one of the online phone programs that give you a real phone number. if you find agency or indy doesn't pick up your calls when you use this then go prepayed. i know some agencys and indys won't call or answer long distance numbers even from valid cell phone numbers and not phone apps because they think it is joke or time wasting and not serious apointment. they also think that picking up a call from a non montreal number charges them long distance.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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No need to spend extra $ and buy a Prepaid phone just to get the sim.

Dude, most prepaid phones do not have SIM cards. You put money on the phone and you are good to go. All that you pay for is the phone and to put money on the phone that will get burned off as you use it. The phones are as cheap as $9.99 although mine I got on special for $15. This can all be done with a cash transaction and a fake name. The phone stores don't care and are not required to make you pay by credit card or check. Cash is King- just like Elvis:

When we were in Canada for the Good Girls Party I personally observed my friend buy a prepaid phone at a store in the Eaton Center using cash and a fake name. It was the easiest transaction ever. I bought mine in the USA.
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Active Member
Nov 20, 2009
And how much did your friend pay? because I have to change mine soon, the battery is going bad, and since I rarely use it, I don't want to spend a lot.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
foobarator, it is not as cheap in canada as the price he mentioned and i've seen in the usa. in the usa, you can get cellphones for the price that he mentioned with airtime in it. i bought a cellphone in frys in the usa awhile ago that was around $25 and it came with $10 airtime at $0.10 per min so it was cheap. for the cheap $25 i spent, i just threw phone away once i got back to canada it wouldn't work becausr no roaming in canada and it would expire before my next trip so i felt it wasn't ggood for me to renew airtime since it was so dirt cheap. in the 2 week trip, i didn't even use up the $10 without really keeping track of time since i only used phone for emergencys and for freinds to contact me.

i think in canada, it is maybe $50 can get you a cheap prepaid cellphone with warranty in the hard plastic display cases at walmart. for the $50, i don't think ti comes with airtime. this is canda where cell companies rip us off compare to other places.
I would say that the trick is good but you may not receive a response. Most agencies require a valid phone number to make an appointment. That's why we do not take calls from google phone, skype or unknown numbers, we simply don't hang up. For textPlus textnow and others, the numbers used are rarely new and could already be banned. If you want a cheap solution, get a prepaid phone and pay 20$ every 3 months.


I agree to many prank callers on those apps and internet calling sites. I don't answer them anymore. You risk not being taken seriously and not getting booked.

Public mobile has the cheapest pay as you go for 19$ a month.
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