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New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft charged with soliciting prostitution


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Hungry, I saw the ad and it wasn't a big deal to me. I've been a Gillette user for a while and I can't quit now because I bought the Fusion months

But seriously there are plenty of stupid ego, testosterone-driven things we men do. Rose Delacourt told me men at her gym are friendly with her but cease chatting when they see her lift heavier than them. I've worked with guys who say they will kick the shit out of a gay guy that hits on them. Well, have you tried just not fucking the gay dude? Bravado & machismo aren't solutions to every problem. At the same time, you have to assert yourself sometimes lest you be seen as a fop. I was at a restaurant once waiting for my car when a couple was being followed by another guy. Some near altercation had happened in the parking lot and as they approached the entrance, the solo guy called the woman a "Cee yoU Next Tuesday." Here's exactly what the woman's date said and did to the offending guy: nothing.
Very well put. Agreed.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
How would you feel if you knew that the in call that you went to has a hidden camera posing as a clock radio on the side of your bed?

I wonder if there are anti-spying equipment (e.g., compact personal audio and video jamming devices that can be carried in a pants pocket) that consumers can buy to protect their privacy.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Thanks, Smuler. We all need to protect our privacies.

It looks like the LE were doing the right thing as regards the sting operation that ensnared Robert Kraft -- "liberating" the trafficked victims. The LE efforts, while noble and laudable in some respects, are nothing but a drop in the OCEAN to eradicate human trafficking that is purportedly the primary motivation of that sting operation. Law makers should consult with sex workers when they write and promulgate new laws concerning the sex trade. Stories&pgtype=Homepage


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Do you really think we will know with certainty that these women were trafficked from Asia?

LE might have too much vested in time and resources in fighting trafficking to be completely forthright about their true circumstances.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I wonder if there are anti-spying equipment (e.g., compact personal audio and video jamming devices that can be carried in a pants pocket) that consumers can buy to protect their privacy.

There was a very popular SP here, Zoe I think ( moved to the states ) who did a room scan at outcalls.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
How would you feel if you knew that the in call that you went to has a hidden camera posing as a clock radio on the side of your bed ?:eek:

Best Regards

Yeah, someone would be bleaching their eyes after watching a sex video with me in it.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
The biggest issue is whether they were sex workers in China who wanted to come to the U.S. to do sex work, because believe it or not, their living conditions were likely far worse in China.

In various parts of China, low-end service providers who service factory workers (there is a huge shortage of single females for single men) make barely enough money to sustain themselves and often their unemployed spouses and children. And these providers tend to be poorly educated, impoverished rural ladies and women.

But the 1% of the 0.00001% of the wealthy men are serviced by university educated ladies who are able to hang with the upper echelon because of their "exceptional" beauty and education. They get paid like the escorts that serviced dudes like Eliot Spitzer.

I saw a few documentaries about that.

Since China's economy has been slowing down, it's likely that more females in China will be compelled to engage in sex work to sustain themselves, spouses, aging parents, and children.

It's true, Patron. The media likes to portray these issues as black and white focusing and/or attributing the "problems" to a singular root cause, which does a huge disservice to everyone affected.

Even in the US and Canada, there are so many university educated people who are substantially underemployed. For females they have the option to go on Seeking or to become an escort.

We can discuss these issues ad nauseam. But the problems will never be fixed until poverty can be ameliorated and sadly, IMHO, poverty will continue until humans go extinct.

STN, pretty funny comment. :rockon:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Law enforcement mentioned today that they have Bob Kraft in two videos. In one he's getting a hand job and getting blown by the 'therapist'. In the other he's getting at least a hand job.

But Kraft is only the tip of the iceberg in that investigation. Hundreds of people have been charged & it's expected big names will be announced in the not-too-distant future.

I'm still amazed that a well-known billionaire like Robert Kraft would simply drive over to some massage parlor in a plaze in order to engage in illicit activities. Why didn't he simply do like Trump & rent a condo if he wanted to have fun with an escort? Who knows, maybe like many of us he enjoyed the risk it involved more than anything else.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Another excellent article that no one will ever read.

Doesn’t fit into the narrative of the mainstream media.

Good read. Pretty much what I would anticipate.

As someone here posted on another thread awhile back, police are opportunists just like 98% of society. They're going to build up their arrest numbers by targeting low level crime such as prostitution and other non-violent criminals. That sounds cynical, but I don't expect them to put their life on the line every day.

The article questions the time and effort put into taking down this massage parlor. I think most of us do to. What a waste of police resources!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
...maybe like many of us he enjoyed the risk it involved more than anything else.

Very well said. Hiding behind my keyboard in my living room I forgot about the willys I get in my stomach when I am trying to find an in-call like last year in Sao Paulo or Brussels. This adds some excitement. It is the excitement of the hunt such as when you drive up to a lady on a street corner wearing 6-inch heels and a tight dress and she hops in your car or when you proposition a girl in a public place such as a bar that is known to have free-lancers. There is a bit of a rush when you do something like this. This is the same reason why some people shoplift when they clearly can afford to buy the merchandise.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The article posted by Patron needs to be read by civilians. I have met many people that believe the movie "Taken" is a documentary.

Big brother used a fake bomb scare to plant cameras in a spa so they can protect the public and allowed this to go on for six months? As the article points out:

But beyond Florida busybodies and national-media-courting cops, it's unclear that anyone else has benefited from all of this.

Law enforcement has yet to back up the serious claims their massive operation was premised on. They've also backed down from some of the more shocking assertions offered at the start—even as more media have run with the sex-slavery ring narrative. Whatever comes, it's clear this story has already developed meme-like proportions that obscure the reality of the situation. Perhaps the truth lies somewhere between dens of captive sex slaves and totally empowered and free workers, but we'll never get there by treating this as a movie-style rescue fantasy


New Member
Oct 11, 2013
The police was watching the place because there was human trafficking in that salon. INS, FBI, local police were probably involved. I am sure if it was just a whack shack with locals the news would not be nearly as big.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Yea human trafficking . Well that’s very much debatable.
The state of Florida surely has more serious problems . Instead there law enforcement decides to spend all these resources pretending to do Gods work .


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Keep telling yourself that Uhaul. I hope that you are correct. I like to rationalize myself that LE would have better things to do than to prevent hand jobs and try to make the prime time news but then reality smacks you in the face. High level positions in LE are political as are all positions and besides: bad guys are dangerous and hard to catch.

Years ago being gay or being a cross-dresser was taboo and not acceptable. The media spent a good bit of their time trying to determine which public figures were hiding a deep dark secret. Today, however, the homosexual lifestyle is marveled at and even celebrated by the media and Kaitlin Jenner is "Stunning and Brave." There are out of the closet athletes on professional sports teams. This is no longer news (well gossip as far as gossip is news to 90% of John Q public). What's left? We need to find the evil doers that are paying for sex. This is the last frontier!


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
At times I find it hard to believe that our southern neighbors actually created the internet so that we can have these illuminating discussions on these boards. They put a man on the moon etc and yet there government is so backwards in regulating sexual activity.
A lot of hypocricy and bs morality . I know Canada hasn’t legalized it but it’s the way that they enforce and interpret there laws that make them less intrusive.
To have big brother telling us in this day and age what we can and cannot do?Legalize, tax and regulate it .

Red October

New Member
Mar 26, 2013
Cops take the easy way out if they can achieve results and/or statistics. Kraft was just a big fish in their nets.
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