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New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft charged with soliciting prostitution


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Some billionaires are cheap! This dude could have had the best of the best escorts to service him at his many homes he owns. Doesn't Florida have such escorts who are adults, engaging in escorting of their free will and are most discreet.

He'll probably relinquish control and ownership of the Patriots to his kids/grandkids or sell the team.

Clearly, it's immoral, criminal and plain wrong to engage in human trafficking and to sexually exploit the most vulnerable members of our society is the lowest form of human depravity and EVIL!

I'm also scared sh@tless about cameras and filming at incall places. Therefore, I only deal with reputable agencies like Euphoria, XO and Velvet Love.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2018
Some billionaires are cheap! This dude could have had the best of the best escorts to service him at his many homes he owns. Doesn't Florida have such escorts who are adults, engaging in escorting of their free will and are most discreet.
Maybe he wanted to try a new provider at that spa to make a TOFTT review post on the local forum.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Clearly, it's immoral, criminal and plain wrong to engage in human trafficking and to sexually exploit the most vulnerable members of our society is the lowest form of human depravity and EVIL!

I'm not sure what the real deal is regarding sex trafficking. It seems like these Asian women volunteer to come here totally aware of what the gig is because the money is far better than in Asian sex work. Ironically, I think it pays a lot more because of the legal restrictions and moral attitudes in the U.S. as compared to Asia.

In Asia, it seems like when you tell someone you had a massage, they automatically think it finished with a happy ending. Oh well, there will be no happy ending for Mr. Kraft.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I'm not sure what the real deal is regarding sex trafficking. It seems like these Asian women volunteer to come here totally aware of what the gig is because the money is far better than in Asian sex work. Ironically, I think it pays a lot more because of the legal restrictions and moral attitudes in the U.S. as compared to Asia.

Exactly! Most girl in the US earn a lot by giving a fucking horrible shitty service because so many men's ball are about to explode in such a restricted country.

Only the ultra rich can fuck as they want. But then even them get busted once in a while. Could happen here too...



Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Pothole City
ShyMan, there are cameras in all those incall places you mentioned!...font, back, underground indoor parking, and doorman included!!!...hence, we are all taking a risk when going there!

As far as owner of the Patriots there is no question Kraft's role as an owner is finished and that he will likely relinquish control to one of his siblings.
There is a precedent in the NFL where Jerry Richardson, former Carolina Panthers owner facing sexual harassment misconduct allegations back in the early 90s, was forced to sell the Panthers!

...and in the NFL it's all about the image of the league that counts...and not how many Super Bowl rings you have...even if you decided to put the sixth one on your dick!


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
In Asia, it seems like when you tell someone you had a massage, they automatically think it finished with a happy ending.

I concur with you completely. I didn't mean to conflate the two very different facts and realities.

Even in the US, most people think a massage is something that dudes go get for a happy ending. Massage therapy is actually good for the body and mind. There are professional massage therapists in every country that do nothing but provide therapeutic massages to their (patient) customers. I actually need therapeutic deep-tissue massages now and then to recharge my body and mind and I do not expect any happy ending; but I only let female therapists to work on my body.

sharkman, you are right -- there are cameras. I'm just praying there are no cameras videoing the encounters.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Following the misunderstanding, he chose to tip her.

Solicitation occurs beforehand. This may not have been solicitation.

Exactly. But for Kraft, and many people, perception often is all that's required to destroy careers and pristine consumer and corporate brands, especially in America. And as sharkman said, Kraft is done as an owner, especially for the NFL and its owners, because perception can and will tarnish the brand.

It's possible that the ladies who serviced Kraft in the past at those MP's helped relieved his aching muscles. (Some of them are very good, even without the happy ending service.) In which case, he should have hired them to work on his aching muscles at the houses or condos he own in Orlando or rent a room at a nice hotel. Now he will end up spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on lawyers to resolve this matter with the LE and the NFL.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Patron, as they say the Devil is in the details, and in Kraft's publicly embarrassing case (he'll likely pay a small fine and may even agree to register as a sex-offender to avoid prison time; a trial would be the worse publicity he, the NFL and his legacy cannot afford), the Gillette stadium and every politician and sponsors of that stadium, not to mention other stakeholders, are already putting tremendous pressure on Kraft to relinquish ownership of the Patriot as soon as practicable.

I stopped using Gillette shavers long ago, after discovering Harrys shavers; I use them where my electric shaver cannot reach.

Kraft may fight it but look at what happened to Eddie D of the 49ners, who ultimately lost control of the team to his sister and her husband and son. Kraft will likely follow the same fate, even though his alleged offenses aren't as egregious. But in today's "Me Too Movement" hyper-sensitive time and the Jessie Smolleett twisted reality show, Kraft might be offered a deal he cannot refuse -- leave or lose a tone of money and have your name and legacy dragged through the sewer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Patron, going to a diversionary program would be torturous for me. Can you imagine that? Listening to some left wing BS about about the evil white male patriarchy and the exploitation of women for hours on end? No women would ever willingly rent herself out for sexual services. She must have been hypnotized or had a gun to her head. They would spew out fake statistic after fake statistic...This would go on for hours and you would have to pretend like you saw the light.

Sambuca - For awhile there, I was going to Asia regularly. I remember that out contingent from the US would show up and the boss would say "Take them out for a massage" and the men and women would go to the same place. Sometimes it was a foot massage and other times it was full body. One time, we were getting full body massages and we put on some paper suits as I remember. I broke out of mine like the Incredible Hulk. I think it had to do with the place you went to and we went to respectable places and I didn't dare to ask for sex with my co-workers around.

Now Brazil seems to be another story. All the men go to privies or masagems or boates. One of my best friends was also a co-worker. As soon as all our female colleagues would leave and just the men were there he would openly bring this up. Being with Garota De Programas is just an accepted part of life. They can be good family men like flipping a switch and one time I started talking to non-programas and my friend's dad said "Namorada" as if to say, she's not a prostitute she's a girlfriend. They seem to understand that men have needs and desires and there are professional women that are willing to fulfill those needs. They are garota de programas or girls with a program.

The US is the worst. I had to listen to some so-called expert on Fox news talk about all the trafficking...what bull shit. If you want to believe this bull shit Some Like It Hot than go ahead. This is a load of crap. People just don't want to believe that some women are willing to trade sexual favors for money.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
...Incidentally, one of the guys on the list was 84 and another was 80. Interesting that they are still going in this activity.
:thumb: :thumb:


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
Visit site
I wish that a billionaire (e.g. Kraft) would fund a challenge to the constitutionality of the ban on purchasing and selling sexual services. The Declaration of Independence of the USA includes a famous phrase about the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I am guessing that the Constitution conforms to that principle. Can't an argument be made that sex (paid of not) extends life and increases happiness without infringing on anybody's rights?

Do you suppose that Michael Avenatti would take the case?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I stopped using Gillette shavers long ago, after discovering Harrys shavers; I use them where my electric shaver cannot reach.

I forgot about this. The pats play in Gillette stadium. Great timing after their bull-shit commercial. I am using Dollar Shave Club. Yes, I know they got bought out by Unilever but I don't care. At least I can dump Gillette after their pandering to the left with their commercial: Really? Is this the best men can be?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Can't an argument be made that sex (paid of not) extends life and increases happiness without infringing on anybody's rights?

No, because feminists will make the argument that no woman would do this by her own free will. And men that pay 500$/hour fees are doing so to absolve themselves of guilt after exploiting these poor defenseless victims or something along these lines.

This is a scary time. We have entered into an era where it is not good to be a John in this country. It has never been good but after closing down TER and Marriott committed to stop escorts working in their chains and high profile busts like this etc. this is the worst that I have seen it in the USA.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
Visit site
I agree that there's support for a ban on prostitution in particular, by some feminists. However, a billionaire could fund appeals and the Supremes aren't particularly woke from a feminist standpoint.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Sambuca and Jalimon said a few posts back that the Asian massage parlors get paid more in America than in China, so what's the big deal? Nothing wrong with that theoretically except there are many Asian women who work in massage parlors who don't know they're being lured to the West for sex work.

The BBC link is from a 2015 story. The New York Times story was written in 1993! As long as the women do sex work of their own volition, there's no problem. I still feel bad for Kraft though. This is why I play exclusively in Canada now. It took forever and a day
but pot is slowly becoming legal in America; maybe we can get there one day with sex work too.

I forgot about this. The pats play in Gillette stadium. Great timing after their bull-shit commercial. I am using Dollar Shave Club. Yes, I know they got bought out by Unilever but I don't care. At least I can dump Gillette after their pandering to the left with their commercial: Really? Is this the best men can be?

The irony of whichever conservative dubbed the term "snowflake" is just too rich. A commercial essentially said "Don't raise your son to be an asshole bro" and it's a bridge too far for you guys lol. Being a well-balanced man means not every problem is a nail and you're the hammer. Masculinity isn't only about strength and aggression. Sometimes being compassionate and tender gets you as far. There is a right time for every action.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The irony of whichever conservative dubbed the term "snowflake" is just too rich. A commercial essentially said "Don't raise your son to be an asshole bro" and it's a bridge too far for you guys lol. Being a well-balanced man means not every problem is a nail and you're the hammer. Masculinity isn't only about strength and aggression. Sometimes being compassionate and tender gets you as far. There is a right time for every action.

Oh yes, and I for one really needed to be reminded of that or I would of been goosing co-workers asses and date raping ever women I spent time with. This was wholesale pandering to the left and the #MeToo movement. Some commercials cause me to buy products and others do not. I much prefer the clever and borderline hilarious commercials by the Dollar Shave Club. You and all the other snowflakes can keep buying Gillette. I'm a Dollar Shave Club guy now.
BTW - I'm keeping Alajandro working:


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
I stopped using Gillette shavers long ago, after discovering Harrys shavers; I use them where my electric shaver cannot reach.

ShyMan, while I appreciate good grooming, I'm trying to block the thought out of you reaching for those hard to reach spots with your Harrys shaver.

@Carmine Falcone - I didn't say that sex trafficking was permissible because they get paid more here. I said sex work is very common in Asia and the money here is very lucrative for many women to volunteer coming here. I doubt we will ever be given the true story of these women. They have been trafficked and that's that. It might be part of plea deal if they turn on the spa management.

A Diversionary program sounds too much like those old communist re-education camps.

@hungry101 - Brazilian sex mores seem to me to have evolved from Portuguese men colonizing without bringing Portuguese women. Combined this with the polyamorous nature of the natives. This isn't hard science. Just a thought.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Hey, EagerLawyer is based out of New England. Perhaps he could represent Robert Kraft.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Patron, I guess we'll never know. You're right that there is incentive for some massage parlor women to paint themselves as victims. But if they could simply walk away, why does it take lying to the police in order to do that? I'm not privy to how MPs work but the story of forced sex work for Asian women has come up enough that it's not a comfortable idea for me to visit one. Just wanted to address it because it came up organically, but this thread is actually about Kraft getting nabbed for something that's illegal only because of pointless moralizing in 2019.

Hungry, I saw the ad and it wasn't a big deal to me. I've been a Gillette user for a while and I can't quit now because I bought the Fusion months ago so I have to be on board against toxic masculinity for my check book alone (dry joke).

But seriously there are plenty of stupid ego, testosterone-driven things we men do. Rose Delacourt told me men at her gym are friendly with her but cease chatting when they see her lift heavier than them. I've worked with guys who say they will kick the shit out of a gay guy that hits on them. Well, have you tried just not fucking the gay dude? Bravado & machismo aren't solutions to every problem. At the same time, you have to assert yourself sometimes lest you be seen as a fop. I was at a restaurant once waiting for my car when a couple was being followed by another guy. Some near altercation had happened in the parking lot and as they approached the entrance, the solo guy called the woman a "Cee yoU Next Tuesday." Here's exactly what the woman's date said and did to the offending guy: nothing.
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