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Next Great GT in Sin City


  • Agency: yes I will be attending

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Agency: maybe I will be attending

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .


Mar 31, 2005
I think porter should get the prize
he worked for sucess of GT and yet was not recompensated....
I vote for porter getting the prize

Thank you, but the prize is for the community. The point of the GT was to get both sides together. No need for recompense.

However as a consumer group, we sure like getting kicked in the teeth .. ::(

In any case I will be organizing another GT , sometime in September ..

Again to all that helped , contributed, and supported this event, I no we thank you :)



PS, Yes Ariana never confirmed that she would attend, I respect that.


New Member
Aug 29, 2004
Rive-Sud de Montréal
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Thank you Porter

A bit late here, just wanted to thank Porter for going through hurdles and time to organize this GT. It was a fun filled evening meeting and interacting with all of you.

The location and atmosphere made it more intimate place to talk and share with one and others. Unfortunetly the weather was not that great and was probably responsible for some cancellations, c'est la vie.

Has always, the ladies were charming and mingled with us so we could get to know them a little better and decide if we wish to met them later on. This is one of the main reason attend. The end result for me is that I will certainly meet some of these ladies that attended.

It was great meeting Joe.T, Tex, Simon, Porter, Champs1000, Lurker, Baldhead, Mr.First, WideOpen (or is it Open wide ? :D - Just kidding), Vancouver Tim and the Legendary Sapman99. Sorry for the ones I forgot, I truly enjoyed talking and sharing with all of you.

Again a great evening, thanks to Porter.

Looking forward to met you all next time


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Thanks for a splendid organization!

My hat goes off to Porter and Bruce34 for making this happen.

The VIP room at Sharx, I thought, was ideally suited to the event:

- downtown location
- semi private
- pretty barmaid
- food available
- so many pretty young ladies playing pool in the public area, working girls just cannot look out of place there

I was so very happy to meet some members for the first time, a GREAT pleasure to finally shake Tex's hand, and a renewed happiness to bump into Regular Guy! All the other members I had a chance to talk to are fantastic people, this group can really dispel the preconceived notions about "typical punters". Ladies, THANK YOU for putting some wonderful colour in an otherwise gray evening. I felt privileged to be there with you!

As far as the agencies that declared they were either attending and-or sponsoring the event and did not, well, frankly I am not so surprised. Many agency operators are still treating this business like a criminal endeavour, and therefore are not looking much beyond the next day. Notions of proper customer respect and service, and assumptions that "we will not notice" or "we have the girls, they will call anyway", are hard to dispel. There is a major readjustment taking place in the industry, and agencies have reacted to the departure of American clients by raising prices for the remaining ones :eek:. That alone has got to tell you the prevailing mentality... It's only a matter of time before some agencies and indies start operating efficiently in this new paradigm, and they will certainly get my attention. Some already have ;).

Porter, I think it's great news that you are planning to put another event together. I will be more than willing to help out. This time, maybe we can charge admission to the agencies for the privilege of making their pitch to an audience that actually is availing itself of their services... And don't change the location, that place is great!

See you soon.
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Just came back.

I am one who wanted to be there since the beginning but the friday before would have been better for me.

Although I could not confirm my presence even until the last minute, that's why I didn't. I hate saying that 'for sure' I will be there and having a last minute hick.

So hopefully my work will permit me to be there on the next one in September.

Again, if I go... I will confirm.

One question though (I didn't read all the threads about GTs and I didn't ask any questions about it at the last minute) since my hick was my work ( of having to 'escort' two beautiful girls that aren't Sps but very sexy and fun to be with...)

Could I bring them or one of them at the next GT or is it better not too ?


New Member
Mar 28, 2004
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Job well done Porter!!

This was my first GT and certainly not my last. It was nice to put some faces
to the names and mingle,gossip,boast,complain, but most of all have fun.

Porter, speaking for myself I found the location (VIP room at Sharx) to be
an excellent location that provided some privacy from the rest of the club, and the downtown location close to Crescent street and my Hotel (Nouvel).

Keep up the good work and I look forward to the next one.

Mr First

Sex Maniac
Nov 14, 2006
Nice GT

Salut a tous les Merbiste,

Vus qu’il ne sait rien écrit en français sur le GT de vendredi dernier au Sharx j’ai pensé relaté mon expérience.

Premièrement je tien a remercier Porter pour son travail j’ai déjà organiser des party dans ma vie et je sais que ces beaucoup d’ouvrage et je lève mon chapeau a Porter c’étais très bien la salle étais parfaite juste la bonne grandeur 2 tables de pool, écran de TV, Bonne musique, Petit coin plus tranquille avec des sofa pour pouvoir jasé.

Etant donné que ces mon premier GT je ne peux pas comparé avec L’Hôtel de la Montagne mais je crois que la salle VIP du Sharx est parfaite pour ce genre de réunion.

Ce qui est le fun dans tout ça ces que maintenant je vais pouvoir mettre un visage sur certain tread que les merbiste vont écrire. Je suis bien content d’avoir eu la chance de jaser avec les Hobbyiste je veux pas tout les nommé de peur d’en oublié. Et aussi certaine dame dont SweetMaria, Miss KiKi et la très belle Judy, sans oublié Parfumdisabelle qui étais accompagné d’une amie qui se nomme isabelle et non les moindre Tracy et Ronnie de Touch of Class. Maintenant que j’ai vue et parlé avec certaine d’entre elle je vais sûrement avoir la chance d’en rencontrer plus intimement dans un avenir rapproché.;)

Deux des raison pourquoi je voulais aller au GT premièrement ces pour rencontré d’autres merbiste avoir la chance de jasé un peu avec eu autres, et deuxièmement rencontré les SP Indy’s ou D’Agence.

Mais ce qui ma le plus déçu ces les AGENCES:mad: qui post sur Merb et Merc comme Devilish, xxxtase, Mtl Geisha, Candy’s Delight, Woman of Passion, Girls on Fire, Mtl Hot Angels, Mtl Sex City, Satin Dreamz, Hight Class, Eleganza, Toute ces agence la veux avoir notre CASH mais quand ces le temps de nous rencontré ils on pas le temps je trouve que ces rien de prendre une heure ou deux et de venir avec une fille ou deux de l’agence pour venir nous jasé et je suis sur que certaine fille aurai avantage a venir et se faire connaître en bout de ligne ils serai peut-être booker plus souvent et si la fille travaille plus l’agence fais plus d’argent aussi

En espérant qu’il vont être plus présent au prochain GT en Septembre.:confused:


New Member
Jul 31, 2006
The next GT

Well here we are in mid-september and no developments for a GT?
Porter, I'll help if you tell me what you need done.
Anyone? Anyone?



New Member
Jan 6, 2008
Whenever this is planned... count me in!
Are we going to do Sharx again? I think that location was great!

How about a Holloween Party or themed or something like that? I think that would be fun...


New Member
Jan 6, 2008
For sure Bitch!!! I would love to!
And I hope to see you there too Tex... We should get this thing rolling!
I would do another door prize!
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