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NHL off season thread (trades, signings, etc…)

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
wanna bet 2 drinks and 2 dances from a Lady of choice at Cleo's on that? or you gonna pull a bawk bawk bawk like a fellow scabbie fan we know of here?

But in the playoffs, this false balance or parity ends up being exposed for the farce it is when the teams that are really good destroy teams who shouldn't have made the post season to begin with. Not that the Leafs will have to worry about that. ;)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
not always true, once you make it into the playoffs, ANYTHING can happen..... it is not always the top seeds who get to the Finals or make it deep into the playoffs,..... heck even if the lowly Scabitants make it to the playoffs ( :D ) even they could get on a hot streak and win some rounds...... but then again, there is not alot of hope being held for that poorly run Gainey Orginization now is there? ...... and dont think that the great savior in Markov will majically take them from avg or below to above avg... possible but i wouldnt bet you car on that my friend

But in the playoffs, this false balance or parity ends up being exposed for the farce it is when the teams that are really good destroy teams who shouldn't have made the post season to begin with. )

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Wow!! Montreal gets beaten by the Minnesota Wild at home!!! Classless as usual, the hypocrite scabs fans booed Guillaume Latendresse, of all people...who never even asked to be traded. Just goes to show....the scabs fans are the most hypocrite fans in the entire NHL!! (and the least knowledgeable)

Bravo Minnesota! Bravo Guillaume!! Way to show that sad-sack outfit (one of the most boring teams in NHL history, i may add) how to play hockey! :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008

With yet ANOTHER loss by Les Scabitanst tonight at the newly renamed "smell centre" (after whats been playing there every night can you blame them???? :eek::eek::eek:) the Scabs are now only ahead of the WORST team in the NHL, the Carolina Hurricanes for most losses in the ENTIRE LEAGUE!!!!!! ....... and for techman and cairo who like to include overtime losses as a loss as well, ,.... they have 21, and only one behind toronto which had most of their OTL early in the season....BWAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!! at this rate Goscabsgo will never get up from under the "wagon" ......... :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
this post from the TSN boards pretty much sums up what i been saying about boring bob

As a proud Habs fan, seeing this result just makes me sick. I've been saying over and over again. Gainey never made the right acquisitions from the DAY he arrived. Time for him to go. I've watching this go on for too long. And right now it's at the point where something's gotta give. 36 games in and we playing like chickens with no heads. So many mistakes were made with this team, and now we are stuck with Gomez who seems to be lost every time he hits the ice and Gionta, who for god knows why, has been injured for half the season. Cammy has paid off, and he was worth the paycheck. I said at the beginning of last season's off-season, Gainey should have started to re-build this team from the ground up. Not throwing money around like there's no tomorrow. Now this is not all Gainey's fault. Obviously the players need to start playing like a team. We have one great 1st line in Cammy, Pleks, AK. Gomez is playing like an under-achieving 3rd liner that is just playing for his name... One word to described this season so far. PATHETIC! I'd be happier to see us lose and knowing we gave our 100%, but i haven't seen that so far this season


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
who will get fired first?

Gainey or Martin????? i say Martin, as Gainey will let him go soon if the Habs lose 1-3 more games in a row, ..... who's your money on Hockey fans?

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
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You guys should both be ashamed of yourselves. There's intelligent discussion and then there's this nonsense that comes from people that sound like 12 year old little immature boys. You're almost turning me into a Habs fan. Pfffttt.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
i knew you would try to ruin my fun tonight, ,,,,,PFFFFFTTT! just for that, the next time i TOFTT and she's got extensions, im gonna tell you she doesnt! :p...... payback is such a bitch ya know? ;)

You guys should both be ashamed of yourselves. There's intelligent discussion and then there's this nonsense that comes from people that sound like 12 year old little immature boys. You're almost turning me into a Habs fan. Pfffttt.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Yeah maybe he should just delete this thread like another frustrated hockey fan I know would do. :rolleyes:

Which thread got deleted? I must have missed that.....

Anyways, if GHG would decide to delete THIS thread, it'd be in his right (as the thread starter) to do so. I'd surely hope he'd have valid reasons to do so, though. But he never posted what he did and/or didn't want to see in his thread when he first started it, so i doubt his reasons to delete it would be valid.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
go back and take a look at some of the stuff scabs fans were saying when the Leafs got off to the horrible start,.... if ya cant take it, dont dish it out.... as the mods have said, this is the one thread they allow poking fun back and forth in, none of it is done with malicious intent and all in good spirits.... we are FANS! this is what fans do... cheer for your team and poke fun at the teams we dont like, big deal.....


I'm Back Baby!
Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
Which thread got deleted? I must have missed that......

That goes without saying Doc, having a memory and being a Leaf fan are completely incompatible. :D

But he never posted what he did and/or didn't want to see in his thread when he first started it

So you should go back and edit your official thread to read "only Leaf fans can provoke and cry to Mods here" :rolleyes:


I'm Back Baby!
Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
I see a certain dimwitted parrot felt targeted by my "cry to the mods" reference. I'm impressed you were able to catch that. :p

Now go thank whoever loosened the chin strap on your tard helmet for making it possible. :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
That goes without saying Doc, having a memory and being a Leaf fan are completely incompatible. :D

So you should go back and edit your official thread to read "only Leaf fans can provoke and cry to Mods here" :rolleyes:

If threatening to close the thread because people kept breaking the rules i had put in when i first created MY THREAD, so be it. I'd do it again in a flash. If some of the posters (e.g. GHG) would only have followed those rules & not keep on breaking them after having been warned over & over by the mods, he never would have got suspended. All he had to do was to bring his trash talk to this thread, which is the thread HE started.

Now, no need to insult Iggy just because he's made you realize that your team is among the worse in the NHL. It's also possibly one of the worse Habs teams ever! Hey, i know the truth hurts, but come on....give the guy some slack.
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I'm Back Baby!
Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
Now, no need to insult Iggy just because he's made you realize that your team is among the worse in the NHL. It's also possibly one of the worse Habs teams ever! Hey, i know the truth hurts, but come on....give the guy some slack.

I never named Iggy in my post, why do you assume I meant him. :D Are you calling him a retarded parrot? :confused: If so then not cool Doc considering he's you only Leaf ally and highly inappropriate on a FUCK BOARD board where everything should be serious and where proper language is requisite. :rolleyes:

BTW my last name is not Molson so the Canadiens are not my team, I'm just another fan of the greatest hockey franchise in the world. :) A fan who's expectations have been actually surpassed this year considering they played the whole year without Markov and more than have the year without Gionta. Last year without Markov the Habs played for .350 and this year they are .450. With his return on Saturday and Gionta's possibly next week the Habs will make a serious run at first place in the division thanks to Boston's and Ottawa's injuries.

As for your poor Leafs, obviously they can't play any better than they have recently and yet they are still out of the playoffs closing in on mid-season. :p Then of course should they lose Kessel or Kaberle to injuries during the Olympics, Taylor Hall will be apartment shopping in the Boston area sometime around St-Patrick's Day. :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
If so then not cool Doc considering he's you only Leaf ally and highly inappropriate on a FUCK BOARD board where everything should be serious and where proper language is requisite. :rolleyes:

Spelling errors get on my nerves.

A fan who's expectations have been actually surpassed this year considering they played the whole year without Markov and more than have the year without Gionta. Last year without Markov the Habs played for .350 and this year they are .450. With his return on Saturday and Gionta's possibly next week the Habs will make a serious run at first place in the division thanks to Boston's and Ottawa's injuries.
I'm tired of hearing that "Markov has been out all season" excuse constantly being used for the Habs sorry state. He's a good player, yes. Bobby Orr, he's not. There are many better defencemen in the league. Bergeron has replaced him offensively. Probably better than Markov would have been. Defensively, Bergeron sucks & Markov is better. But the problem with the Habs is not defense. It's scoring goals. They wouldn't have scored any more goals with Markov in the lineup. Maybe even less. So i can't see how Markov's presence in the lineup will make any difference on that sad-sack team who's an embarrassment to its history. Gionta's absence has hurt the team much more than Markov's injury. You can't win games by constantly being outshot ever night & scoring less than 3 goals a game. I've heard people say that Carey Price is letting in soft goals. Well, when you're constantly facing 40 shots a game, its no wonder that the poor guy is getting worn out! [/QUOTE]

As for your poor Leafs, obviously they can't play any better than they have recently and yet they are still out of the playoffs closing in on mid-season. :p Then of course should they lose Kessel or Kaberle to injuries during the Olympics, Taylor Hall will be apartment shopping in the Boston area sometime around St-Patrick's Day. :D

Your lack of hockey knowledge is obvious. There's no way that the Leafs will finish last. Taylor Hall will likely go to Carolina. If i'm you, i'm hoping that the Habs continue to suck, so they have a chance at Taylor Hall. That's the only way that the franchise will recover since Gainey has capped the team out by signing the smurfs & doing the Rangers a favor by getting Gomez off their hands (and mortgaging a part of the team's future in the process). The Habs won't even have enough money to re-sign Carey Price after the season is over. If they do find a way to re-sign him, it's likely bye-bye Andrei Markov after the 2011 season ends. Why? Because the team is committed to 3 high-priced smurfettes for the next 3-4 years. I doubt they 'll be able to re-sign Plekanec because of this reason. No more money! As for the Leafs losing Kaberle, it won't matter. He's not even their best defencemen and the Leafs are deep at that position, which the Habs are not. It's a team's fault that they have no depth. The Habs are to blame for their sorry state if it's caused by the Markov & Gionta injuries. By the way, if Gionta has such an impact on the offense, he'd be the first 2nd line player to have such an impact on a team. Yes, 2nd line player. That shrimp has never been a first-liner, nor will he ever be a legitimate first-liner.

Want to know the real reason why the Habs can't score any goals?? Jacques Martin hockey. I've told you guys from day 1 that Jacques Martin's brand of hockey would put all of you guys to sleep by now, and i was right. Luckily for you guys (and him), you can blame it on the injuries.
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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
and for techman and cairo who like to include overtime losses as a loss as well, ,.... they have 21, and only one behind toronto which had most of their OTL early in the season.... :D

That's MISTER Cairo to you.

I'm glad you realize however that your beloved Laffs are still worse than the habs...and since you constantly remark how bad the habs are, then the Laffs must REALLY suck.
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