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NY Gov Spitzer linked to Prostitution Ring

Question: Should Spitzer be Prosecuted?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 28.8%
  • No

    Votes: 37 71.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Oct 11, 2005
Spitzer Must Be Prosecuted

banger said:
Spitzer Fights to Avoid Charges After Resignation (Update3)
The Patriot Act requires a vigorous prosecution of ex-Governor Spitzer. If the Feds fail to prosecute him, the next time a would-be terrorist is hauled in by the law his mouthpiece will argue that Spitzer was not prosecuted for money laundering, etc. and "Are you racially profiling my client 'Mohammed X'"? So, in order to safeguard this important anti-terrorism tool, Spitzer must face a full scale prosecution.

Eliot Spitzer

New Member
Mar 10, 2008
infanticide said:
I interned for Spitzer almost 5 years ago at the AG's office, and he was as straight laced as you could possibly get. He overheard me talking about a strip club once at an office party and took me aside and had a discussion about discretion with me. I wasn't hired the following summer.

At an office party? Not like you were on the job, right? What a dick! And a hypocrite. Bet you're having the last laugh now.

Eliot Spitzer

New Member
Mar 10, 2008
EagerBeaver said:
I agree. I don't think that Spitzer will be prosecuted for anything, although I think the IRS may be concerned about all the publicity being given to the "structuring" that he did with his transfers, which is potentially prosecutable. Obviously the IRS does not want to be beaten out of reportable income by people doing what Spitzer did; the problem though is that Spitzer used his own money and was not beating the IRS out of anything.

There has been some discussion in the news about the money lately. Spitzer most likely used his own money for the ho, but they say he may have used taxpayer money for the train ticket. That could get him in even deeper doo doo.

Also, they're talking about what the NY bar committee might do with his law license. As has been said already, this isn't about sex, its about a lawyer in a position of public trust who deliberately and repeatedly broke laws he was sworn to uphold.

Whether or not prostitution should or shouldn't be legal isn't the point. Besides, if he ever does get prosecuted, it won't be for participating in prostitution but for any number of other things. Right now they're still waiting for all the facts to unfold.

Eliot Spitzer

New Member
Mar 10, 2008
CaptRenault said:
Harvard Law School professor, Alan Dershowitz, is one of my favorite liberals (along with Regnad/Rumpleforeskin and a few others :D ). I like Dershowiz, though I don't always agree with him, because he is truly a man of principle. He holds dear the principles of liberty and freedom and he often opposes the government when it meddles too much in the private lives of citizens..

Well, that's very nice, but this is NOT the same Dershowitz who kept his mouth shut whenever a Republican faced the same situation. Hell, Mark Foley didn't even have any sex and he was ousted over a few lurid IMs to a congressional page. Not a peep about fairness, privacy or enforcement of overbroad statutes from the esteemed Dersh. He's a fine lawyer, but make no mistake he's also a partisan shill who picks his battles for political purposes.

Eliot Spitzer

New Member
Mar 10, 2008
Doc Holliday said:
Tracy Quan. She was actually raised in Ottawa, and decided to become a prostitute at the age of 10 after reading Xaviera Hollander's "The Happy Hooker". A few years ago, a former hdh sp gave me Ms. Quan's first book "Diary of a Manhattan Call Girl" as a birthday present. I still remember her words as I was unwrapping one of the gifts she had given me: "If you want to get to know me better & what i'm all about, read this book." I might have read a third of it. Ms. Quan's book was a success & she later wrote another one.

Never mind why a 10 year old is reading a book called "Happy Hooker" check this out, from another interview with her:

"..Information is a resource. What you do with it says a lot about your intelligence, integrity and agility. It's more important to be trustworthy than to be honest...."

LOL! Only a woman could ever think like that!


New Member
Mar 10, 2008
Governor Spitzer coming to Montreal

Too bad the good Governor didn't know about what we have to offer here in Montreal.He could have saved himself lots of money and trouble.
Granted he may have had to take a french lesson crash course.
Cherie,Mon Amour,Ma Belle and Quatre Pattes and he'd be good to go.


New Member
May 23, 2005
That's easy. He has something to trade, and she didn't. He resigned as governor, which is a huge bargaining chip. He might even agree to forfeit his law license, though I doubt it unless it is the only way to avoid prison.

What'd she have to up her stupid TV show?

Equanimity said:
How can they go after Martha Stewart and not go after this guy if they have any kind of a case?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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bumfie said:
He might even agree to forfeit his law license, though I doubt it unless it is the only way to avoid prison.

The Grievance Committees in NY and CT usually do not work out deals with attorneys who have criminal cases pending, with respect to possible administrative discipline by the Committee. Depending on what is charged, they will usually await the outcome of a criminal proceeding to determine what permanent action to take with respect to the attorney which is usually reprimand, presentment for further discipline, suspension or disbarment. If there is a felony criminal conviction a suspension or disbarment is usually automatic; if there is a felony proceeding an interim suspension could be imposed.

However, I assume a prosecutor could demand that the attorney simply resign from the bar and waive reinstatement as part of a deal. I have heard of this happening.

A few years ago I was present in Court to witness the reinstatement proceeding of an attorney who had been convicted in federal court of bank and mail fraud, served time in jail and had been suspended from the practice of law. He was required to apply for reinstatement under these circumstances. These reinstatement hearings are painful to watch. The State Bar Counsel has powers which are prosecutorial in nature, but ultimately a judge decides the fate of the attorney at such hearings. In essence it's like a Courtside trial.

I am licensed in both NY and CT and in one other state, and I would fight to the death if anyone ever tried to take my licenses in any of them. And you can rest assured Spitzer will fight vigorously to keep his license. He needs to keep his options open and the ability to practice law is critical to many possible things he might be doing in the future.
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Doc Holliday said:
Quite true. I still don't really know what all the fuss is about concerning Spitzer. It's not like he was behind the prostitution ring....he was simply a john, like all of us. Why should he resign from office because of his indiscretions? It's all b.s. in my opinion. Doesn't America realize that men need sex & the easiest way to obtain it is to pay for it? :mad:
Hello Doc,

Sure, so what if he was "simply a john". But he also violated the Mann Act which bans interstate transportation of females for "immoral purposes." Then, aside from having been New York Attorney General and all that means about upholding the law, there is the immense hypocrisy element of all his vigorous prosecutions centering on fraud, price fixing, and business ethics. Hey, if he wants to pay women for sex maybe he just shouldn't be holding public office. We all know what politicians are really like, but when they get caught breaking the law they should be made to account for committing crimes they are supposed to be preventing. I'm a Democrat and I still say...he should pay for his offenses.

Doc, is it really too much to ask that public servants sworn to uphold the law actually DO IT!

Expel and prosecute him,

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Nov 25, 2005
This is Spitzer going after Grasso about an affair with his secretary

NEW YORK POST: November 6, 2007 -- FORMER New York Stock Exchange Chairman Dick Grasso was secretly grilled by investigators about whether he'd had an extramarital affair and fathered a love child, a new book reveals.

In "King of the Club - Richard Grasso and the Survival of the New York Stock Exchange," out today from Collins, CNBC correspondent Charles Gasparino writes that the questions were posed last year during a grueling deposition as part of a 2004 lawsuit filed by then-State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer.

The suit, which is still unresolved, seeks the return of more than half of the $190 million compensation given Grasso during his eight-year tenure as chairman on the grounds that it violated state laws governing not-for-profit organizations.

While much of the testimony was eventually made public, some was not - including a tense back-and-forth in which Avi Schick, then Spitzer's head of nonprofit investigations, suddenly got personal. Gasparino writes that Schick asked the long-married Grasso about his relationship with "a woman named Karen Ross, the sister of someone Grasso described as his 'best friend growing up.' Ross had sent Grasso . . . e-mails that made Schick believe that she and Grasso were more than childhood friends, that they'd had an affair, according to Grasso's attorneys and others involved in the case.

"Adding to Schick's suspicion about their relationship were documents that Spitzer's investigators discovered showing that Grasso had paid part of the college tuition of Ross' daughter," the book says.

Schick then asked Grasso "point-blank whether Ross' daughter was related to him 'in any way' - in other words, whether she was a love child. Grasso's attorney exploded: 'I just don't think it's an appropriate subject of examination. It has nothing to do with the case. And it's private information!' "

Gasparino writes, "Schick asked again. This time, Grasso looked at his attorney, who nodded that he should answer. Grasso then flashed Schick that famous Grasso death stare and answered, 'No.' Grasso was exhausted but happy that he had survived the ordeal."

Grasso's lawyer, Gerson Zweifach, did not return our call for comment.
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New Member
Jun 19, 2006
Korbel said:
Hello Doc,

Sure, so what if he was "simply a john". But he also violated to Mann Act which bans interstate transportation of females for "immoral purposes." Then, aside from having been New York Attorney General and all that means about upholding the law, there is the immense hypocrisy element of all his vigorous prosecutions centering on fraud, price fixing, and business ethics. Hey, if he wants to pay women for sex maybe he just shouldn't be holding public office. We all know what politicians are really like, but when they get caught failing to uphold the law they should be made to account for committing crimes they are supposed to be preventing. I'm a Democrat and I still say...he should pay for his offenses.

Doc, is it really too much to ask that public servants sworn to uphold the law actually DO IT!

Expel and prosecute him,


Didn't the agency transport her, or rather she transported herself? Something tells me if that statute is limited to women, it wouldn't pass constitutional muster today, given it's basically singling out women as inferior creatures that need protecting, not really an important governmental interest given it's based upon an old belief that women are incapable of making decisions on their own. If that act is really from 1910, women also were unable to vote back then too, hence the society that made the law thought women were inferior beings, in need of "protection"


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Roland said:
Hi Korbie,

I agree with the Doc on this. I never understood why they went so far after Martha Stewart and now this guy.So what.He's a human being.

He resigned. I guess that's not enough.When I read this stuff, I am sooooooo pleased to live in Canada.
Even with the snow.



Not surprised.

The concept of integrity is lost on some people.

Like stuffing ballot boxes - Cook County in Chicago would be a single example, which then translates into allowing friends to having extra votes since this is not as bad as actually stuffing ballot boxes.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Elected Officials

Korbel said:
Doc, is it really too much to ask that public servants sworn to uphold the law actually DO IT!

Expel and prosecute him,



You miss a very obvious point. There is a major difference between a public servant who IS HIRED and the governor of a state who IS ELECTED. A governor is elected.Once someone is elected to a position the standards are raised.

Perhaps a few other hypocrites will resign as a pre-emptive measure and save themselves the embarrassment.
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Nov 25, 2005
Is there anything in the Mann Act that prohibits “inducing and persuading a woman to cross country borders “, like Canada /US for example?? :eek: I’ve read that Spitzer has been hobbying for a decade and has seen escorts in Florida. I’m sure he’s been to Montreal…:D

I have no problems with him seeing escorts. I am against legal prosecution of prostitution and favor legalization. But, in Spitzer’s case he is a politician and former attorney general. If he wasn’t such an outspoken crusader against the same vices he obviously shares with those he prosecuted for prostitution, I would give him a pass.

If we are ever to change America’s attitudes and perceptions and most importantly laws about prostitution we can not have the politicians that make our laws, subject us to those laws without they themselves held accountable under those same laws that they are upholding.
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Eliot Spitzer

New Member
Mar 10, 2008
CaptRenault said:
Dershowitz may be many things, but he is not partisan, nor is he a shill. The word partisan means excessive, biased loyalty to a party or cause. And we all know what a shill is. :rolleyes:

Dershowitz quite often takes different sides on issues that divide the left and the right, Democrats and Republicans. As I said, he holds certain principles dear (even to the extreme) and he follows those principles to a logical conclusion, wherever that leads him. He may be annoying, egotistical and argumentative, but what good lawyer is not? :D

Although it's debatable whether he is a shill, Dersh is most definitely partisan.

Partisan Par"ti*san (p[aum]r"t[i^]*zan), n. [F., fr. It.
partigiano. See Party, and cf. Partisan a truncheon.]
[Written also partizan.]
1. An adherent to a party or faction; esp., one who is
strongly and passionately devoted to a party or an

You should have seen how he blew up when Geraldo asked him, back during the Lewinski scandal of '98, why Clinton should not just step down and let Gore take over. I thought Dersh was going to pass out - "It's not about Bill Clinton or what he did! Republicans are EVIL, white supremacists..." It was pretty funny to see him lose his cool like that.

Unfortunately, he rarely takes different sides. Even the most basic sources can cite it:

"...Dershowitz is noted as a liberal and civil libertarian and an outspoken commentator on the history and politics of Israel...."


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Minor addition

banger said:
Is there anything in the Mann Act that prohibits “inducing and persuading a woman to cross country borders “, like Canada /US for example?? :eek: I’ve read that Spitzer has been hobbying for a decade and has seen escorts in Florida. I’m sure he’s been to Montreal…:D

I have no problems with him seeing escorts. I am against legal prosecution of prostitution and favor legalization. But, in Spitzer’s case he is a politician and former attorney general. If he wasn’t such an outspoken crusader against the same vices he obviously shares with those he prosecuted for prostitution, I would give him a pass.

If we are ever to change America’s attitudes and perceptions and most importantly laws about prostitution we can not have the politicians that make our laws, subject us to those laws without they themselves held accountable under those same laws that they are upholding.

Believe the initial Mann Act had a qualifier of "under 18". Which is why Chuck Berry was prosecuted.

Eliot Spitzer

New Member
Mar 10, 2008
CaptRenault said:
Here's the "definitive gallery" of photos of Ashley, AKA Kristen:

Gosh, someone went to a lot of trouble to comb through Myspace. If you look through them, I think her page from Emperor's Club is up there (lied about age - big surprise). I still don't see how she's worth more than a couple of hundred per hour.

But if there's one lesson in this, kids: do NOT use myspace to brag about your life!


Mar 3, 2006

General Gonad said:
Larry King is interviewing a former SP right now.

And why do I have this funny/queasy feeling that Larry's only got her booked on the show so he can drool over her and maybe try to hook up with her after the show - LOL. :rolleyes:


Mar 3, 2006
True ...

EagerBeaver said:
Obviously the IRS does not want to be beaten out of reportable income by people doing what Spitzer did; the problem though is that Spitzer used his own money and was not beating the IRS out of anything.

... but I'm sure they're really damn interested in where his "play money" went and who failed to declare it as income.

The owners of the agency, and most likely the women at the agency, did not report incomes anywhere near in the range of the dollar figures that have been mentioned by the media.

How does a 22 year-old justify making $5 grand or $10 grand a week?!?

And how can the agency hide transactions in the range of 5 or 6 figures on an ongoing basis without eventually drawing attention to themselves?

The weak link in the chain is exactly how they finally took down Al Capone way back when. There's only so many ways to hide all that money.
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