Montreal Escorts

Official 2007-2008 NHL Thread


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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joelcairo said:
40 years ago Montreal vs Toronto would have been good. Now it's a battle of also-rans.
That’s half right – Toronto would certainly qualify as an also-ran! But Carbo has nos glorieux playing some inspired hockey on their way to a playoff birth and a long post season run :D


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
You're either using a very odd definition of the word "dominate" or you didn't see the same game I did. But then again, considering you believe there's no difference between losing 7-1, and 2-1, I'm not surprised. :)


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
So what happened to your GLORIEUX's & their CARBO INSPIRED hockey? Even the RDS announcers were praising the Leafs after the game & rightfully stated that not only should they have beaten the Devils last night after dominating them, but they managed to dominate the Habs tonight without key players such as Darcy Tucker, Bryan McCabe & Kyle Wellwood in their lineup. Way to go, Leafs!!!!!!!!

Go Leafs Go!!

It's a pretty sad reflection on the Leafs that the 3 stiffs you mentioned are considered key players in their lineup. That alone shows how hopeless TO is.

Meanwhile it is not at all surprising that they beat the habs, another bunch of also-rans. I do have sympathy for MTL however as they did not have the one player who would have guaranteed them a victory: Andrew Raycroft!


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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Doc Holliday said:
So what happened to your GLORIEUX's & their CARBO INSPIRED hockey?

Blow Leafs Blow!!

Big deal, so the Maple Losers win a 1 goal game - with the Laffs second goal on a fluke deflection and a soft third goal Huet should have had - start planning the parade route in Toronto!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Doc Holliday said:

What has amazed me the most about Canadiens fans over the years was the knack for always coming up with excuses & not admitting that they lost fair n' square to a superior team on a given night. Oh yeah, also how easily they turn on their team when things aren't going good (okay, someone can make a case about the same thing happening in Toronto).

Right you are Doctor. Fans in both cities specialise in excuses and laughable dreams.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Enjoy it while it lasts. A typical Habs season is like an ice cream cone in the hot sun: it seems good at the start but then the meltdown comes and leaves you with nothing but an ugly, sticky overpriced mess.

Of course, it was different in the distant past. Right up until the late 70s Montreal had a good team. Sadly it's been pretty much a write-off for most of the past 30 years (except for the two one-man miracles by Patrick Roy in 86 and 93). Give them credit however: at least they haven't sucked for as long as the Leafs.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
I must admit that it was very enjoying to watch them choke against the Senators today when they blew their lead with a few minutes left in the game & wound up losing the game on a Chris Neil goal with just a minute or two remaining. Cough! Cough! Cough! :D

Now that's being unfair Doctor. It was more a case of an untalented team losing to a very good one. The Habs arent chokers, they just can't play very well as shown by the fact that they can't even beat the Leafs. (Who says I don't stand up for the Canadiens?)


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
When they've been leading for the whole game & then let the opposing team score two goals with less than 5 minutes left in the game, that's choking, even if they would have played against the former Soviet Union's Red Army hockey team. :rolleyes:

It's sad to see the terrible effects nitrous oxide can produce. By your logic (sic) a team can play way above its head but when reality intrudes the team is choking.

To see how silly this concept is Doctor, just imagine this scenario: The Toronto Maple Leafs are leading in a game - against an NHL team! - and later end up losing. Did they choke? Of course not - give them credit for defying the odds of God, mankind, logic and probability for X number of minutes until the world was again properly aligned in the cosmos. Don't downgrade their noble effort by saying they choked.

It's a question of ability Doctor, and the Laughs and Hab-Nots just don't have it. Any time either team is EVER ahead is a modern miracle, so don't accuse either squad of choking when the miracle stops. And please, stop inhaling before serious damage is done.



Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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Toronto Maple Laff fans don’t have much to brag about – a meager 7 wins in 18 games and a league worst 65 goals against. By the end of the regular season the Toronto Maple Losers will be on the outside looking in while the Habs find themselves in the playoffs – book it! :D


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
It must be torture to be a Leaf. Every morning you wake up hoping that you will be traded. And if that does not happen, you at least hope that Andrew Raycroft will be traded. But no...your torture it has continued for all Leafs for FORTY years! As bad as Montreal usually is, they at least usually have a decent goalie (and at least they haven't been useless for FORTY years).


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Doc Holliday said:
But if they continue playing like they've been & their goaltending has to play over their head night after night & getting bombarded, they'll ruin them.

Huh? How many Habs games have you actually seen? Aside from last night, they've hardly been "bombarded" as you suggest. In fact this is what occured LAST year, when they had a very good beginning of season, but kept winning because of goaltending despite allowing 40+ shots a game. Not so this year. They still have good goaltending, but are much better on defense and are allowing fewer shots on goal, and fewer second chances.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Doc Holliday said:
Yes, Montreal has a very decent goalie. Actually, they have two. But if they continue playing like they've been & their goaltending has to play over their head night after night & getting bombarded, they'll ruin them.
JustBob said:
Huh? How many Habs games have you actually seen? Aside from last night, they've hardly been "bombarded" as you suggest. In fact this is what occured LAST year, when they had a very good beginning of season, but kept winning because of goaltending despite allowing 40+ shots a game. Not so this year. They still have good goaltending, but are much better on defense and are allowing fewer shots on goal, and fewer second chances.
Justbob, Doc,

The numbers are as follows:

In 17 games played so far in 2007/2008, the total number of SA is 522 (avg. 30.7 per game). In this department, Montreal ranks 24th (

After 82 games played last year, the SA/G was 32.7 which ranked 28th. (

I'm letting you two draw your own conclusions.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Yes, I'm aware of the stats. There's not much difference between 30.7 and 32.7 but I was comparing last year's beginning of season with this year's. Last year they kept winning games because of goaltending, despite beeing outshot by wide margins. They might have given fewer shots as the season progressed, but this was offset by the injury to Huet, and having to rely on mediocre goaltending by Aebischer and Halak. And this year, with SA/G = 30.7and SF/G = 30.2, you can hardly call that beeing outplayed. And also note my mention of "second chances". You can shoot all you want, but if you get few shots from the slot and few second and third chances, you're not going to score many goals. And this is because Hamrlich/Markov/Komisarek is the best trio of defencemen the Habs have had in years.

Now compare that with The Leafs: SA/G = 31.6 and SF/G = 31.1 (not much of a difference), and ask yourself why the heck they have allowed 27 more goals than the Habs. :)
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Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts