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Official 2014 NHL Offseason Thread

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Jul 26, 2005
Same here, especially Bolland for that kind of money and with a gimp leg that many never see him get back to the way he used to play. He can talk all he wants and say he "will be" 100% by camp but truthfully, nobody knows until the results are seen on the ice.... See Ya Dave, always liked you but not for 5.5 per.

Raymond was a great player for $1 mil, but not 3 times that. We have enuf young guys that can graduate from the Marlies to take his place and dirt cheap.

Funny: not too long ago you were proclaiming these 2 to be the new saviours of your perpetual cellar dwellers.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Adding Polak and Robidas and getting rid of Gleason and Hopefully Franson is a big step forward

So it's "a big step forward" to get OLDER, SLOWER. and have cap space taken up by a guy that's no longer on your roster (a guy, by the way, that you traded a DECENT player, JML, for just several months ago - you must remember, because at the time, you LOVED the deal)?

You know, I think there's a future for you as GM of the Leafs. You seem to possess all the same abilities as Burke and Nonis.:thumb:


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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Saw this on some another threads, from Leafs fans on today's moves which pretty well sums it up (my favourite comment in bold) :

Massive stroke in the main office. Lost out on any top prospect. Now in a worse position than last year which was the most disappointing season ever as a leaf team. Burke, Nonis and now Shanahan have collectively gutted this franchise for at least a decade. Team is now neither good enough to make the playoffs nor bad enough to get a top draft pick.

What exactly is the plan here? I see movement with little purpose.

They let Mason Raymond go and Bolland, why bring back Frattin? What is really in the minds of Shanahan and Nonis. I wish we could trade GM's

A 37year old D man to a 3 year deal? Pour quoi?
Also, didn't Jerry D. have a strong season with the Marlies and Frattin a poor one in the King's organization? Befuddled again!

Did they do a google search on Robidas before they signed him? He's 37 years old!!!

Disband the Leafs, start new clubs teams in Markham and Hamilton, double the fun.

What makes you think that Nonis (Phaneuf, Clarkson, Gleason) and Shanahan (Polak for Gunnarson) will do any better?

the leafs are getting older. does no one want to play in T.O

Leafs got worse on UFA Day. Is that possible?

Another wasted July 1st.

What drugs are these guys on ? And yet the USELESS pylon Phagoof remains !!!!

Frattin? He was a healthy scratch for LA and ended up with 2 goals total last year. Even Clarkson got more than that.

Leafs go into next season with the current team, they will finish behind the Panthers.

First day of free agency and Toronto's GM is on a plane to Helsinki. They should just fold up the tent.

I think the Leafs should trade Brendan Shanahan This team is going down the dumpster and what about letting TJ Brennan go. What the heck they didn't even give him chance. I guess they figure that Matt Fratin will lead us to the promised land.

Centre icemen, we have two at best, most of the better teams have four, I hope Nonis is working on this problem.

So far though, I'm not impressed. Frattin, Komarov, and Robidas? Big deal

komarov, frattin, lfmao ... talk about going back in time rather than looking to the future. At least they won't have to compete with florida for the basement next season.

Even Komarov was so uninterested in playing for the Leafs that Nonis had to go personally beg him to take $12 Million to join the country club.

I normally don't like bashing GM's but on paper this team is going backwards...first we are losing 5.3 mil on Gleason for the next 4 years and then what is the sense of drafting good players only to trade them for players that couldn't play for Carlyle before...D'Amigo never got a proper chance under Carlyle...it sure looks like I won't be subscribing to the Leafs channel this year..

The guy has broken the same leg twice in the same year... That should sound off alarm bells....

Leafs get older, slower, and less offensive.

Frattin is a classic example of how the Leafs overrate players ... And yet the fool Nonis gets him back !

Stephane Robidas = Francois Beauchemin part 2. I do not see him doing too much with the leafs.

Extremely disappointed that this appears to be the best they can do. Just spending money because they have cap space...not making the team any better.

Stephane Robidas? 37 years old? 3 years at $3 million? I don't get it!

Robidas was very good 10 years ago.

somebody wanna wake up Nonis. Not looking good in Toronto.

Let me get this straight. Nonis/Shanahan just signed a 37 yr old defenceman who's had two major leg injuries in less than that many years, to a 3 yr deal? Have fun with that.

37 years old?? back to the bandaid solutions. Un believable . I was looking forward to seeing the Granbergs, MacWilliams or Perceys. I guess they will all move on as did Harrison, Kronwall and Stralman.
Whats the point of drafting if you never use these guys. I feel for you Holzer.....

wow the leafs get older can you imagine that, they loose raymond to bad, got rid of boland yeah now if the can get rid of phanuef and clarkson this team will not make the playoffs next year wow

Simply put these moves are total garbage,D,amigo seemed like a useful player and giving a 37 year old a three year deal, wow.

3 million is a lot of money for Robidas, and signing him (aged 37) for 3 years makes zero sense. It's becoming easier to not cheer for this team.

It is so very hard not to be totally disillusioned with the efforts by Leafs management to make this team competitive. They are acting as if all they need is a tuneup when they need not a complete overhaul but at least a significant one. There had better be a big centre coming down the pipe. And I don't mean Legwand.

Makes no sense, letting Gleason go with 4 years of future cap hit and sign a 37 yr old guy for 3 years at 3 million per season. I just don't get the Leaf management thinking. Every year the same disappointments.

AAAAAAAAAAugh! Sorry, I do that whenever I see the Leafs make a move like this… which is every summer.
I thought Shanahan was supposed to bring sanity to this team.

The Leafs free agent policy reminds me of the 19th century American immigration policy: "Give us your sick, your poor, your injured, your old, your under-performing ....", and the Leafs will give them three years at three million dollar a year. Toronto is the last choice of destination for players who have a choice. When will this team learn that they can't pay big bucks to small talents and expect to compete against teams that pay their players what they are worth? Eight more years of failure coming up for the leafs, until Kessel's awful contract expires.

I'm surprised to see the Leafs sign a free agent as young as Robidas. Wasn't Chris Chelios available?

Either no one wants to go to Toronto (i.e. Jorges), or they don't have the players with talent to trade. Another sad season coming up.

I am very, very surprised no one sees what is going on here. The last Stanley Cup won by the Glorious Bleu et Blanc, in 1967, was with a bunch of senior citizen hockey players. As we approach the 50th Anniversary of that hallowed event, MLSE has decided, "Hey- it worked once before and we have tried just about everything else, so why not?. The sheep will buy-in as they always have." Coach Randy is being fitted for his fedora as we speak. Johnny Bower has been contacted. Happy Talk Season has officially begun. Happy Canada Day!

One more signing and the whole team qualifies for AARP membership!

Look at the money MLSE will save with the whole team qualifying for "Early Bird Specials" while on road trips.

Leafs TV...... CANCELLED

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I was told by an insider earlier today that 95% of free agents approached by Detroit refused to sign there even though the wings offered them more $$.

Can't blame them. After all, who'd want to settle down in one of the worst cities in North America? A city infested with criminals & poverty. The so-called 'garbage dump' of the United States? One of the crime cesspools of the world?

Nope, not surprising at all that most NHL players refuse to play there unless they don't have much of a choice.

No wonder Mike Babcock will be coaching the Leafs next season.


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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I was told by an insider earlier today that 95% of free agents approached by Detroit refused to sign there even though the wings offered them more $$.

Can't blame them. After all, who'd want to settle down in one of the worst cities in North America? A city infested with criminals & poverty. The so-called 'garbage dump' of the United States? One of the crime cesspools of the world?

Nope, not surprising at all that most NHL players refuse to play there unless they don't have much of a choice.

No wonder Mike Babcock will be coaching the Leafs next season.

Truly the words of a very bitter, extremely jealous and perpetually frustrated Leaf fan.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Just found out that Dan Boyle refused $12.5 million for 3 years from Detroit in order to sign with the Rangers for $9 million.

Seems no one really wants to play in Detroit other than the Sheldon Kennedys & Todd Bertuzzis of the world.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Just found out that Dan Boyle refused $12.5 million for 3 years from Detroit in order to sign with the Rangers for $9 million.

Seems no one really wants to play in Detroit other than the Sheldon Kennedys & Todd Bertuzzis of the world.

Your "sources" might have let you down Doc. Kennedy and Bertuzzi will not be with the Wings next season.

But maybe Kennedy will sign with the Leafs. He's about the right age for them. He and Robidas would get along great.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Cant say I bame them, I have been there and true happiness is seeing that hell hole in your rear view mirror! Bertuzzi? That thug is still in the league?
Just found out that Dan Boyle refused $12.5 million for 3 years from Detroit in order to sign with the Rangers for $9 million.

Seems no one really wants to play in Detroit other than the Sheldon Kennedys & Todd Bertuzzis of the world.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
They might not be able to keep Alfredsson

Maybe the Leafs will approach him - he'd also fit into their new strategy of getting older.

On second thought, Alfie has too much class to go to a loser organization like the Leafs. Like Josh Gorges, he'd undoubtedly REFUSE to play for the biggest laughingstock in all of professional sports.

Hell, Gorges even agreed to go to Buffalo (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but STILL refused the laughable Leafs!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Bertuzzi? That thug is still in the league?

If you followed the sport you'd be aware that he was in the league for a DECADE following the sole transgression of his career, which was when he played for VANCOUVER. After joining the supremely classy Detroit organization, he saw the light and became a model citizen...quite unlike such former players as Tie "Sucker Punch" Domi, Dave "Kisser" Williams, Brian "Spinner" Spencer or John Kordic - who, coincidentally, all played for the Leafs.

Ask a hockey fan to tell you how the Leafs got Kordic. Wait, I'll do you a favor and save you the time of trying to locate someone who knows about hockey: The Leafs, in one of the many moves that contributed to their 47 YEARS of complete and utter failure, traded Russ Courtnall for Kordic. Was that as bad as Raycroft for Rask?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
No wonder Mike Babcock will be coaching the Leafs next season.

If your pipe dream ever came true, it would be a classic case of someone going from the penthouse to the outhouse.

More likely, Doctor Babcock would emulate Josh Gorges and flat-out REFUSE to go to the execrable Leafs.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Your "sources" might have let you down Doc. Kennedy and Bertuzzi will not be with the Wings next .

You missed my point (of course!). Lol

My point was that the Wings have become a haven for sexual degenerates & criminals over the years.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You mean like a city whose mayor was virtually stripped of his powers and became a constant punchline on late night talk shows?

Politics aside, Toronto easily remains one of the greatest cities in North America, if not the world. Toronto is THE hockey town. :thumb:

As for Josh Gorges, considering past rumours about his sexuality, he probably would have preferred to play for the Red Wings. :lol:


New Member
Oct 31, 2012
You missed my point (of course!). Lol

My point was that the Wings have become a haven for sexual degenerates & criminals over the years.

I believe you are incorrect. The city was Toronto and the team were the leafs ( well, indirectly ).

There was an employee at maple leaf garden's who molested boys.

I have never heard or read anything of what you have just wrote about the Wings.

If you thought it was funny...well...keep your day job as a leaf's fan where you do poorly, as well.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I have never heard or read anything of what you have just wrote about the Wings.

One of these days when you feel like learning something, you should head to a library (a place where they have books to read) and look up Sheldon Kennedy's autobiography. And if you have some spare time, log out of merb and google Todd Bertuzzi/Steve Moore and learn how a goon nearly killed a much smaller person intentionally. You'll walk out of that library a slightly smarter person. ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
An insider just told me that Detroit made a considerable offer to Thomas Vanek, but he chose less money & less term to sign with Minnesota.

On another note, i just learned that the player Mtl had agreed to take from Toronto if Gorges would have agreed to waive his no-trade was RFA Cody Franson.
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