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Olympics Thread


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Eager, Rankings are not about medal counts, its gold what matters, then silver, and finally bronze. If its just medal counts, then you are saying that a medal is a medal and gold is the equivalent of a bronze. By Olympic Committee regulations, Canada was 3rd in 2014.

Medals count for something. Canada had 10 golds to 9 for the USA (1 more) yet the USA won 3 more medals. What you are illogically saying is that those 3 medals mean nothing, and what it all comes down to golds. If that is the case, then the other medals shouldn't be awarded because, according to you, they don't mean shit. We can now just award gold medals according to your revisionist Olympic plan.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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By the ways, where is the love for Norway, which has a population of 5 million yet finished with more medals than Canada (population 34.88 million) with all of the population of both countries located in cold weather sports areas? The truth is the Norwegians dominate the Nordic skiing events much like the Netherlands dominates speed skating because the populations in those countries are obsessed with those sports.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Good point. What are the medal stats on the summer olympics, say for the last 20 years? Just curious.
Take a look at a map and tell me how much of that population lives in an area where winters sports are actually played in the winter. Have you ever been to the USA?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The Germans were the dominant country that fell. I don't recall the USA ever dominating the Winter Olympics over the Germanies and USSR which were always the traditional powers. Also your post is rather ignorant since the geographical areas you refer to are sparsely populated. Do you even know what the population of Alaska is? The population concentration in the USA is far away from areas where winter sports facilities exist. And most of the sports in the USA that are played at the high school level are not played in the winter olympics except for hockey. Hockey is only meaningful in the USA in the New England states and the upper midwest. This is not a heavily populated area. The greater Boston area and Minnesota/Michigan are the only real hockey centers in the USA and even in those areas, the best athletes play football, baseball and basketball.

The Netherlands coach was critical of North American athletes for focusing on violent sports like football. In the USA football, baseball and basketball siphon off the best athletic talent in the country and the winter sports get those that are left out of the other sports to some degree.

Youth hockey programs have improved but there is still not enough top athletes due to the other sports taking them.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I think everyone is missing the point of being in the Olympics...

Sportsmanship, and the Privilege of getting to participate

Does it really matter who came in first all the time ?


Best Regards



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Mar 18, 2005

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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I think everyone is missing the point of being in the Olympics...

Sportsmanship, and the Privilege of getting to participate

Does it really matter who came in first all the time ?


Best Regards


Ahhh don't sweat it Smuler, let them gloat. It's the least we can give them when there hasn't been a sniff of a Stankey Cup in the entire country of Canada in 20+ years!!!! Hahahahaha.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Take a look at a map and tell me how much of that population lives in an area where winters sports are actually played in area where there is actually a winter. Have you ever been to the USA?

I totally agree & the same could be said of China. 1.4 billion in population and only 3 gold medals.


Aug 25, 2013
Ahhh don't sweat it Smuler, let them gloat. It's the least we can give them when there hasn't been a sniff of a Stankey Cup in the entire country of Canada in 20+ years!!!! Hahahahaha.

I am from canada but i have been a huge redwing fan all my life but if my beloved redwings get eliminated from the playoffs i then would like to see the cup return to canada but the truth of the matter is, that is a ways off from happening as there is no canadian team strong enough to win the cup right now and i don't see any canadian team that is really even close. About 8 to 10 years ago ottawa was an elite team but never get it done and more recently vancouver was at the top of the league for 4 or 5 years but never closed the deal and there window of opportunity like ottawa's has passed them by. So people who want to see the cup return to canada are going to have to stay patient because it is not likely to happen in the next 2 to 3 years.


Active Member
Aug 24, 2011
You can get a lot of different opinions and interpretations in regards to which country finished 2nd, 3rd, or 4th

actually, there's only one interpretation and it's by gold medals. it always has been. only the US does the medal counts. everyone else including the IOC does it by gold medals


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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So if only gold medals count why award the other ones? Does it make sense to award one medal that counts and two medals that do not count? So stop awarding them if they mean shit.


Aug 25, 2013
So if only gold medals count why award the other ones? Does it make sense to award one medal that counts and two medals that do not count? So stop awarding them if they mean shit.

For medals there should be a value system on them like 5pts for gold, 3 for silver and 1 for bronze and at the end of the games the country with the most points would be declared the winner. This would make sense to me. Say if a country had 10 golds but no silver or bronze and another country had 9 gold, 10 silver and 10 bronze, why should the country with 10 golds win.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Ahhh don't sweat it Smuler, let them gloat. It's the least we can give them when there hasn't been a sniff of a Stankey Cup in the entire country of Canada in 20+ years!!!! Hahahahaha.

Oooooooooooooo OUCH! No mercy there.

Does it really matter who came in first all the time ?


No. I enjoy the individual stories and get caught up in what many had to overcome and what they put into it to get to the top. Often nationality is irrelevant. I have national pride too, but falling back on national medal counts seems outdated at times, even archaic, even if it still matters to me. Often that overall count is related to disproportionate advantages like money investment, better facilities and training advantages. Give me a good human story, not a more or less predictable outcome because of those advantages.

Take a look at a map and tell me how much of that population lives in an area where winters sports are actually played in area where there is actually a winter. Have you ever been to the USA?

If we are going to nit pic about medal counts Jayknowsbest is partially right. With the population, money, and facilities potential the U.S. should be doing much better, as I noted a few pages ago. However, what Jay skips is that Canada is a winterland country most of the year, as EB pointed out, so their medals parity with a much larger country with much less winter sports emphasis should be no surprise. For a fair comparison against countries with like priorities Norway, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Germany, Russia etc, would be much closer. Given the population size potential Norway kicks everyone's ass over and over.

Also, Jay can boast about winter medals golds, since it's convenient, but I'll bet him (figuratively speaking) a years worth of escorts it won't be nearly convenient at the summer games. Going on Jay's populations proportions basis Canada should do no worse than 1/10 the U.S.. So how did they do in 2012. Canada was 36th not 10th to the U.S. 1st in medals counts...and had only 1 gold compared to the U.S. 46. I take it you weren't going to bring that up... huh Jay. :eyebrows:

BTW - If a natural born American hadn't married a Russian and used that citizenship to win 2 golds for them because of the lack of funding in the U.S. the U.S. would have more golds than Canada.

By the ways, where is the love for Norway,...

This is my third post of Norway love. Norge er Utrolig - Norway is Incredible.




Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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