Sweet Angle Smile
Montreal Escorts

Poll: Not enough black SPs?

How interested are you in seeing more black women SWs in and around Montreal?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

That will never happen on Merb. Here the fetish is for pure laine White girl. Exotic lovers are best to seek elsewhere.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Not sure why you compared all of Canada to Montreal. Montreal has the second largest amount of blacks after Toronto with 11% blacks. If you check Humpchies types of sites, MPs, stripclubs there are many black girls in fact a higher percentage of them enter the sex work industry due to poverty. But you will not find them on any Merb agencies for the reasons I already stated.
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Active Member
Jan 21, 2020
There are black providers if you look for them. For those with less volume paying the price to advertise here is restrictive, and i don't say this to be a dick, but some women avoid the boards because of some of the really explicit and often invasive way ~some~ reviewers write about us. Try Tryst, leolist and indy companions site. But of course the more restrictive you are on body types you'll see and the more services that are musts for you, the less options you'll have for any race.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Leolist and Humpchies is mostly scam. I checked Indy Companion and there are very few Blacks I think I saw one or two only. But it is difficult to make a booking with an Indy since there is a lot of info and screening asked for example like wanting a reference from another escort. I am usually in the stripclub scene and with them shut down I have no way to give a reference.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I follow a bunch of American black escorts on twitter that are GORGEOUS. I would certainly book them or black SPs who look like them if they worked here. I am mostly drawn toward busty and athletic escorts (so that goes for black escorts too) but if the face truly catch my eyes, i can certainly go in the "curvy" category. My preference is merb agencies personally in general because its easier and less costly (a text to James or Sam etc does it, and price is around 240/h) so as a whole i am less drawn toward indies in general cause of those reasons but when i spot one that is absolutely beautifull, and offer the services i like (confirmed) i can shred the 350 or even 400 if i really really wanna see her (but obviously that price is once in a while only).

That being said there is few black providers as a whole in Montreal at least gravitating around merb, and the few there is sadly do not show face unlike those black SPs i mentioned from the US above. I find it harder to gamble 350/400 if i don't see the face. I think all indies i ever booked either showed their face in photos or i met time in person so i know what they look like.

But some women avoid the boards because of some of the really explicit and often invasive way ~some~ reviewers write about us.

LOL tell me about it. The reality is this business is perceived so differently from the 2 sides, at least by a rather surprising large number of indies.

I love reviews on merb, they have been a superb help to me for the many years i been using these services. The ammount of details is actually important for some of us. Especially in a blurry business like this one where one provider may be happy to answer all questions on services while another one will be offended at the mere mention of "is service X available?" and im talking basic service or usual extras, not something prohibited. I don't see it as "review culture", but just an usefull tool for booking. If i was a rich old man and saw 2/3 SPs per week, i wouldn't even care for reviews, if it goes south "meh" .. no worry, should be better next time in 3 days... But its not my reality. My reality is i save a few months to be able to pay myself what i expect to be a GREAT time. I can't afford for it to be bad. There is always the 2 side of an argument of course. An SP may say its her livehood and not her problem if i "can't afford" it, and on my side ill say that "yes i can afford it" but sporadically and i put every things i can on my side for that specific booking to be great. I would do the same for a vacation for instance, if i can only afford one in a year, ill make sure i find the perfect match for me.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
You make good points and it is all good unless you are someone like me who prefers Black girls. Black girls among the agencies is almost non existent. Even on Indy Companion I only saw two Black Indys. Crystal Carter is in Toronto often and Adele Beaumont I do not know if she is accepting meetings yet. I saw no updates.

As for reviews the explicitness is what makes them so useful. I want to know what service I will receive. Indys expect to be paid upfront but if I do not know what kind of service I will get then I am not down with it. The one thing I like about Indys is that I can communicate directly with her and ask that way there are no frustrations. Me personally DFK is a must. The rest I am flexible with. I will not book any escort if DFK is not on the menu. So reviews help me not waste my hard earned money.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2020
I didn't mean the listing of services there's a difference between "she offers bbbj and has good DT skills" and "i fucked her throat raw and she took it like the good little slut she is" if you talk about me like this I will never see you again, period. I personally have hard boundaries on what i do and don't do, my only ymmv would be how much I'm willing to talk to you outside of bookings or how willing I am to accommodate you outside my regular schedule.. but some providers are more ymmv for various reasons on services, so they don't like having them listed out because then other clients might expect those services. Its really awkward when guys have a script they want us to follow, going with the flow will always get you the best experience because we are able to get in to it better when it flows naturally.
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Sep 17, 2011
Pretty much agree with Mike here.

Customers should be able to have their "safe space" where they are able to discuss the subject without worrying about what the girls think. Its part of the game. Just like professionnal sport comes with people arguing about players. Its a way for us to share about our passion. We enjoy seeing girls and we enjoy talking about it.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2020
You have the right to post whatever you want, and we have the right to not see you because of it ;-) luckily for me my clients have respected when I asked them not to be vulgar when discussing me.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Last time I checked this was called MERB. Montreal Escort REVIEW Board. If you do not wish to have yourself reviewed you can have a no review policy.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2020
I suggest you reread what I said, I never once said I don't want to be reviewed. I never even said I don't want the services I provide mentioned, if my clients want to list off services that's totally fine. If they choose to disrespect my boundaries and write a vulgar review then I just won't rebook them. I make it clear at the end of our first appointment that they can write whatever they want just not to be vulgar as I don't like it. What they choose to do after that is their choice and how I choose to respond to it is my choice.
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Personnaly I would definately like to see more cultural variety in this business. I' ve seen nice and beautiful women all around the world(not just sw, mostly civilians). I am always in admiration of the beauty women bring in this world, and I'm not just talking about their physical beauty.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
I voted it didn't matter. but in fact I wish there were more options, because when I think back about my experience.... oufff

messed up my vote


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
There are excessively beautiful black women.

I like it, because in general they have big luscious lips.
As well when they open their legs and I see a beautiful pinkish sex, it excites me.

Unfortunately I haven't met many of them, I'm not sure why. I think it's like being oblivious I'm inclined to go with white ones.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
Trina @ XO, OMG!! She was definitely the hottest black woman I've ever been with. Where did you go?!?!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I like it, because in general they have big luscious lips.

I know that is why I love to do DFK with them. Lol

Unfortunately I haven't met many of them, I'm not sure why. I think it's like being oblivious I'm inclined to go with white ones.

Because on Merb the members like White girls and it seems especially with Americans being Quebecoise seems to turn them on. Weird. Look elsewhere for Black girls not on Merb is all I can say.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Trina @ XO, OMG!! Where did you go?!?!?!?!?

Not enough Merbites were booking her. There was also Cardi same problem. Merbites are just interested in snow whites. See I asked about Jasmine sexy Black girl on Vogue no one reviewed her yet. As soon as my schedule alligns with her I will TOFFT.
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