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Possible Canada federal election this spring


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
O'TOOLE questionné 11 fois sur KENNEY et sa volte face en fonction de la situation alarmante en Alberta A REFUSÉ DY RÉPONDRE....évidemment une question délicate quand on veut le vote des Albertains y compris ceux des opposants aux vaccins et passeport
vaccinal nombreux en ce coin de pays....MAIS quel manque de LEADERSHIP incroyable...veut on vraiment un tel leader ?????? ...risque fort d'en payer le prix dans d'autres coins du pays.... ;) my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney’s reluctant decision to implement COVID-19 restrictions quickly became an issue on the federal campaign trail.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau hammered Conserative Leader Erin O'Toole for his previous support for Kenney, while O'Toole tried to change the subject.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
SONDAGE LÉGER--18 SEPTEMBRE......PC 33....LIB 32...NPD 19....Les Libéraux ont perdu 5 points en cours de campagne.....sont maintenant au coude-à coude avec les Conservateurs...on risque fort de se coucher tard Lundi soir ;) .

Au Québec....LIB 33.....BLOC 32---merci au débat anglophone :confused: ----PC 19.....NPD 11.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
CANADA---TIME TO VOTE....vote RED--BLUE--ORANGE---GREEN o_O ....but vote.....c'est un précieux privilège que nous avons....we can make a DIFFERENCE..and no excuse.....beautiful weather all over the country...so....today we vote.:)


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Good.....but you know what?...i really like to vote the exact day of the elections...pour moi c'est une tradition even if i know could b longer....just to b in the mood and b part of this special--unique day ... :) this morning it was a great summer day and only a 10 min.walk....BUT indeed ---peu importe le moment---l'important est de faire son devoir de citoyen....et après on aura le droit de critiquer...lollll


Merb reviewer
Dec 27, 2020
I voted today but I was really annoyed with the long lineups.

The concept of going to an assigned polling station is dumb


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Do you have to show government ID like a license in order to vote?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Do you have to show government ID like a license in order to vote?
I did it by mail for myself and an elderly relative.
You need to set it up on line and they send you a voting kit.
For me one ID with photo was enough to attach, for her needed 2 different ID because she did not have a drivers licence.
There is along list of acceptable ID.
Dropped it of at the address that I could have mailed it to to make sure it got there.

If you vote in person you have a voter card that was sent to you by mail which you need to bring and you need to show government ID also.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
After more than 600 millions spent, nothing has changed.
Trudeau was able to run the country witth the help of the NPD and would have been to continue for the next to years.
Complete waste of time and money !
In some votation sites in Montréal, voters had to wait more than 2 hours in line to vote.
Another proof that a useless election in the 4th wave of Covid was an idiot idea.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Fully agree....and now will do it----with NDP-- for the next 4 years for sure... ;) ..et avec 32% du vote...wow...

Tous les partis prennent bonne note de leur résultat----presque identiques à 2019--et on peut être assuré qu'il n'y aura pas d'élection avant 4 ans....avec des caisses à sec.

O'TOOLE va t-il avoir droit à une seconde chance????..difficile à prédire....n'a pas fait mieux que SHEER.... va devoir se battre pour rester en poste avec un caucus divisé.....my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Well the most useless Federal election ever. Fidel Trudope just wanted a power grab especially during a pandemic. Due to covid restrictions this will be the most expensive election which of course taxpayers will have to pay, not a dime will come out of FIdel Trudope's pockets. There were no winners or loosers but there are consequences. The Liberals lost two cabinet ministers. Trudope failed to get a majority for the second time. Even with all taxpayers money he dished out to buy votes, so many immigrants he imported to Canada (who are all Liberal voters), his position is still weak. O'Toole is also a weak leader. He gambled and tried to be a progressive but Conservative voters are not down with his progressive policies like Carbon tax, welfare, mass immigration, etc.. All in all the results are an exact copy of the 2019 election with $600 million wasted which taxpayers will be on the hook for. Any sane person after the second failed attempt at a majority should resign. As for O'Toole he should resign also. I dunno where this guy came from but Pierre Poliviere or Derek Sloan would be who I prefer to see run the CPC party. They will get my vote for sure.

On another note, we see a lack of workers across the board. Less escort ad postings, few strippers at the clubs, etc.. Today I went to the Tim Hortons on Rene-Levesque and Beaver Hall and it was closed. There was a sign that said it was closed since 14h30 due to a lack of personnel. It is obvious to me the main cause is CERB. People are getting paid as much to sit home. Why work? Escorts ad volume reduced, less strippers at the clubs. This is a FIdel Trudope created mess because all he cares about is to be reelected without caring about the consequences to ordinary citizens. Now that he won hopefully this will be the last extension of CERB. The madman is talking about overhauling EI/Welfare into UBI. Hope it does not happen because many escorts will vanish and prices will soar to levels we never seen. My two cents.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
La première victime collatérale des élections fédérales pourrait fort bien être JASON KENNEY...dans leur forteresse de l'Alberta les Conservateurs ont perdu des plumes Lundi dernier.....et KENNEY en pleine controverse sur son leadership pourrait très

prochainement devoir faire à un vote de CONFIANCE....bonne chance JASON...... ;) ....à suivre.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Petite réflexion du Vendredi ;)....pas normal que après 4 jours des élections JUSTIN TRUDEAU ne se soit pas encore adressé à la PRESSE pour faire son bilan et annoncer la suite des choses.....se pourrait-il--on jase--- que réalisant son échec d'être à

la tête d'un gouvernement majoritaire et de nous avoir plonger dans une élection coûteuse et inutile....et ne voyant pas comment il pourrait changer les choses lors d'une élection future....TRUDEAU décide d'annoncer qu'il se retire de la vie politique :) et

déclenche une course à sa succession :)....pour la mise en place d'un ou d'une nouveau Chef en 2022.....en tout cas pas normal un tel silence....c'est sûr que le Monsieur réfléchit......my 2 cents.
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