First off ... Much love to MOD 8 allowing me to make my closing comment
Secondly ... Thanks to all who sifted through all the overcomplication and break down their responses to a very simple level
Merlot ... I have reliable sources that tell me that you are a stand up guy with the ladies.
I have no doubt.
However ... I beleive that in life you get what you put in ... this whole (dare I ridiculous?) thread was based on (as a few posters pointed out) a very very basic thing ...
And as I said in my post ... I have NO REGRET and NO INTENTIONS to take back anything I said or HOW I SAID IT.
As a poster mentioned ... You could of done something on your end to make me feel like you cared. You didnt, very very simple.
Money? I would of never accepted it.
A sincere feeling that you felt bad would of been all I was looking for.
What you did was cancel 2 hours before, you would of actually done it by VOICEMAIL if i didnt answer (again... OUCH MAN) and tell me you are cancelling a ENGAGEMENT AND COMMITMENT YOU MADE 24 hours prior for a last minute change...
Umm ... Thats a nice way to say ... I know I commited to you ... but my commitment means nothing... I can blow you off for lunch.
Pretend to care man !!! LIE TO ME EVEN !! lol ... dont essentially tell me you are blowing off a commitment to hang out with a buddy who called you last second ... thats insulting and frankly NOT MY PROBLEM, BUT, I would understand if i felt sincerity in you.
You and MANY MANY MANY other members come on here and want agencies to treat you professionally, and like a real client/business would... yet in that real world a last second cancellation would have financial and/or relationship consequences. Simple. BUT in this business...
one CANT DO THAT... so we work on the honor code... or at least try to.
I beleive that any agency I am invloved in IS THAT AGENCY and does its very best to treat everyone in a professional manner and you come on here to talk about feelings? Its one or the other... and if you want professionalism... then as a normal business would have... penalities would be in place.. However, I dont have penalities because of the nature of the business, so in return I expect that a booking means something.
Again ... your "friend" if was actually a friend would of easily waited in order for you to honor the commitment and have some fun ! And what makes this worse is that it was a guy in the community if I understood correctly ? ... So there is essentially ANOTHER PERSON out there would found it ok to bail and didnt even allow you the measly time to both have some fun and honor the commitment ... hmmm I hope this doesnt become an epidemic... ill have to call Dr House.
Business is business ... and i DO NOT IMPLY FEES because shit does happen ... but dont patronize me by telling me ur blowing off a pre-determined apt for a last minute lunch... thats a kick in the nuts.
I have had people cancel pre-bookings many times ... Sheesh shit happens ... dont i know it lol
But to come on here ... and (in all do respect) cry about how the agency wasnt happy with you cancelling 2 hours before ...
Ummm... DUH !! lol ... cmon man u seem so intellignet but yet you cant process this simple fact?
You Merlot ... now that you exposed the situation BEING A LONG TIME MEMBER HAD A RESPONSABILITY more than others to do this corectly.
Did you even attempt to email me? Pm me? Text me? Skype me? Call me back?
You came on and rambled on... instead of being a fellow HUMAN (I wanna avoid saying man lol) and saying look Billy ... again im sorry and I meant no harm ... I would of probably followed with hey man ... thanks... i appreciate that and I wish you a great week!
Nope... you came on here and cried to the jury instead of trying to express your feelings with the person that you had the encounter with.
And thats what I find (ill be diplomatic here)... um ... ummmmm ....
"less than favorable behavior for an individual who has seen all of the above go by;
The Expo, the release of Thriller, La Gear, Mash, the Mullet, Mc Hammer, the Pet Rock, OJ, Milli Vanilli Pogs and all the way up to American Idol"
Im not trying to attack you here... I have nothing against you... and AGAIN ... this thread has done nothing but flood my email with people saying ...
"Billy for President" ( <- LOL that one was hilarious and from another agency)
"Wow man ... thats ridiculous... good for you"
"Why is that even public lol"
"Did he even just call you?"
It just confirms that this is being taken to a almost humorous level.
MERB is a place that is equally for clients and agencies and even though agencies cam sometimes not make the right choices on a particular situation... Clients can just as easily do the same...
You cancelled very last minute,
You wanted to even do it by voicemail,
I was less than happy,
You didnt show any remorse,
I reacted in the same way...
To the point and direct
If you wanted to let off some steam I WOULD OF BEEN THE ONE TO CALL
Not come on here and essentially accomplish nothing.
You would of accomplished much more by talking to me directly.
I would like to end on a positive note
You are welcome at ANYTIME... I stand by what I said that Pre-booking is a luxury that we do as close to prefection as one could in this business and that should be used to a clients advantage whenever it could be. But as with anything ... please be as close to sure as possible.
And I encourage you to call me ASAP and we laugh about this and even if you wish debate it... I would have no problem with that, I would enjoy it.
To all
Happy thanksgiving
I wish you and all your loved ones the absolute best.
With Love
**** This has been a free public service announcement for ****