Montreal Escorts

QOS new way of it me or MERB means Montreal Escort REVIEW BOARD???


Jul 24, 2007
I just lived one of the weirdest customer experience ever. As some of you may know, I`m a long time merbiste...but I can still be amazed! Here is the story: It’s been a week I’m trying to book Nikki from Queen of spades, I finally had the chance to book her for tonight. In the middle of the afternoon I received a message from Marika to tell me that it was not longer possible. REASON IS: MY BOSS DON T WANT YOU TO SEE HER! Cause your review about Amy was bad

I just couldn’t believe it. That’s what I call TOP of THE TOP discrimination.

Through years I had to go through customer satisfaction troubles with most agencies on Merb. It happened to me to refuse girls, I’ve never had to pay any fee for transportation or cancelation. I do consider this as “cost of doing business” (it works both ways), in this industry we’ve to deal with human nature. But most of them take this as an opportunity to improve their customer services and clean up the “wrong casting” from their line up.

- For instance devilish (and the evil empire), Chris and I are not always on the same page but he’s the first one to be responsible for his girls and make sure as clients we are always well satisfied.
- Same thing with Martin from xxxtase, I had some troubles but I’ve never been refused as a client and I can tell we have a long time business relationship.
- Satin dreamz and Montreal Sex city are in the same kind. Just Classy attitude.

From a client point of view, I don’t really care about being refused by this agency. Here in Montreal I do consider ourselves lucky to have so many reliable agencies to do “good” business with and most of them are willing to take good care of us.

From a merbiste point of view, I believe this is just incredible and completely inacceptable. MERB means... MONTREAL ESCORT REVIEW BOARD. YES! REVIEW BOARD, that’s what MERB is all about. I can’t believe some agencies are trying to “censure” merbists by using some means of pressure.

I’m a reliable reviewer and I always will. I’m here to share my experiences (good or bad) and make sure we all have a mutual benefits from our individual experiences.

Conclusion: I’m done with Queen of spades, QOS is just another “come and go” agency.
My advice to QOS: if you can`t stand reviews...just stay away from MERB, advertise in Journal de Montreal.

On my side, I ll keep doing business with reliable and fairplay agencies.

EDIT: I edited the post to include the correct link to the Amy review thread. For some reason, the link that was posted by MarathonMan led to an unrelated thread.

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Sorry to hear about your troubles, MM, and thanks for posting. I wonder how much money this action has cost QOS. Here today, gone tomorrow.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Marathon Man,

I agree with you general point about discrimination but the other side of the coin is that you have, to my recollection, posted a large if not inordinate number of negative reviews and some agencies may sense a pattern here. Perhaps you can post a link to some of the more positive review experiences you have had, if for no other reason than to assuage the reader that such positive experiences have actually occurred?

Also, perhaps the Queen of Spades would like to post to explain why MM was banned from being serviced?
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Jul 24, 2007
Due to non disclosure policy on merb, I wont edit Marika's PM but believe me the reason why I've been banned is my post on AMY. About the last good be honest with you, it's been a while I've been fully satisfied. I miss girls such as Maggy, stephanie,...
I m pretty much like you, I can t wait to have a big smile on my face! don t worry I ll report!

Marathon Man,

I agree with you general point about discrimination but the other side of the coin is that you have, to my recollection, posted a large if not inordinate number of negative reviews and some agencies may sense a pattern here. Perhaps you can post a link to some of the more positive review experiences you have had, if for no other reason than to assuage the reader that such positive experiences have actually occurred?

Also, perhaps the Queen of Spades would like to post to explain why MM was banned from being serviced?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
the reason why I've been banned is my post on AMY.

I read it and while it was not totally negative in all aspects, the comment on hygiene was pretty devastating.

I would like to see some more positive reviews from you. You are on the opposite side of the spectrum from Cloudsurf. No bad reviews from him, no good reviews from you. The two of you should meet and become the Siskel and Ebert of MERB, reviewing the same women in tandem.:D Then we would have yin and yang.
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Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
Let's not forget the agency accepted the criticism of MarathonMan. ... donc, it's hard to accept their present refusal... if they had changed their policies as stated they would have gained much by a new review of a hobbiest who previously found them wanting.

Public/pubic relations wise QOS should take a page from the book of Devillish ... after colossal screw ups that become public they end up winning over the disenchanted and they become advocates for the agency they criticized. Master strokes really.


Jul 24, 2007
Come on beaver! I also have positive reviews...:

I read it and while it was not totally negative in all aspects, the comment on hygiene was pretty devastating.

I would like to see some more positive reviews from you. You are on the opposite side of the spectrum from Cloudsurf. No bad reviews from him, no good reviews from you. The two of you should meet and become the Siskel and Ebert of MERB, reviewing the same women in tandem.:D Then we would have yin and yang.

HG Hunter

Active Member
May 24, 2005
How is it the agency knows who you are?
Are we not supposed to keep our merb handles "secret" when visiting providers?
These review boards are designed to provide a fair bit of anonymity. If you somehow let it slip as to who you are, maybe some of the blame lies with you.

Notice I did say maybe.
Feb 9, 2006
My thoughts are with you MM. Agency owners and independents can't control the reviews we write, so I can see how it might be frustrating for them, however to punish you for the negative review by denying service isn't the best way to resolve the situation either. I didn't read the review you wrote on Amy and I won't since I don't want to take sides or post further on this thread. I also have a feeling one of the mod's will soon post a response stating something like " The agencies are free to do business with whomever they like, it is their business and their choice with whom they do business etc." ;) I know this because it's a popular trend, because technically they are right, and most of all because QOS advertises on this board.

When you are in a situation like this, people are going to search through your reviews to dig up any negative reviews or comments they can (that's the miracle of the internet you know!:D ) So don't feel you have to justify anything to these people. It's just a forum. Shut the computer off, have a beer and don't worry about. It won't seem that important in a few days and maybe you'll even laugh about it.:)



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello MM,

Generally on principle this is another one it's hard to takes sides on. When putting myself in the place of an owner in business to make money it is hard to see why I should risk my business with anyone who seems hard to please from my point of view, and seems to have a consistent record of frequently writing negative reviews. You call it "discrimination" and I the owner call it avoiding an unnecessary risk.

On the other hand in avoiding this risk there is an argument to be made saying the agency is cherry-picking clients to pack the review record in their favor and hide faults. It's also unfair for an agency to act based on the view they believe the client will be negative, implying he can't be fair.

But when I read the very harsh and very crass way you chose to describe your unfortunate encounter with Amy. If you don't understand how this cancellation could happen then you need to take a long and serious look at how you express yourself. I can't blame any agency for wanting to avoid that kind of trashing of one of their ladies.

I am sorry to see this happen to you. The best you can do is report it and let others decide how they feel about it...then move on. There's plenty more out there.

Good luck,

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Jul 24, 2007
Merlot, I personnaly don't care about doing or not doing business with QOS. There's a lot of agencies willing to take my $$$ and I ve no problem to give them as long as they're delivering. MERB is a review board and as said before if you can't stand reviews, just change place.

When putting myself in the place of an owner (I'm my self an entrepreneur), I can easily say risk is part of the business but when you're asking for feedback you should be able to take it. If you can t take it, you better change your agency name into 2 of's more appropriated. Basic rules as an entrepreneur:

- take care of your clients, they will take care of you.
- one happy customer brings you one new client, one unsatisfied customer impact is 10 future clients lost.

They had a tremandous opportunity to put back a smile on my face, they just didn't catch it.

I'm contributing on this board for many years and SHILL, multiple handlers, are counteless. We all know that agencies are trying to promote themselves with very few consideration to the customers. But you can t push too far, there's limit. An agency can't use any means of pressure to keep quiet its unhappy clients. May I remind that first and foremost MERB is a review board.

Regarding my post about AMY, apologize but in my world HYGIENA is a must. Is it too much to ask? Regarding Amy, she was just a poor girl and nothing else. I do have a problem with agencies encouraging girls working dispite their bad health conditions. Amy was so scared to go back to the car without $$$$. As a member, I do have the right to review and share my experience.THAT'S THE PURPOSE OF THIS BOARD, REVIEW!

MERLOT, may be you enjoy FISH SMELL and poor hygiena.The choice is yours but it's definitly not mine. If you want to encourage such behaviour feel free to do it. MERB is a review board and if you like that kind of situation and you want to make sure we could experience the same kind of service, feel free to do so! it was a sarcastic note...:D

You may be more indulgent than I'm.
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Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Merlot, I personnaly don't care about doing or not doing business with QOS. There's a lot of agencies willing to take my $$$ and I ve no problem to give them as long as they're delivering. MERB is a review board and as said before if you can't stand reviews, just change place.

They don't have to leave here (and in fact should not) due to a bad review, sticking around and dealing with it shows some commitment.Actually, they responded professionally in my opinion.

- one happy customer brings you one new client, one unsatisfied customer impact is 10 future clients lost.

You know, I've heard that said a lot, but it is an unsubstantiated urban myth. Certainly bad reviews can cost you business, just ask Sasha Baron-Cohen about the Twitter effect + Bruno. Or restaurants about Yelp. But to assign a figure to a bad review or a dissatisfied customer is silly.

They had a tremandous opportunity to put back a smile on my face, they just didn't catch it.

I'm going to call bull on this. You got enough service to get her pants off, apparently, and they responded to your posted concerns in a professional manner. $60 was reasonable. If, instead of repeating yourself and ranting in an uncouth manner you had then contacted them directly, you might have negotiated yourself a replacement at a discounted cost, too.

Someone asked, and I will repeat the question - how did QoS come to know your MERB handle? Why didn't you call the agency right after the incident and express yourself?

I'm in the health industry and I know what I'm talking about!

I'm my self an entrepreneur

Which is it? It doesn't sound to me like you are a medical professional (nurse, doctor, pharmacist). Even if you are somehow related to the medical profession than you would know that making statements like 'she has a terrible vaginal infection' are complete conjecture without doing actual tests. There are many reasons why a pussy can have a strong smell. Yeast infections, a basic lack of personal hygiene, or things much more serious can all cause such things. Besides which, some women have a stronger odour than others, just like some men.

MERLOT, may be you enjoy FISH SMELL and poor hygiena.The choice is yours but it's definitly not mine. If you want to encourage such behaviour feel free to do it. MERB is a review board and if you like that kind of situation and you want to make sure we could experience the same kind of service, feel free to do so! it was a sarcastic note...:D

You may be more indulgent than I'm.

Merlot was suggesting, as I am, that the presentation of your review was coarse, and wrong-headed, not the actual nature of the review. I saw nothing in Merlot's comments saying anything in support of the SP and her issues. There was no reason to attack him with your response in that manner.

We get that you are upset with both the initial incident and the subsequent banning. I think you brought the ban upon yourself with your posts after the first one, instead of graciously accepting their apology and quietly discussing an additional discount rate for the next service they provide. It is certainly the right of any agency or SP to refuse service for any reason at any time. If the reasons are arbitrary or unfounded, they will lose business, do that enough and they will close up shop.

In the meanwhile, as you and others have said, you can take your business elsewhere. What more do you want? Everyone here to agree with you that QoS are the Spawn of Satan and should never be dealt with again. OK. "I think that QoS are the offspriong of the Dark Lord and I will never deal with them again". Happy?
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
MERLOT, may be you enjoy FISH SMELL and poor hygiena.The choice is yours but it's definitly not mine. If you want to encourage such behaviour feel free to do it. MERB is a review board and if you like that kind of situation and you want to make sure we could experience the same kind of service, feel free to do so! it was a sarcastic note...:D

You may be more indulgent than I'm.

Hello MM,

Please show me where I gave any indication that any client was supposed to put up with the conditions you described in your review for Amy. Clearly, it's a given that such a situation is intolerable. My only point, as YVO correctly identified, was the unnecessarily "coarse" way you chose to describe the experience.

But this part of it is not the larger problem I see. Other reviewers have been "coarse', but you went further. You essentially made a medical diagnosis without a professional degree or any medical evidence that basically trashes the ladies' judgment regarding working with a health problem and possibly giving it to others. If a client sees something questionable about an escort's health we all want to be warned. But, by labeling it a "vaginal infection" instead of just describing what you saw you presumed to play doctor professionally. Do you really think it's fair to ask an agency to keep dealing with anyone who makes damaging charges in a definitive specific medical way when he can't possibly know specifically what the condition is??? That's not reasonable in my opinion.

We all appreciate anyone who makes legitimate reports on poor conditions with an escort or bad experiences with an agency. You can do that in any style you want to, but we all need to stick to what we know is fact and not presume to do such things as make damaging professional judgments we aren't qualified to make or have no tests to prove it.

Agencies who avoid clients just because they have made a negative review should be suspect. But no agency should have to face clients who make serious and damaging unproven charges.

Good luck,



Feb 24, 2005
How is it the agency knows who you are?
Are we not supposed to keep our merb handles "secret" when visiting providers?
These review boards are designed to provide a fair bit of anonymity. If you somehow let it slip as to who you are, maybe some of the blame lies with you.

Notice I did say maybe.

Quoted for answer.

You gave them your merb handle or handled the situation that they could reconize you. I guess that if we agree that a SP can refuse let say a 'client of a certain ethnicity' they can refuse to deal with anybody. I'm not saying that you shouldnt have made the review of Amy, im just saying that they have no obligation to keep you as client.


Feb 6, 2009
How is it the agency knows who you are?
Are we not supposed to keep our merb handles "secret" when visiting providers?
These review boards are designed to provide a fair bit of anonymity. If you somehow let it slip as to who you are, maybe some of the blame lies with you.

Notice I did say maybe.

I think it is the QOS outing MM. Agency must monitor the review board and comparing MM's review about Amy with their client activities, and singling out MM.

HG Hunter

Active Member
May 24, 2005
I think it is the QOS outing MM. Agency must monitor the review board and comparing MM's review about Amy with their client activities, and singling out MM.
Then MM should be more careful about the timing and content of his posts.
This is something that has been discussed many times on the various boards. If you want to stay anonymous, be careful. Just ask Tiger.


Jul 24, 2007
First of all thank you guys for being so enthousiastic!

With a step back, my conclusion is: I got this really wrong! I'll try to take a more positive spin on this and at the same time I want to thank QOS for taking good care of my $$$$.

I'm guessing the agency is fully aware that Nikki does not provide a good service and they don t want to take any risk.They just saved me a couple hundred bucks that I can happily spend elsewhere.

QOS is a 'fly by night' operation. There are many other fish in the sea.
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