Montreal Escorts

QOS new way of it me or MERB means Montreal Escort REVIEW BOARD???


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
First of all thank you guys for being so enthousiastic!

With a step back, my conclusion is: I got this really wrong! I'll try to take a more positive spin on this and at the same time I want to thank QOS for taking good care of my $$$$.

I'm guessing the agency is fully aware that Nikki does not provide a good service and they don t want to take any risk.They just saved me a couple hundred bucks that I can happily spend elsewhere.

QOS is a 'fly by night' operation. There are many other fish in the sea.

MM: thank you for displaying such good graces on this board. It is rare to read a mea culpa, and it is a refreshing change from entrenched positions, my own, included.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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MM: thank you for displaying such good graces on this board. It is rare to read a mea culpa, and it is a refreshing change from entrenched positions, my own, included.

You do realize he was being extremely sarcastic, don't you YVO?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Sorry to jump in so late on this one, but if you simply didn't let them know what your Merb handle was, you wouldn't have had an issue.
Sep 12, 2004
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Hello MM,

Generally on principle this is another one it's hard to takes sides on. When putting myself in the place of an owner in business to make money it is hard to see why I should risk my business with anyone who seems hard to please from my point of view, and seems to have a consistent record of frequently writing negative reviews. You call it "discrimination" and I the owner call it avoiding an unnecessary risk


This is a review board to protect hobbyists from bad service from SP's and agencies...and this is what MM did and he should receive kudos not criticisms .I don't care about MM's previous posts nor how QoS might interpret them, nor their business concerns, nor that MM could have hidden his handle differently blah blah ... all of this deviates from the boards primary function
...they are making MM pay for telling the truth...that's it that's all.
The fact that agencies advertise and that there are threads on sports and so on should not 'cause us to forget that all of that is secondary to the main mission and should not 'cause us to adopt a neutral stance at all costs. MM got shafted and the least we could do is PM QoS and "protest".
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