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Quebecois cocaine cowgirls


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Before your luggage reaches the baggage carousel it travels on long conveyor belts.
Canada Border Services and Agriculture Canada both have dogs that run up and down these belts sniffing for contraband. Plus there is an RCMP dog handler.
You may never see the dogs but they are there out of sight!
There is a CBSA kennel right next to the Winnipeg airport, the handlers do not take them home like police service dogs. The dogs live at the kennel when they are not working. This is to keep their noses "sensitive".
Yes I work around the airport.
Anyone smuggling is nuts IMO.


New Member
Oct 2, 2012
Hi everyone,

I would guess that all three were mules and that they knew that they were smuggling the cocaine on the behalf of a criminal organisation.

What surprises me is the method: it seems a bit reckless to think that you can simply disembark from a cruise ship with 95 kgs of cocaine in your luggage.

Am I missing something ?



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
There are a lot of red flags on this operation and this would be the biggest one. Not sure it's easy to hide $30 million in Cocaine but once a suitcase is opened this is an easy bust and one must ask if there was a better method of concealment.

35K in one of the lady's luggage and 60K in the guy were found. You do not have much space left in a luggage with these amounts.

They most probably load it up at one of their last stops which were in Peru and Columbia.. But on a cruise ship your luggage stay on the ship, so their luggage were fine when inspected via custom at starting point. The drug was maybe loaded on the ship at one of these destination by them or local staff which they then stuffed in their luggage. We should know one day.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Before your luggage reaches the baggage carousel it travels on long conveyor belts.
Canada Border Services and Agriculture Canada both have dogs that run up and down these belts sniffing for contraband. Plus there is an RCMP dog handler.
You may never see the dogs but they are there out of sight!
There is a CBSA kennel right next to the Winnipeg airport, the handlers do not take them home like police service dogs. The dogs live at the kennel when they are not working. This is to keep their noses "sensitive".
Yes I work around the airport.
Anyone smuggling is nuts IMO.

Same deal at Bradley International Airport in Hartford. I typically fly from there and I always have a K9 sniff my balls and my luggage before I get through. I don't understand how they thought that luggage was getting through customs unless, as I already posted, this cruise line was targeted because customs was weak in the ports of call. The luggage probably stays on the ship at ports of call unless there is probable cause to do a search on the ship. I have never cruised to Australia so don't know what they do but the supplier had to know,


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I think it's more likely the girls did not know anything but if they did we will find out pretty soon!

Or the other option is
the girls were set up to take a fall and 50 times that got through somewhere else.

Set up to fail ,while Police is proud and distracted by this major bust ,something else, bigger is slipping away!

With the information at hand many speculative scenarios are possible




New Member
Oct 2, 2012
The idea that they were set up to take a fall, as a diversion, so that a larger shipment would make it through somewhere else is quite interesting. I know that this has been done in the past, in other jurisdictions.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
Hi everyone,

I would guess that all three were mules and that they knew that they were smuggling the cocaine on the behalf of a criminal organisation.

It is also my opinion. Tamine's full name that was released by australian authorities is Andre JORGE Tamine.
Jorge is usually a name given to someone who speaks spanish. He was probably the middle man doing the transaction in one of the south american destination where the ship stopped.

95 kilo is a huge weight to carry, the organisation probably made the mistake to send two more mules to help in the operation. They probably tought that 2 beautifull young girls who like to dress up and shop, it would be normal to see them carry heavy luggages.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Hello all

the supplier isn't shitting bricks right now because the girls has no clue of who he is ?



For a load this size is it possible this was a first and one time only shot by a supplier? No, I can't see that at all. A successful supplier who can put out this much product in one shot must have doing it for some time and been around for a while using numerous mules. For the supplier to let those mules have any information about himself would be multiplying the chances of being ratted out when a mule gets caught. So he'd have to be nuts to even start taking any such risk. Of course he could have gotten lazy and careless over time, but otherwise I don't see the supplier taking such an unnecessary risk at all. I doubt these girls have that information to bargain with.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Since when ?
Maybe its revealing
When someone is known to the Police age doesn't really matter ,or successful in something
A french article confirms it

Les trois accusés n’auraient aucun antécédent judiciaire.

,or successful in something
which he wasn't ,is business was closed according to the same article
L’entreprise a toutefois été radiée en janvier dernier en raison de la non-production de deux déclarations de mise à jour annuelles consécutives.

Exactly !
A perfect 63 years old nobody.
Really qualified to be a Sugar Daddy ?




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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A french article confirms it qualified to be a Sugar Daddy ?Booker

Whether he acted as a Sugar Daddy and was qualified to be are 2 separate questions. Part of his compensation as being a mule and taking on risk was to make this 63 year old nobody an amazing offer, and a paid for 2 month cruise with escorts may have provided appropriate compensation and incentive to assume the risk of being a mule.

As far as his qualifications to act and behave as a Sugar Daddy, that is a separate matter. It may be that he and his handlers had done prior similar cruises. It may also be he was an utterly unqualified person who was made an offer, knew nothing about where it came from, and was the perfect real life Sgt. Schultz who could be sacrificed by the supplier if he fucked up and got caught.

As for STN's theory of this being a diversion, why would you sacrifice that much cocaine to import more somewhere else? Biggest bust in Australia history. But did anyone notice that what they seized was not exactly a great product- 49% cocaine, meaning it was highly impure. This batch surely did not come from Walter White's laboratory because it is 2 or 3 star cheapo cocaine:

So they seized a huge batch, but it was highly impure shit. These girls were muling suck-ass quality cocaine. If they were a diversion for a bigger shipment, I hope that shipment had better quality cocaine, otherwise there is gonna be a lot of shit on the streets in Sydney.

T. E. Lawrence

New Member
Dec 9, 2011
I saw a documentary about the people that pick the cocaine leaves and leach it out in gasoline in the jungles of Columbia. They get as little as $1500-2000 per Kg.
This may have been a test to see of they can get a huge quantity through an unusual route. It may have cost $300,000 to do the test just to know if it is safe.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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One of the newspaper articles I read suggested that street cocaine in Australia fetches much higher prices than in other countries. It's not clear to me why that is the case. But regardless of the fact that it was impure 49% cocaine, which qualifies as below average product, it was going to sell for a good price.

I read an article in a Cruise journal which indicated that this bust has wide ranging implications for Cruise line security. The article I read advanced and proceeded on a theory that the cocaine did not get on the ship via the luggage. Instead the author surmised that it was uploaded with the food into the cargo hold and later transferred to the mules and their luggage. This theory would suggest inside help from either the crew or an independent contractor which services the Cruise lines.

It seems possible that this could have been a test, unless they simply didn't account for the K9 drug sniffing dogs. However any amateur traveller has seen these dogs before. When I flew to Florida in March while waiting in line for TSA scanner the TSA K9 came in and the dog did sniff my crotch and my suitcase. I travel with many medications and wondered whether any of them might cause a false alert by the dog. However after sniffing my pants and my luggage the doggie moved along. I didn't see anything cause him to alert. I would have liked to be present when that dog sniffed at that luggage with all that cocaine. I bet he let out a howl.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Whether he acted as a Sugar Daddy and was qualified to be are 2 separate questions. Part of his compensation as being a mule and taking on risk was to make this 63 year old nobody an amazing offer, and a paid for 2 month cruise with escorts may have provided appropriate compensation and incentive to assume the risk of being a mule.

As far as his qualifications to act and behave as a Sugar Daddy, that is a separate matter. It may be that he and his handlers had done prior similar cruises. It may also be he was an utterly unqualified person who was made an offer, knew nothing about where it came from, and was the perfect real life Sgt. Schultz who could be sacrificed by the supplier if he fucked up and got caught.

Hello all

In this case it can be as many questions as anyone wishes.
He failed on all .
But a very easy verification from the beginning would of revealed it .
French news paper found the information because it is public .
The guy was flat broke .

As far as his qualifications to act and behave as a Sugar Daddy, that is a separate matter.
Did he have the justifiable income ,to fool the Police ,the answer is no .



T. E. Lawrence

New Member
Dec 9, 2011
The old geezer was probably a skumbag/petty criminal type that would do anything for a buck. If it worked our he would have been on easy street.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
The old geezer was probably a skumbag/petty criminal type that would do anything for a buck. If it worked our he would have been on easy street.

French article mentioned none of the 3 had criminal records

Les trois accusés n’auraient aucun antécédent judiciaire.

The "old geezer " also had a small business deleted automatically for not producing Annual Updating Declaration
L’entreprise a toutefois été radiée en janvier dernier en raison de la non-production de deux déclarations de mise à jour annuelles consécutives.

A french article confirms it




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Absolutely, the girls were two innocent cheer leader types just there for some suntanning and an innocent shopping spree, suckered in by this scumbag.

It was previously speculated that Tamine was a higher level mule, handling two lower level newbie mules. I spent some time reading through various news articles on this story, including several not linked in this thread. One of them said that all 3 mules boarded the ship in England, it's point of origin, but police do not know if the drugs were uploaded there or in Peru or Colombia or one of the other ports of call. It's very clear that the relationship between the "scumbag" Tamine, a broke dude who had just been evicted and lost his maintainance business, and the two women, will be of great interest to the authorities.

One of the articles I read said the Australian Border Services received a tip, presumably from Canada Border Services, that all 3 of these Canadians were "high risk travellers." The translation on this may be that the Australians communicated with Canada Customs about whether these passengers on a $22,000/person cruise are persons who can be expected to be on such a voyage. The only way it makes sense and doesn't arouse suspicion is if one is a Sugar Daddy and the other 2 were his young Sugar Baby escorts. That may have been the plan, but as has already been posted, it was a matter of public record that Tamine was broke and was surely not a good candidate to be impersonating a Sugar Daddy, if in fact that is what his cover was supposed to be. I would like to point out, the girls may not have known Tamine was a broke dude, they may have thought he paid for the trip!!!!!!! And their tickets. Why would anyone tell them otherwise. My guess is Tamine was given cash by the principal and was instructed to pay for whatever the girls wanted. I believe the girls may have thought Tamine was the money man, Sugar Daddy and runner and they were just helping him out.

The last thing I read is why Cocaine in Australia has 3 times the street price that it has in Canada: because it is so hard to get it into the country. Australia is an island meaning illegal drugs cannot be muled by land as it can to the USA or Canada. There is also no way such a large stash of drugs can be smuggled in by air, through all those airports. So basically it can only be brought in realistically by boat and the small smugglers boats are easily spotted on radar. So the big Cruise ships are the targets. Because they are big and there is more room to hide things in them. As I mentioned previously I read an article on a Cruise journal suggesting the cocaine was smuggled into the ship via the trucks on the docks and not via the luggage. It was then transferred once on board. Obviously the cops will find out how these mules tried to pull it off, even if they do not know anything about the supplier.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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These girls are screwed. Take a look at this Colombian beauty queen recently arrested in China with a few ounces of cocaine.

Garotalover posted this earlier, similar story about a hot young Colombian girl caught as a drug mule in China. It is worth noting that these wannabe girls who need money are easy targets on Sugar Daddy websites. It is easy as pie for any major drug distributor to pose as a SD on a website promising airplane tickets, Cruise trips etc. What do all these girls have in common? They needed money and had a strong desire for the high life. Easy as hell to find such women on SD websites and most of them will not ask lots of questions if money and tickets appear.

Also easy to post anonymously and delete accounts and leave not much traceable evidence as to who you really are. I think all of these girls were recruited on SD websites or "Miss Travel".

The new breed of drug mules.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
it can only be brought in realistically by boat and the small smugglers boats are easily spotted on radar.

Australia has huge problems with refugees trying to sneak in on boats, their waters are watched very closely.
Good luck smuggling anything in there.

Just was cut to 49%. Would be funny if it had started out high grade and Tamine had cut it himself to make a little extra profit.
Or ifs it still high grade and the cops lied to make him look bad to his employer.
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