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Quick good bye guys

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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Ok I will go away for quite some time. Will just check my pm.

As I tell often my friend Detour and ssj before our kinky sessions we do, it's all about fun. Nothing else.

Seeing a dude living miles away coming on the board to give his shit on a local indy suburb girls did it for me. The girl was fucking never on his list. It was done purely to get me. Most probably just out of jealousy. Not fun.

In all humility I think I have done my fare share to help many here. But it's not fun anymore right now. So I will hold true to my word and come back when it will feel like fun.

And remember guys that the hobby scene in Quebec is a privilege. We have it good. Dont' fuck it up. Just have fun! :)



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Hey Jal my friend don`t let one idiot get undr your skin. I`ve been around for 15 years and lots of idiots took pot shots at me. They are gone and I`m still here.
You are one of the most entertaining and civil guys on this board. Take a few weeks break and get your sweaty ass back here...

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
You're... leaving for a girl ? Are you in love Jalimon ? Hahaha... Just kidding. Take some time away and come back when it feels like fun again :) Just dont disappear ! We like you here.

There are some truly great people on here (which is the reason I didn't leave this forum yet even though some posts make me sick), and you're one of them !

Take care my friend !


Jun 1, 2011
Respect Jalimon Respect. I’m from a long ways away and find Merb the best and most informative site. It’s because of gents like you. Totally agree Montreal is my favourite place to “partake” in this activity. The girls are just so dam authentic and Merb provides a safe place for both sides to have fun. So your right - don’t fuck it up boys & girls. Pls reconsider coming back sooner than later - your posts were (are) the best.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Wow..tout un ne l'aurais jamais crû....tu as Merb dans ton ADN.....sûrement une décision difficile....tu as une tonne d'amis te laisse pas abattre par une voie isolée..tu vaux plus que cela....tu étais notre dynamo....prends un peu de recul et reviens nous plus en forme que jamais..We will miss you BUT am sure you will b back.....en attendant wish you the best.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
It would be hypocritical if I didn't say what I tell friends and virtual friends. Don't be too sensitive. Don't look to social media for affirmation and re-affirmation. You'll be disappointed sometimes.

Anyhow, it's really cool that you have made some "real" friends here. A bunch of guys with whom you can share some laughs and get your groove on. (Did I use "whom" properly?)

By the way, I followed the Jenny in Laval thread from the beginning. The thread got off to a rocky start, but I could see the good reviews steadily come in. Jenny's now real photos look adorable. There's always going to be a disappointed customer who thinks it's his job to try to bring the reviews back to the mean. It happens on every review site. It sucks because she's a young girl trying to make a buck out in Laval. I think her MERB resume is still very solid.

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
they say "the freedom of someone ends where the freedom of another starts.." leaving for an idiot will just give him more room and step on others freedom....I think you are doing a bad move by leaving for him...but I also think you already did quite a mistake to post you are leaving because of him...

Just my thought.. enjoy is too short to let stupid random dudes ruining our fun
May 23, 2016
He is leaving merb for a while.Not for ever .He is the number one guy that finds Indy gems out there. Not an easy task.I have him under a tight leech. I have a few multiple people sessions planned for him and I to do.Will report on them.Allyssa told him the same thing . 'enjoy is too short to let stupid random dudes ruining our fun'....

still up

Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
so sad as i was reading you with great pleasure, but when fun isn't there anymmore then wtf. a friend of mine went through that phase in the past. my undertanding is that you don't need the board to do your stuff, as they need solid hobbyist like you.


Jun 14, 2015
Hey Salut l'ami!

Prends ça cool... Viens faire ton tour de temps en temps, en cachette, pour lire nos niaiseries. Prends en juste pas trop au sérieux.

La vie est courte... À bientôt!

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
If i understand correctly somebody talked shit about an indy you like, so thats why your leaving? I get its never fun when peoples trash talk about your favourites but man... don't let this affect you personally. The mods are there to correct the shot if it goes too far.

Hope your not leaving for too long, i like reading you...


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Jal, what are you doing?
You are getting too emotional about this...

First, when I saw this guy's post in your "local indy suburb girl's" thread, I thought, WTF! What a childish post he did! Just to be provocative... Pure B.S.
He probably had a bad day... As far as I know, he did that with few other friends as well in the past...

You have to develop a shell against all the shit stirrers that play their games once in a while on merb...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
You have to grow a thicker skin. Sometimes last months rude asshole is next months life saving tipster.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
If you're leaving over one guy's comments, then that person wins. Don't give him the satisfaction man...just ignore his posts and move on.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2009
par icitte
Jalimon on a besoin de partisans du Canadien ici et les médias sociaux malgré leurs défauts, sont des endroits où tous peuvent s'exprimer heureusement, ne cède pas ta place à quelqu'un d'autre.


New Member
May 2, 2017
One of the boards best, when the best get bumped by the idiot of the day, we all lose...

Jailmon: Your contributions here are among the most useful, it would be a sad day when you choose not to post anymore...

Your PM will get ambushed...

Hope to keep in touch, for you have helped me more than I can repay!


Feb 9, 2018
Well i am not sure of all that was said here but here is what Jalimon told me

Amandaxo: Heyyy what happenned ? Who is the poster who was mean?:0

jalimon: Its more then that. Its the horrible thrash indy girl gets on merb. You know its not all male who have either enough money or the confidence in themselves to see star like you. Many are happy to see less expensive average girl. Its not all about looks! ;)

Amandaxo: Oh i know i dont even consider myself to be that pretty so thats why im like yeah right sometimes ahahahh
Amandaxo: But yeah i guess i am expensive ahahah but i make X for myself

jalimon: Amanda you are the greatest i have seen in 5 years in about 6 different country ;)

Amandaxo: Realllllyyyyy??? Woah if that is true i feel deeply honored :)

jalimon: Absolute truth. Now dont take what i will write the wrong way. I see some indy's that are far less beautiful then you, yet they provide me with just as much pleasure. I see them often cus they don't cost much. These girl gets destroyed on merb because so much men are so bad...

Amandaxo: Why would i take it the wrong way ? Im sure most of these girls got mad skills ! I only started recently and they must have wayyyyyyy more experience and less blocking than me ! Ahaha for example : dirty talk , dirty dancing , even seducing ! Im more on the funny side ! Ahahaha i even envy them for being able to do all that :)

jalimon: Its like sometimes you click more for certain clients right? And i would bet most of the time their look is not really the clincher ;) its a je ne sais quoi... Its the same for us. Yes i saw stars with you yesterday but also sometimes with a little chubby indy that charges me 80$ for 30 minutes ;)
jalimon: (haha i like this discussion ;) )

Amandaxo: Ahahahahaha !:p well for me its not that much the person its more my ... physical and mental state
Amandaxo: But yeah for sure some clients are not nice so im inclined to not givw them as much a good service

jalimon: If they are not nice with a superstar like you can you simply imagine how horrible they can with other girl! Thats exactly what i am fed up of defending on merb!
jalimon: Thanks you cleared up my mind perfectly ;)
jalimon: By the way i was really shy with you yesterday. You shine big time :)
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