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Racism and SPs preferences


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May 22, 2003
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naughtylady said:
"Why" is not the issue. That her wishes are made clear and respected is. SPs are under no obligation to see any client who wishes to see them.

The objective of my original post was to engage members of this board in civil discourse per Mystique's "preference." Also it served as a forum for me to express my vexation over her decision. The question of her "why" was not my concern for it will only be speculations and conjectures. What i do find troubling is the above statement and mentality for justifing her restriction on numerous occasions. If the same reasoning was applied to Rosa Parks, i suppose she should have just respected the white bus driver's wishes and moved to the rear of the bus? How terrible would that have been! The above statement should certainly not be the last words. For it will perpetuate the notion that it is a valid excuse. The brutal honesty is it's a service industry. It makes money by providing sexual services for a fee. What they do is not a favor or courtesy. To accept this profession is to accept every aspect that accompany it.


oliver kloseoff fan
Ministry said:
The objective of my original post was to engage members of this board in civil discourse per Mystique's "preference." Also it served as a forum for me to express my vexation over her decision. The question of her "why" was not my concern for it will only be speculations and conjectures. What i do find troubling is the above statement and mentality for justifing her restriction on numerous occasions. If the same reasoning was applied to Rosa Parks, i suppose she should have just respected the white bus driver's wishes and moved to the rear of the bus? How terrible would that have been! The above statement should certainly not be the last words. For it will perpetuate the notion that it is a valid excuse. The brutal honesty is it's a service industry. It makes money by providing sexual services for a fee. What they do is not a favor or courtesy. To accept this profession is to accept every aspect that accompany it.

You have to right to ride a bus. You don't have the right to screw a chick, even if you're willing to pay for it. that's the difference.

Even if you can/want to pay for it, it puts her under no obligation.

This isn't about racism, it's about some people's delusion that sex workers are like dunkin donughts and they have a right to service.

Even if a woman is taking money, it's still entirely her call who she becomes intimate with or not.

It's taken all the restraint in the world to censor myself here, because in person I think i'd use some much more colourfull language to describe what i think of what you just posted


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Apr 29, 2004
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Suppose you manage by embarassing, browbeating, bribing or otherwise influencing the owner of an SP's agency to pressure her into seeing you despite her preference not to see someone of your race.

Do you think that you are going to have a GF experience with someone who doesn't want to see you? You are likely to waste at least a couple of hundred dollars and a few hours of your time.

Racism is a bright red herring here as the SP who apparently inspired this thread is of the same race as that she excludes. How can you deplore her wish to retain her privacy by avoiding an encounter with someone from her community?

As for situations where an SP exludes men of a race other than her own:

There are different degress of racism.

There is butchery of one race by another (as in Rwanda). There is denial of employment, educational opportunity and essential services (such as transport). I'm sure that the vast majority of us would prohibit all of the above.

It trivializes the word "racism" if we use it in describing an SP's refusal to be intimate with clients of a certain race. Is a female SP sexist if she doesn't do women? What of denial of service to very old or obese clients? I agree with elperv that there is no right to screw.


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May 22, 2003
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elperv said:
You have to right to ride a bus. You don`t have the right to screw a chick, even if you`re willing to pay for it. that`s the difference.

Even if you can/want to pay for it, it puts her under no obligation.

This isn`t about racism, it`s about some people`s delusion that sex workers are like dunkin donughts and they have a right to service.

Even if a woman is taking money, it`s still entirely her call who she becomes intimate with or not.

It`s taken all the restraint in the world to censor myself here, because in person I think i`d use some much more colourfull language to describe what i think of what you just posted

If you have taken the time to properly read my post, the issue was not the RIGHT to ride a bus but where to sit, or the RIGHT to screw a chick (as you have so eloquently put it) but whom she decides to see. I have the utmost respect for women and do not simply consider them vessels in which i derive pleausures from. And i also will never insist an appointment with a SP which does not want to see me just because i`m paying her.
I welcome your comments, but please do take a moment and actually read what is written. And i hope i will incite more than mere "colorful language" from you. For your reference i`ve included below the links to my past 2 postings which might better illustrate my points of view on this subject. Thanks.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Ministry said:
What i do find troubling is the above statement and mentality for justifing her restriction on numerous occasions. If the same reasoning was applied to Rosa Parks, i suppose she should have just respected the white bus driver's wishes and moved to the rear of the bus? How terrible would that have been! The above statement should certainly not be the last words. For it will perpetuate the notion that it is a valid excuse. The brutal honesty is it's a service industry. It makes money by providing sexual services for a fee. What they do is not a favor or courtesy. To accept this profession is to accept every aspect that accompany it.

Rosa Parks was objecting to systematic repression and discrimination.

An SP just like anyone else has the right to choose whom she has sex with. Heck I have refused people just on a bad gut feeling! Maybe I was right, maybe not, maybe it saved my life. I will never know but to remove this ability to refuse is to put SPs at an ever greater risk than they are already at.

I completely disagree with your statement "To accept this profession is to accept every aspect that accompany it."

As it stands right now, that would mean that sex workers have to accept the fact that they have less rights than the general population because they are sex workers.

Did you know that a sex worker who is a victim of violence has no access to victims compensation? Did you know that if an indy incall SP is arrested, her landlord has the right to throw her out if he suspects that she might go back into business? Did you know that women get arrested for the "intention to" solicit even if they were not seen talking to anybody but were simply waiting at a corner (for a lift perhaps?) That is presumed guilt! I could go on. Did you know that right here in Montreal a couple of years ago a street worker who was attacked with a hammer ran out from an alley to a police car only to be told "what do you expect in your line of work!"

No we do not have to "accept every aspect that accompany it." And we do not have to have sex with every client who wishes to have sex with us.



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May 22, 2003
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naughtylady said:
An SP just like anyone else has the right to choose whom she has sex with. Heck I have refused people just on a bad gut feeling! Maybe I was right, maybe not, maybe it saved my life. I will never know but to remove this ability to refuse is to put SPs at an ever greater risk than they are already at.
I completely disagree with your statement "To accept this profession is to accept every aspect that accompany it."
As it stands right now, that would mean that sex workers have to accept the fact that they have less rights than the general population because they are sex workers.
Did you know that a sex worker who is a victim of violence has no access to victims compensation? Did you know that if an indy incall SP is arrested, her landlord has the right to throw her out if he suspects that she might go back into business? Did you know that women get arrested for the "intention to" solicit even if they were not seen talking to anybody but were simply waiting at a corner (for a lift perhaps?) That is presumed guilt! I could go on. Did you know that right here in Montreal a couple of years ago a street worker who was attacked with a hammer ran out from an alley to a police car only to be told "what do you expect in your line of work!"
No we do not have to "accept every aspect that accompany it." And we do not have to have sex with every client who wishes to have sex with us.

What an horrible existence you paint for the life of sex workers! Yet i wonder if the plight of sex workers is truly that dire, so i did some research. Did you know while prostitution is legal in Canada, most other activities (pimping, bawdy-house, public solicitation) associated with it are not? Did you know under the Canadian criminal code (, independent outcall prostitution is fully protected by federal law thereby entitle victims to compensation under IVAC (Indemnisaton des victimes d'actes criminels)? Did you know under section 210 of the same code, indy incall is illegal? Did you know under section 212, law enforcement cannot arrest someone simply of only "intention" to solicit? Did you know Montreal desperately need to develop more social programs to educate the public and especially the law enforcement if they would refuse to assist another fellow human being in need? Regardless of the circumstances? But i digress; please know i completely and absolutely agree with you that everyone, sex worker or not, should use all avenues at their disposal to protect and ensure their own safety and well being. That is undisputed. But do consider the following: How is a SP's safety, livelihood, and well being threatened by someone they rejected outright without meeting due to whatever criteria she established? Is it justifiable that she uses "SPs are under no obligation to have sex with everyone that wishes to have sex with them" to explain her reasoning if her safety, livelihood, or well being is not threatened? As i wrote on my other postings, i will never insist on meeting a SP if she wishes not to meet with me for whatever reasons. But isn't the main purpose of being a SP to make money? If i'm clean, respectful, and a gentleman, would a SP honestly reject me simply because i don't meet a certain rule of hers?


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Nov 9, 2003
Ministry said:
What an horrible existence you paint for the life of sex workers! Yet i wonder if the plight of sex workers is truly that dire, so i did some research. Did you know while prostitution is legal in Canada, most other activities (pimping, bawdy-house, public solicitation) associated with it are not?

That is why I am active the the fight for sex worker's rights (which is different from the right to be a sex worker).

Yes I am very aware for these laws and how they are applied; usually it is the SP who ends up befroe the courts, almost ten times as often.

Ministry said:
Did you know under the Canadian criminal code (, independent outcall prostitution is fully protected by federal law thereby entitle victims to compensation under IVAC (Indemnisaton des victimes d'actes criminels)?

How the law is written and how it is applied are two entirely different things. I found out about not getting compensated under this act by a fellow sex worker who was stabbed on the job. (No she was not an indy SP) She was refused compensation. ...and why only indy outcall SPs? A victim of a criminal act, is still a victim of a criminal act.

Ministry said:
Did you know under section 210 of the same code, indy incall is illegal? Did you know under section 212, law enforcement cannot arrest someone simply of only "intention" to solicit?

Yes I knew incalls are illegal. I also know of a girl who was arrested for "intention" last year and spent the weekend in jail. She was considered a "known" prostitute, even though she had not worked in over two years. She was picked up waiting for the traffic to allow her to cross the street on her way home, she lived on St-Hubert.

Ministry said:
Did you know Montreal desperately need to develop more social programs to educate the public and especially the law enforcement if they would refuse to assist another fellow human being in need? Regardless of the circumstances?

Big understatement! We are in desperate need of this type of program but there is no priority for it therefore no budget.

Ministry said:
But i digress; please know i completely and absolutely agree with you that everyone, sex worker or not, should use all avenues at their disposal to protect and ensure their own safety and well being. That is undisputed. But do consider the following: How is a SP's safety, livelihood, and well being threatened by someone they rejected outright without meeting due to whatever criteria she established?

Our best safety mechanism is our gut feelings; which still leaves something to be desired. Yet, Every one can remember a time that their gut feelings worked.

Ministry said:
Is it justifiable that she uses "SPs are under no obligation to have sex with everyone that wishes to have sex with them" to explain her reasoning if her safety, livelihood, or well being is not threatened? As i wrote on my other postings, i will never insist on meeting a SP if she wishes not to meet with me for whatever reasons. But isn't the main purpose of being a SP to make money? If i'm clean, respectful, and a gentleman, would a SP honestly reject me simply because i don't meet a certain rule of hers?

Yes all SPs are in the business to make money (among other reasons). The main service being offered is sexual services. To have a good experience sexually there has to be at least a minimum ammount of chemistry. Without it, neither the SP nor the client will have a good experience. If an SP makes certain rules they may seem arbitrary to you but she has her reasons. If you do not respect the rules or do not fall in to what ever categories she has made for herself, there will be co chemistry and therefore it will not be a good experience.

One of the things I like best about this job is that I NEVER have to spend time with someone with whom I have no chemistry.



Sep 27, 2005
Who cares about who Mystique prefers.
Generally most Asian Quebec born women seem to have a distaste for their own kind. I knew an Asian women who used to work for a local fund company which is currently under investigation :) She turned down a promotion because it involved her dealing with more Asian clients...
it seems to be an unfortunate trend in Quebec Asian women hating their own. I believe it's less common in BC and Ontario


New Member
Jul 24, 2006

I can understan an SP not wanting to see someone of another race, but someone of your own race now that is out there:eek: Tallk about having personal issues

Another point, allot of people throw the word Asian out there, but if you thinks about it there is like over 30 Asian countries an most have there own language and culture. You can't expect that a Cambodian will personally now some Japanese person in Montreal just because they are Asian! Or a Pakistani guy who know a Russian because they are Asian also. For those who don’t know most if not all of Russia is consider part of Asia too. If this Asian SP said "I don’t see people form my country"...... I can understand because this is the community she belongs to and secrecy is an issue. But the fact that she took all the countries in the Asian continent in her exclusion list shows her intention are more race motivated then the need for privacy. I wonder if she will reject a nice blue-eyed blonde guy from Siberia because he is Asian?

What about people with multiple backrounds what category do they fit in, when an sp dosen't see a certain race? like Keannue reeve who has Irish, Portuguese, Chinese and Hawaiian ancestry. Would he be rejected to?
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Jul 24, 2006
But they are native of Siberia for over 1000 years sow they are Asian in the strict interpratation of the word asian and they have many genes they share with the other asian communities in the area. Also the word caucasian includes Indians and Asians as well. Slav is a large group also dispersed in many continents. But I understand that they don't look like your typical Vietnamese. I don't think IMHO that the Afrikaners analogy apply her exactly. A more appropriate analogy would be the Arab Moslem invasion of Eastern Rome or Constantinople, which is modern Turkey. Who mixed with the Byzantine population, making them part of the Semitic family some how.

Sorry for my deviation from the main topic. I just wanted to illustrate that it is hard to know where the line begins and ends when we talk about race. Since we are all connected some how. The history of the world is very ancient and complex then just a simple black and white issue.
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A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
martinl68 said:
Good point, but you can't force anyone to have sex with anyone, even for money, it's that simple
Totally agree with you.
Of course, for someone like me who travelled a lot and is open minded,
all of that racism fever seems retarded/archaic/minimalistic(a sign of a low-less/weak mind), but I respect that since a lot of factors get into consideration when it comes to your open-or-close mindness: your social surroundings, the way you were brought up, your visions of things, the choices you make, the frustrations you developped..etc
After all, a lot of ppl do not have the chance/privilege of being well surrounded.
When my daughter was born, I made sure from her early age that she got a very open vision of life, with no bothering about racial/physical/geographical limited opinions. As she grew up, I managed to have her realizing that the sky is not always blue (human beings are human beings...colored or not...fat or slim...they still have their weaknesses and strenghts), but that's not a reason to take the easy way out: limiting yourself!
One day, I found out a writing that she left on the walls of her room with these on it: "You have the easy choice of being limited. You also have a smarter choice: openning your self to the richness of the world! I'd rather be smarter!". I always gave her the choice to be whatever she wants, but as I used to tell her "my job is to provide you with what I think is better!"
Back to the sps who are racist, from my personal experience, I've always found any rejection bcause of the color of my skin, to be ... hilarious!
Yes, hilarious! Hilarious because they resume in 2 experiences that still leave me with a huge smile: (1)Amsterdam July 1999: at the entrance of the Red Light zone, a mid-aged mama refused me because of the color of my skin. Before I leave, I took a close look at the lady: left overs acnae on her skin and some bad odors coming out of her mouth. Far away, she looked descent. Close up, I was going to throw up. After that, I ended with one of the prettiest young princesses of the Red Light zone. After 15 years of sping, I still consider that girl to be the prettiest one my eyes have ever seen. And she was entirely GFE above all that, with a great service. I left the Red Light zone with a smile and a thought that never left my mind: "Bring me more of this kind of refusal!"
(2)Montreal: most of the mature girls at the local sp agencies and a lot of quebecoise at Douce Folie will refuse darkened color ppl. But, hey..big deal...I had great times with drop-dead gorgeous ladies of Indie's, I had the treat of my life with Alexia of Bodylicious when she was still there...the very glamourous Tiffany of DC (despite her reputation to be very safe and not generous) treated me like a king...Sharon, who was once at Fantasme XXX and who was considered by many hobbyists who met with her as the summum of beauty...was very generous with me.
Compare these ladies with most mature local sps and the girls at Douce Folie, and you ... as well.. will laugh like hell ;p
So my second refusal came from a girl of Douce Folie. No girl at Douce Folie is descent...but a guy told me that that lady was something...well, I called her and she refused me because I am darkened skinned. She was surprised that there was no one inch of anger from my part and thanked me for my coolness despite her refusal. When I closed the door, I laughed...and laughed: the girl was so ugly that it was a relief to see her leaving my room...And who I spent the night with after that? With Alexia of paradise, Baby!!!
All my life, I've realized that refusal is generally for the better.
In conclusion: I try my best not to play the game of frustrated figures (big part of racism is frustration as a consequence of various factors...but still, it's frustration hidden somewhere deep inside).
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Apr 29, 2004
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I have an Asian friend who is not quite so understanding of racists as montreal_monk01. He considers his ethnicity a "stupidity detector". Although he only responds to any kind of hostile remark or other form of rejection due to his race with a tight smile, he says he is thinking "Thank you for identifying yourself as a moron so quickly and not wasting my time".

He is relatively light-skinned for his race and is also amused when someone who thinks that he is Italian makes a remark about his people of his ethnicity.


May 21, 2003
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player_82 said:
Another point, allot of people throw the word Asian out there, but if you thinks about it there is like over 30 Asian countries an most have there own language and culture. You can't expect that a Cambodian will personally now some Japanese person in Montreal just because they are Asian! ... If this Asian SP said I don’t see people form my country like Vietnam or Japan or Cambodia ...... I can understand because this is the community she belongs to and secrecy is an issue.

If an Asian SP stated that she does not see Cambodian clients, that pretty much tells everyone she is Cambodian, right?

I use to see a an SP that was from South America, she did not want to tell anyone which country she was from because it may attract men from her homeland and it is a small community.


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Dec 25, 2005
This is indeed a very interesting topic of discussion (much like a social science class, really).

1. To address Ministry:

"I don't see Asian men AT THE MOMENT".

That implies she plans on "getting cured of racism in the short future" ???

No, logic dictates that she's avoiding someone (when you avoid someone, it's much easier to avoid a bigger group than just THAT person).

"I don't wanna see my daddy!" isn't going to work. Lots of light skinned Asian men and women (I am talking Chinese, Japanese and Koreans), think ONLY of themselves as Asian (they don't consider Indians or Russians "Asian"). They might consider South-Eastern Islanders Asian.

So she probably just did the whole "Asian" thing to avoid people from her country. Asians tend to have a very close community.

I understand that you're hurt, but you shouldn't be. You misunderstood her reasons.

2. To address the issue of racial preference amongst SPs.

If you are allowed to not date a black girl because her facial features do not "turn you on"; so can SPs. They are NOT inflatable dolls to just lay there and let you "do your business". They have to react to you; it's a very intimate business. If a certain SP isn't turned on by people from a certain background or country: blacks/hispanics/arabs/asians/italian/russians/martians/cats/trees... It's her choice.

Is it ignorance? Is it over-generalization.

In any other situation, it would be a resounding YES. BUT keep in mind that, the SP is NOT saying "I don't like (insert a nationality here)." She's saying "I am generally not comfortable with men from that country, however I do believe there are exception, but out of simplicity, I choose to reject them as a whole."

SP can reject men if they fear for their lives, can't they? Or if they don't like a certain group of men because of their treatment of women? Sure, she "could" say "I don't like rapist" or "I don't want men who likes bondage". But for her, it's much easier to exclude a group then pin-point the offending individuals. For all you know, the said SP in question could be dating an Asian man. One of you mentioned that you don't date black girls except maybe Hallie Barry (Add Beyonce to the list?). That would be exactly my point. Sometimes a certain group of people share certain attributes and sometimes a percentage of the same group does not share the predominate attributes. So the most politically correct way to state your opinion would be (in the case of black girls): I dislike girls whose skins are too... /I dislike girls whose hair is too... /I dislike girls whose lips are too... Etc...

However, that would take too long. Thus, lots of people use blanket statements like "I don't like (insert racial word)."

3. Think outside of the box.

This is a common problem with people. We believe everyone thinks the way we do. Sometimes a SP (or anyone) does something for reasons ONLY known to that SP. I had a girl friend who was treated violently by a black guy in a club (then they threw him out). She was pretty much traumatized (she was young like 16 or something at that time; she got in with a fake ID). Does that make her a racist? Or simply a victim? She has black FEMALE friends, so she CAN'T really be a racist then, can she?

In the field of SP'ing (that a word?), things like that are more likely to happen. It's very easy for a SP to develope bad feelings toward a group of people due to a single bad client. One of the main reason this happens is because (sadly) people are still defined by their race (especially true to races that carry a darker skin tone). If an Asian client (5'8", 140 lbs, brown eyes, black hair, likes chicken, is into computers) treated her badly. She's not going to say "Oh, I dislike people who's 5'8"/has brown eyes/likes chicken". Because people are still defining others (however it IS becoming less true) by their race. Personally, I think Asians have it a lot easier than other minority races in North America.

4. The profession of SP (Addressing Ministry's point that "SP should accept their job...").

Depending on how we view SPs, she should/shouldn't be able to have racial selection.

Public bus serivices are a BIG NO-NO. Private restaurents is a NO-NO too, because it presents itself as public (as in everyone can eat here). So IF SPs generally present themselves as "I don't care for my own personal needs, so anyone can have sex with me as long as they pay" THEN they will be like dentists and doctors; they shouldn't have the luxury of choice. BUT as it is right now, they are NOT restaurents, they are simply people who offer you company (and MAY have sex with you). In the legal sense, it depends on how their services is defined. Private restuarents don't get to choose clients, doctors don't get to choose clients... etc. If you are 'choosy' then you simply cannot open a restaurent to the public (you can still invite friends to your hosue to eat). You can't be a licenced doctor, but you can still practice as an illegal physician. It really depends on how SP is viewed in the eyes of the law. A woman DO NOT have to have sex with you for money, but a true professional would. It depends on how professional she is and it depends on how SP'ing is defined.

In a way, SPs who are choosy could just go out of business, thus leaving only the true professionals (The idea of a professional is that he/she does a job for a job, nothing more nothing less, personal feelings be damned). BTW, this is the reason why SP can never say "I don't sleep with white guys" Or "I don't sleep with mid-age guys".... Because they will have like 25% of their clientele left.

EDIT: Added point 4.
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New Member
Jul 24, 2006
pinkworm said:
If an Asian SP stated that she does not see Cambodian clients, that pretty much tells everyone she is Cambodian, right?

I use to see a an SP that was from South America, she did not want to tell anyone which country she was from because it may attract men from her homeland and it is a small community.

I guess your right. But someone could always lie and see her face and know who she is after she refuses him. If her intent is not racial then she will give him service because she dosen't know him personaly, if not then she has something agains her own race which I find somewhat sad.

Concerning South American community. I know that lots of south Americans barely talk to people from there own country because it is rare to find someone from another south American country. In Montreal you will find more people from Central America especially El Salvador and also the Dominican community, which is huge in Montreal. The only real get to together in the Latin American community were people know each other are in evangelical Spanish churches which are a huge phenomena in Montreal. I guess your SP friend doesn’t take part in that social scene?;)

John_Cage said:
In the field of SP'ing (that a word?), things like that are more likely to happen. It's very easy for a SP to develope bad feelings toward a group of people due to a single bad client. One of the main reason this happens is because (sadly) people are still defined by their race (especially true to races that carry a darker skin tone).

I wonder if a "white" SP gets treated bad by another "white" client she will then say I don't see "white" men or the client will be simply be blacklisted and she continues seeing "white" clients? (Just something to think about) :)
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New Member
Dec 25, 2005
player_82 said:
I wonder if a "white" SP gets treated bad by another "white" client she will then say I don't see "white" men or the client will be simply be blacklisted and she continues seeing "white" clients? (Just something to think about) :)

It's impossible to not see "white" clients... they make up more than half of the clientele (probably around 75%, pulling percentages out of thin air).


Maybe a "white" SP in another country (where the white clientele are a minority) would reject "white" clients. She might be afraided of being "found out" by her friends (if she's a student and all her friends are oversea "white" students). She might not like the way a certain "white" client treated her, and she could very well reject all "white" clients (because it's feasible in her case, she doesn't NEED that clientele to make money). Abeit she would probably make more money if she more open minded and accepting.
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New Member
Dec 25, 2005
Corleone said:
FYI, the majority of Siberian population is not Asian but Russian (Slavs) although they live in Asia, like Afrikaners are Dutch (Caucasians) although they live in Africa, and the majority of East Vancouver population is Asian although they live in North America.

Sorry for the interruption in the debate. Carry on please.

Siberian are Siberians; Russians are Russians; Ukainians are Ukainians. I don't think Siberian like to be thought of as Russians (and vise versa).

If they are originally from Asia, then they are Asians by definition.
If they are originally from Africa, then they are Africans by definition.
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Jul 26, 2006
Personally, i'm not a big fan of dating asian women either. I've dated my share of asian women, and it's fine and all, but just... i dunno, to me it feels kind of boring. I don't find them as interesting as white girls. Maybe its because i've had too many asian girls already, maybe I find them too boring, but thats just my personal preference.

I don't think anyone is racist or whatever because they don't want to date a certain race or prefers not to date a certain race. I don't like dating asian girls, but i'm not racist towards them. I find some pretty, and of course when i see a hot asian, I want to bone her. But personal preference, I just prefer white girls.

Maybe to me, white girls are the "exotic" ones, just like how I always hear my white friends say, "Asian girls are so hot, they're so exotic and blah blah blah." I prefer white girls cause they're more open minded, more fun, more outgoing, not shy, and sex, is just sex to them.

You guys are over analyzing this issue here. :D


New Member
Dec 25, 2005
MontrealAsian said:
Personally, i'm not a big fan of dating asian women either. I've dated my share of asian women, and it's fine and all, but just... i dunno, to me it feels kind of boring. I don't find them as interesting as white girls. Maybe its because i've had too many asian girls already, maybe I find them too boring, but thats just my personal preference.

I don't think anyone is racist or whatever because they don't want to date a certain race or prefers not to date a certain race. I don't like dating asian girls, but i'm not racist towards them. I find some pretty, and of course when i see a hot asian, I want to bone her. But personal preference, I just prefer white girls.

Maybe to me, white girls are the "exotic" ones, just like how I always hear my white friends say, "Asian girls are so hot, they're so exotic and blah blah blah." I prefer white girls cause they're more open minded, more fun, more outgoing, not shy, and sex, is just sex to them.

You guys are over analyzing this issue here. :D

So the real question here is: If you find an excotic looking Asian girl (to you) and she very open minded, fun, outgoing (not shy), and sex is nothing more than physical probing to her... Would you go out with her?

"White" girl is like 50 different looks, btw.

The really "white" ones, (blond hair, blue eyes):
You got the Excotic Eastern European Hotties (Russians), you got the Sexy French Girls.

The not-so blond hair, blue eyes ones:
Sultry Spanish Girls.
Fun-loving and outgoing Italians.

The gothic types:
Dark hair, dark eyes Mysterious Seductresses.

*All generalization are there simply to prove a point (that there are diversity in the "white" race, so it's weird for people to "just" like "white girls")
** Anyone offend by my generalizations will receive my apologies here and now, sorry but it's for a good cause.

If you just claim to like "White" girls... it's a bit vague AND it could send across signs of racism, because why else would you like ALL those type of girls YET dislike Asian girls? Or your equally excotic Arabic girls? Or your flaming hot Latinas?

To avoid sounding racist, it's best to state the qualities you like rather than just the "race". Since honestly, it's harder to tell races apart (as long as there's less than a few degrees difference in skin tone) nowadays.

In your case, maybe you could've said "I like Fun Girls..." that would probably NOT include all the "white" girls yet you would have stated your point without sounding the least bit racist.

*I am not saying you did sound racist, I am just saying how you could sound even LESS.


Mar 31, 2005
Well here is my short 2 cents on this matter.

In the politically correct times in which we live, has greatly curtailled an individuals right of choice and speech.

In her line of business she may choose whom she wants to see, no disclaimer required!

The remark that I read about if an SP is choosy then she should leave the business. I find that single remark void of human compassion. Which also leads to the whole GFE thing going on.

Any SP is deemed to have the right to choose either be it client or service offered. We seem to forget that we are dealing with human beings and not an X-box..

I presume that all of you in your jobs are perfect all the time without any exceptions beyond reproach, I presume this because of the remarks that I see floating around this board.

The ladies have a right of choice!

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