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Racism and SPs preferences


New Member
Dec 25, 2005
BDC, I don't know your situation... But I find it hard to believe that everyone of "your race" would reject you while others seem to like you.

First off, are you saying that you are "popular" with other "races" or simply "I dated two girls, one was russian and one was indian." ?

Secondly, it's not "RACIST" to not date you... it's "BDC'ist" or "anti-BDC'ist". Seriously, there isn't an universal problem of white guys not getting white girls. SURE some white girls go for "other" guys, but then some "other" girls go for "white" guys... it's perfectly normal and mathmatically balanced. I don't see what your problem is. Keep one thing in mind, "you don't own women of your race"... They (as it seems) don't give a damn about you, they are free to do as they please (that makes them BDC-ist, not racist).

Now, helpful things:
1. Being Nice... Isn't enough... Nice is one thing, but being competent is better.
2. Try to "understand" women, not just blindly go after them. I usually observe and analyse the girl before I approach her, if I don't think I am her type, I don't go for it (unless I wasn't sure).
3. You will be surprised how easy it is to control and manipulate younger women (18-25), older women usually have an established taste. If you are "good" enough, you can make girls like you AND everyone who reminds her of you.
4. Use "female standards" when around women (even if there are men present). Sure, it makes you "unpopular" with the boys, but who cares about them? (By female standards, I mean like be more sentitive to their needs; and try to take charge on dates; and place a higher value emotional well being over the physical well being... there's a whole array of things, you have to experience it for yourself)
5. Try not to be "cheesy". You see all those "so-called" playa who uses cheesy lines and dress flashy and gets lots of women... Wake Up ! Their Cheese worked AGAINST them; they got the girl because of their confidence, good looks and abilities... not their sometimes childish behavoir. If you understand that, you will be more attractive to the ladies. No One Likes A Player Wannabe (if you got it, use it; if not take another approach).
6. Avoid over-the-top compliments or "expressions of love" (this falls into point 5, but it's important enough to get its own section). YOU might think it's witty or romantic or whatnot... but any women worth their salt had met a guy like that before (poets, writers, artists... etc...). Unless you're GODLY in your expressions and you're a gifted wordsmith, don't bother... Stick with "I like that shade of lip stick, it compliments your glow." Don't make a big deal out of it, let it slip through (because girls catch EVERYTHING).


lookin 4 a cuddle
Jul 24, 2005
Thanxx 4 all support

I wish to thank u all who supported my point of how disgraceful it is that Exotica discriminates in a very nonprofessional way against Jewish clients
I checked with the friend, and yes it's visibly that he is Jewish from that way he looks
MP discriminating against Jewish client is not the same thing like a preferences in what race u love to date
when u are a service provider - any kind of service - and u refuse the service to a person based on his race-gender-color you are a racist or antisemit
there is no excuse why any professionals in 2007 should still have place for discrimination to any human being and it's a shame and a disgrace that this is happening right here in Montreal


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
shush said:
I wish to thank u all who supported my point of how disgraceful it is that Exotica discriminates in a very nonprofessional way against Jewish clients
I checked with the friend, and yes it's visibly that he is Jewish from that way he looks
MP discriminating against Jewish client is not the same thing like a preferences in what race u love to date
when u are a service provider - any kind of service - and u refuse the service to a person based on his race-gender-color you are a racist or antisemit
there is no excuse why any professionals in 2007 should still have place for discrimination to any human being and it's a shame and a disgrace that this is happening right here in Montreal

I'm still wondering how a guy can be identified as being Jewish simply by looking at him unless he is an orthodox jew or he is wearing a yarmulke. For example, would anyone ever know that Sammy Davis Jr. was Jewish by looking at him? Judaism is a religion and it is like saying that people can identify a Catholic or Protestant person by looks alone. If a white Jewish person is not wearing any identifiable clothing, it is impossible or almost impossible to tell that he/she is Jewish by appearance alone.

Regarding SPs refusing to see a client based on preferences (ethnicity, etc.), as mentioned earlier on, I don't have an issue with it as long as it is done politely and hopefully beforehand. I am not talking about people working in regular service industry jobs refusing clients, I am talking about SPs refusing clients. I believe that there is a BIG difference. My opinions haven't changed even when I've been on the receiving end of the refusal.

Just because someone doesn't date someone of a certain ethnicity or religion or race, doesn't make that person a racist. For example, I once dated someone who was Jewish (I'm not Jewish) and because of the complications with religion and religious practices and customs, I don't see myself dating another Jewish person again. I don't think that this makes me an anti-Semite or a racist.


New Member
Dec 25, 2005
player_82 said:
Interesting points, I am always fascinated by the advice some guys give on women, there are so many different advices out there. Could you go a little bit more in to detail with point 1 and 3? Maybe an example would help.


Sure thing...
It's not really advice per-se; it's my observations. Since I am pushing them, I suppose you could call them "advice".

Point 1:
How many girls you know always say "Deep inside I want a nice guy who's nice and sweet..."?
Truth is, they say it to distinguish themselves from other girls and to sell the "nice girl" image. Most girls would NOT in fact like a "super sensitive" guy; unless he has other quality. Which in many case are competence.
Girls befriend "nice" guys, because they provide shelter. Someone to talk to; someone who will listen... Someone who's meek and not a threat. However, they LIKE to be with men who are distinguished... successful. Don't get fooled into thinking being "nice" is enough. Girls might like the idea of a "suffering poet" or "starving artist"; but they rarely stay with them.

Point 3:
Younger girls don't know what they want. They are still somewhat of a blank sheet of paper (to some degree).

For example... let's say there's this first year university student. You met her in class, talked for a while... blah blah... You noticed that she tend to like tough, macho men (and you happened to be the smart, dress-well type). So you can try to "change" her.
It's simple. She's lacking in experience and she haven't seen the world the way you have. Talk to her, find out what kind of bf she used to date. Keep a mental note of the kind of things she DIDN'T like in past bfs. Let's say she's used to macho men who's rough and likes to pick fights; the guy loves beer and hang out with his buddies a lot; he uses words like ho; he's a worker bee who never takes her out to expansive dinners. Be the opposite, and show her WHY that's better.
Take her out to the most romantic dinner, STUN her... Show her what world she have not seen. Guide her toward thinking how THIS is much better than what she's used to.
Reasons this works:
1. Everyone like to explore. Modern women are afraid to settle down due to the "grass is greener on the other side" principle. You need to embrace that.
2. No competition. As long as she likes the new world (your world), there's no competition. She's never had one like you. If you try to out-macho her macho bfs, you will be "fighting fair"; which as we all know... isn't how wars are won.

jimace said:
I'm still wondering how a guyJust because someone doesn't date someone of a certain ethnicity or religion or race, doesn't make that person a racist. For example, I once dated someone who was Jewish (I'm not Jewish) and because of the complications with religion and religious practices and customs, I don't see myself dating another Jewish person again. I don't think that this makes me an anti-Semite or a racist.

Well, you are not a racist. Why? Because you said "... because of the complications with religion and religious practices and customs, I don't see myself dating another Jewish person again..." rather than "I don't like those *beep* jews !". You are NOT saying I dislike Jews, you are in fact saying "I don't like the religious complications". Which means you probably won't like Mormons and so forth... which ALSO means if a non-practicing Jew (or someone who don't care enough) wants you, you would go for it. You see, the REASON is the important thing to identify in these cases. Is the "Race" the solo reason? Or is it something else?
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Nov 6, 2005
Hmm... maybe jewish sperm tastes different...cant blame the sp if she doesnt like the taste... who knows what can follow that...those balls in the


Nov 6, 2005
a racial question ...

I have been with women of different races... I found , or more accurately my fingers found, when deep in their pulsating pussies , that black women"s beautiful pussies expanded more than say asian they were both beautiful , warm and juicy... but has anyone else experienced that or is it just me....


Nov 6, 2005
btyger said:
Is this a scientific study?:D

Hey, if more merbites can add to the survey it turns bad science to good science and we can publish the results in the New England Journal of Medicine....


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Sorry to interfere in a thread I haven't been following but, for everyone's info, Elle Duval prefers Italian industrialists over Swedish scholars! :D


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May 22, 2003
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Some research to ponder...

As an avid reader of the New York Times, i came upon this little gem that is pertinent to this topic. I've enclosed the actual article below for reference at your own discretion.

What i deduce from the article is that in the dating world it is clearly a disadvantage to be an Asian men. Alas, the study even show Asian women exhibit no special preference to Asian men! While i can wallow in circumstances i can't change or seek meanings to the i don't know why, the end of the article do offer an unique solution to the SP "preferences" issue. Yes, it's the SP's right; Yes, it's the SP's privilege; to see whoever she wishes and NOT whoever that wishes to see her. That is undisputed. Yet at the very core what she does is not a favor, it is business. And what better way to satisfy our most base need than to appeal to that very fact! She refuses you and her compensation is $150 an hour? Offer her $200. Still no? Offer $250 and observe how quickly her attitude will change. Of course it isn't fair or right for Asian men to pay above the market price. But life isn't fair. We live in a world, according to the article below, where an Asian man need to earn FOUR times more than the average male to have a white woman overcome the racial barrier! We will have to prioritize our decisions and make sacrifices.


April 13, 2007, 1:23 pm
Single Female Seeking Same-Race Male

By John Tierney

Tags: mate preferences

Readers responded to my last post with lots of theories and personal reports on people’s preferences in interracial dating. Also some complaints that I seemed to be asking for comments about only whites and blacks — an impression I didn’t mean to give. Researchers have been studying other races, too. They’ve found that theories and anecdotal evidence aren’t a very reliable guide to these questions: some of the common stereotypes don’t match the data.

Some of you did get it right, like Dan, who hypothesized that Asians are relatively more willing to date outside their race. David predicted that black men are more likely to date white women than white men are to date black women — which is right, although not for the reason many people think. It’s not that white men are more reluctant to date non-whites; it’s that black women are less willing to date someone of another race.

At least that’s the picture that emerges from studies of online daters and speed daters. Men are generally willing to date someone of another race, but women are more reluctant, especially African-American women.

Consider “Racial Preferences in Dating,” a study of more than 400 graduate and professional students who participated in speed dating sessions at Columbia University organized by Raymond Fisman, Sheena S. Iyengar, Emir Kamenica and Itamar Simonson. The researchers conclude: “Even in a population of relatively progressive individuals who have self-selected into participation in a multi-cultural Speed Dating event, we observe strong racial preferences.”

There’s also a clear gender divide, as the researchers note: “Women of all races exhibit strong same race preferences, while men of no race exhibit a statistically significant same race preference.” You might think the gender gap is the result of different dating goals: perhaps the men are more interested in short-term flings, whereas the women are looking for a lasting relationship and are concerned about potential complications from cultural differences. But the researchers conclude otherwise after looking at the data:

“Since older subjects (who are more likely to attend the Speed Dating sessions in hope of starting a serious relationship) have a weaker same race preference, this gender difference is unlikely to result from differential dating goals between men and women.”

The researchers found that most women speed daters said yes (meaning they’d like to see a man again after the four-minute speed date) less often to men of another race than they did to men of their own race. Here’s how much less interested they were in the other races, as compared with their enthusiasm for men of their own race:

African-American women said yes about 30 percent less often to Hispanic men; about 45 percent less often to white men; about 65 percent less often to Asian men.

White women said yes about 30 percent less often to black or Hispanic men, and about 65 percent less often to Asian men.

Hispanic women said yes about 20 percent less often to black or white men, and 50 percent less often to Asian men.

Asian women didn’t discriminate much by race (except for showing a very slight preference for Asian men over black or Hispanic men).

After noting who said yes to whom, the researchers analyzed a confounding factor: the men’s physical attractiveness. They found that the women of different races generally agreed with one another in rating the various men’s attractiveness — and that they were less willing to date a man of another race even when he was just as attractive as a man of their own race. When the researchers controlled for the men’s attractiveness, they found that white, Hispanic and Asian women generally showed about the same level of same-race preference, while black women showed a significantly higher preference.

These results from the speed dating experiment roughly jibe with the study I cited in the earlier post about height-income tradeoffs. In that analysis of more than 20,000 online daters, split roughly evenly between Boston and San Diego, men didn’t show much preference for same-race partners. Women did, and African-American women showed the most pronounced preference.

The researchers, after controlling for all other attributes (height, weight, attractiveness, etc.), calculated how much extra income (relative to the income of the average online male dater, $62,500) a man would need to overcome the racial barrier. Here are some of the estimates (there weren’t enough data to do all the interracial permutations) of how much each extra income a man would need to be equally appealing to a woman as would a man of her own race:

For equal success with an African-American woman, a Hispanic man needs to earn an extra $184,000; a white man needs to earn an additional $220,000.

For equal success with a white woman, an African-American needs to earn an additional $154,000; a Hispanic man needs $77,000; an Asian needs $247,000.

For equal success with a Hispanic woman, an African-American man needs to earn an additional $30,000; a white man needs to earn an additional $59,000.

For equal success with an Asian woman, an African-American needs no additional income; a white man needs $24,000 less than average; a Hispanic man needs $28,000 more than average.

I’ll leave you with two questions: Why do women have these preferences? And what might prompt them to pay less attention to a man’s race?


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
The Montana/Hogan's Gangbang Experiment

Ministry said:
I’ll leave you with two questions: Why do women have these preferences? And what might prompt them to pay less attention to a man’s race?

An experiment was conducted in which female of a diapausing race of SP's were held in laboratory cultures (i.e. Suite 102 of Chablis West - lol) with males of the same race and those of non-diapausing races. Competitive conditions were created by the presence of a surplus of total males and, for each race, by varied ratios of the males of the three races. Inter-racial mating occurred between the non-diapausing race of males and the diapausing race of females even when a high ratio of the diapausing race of males was present, but nevertheless some evidence of intra-racial preference was demonstrated. In a further experiment to determine whether this was due to wealth discrepancies, the males were stripped from their wallets (lol - Thanks dudes!). In this experiment there was no evidence of intra-racial preference.
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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Doc Holliday said:
....maybe some of these girls that have black boyfriends are under strict orders preventing them from seeing clients that are black. They don't mind (and in some cases encourage it) their gf screwing white guys....but screwing other black men is a no-no.
I was told exactly that by a few black strippers. It's something about being afraid the girl will get with a "brotha" they know and then the "brotha" will brag about it. It seems to be about pride and their image! :p


New Member
Dec 25, 2005
First point:
I had always held the view that men are more likely to "branch out" than women. I am NOT saying that men are less racist. It's a matter of psychology. Men ensure the survive of his own (family, country, race) by spreading as much as his gene around as he can; a successful patriach have lots of offsprings. It fits into the "conqueror" mentality. Women tend to ensure the survive of her own by conserving and limiting herself to her own (family, country, race).

Now, the more observative of the merbites are probably asking "Ok, why aren't women spreading and men conserving?"

That's because men are usually the aggressor, and initiator in a relationship. It's up to the men to spread his gene around, and it's up to the women to prevent other men from "spread his genes" to her. Think of it as Offense and Defense. I think that's where the mentality came from.

What I find sad is that... why is our "nature" still affecting us if we are so evolved? The more evolved an animal is, the less it obeys its "nature".

Second point:
I agree that Asians seem to be the least racist. I think it's due to their passivity. However, most asians have a "outsider" concept. They tend to stick with their own rather than people from other countries (but they do not base it on race and/or religion; it's based on language and communication).

Yes, some Asian girls date white guys but most of them still stick to their own (not saying it's bad). I think the more "open-minded" ones are the ones who are raised here. Did the research showed that Asian women doesn't mind dating black guys? I have never seen an Asian girl with a black man (and like 30%+ of my school are asian).

I think that research is interesting... maybe we should also do one where the average income of men of different races are compared (with both sets of data, we can figure out the actual percentage of women who date men of another race).

Third point: (this could be the reason to why some races prefer certain races at some point of their lives)
This might sound a bit weird because I just came up with it... and even I am not sure of it's validity.
Prof. Rushton's controversial research that showed the biological difference between races had a chart that also included "personality differences" underneath the "intelligence differences" and "biological differeences". He also used the K-select vs r-select theory to explain the differences (K-select means having less children but providing more care; r-select is the opposite).,_Evolution_and_Behavior#Summary

Go to the references for the detailed studies, but I won't recommand it (it's really long).

I have noticed that certain racial behavoir trend differences are very similar to behavoir differences among males and females. Aggression, Cautiousness, Impulsivity, Self-concept, Sociability, even Law abidingness CAN be attributed to the two sexes. Males are generally more aggressive, more impulsive while females are generally more cautious and more sociable. Women tend to respect the law more than men as well. From this we can deduct that black males, tend to be exhibit hyper-male behavoir; while asian females tend to exhibit hyper-female behavoir. Which kind of explains the ouvertly "macho" image of black male "gangstas" or the hyper "tendness" and "servitute" of asian females. This put black females and asian males at a disadvantage; because they both exhibit personality that might be "counterproductive" to their sex.

I have also came across another research of interests (unfortunately, I can't no longer remember where). It basicly stated that women go through 3 stages (or 2, since stage 1 and 3 and similar) in life. The 3 stages (in layman's term) are "before sexual peak", "at sexual peak" and "after sexual peak". Sexual peak was defined as 18-25 for women (I think). What the research said was that woman tend to like guys with pedomorphic features when they are before their sexual peak; they get the same preference after their sexual peak with an additional need (the need for stablity and comfort). However, during their sexual peak, they tend to seek out males with the most "male qualities". This makes sense, because teenage girls go CRAZY for "cute boys" while young adults tend to like more "manly" types. When the woman went pass her sexual prime, she starts to look for a "mate" type which encourages pedomorphic selection (because younger male makes better hunters?) and it also cause the woman to prefer wealthier males (after the sex drive decreases, she starts to "think" about her relationships).

Combine the two researches, one comes to the conclusion that if you know what kind of girl would go after you, it makes all the difference.
For a Black male (hispanic...etc...), you need to use your "maleness" (strength, aggression, impulsivity) to attract girls who are after that. Mainly young women who likes macho guys.
For an Asian male (white... etc...), you need to use your "femaleness" (intelligence, sensitivity, cautiousness) to attract girls who are after that. Mainly girls (illegal, lol) or slightly older women who's looking for a mate.


New Member
Dec 25, 2005
Interestingly enough... I came across another research that had nothing to do with race (it was a brand name research) but I realized something very interesting...

Men seek excotic things more often than women. Women tend to stick with things that they are used to (which can be seen with men being obsessed with technology).

Also Brand Names sell better because they appear more often and we have more experience with them. I think this could be another scientific reason behind the "female dating same race men" thing.

First off, women "stick to their own" more than men because of the fact that men like new things (which was apparent to me because men like new gadgets).

Secondly, the more "exposed" a certain group of female is to another group of men... the more the female will "accept" them. This fits the perfect pattern of everything explained above. When I ask myself this question (and I really don't think that I am a racist), "why haven't I dated a black woman?". I dated almost every other kind of girl... and I KNOW I can get them if I want. So, why? Then I realized the solution was simple: I don't know that many black women... When I started thinking in that direction (dating a black girl), I noticed that I only know like 2 black girls (people I actually know). It's not that I am more inclinced to date "non-blacks" it's that I have more exposure to them and I am more like to make positive connections (due to past experience).

I think this might be a better explanation than my "maleness", "femaleness" deduction.

Regardless, I think I learned something from all that researching (even if it might not be 100% the right answer).

Edit: Sorry for the double post, I really wanted to share my sudden "enlighenment" (so to speak).
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New Member
Jan 24, 2006

This kid is an idiot. He is the prime example of a young mind very easy to manipulate and is a comspriracy nut in the making. Given all that here is my take on racism.
During the slavery erea European-white did their share of the atrocity in creating the market for the slave trade. Not too much was mentioned about black vs. black slave trade. Many tribes at war with each other would fight and the victor would captured and trade off their " spoil of wars" to the whites who import them to Europe and the U.S. Today as we know it, especially in America, everyone is a victim. In fact the only class that is not the victim is the white guy. If you are a minority, gay, woman then you are a victim. If you are a white guy then you should live with the guilt of your forefather and be ashame of what your great grandfather did 200 years ago.
While I think it is still far from achieving what we feel is the perfect Utopia society I think that we can move forward if the black community stop thinking of themselves as "victims". Many people complain that there are too many whites in corporate world and yet no one complain that there are too many blacks in professional sports. What needs to be done is we need to hire the best person for the job, not because they are black are white. While I do believe in limited affirmative action I do believe that the problem start with a stronger family structure and education. It is up to each culture to take up the banner and be the example for the up and coming generations, I see black leaders as irresponsible and only pointing out those things that are wrong when it's a black issue. When hatred of speach and action are done towards white where is the leadership in the community ? But when something is done towards the black community, before any judgement even renders, these black oppourtunies jump all over the media to get their 10 minutes of fame. Many asian come to this country ask for no hand out, stay within their communities and establish standards of education and society behavoir for their kids. They are as much a part this society as anyone else but given back to society more than they take from it.
In the end I guess what I'm trying to say is if you feel that you are a victim and you blame others for your misfortune and lack of work ethics then you will believe it and never progress any more because it is a hopeless predicament and you are not to blame because it is in someone else's control. It is far too easy to blame others then to take responsibilities for one's action.


New Member
Jul 30, 2006
John_Cage said:
Interestingly enough... I came across another research that had nothing to do with race (it was a brand name research) but I realized something very interesting...

Edit: Sorry for the double post, I really wanted to share my sudden "enlighenment" (so to speak).

Actually, I don't mind at all because these are interesting posts from an interesting mind that's not completely centered on SPs.

I'm surprised that you're only in college because the kind of analysis that you're making, I didn't come up with years after college.


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
ADDED -> Lori from Devilish

As written by Hormone in the following thread ->

hormone said:
Lets say you have a better chance of having a good time with Lori if you speak some french, if you are white (...)

Gents, this is by no means a deliberate way of tagging an sp as racist or not. Absolutely not. This is solely meant to prevent the customer and the sp from frustrating lost of time.


Aug 17, 2007
Hi Everyone! My name is happygolucky. I hope everyone is having a great day! I am a racist. I really want to be open-minded, but sometimes my mental hang-ups and fears get in the way of my rational thought process. I think everyone of you that has added to this thread has post at least one thought that I have totally agreed with. I normally like to drink/get stoned and ponder all kinds of weird sh*t, with all kinds of people. I am also Asian, overweight, short, have mostly black hair, brown eyes, hairy, middle aged and out of shape.

This is where my flawed thought pattern has taken me:

I cannot change how people around me think....... yes, I can change how people talk around me, but most of their thinking was already developed long ago. Most people deep on inside are racist, regardless what they say. Most people would never physically hurt other people just based on their color of their skin or race. Most people think their race is the best...... but not at everything. Most parents of non-mixed children, want their children to marry someone of their own race. For most women, it is more important to find someone that they trust, love and feel attraction for than the man's race. Even though I believe that Asians are somehow disadvantaged in the dating world against all other races(as proven in more than one study or survey), I believe my character will be more attractive to the woman that I am interacting with, regardless of her race and mine. I believe that every one of us should be selective, in regards to love, in all it's forms. But, for most of us, attraction isn't a choice. Lastly, I feel as a man it is my duty to make the woman around me feel safe...... this means, if a woman feels threatened by my presence, I should leave her alone until she is ready and open to find out more about me.

About this thread & the SP........ I am just glad that we did not waste each other's time. I don't have enough time to convince every woman, that I am a decent guy, worth getting to know better and someone that they can trust..... and even if I did have that kind of time on my hands, I bet the sex would suck!

Peace Out Everyone, I feel love and I believe that this community is way less racist than any one city or place. I hope I get the chance to meet you all.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Interesting and thoughtful post.

I have always believed pretty strongly that racism to a large extent is borne of ignorance and lack of education. It's interesting to note that some of the most racist people live in areas where there is a large white majority and very few minorities.

I grew up in an affluent, upper middle class white community in Connecticut in which there were very few minorities. There were only two black children in the public elementary school I attended back in the 1970s; although they came from educated families, they were nevertheless social outcasts in my school. I never had any black or Asian friends growing up. All the kids in my neighborhood were either of Jewish or Italian-American backgrounds.

It all changed when I went to college. I went to a large university with a large campus and my dormitory was as ethnically diverse as a dorm could possibly be. Black students from the inner cities. Asian students from Asia and the US. Arab exchange students. Agricultural students who mostly were white boys raised on farms. When you are forced to live with other people of different backgrounds you learn about their culture, you adapt and you eventually come to accept them and develop friendships.

Interestingly, though, fraternities at the college I went to were divided along racial lines. The black fraternities did not have any white members, and the white fraternities had no black members. I don't know what would have happened if I had approached the black guys on my floor and asked to join their fraternity; I suppose they would have laughed. I am not sure I would have wanted to, because the black fraternities had, at least outwardly, somewhat more militant practices than the white fraternities. They would engage in marches and things of that nature, which I never quite understood.

I remember one day a black guy who lived down the hall from me - I will call him Eddie, which is not his real name - was standing erect in the hallway, striking a military pose and staring straight ahead at the closed door to his room. He did not move at all as I looked at him. As I walked by to take a shower (the showers were communal type stalls located in a bathroom at the end of the hall), I said, "hey Eddie, what's up." He did not respond to me, and did not even flinch from his pose.

I got back from breakfast an hour later and Eddie was still stuck in that military pose in front of the door to his dorm room.

3 hours later I got back from classes, and Eddie was still stuck in that military pose in front of the door to his dorm room.

9 hours later after dinner, I came back to the dorm and Eddie was still stuck in that military pose in front of the door to his dorm room.

I woke up the next morning, and there is Eddie in that military pose in front of the door to his dorm room.

I next came down the hall at lunch and Eddie was gone. I was later told by Eddie's frat brothers who were friends of mine that his fraternity had a 24 hour initiation requirement and Eddie was fulfilling it. There is no doubt in my mind that he must have also pissed and shit in his pants doing that. Now, the white fraternities required their pledges to do crazy things, but the focus of those crazy things would always be humiliation and embarrassment in front of peers as opposed to militarism. I took note of the differences.

Anyway, the point is we can all be different and coexist. Sexually, my preference does run to white women but that does not mean I am a racist, it's just a GENERAL physical preference. I have seen SPs of all races and there are exceptions to the rule........


Aug 17, 2007

Thanks for reading and thinking. When I am thinking about racism, I can't help hearing the ghost of this song playing in the soundtrack of my life:

People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully
People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully

So were different colours
And were different creeds
And different people
Have different needs
Its obvious you hate me
Though Ive done nothing wrong
Ive never even met you
So what could I have done
I cant understand
What makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand
People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully
People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully
Help me understand
Help me understand

Now you're punching
And you're kicking
And you're shouting at me
And I'm relying on your common decency
So far it hasn't surfaced
But I'm sure it exists
It just takes a while to travel
From your head to your fist (head to your fists)
I cant understand what makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand
People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully
People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully

I cant understand
What makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand
I cant understand
What makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand
I cant understand
What makes a man
Hate another man
I cant understand (people are people)
What makes a man (why should it be)
Hate another man
Help me understand...

Depeche Mode from around 1984?

I believe there is something to be proud of, in all of our very different races. Still if one race is better, isn't one also worse? In this way, I am a racist. I can't help but think that the beautiful people of my race are the best looking overall........... but, unfortunately they are also the most vain and petty. Part of me believes that all other Asian races hate mine and would kill me in there own country, because of the culture of a country that I have never lived in? The thing is, for me I believe that there is beauty in all of our races, but also ugliness. None of us is perfect, and neither are our races. I wish we could all openly accept each other's differences as well as our own, and start thinking it is okay to be different, as long as the person has love in their heart?

Part of me is attracted to a SP(just by her review), when someone writes she is YMMV, just because, I think that here is a misunderstood woman, that I can have a real connection(well, as real as a hour or 2 session can be) with. Without the fake niceties, passionless eyes, vacant smiles, forced laughter and straight jacket kisses........ sometimes it is much better to have "Angry Sex" with someone you hate, then it is to have a mechanical or fake SP encounter.

EB, I do not think you or anyone else here who has taken the time to post something honest on this thread, is a racist. If you were wondering, I hope one day to have booked every race SP that there is........ but starting with all the hot ones first! HA! Right now, my favorite flavor is French-Canadian! But next month(if I can get tired of French-Canadian women?) it just might be Czech women? or maybe Korean women?

I hope when all of you meet me at the GT on December 8th, 2007....... that you either hug me or punch me(not real hard though, I'm a bit of a candy-ass)......... because that is how you really feel about me! Peace Out!


Aug 17, 2007
Oh I guess I should have mentioned this...... A lot of people have asked me, besides Asian, what other races make up my ethnic background?

I find that when women or older people say this I find it cute. I don't think much about this. One of my Asian friends overheard this and was almost violently mad. I guess the thing is..... if your heart is filled with hate, this is what it sounds like in your head:

Are you a bastard?

My people owned your people, and we made you better looking through bondage and rape.

Are you a war-baby(c'mon, I'm not even Vietnamese!)?

Do you know who your real father is?

Yeah, I think you get the picture. So you most likely shouldn't say this to anyone you don't know or really ask them about their racial background, until you do know them better.

I personally don't like it when someone asks me what "Nationality" I am? I was born in America and I am a American citizen, so what should I answer? Anything other than American would be a lie, when asking about my nation that I love......... well, not so much lately..... but who knows with a new President maybe things will change? I know what you are really asking, when you say "Nationality", but I hope you can understand, in my mind you need to word your question better for me to tell you what you want to know........ like "What is your ethnic extract/background?"

By the way, I guess I am weird enough, that when a hot woman asks me "What other races make up my ethnic background?" In my mind I think, she is beautiful and she thinks her people are beautiful.......... and she thinks I am beautiful, so must I have a little of her people's blood in me? Is that not the strangest? It always makes me smile......... sometimes I even jokingly say, I have a little "X"(whatever she is) blood on my mother's side.

Really I am just a plain one race Asian......... all four of my grandparents came from the same country before World War 1, with very little, to make a better lives for themselves, here in America. If you meet me in person, I will let you guess and after you can't get it, I will tell you. Don't feel bad, most Asians cannot guess it right either.

Lastly, even though I do not understand this one, Asians now think "ORIENTAL" is a derogatory term. I think this is mainly by Asians younger than 40? My parents still say Oriental all the time and I still think it is funny, when my sisters try to correct my parents. My dad not understanding that my sisters were serious, said "what should I call Orientals?"........."Yellow Devils" or "Yellow Monkeys".......... I still remember laughing my head off as my sisters were so shocked they didn't know what to say for a few seconds before bursting into shrill screams and name calling directed at my dad! So in my house, my dad still uses the term Oriental....... but if you want to be nice, you shouldn't.......... please use the term: Asian. Thank you!
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