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Racism and SPs preferences


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
So I am a white whore because I have dated a black guy in the past? I have dated white guys, chinese guys, and italians, what else can I be called? That black guy must have been a gang member, or thung, or must have hung out at Lionel Groulx metro? How about that black guy was a nurse, with a BA in Poli Sci and now owns his own business? How about that black guy supports his kids (no I don't have kids for him), and in fact, that black guy is Jewish? Kind of like Sammy Davis Junior!

The idea that a place is not seeing Jewish people is as ridiculous as a place not seeing Catholics - how the hell can they tell? Is it just orthodox Jewish people in full dress? I think there is no "outcry" because it is a highly unbelievable idea that this place can tell who is Jewish.

You judge a women on whether or not she'll screw you. You judge a man on their color, I judge people by their actions and words.


Big Daddy Cool said:
Another thing that's rediculous. All these white whores who only date black guys, gangs which are dominitly black (Crack Down Possie, Bo Gars, Punto Negro 167, Jamacian Possie, Burgandy's Most Wanted), most the high crime areas being black, most of the thugs that hang around the metro are black (Lional Greaux on a Saturday night for example), having white trash producing their kids and yet people are ready to defend them.

Big Daddy Cool

Emperor of Earth
Jul 20, 2005
69 Hard-On Ave
Personally as a white guy mixed with Native Indian I find Latina, Jewish, Arab, East Europen, East Indian, Philapina and Asian woman to be of greater value than Quebecois or Canadian white women. No, nothing to do about sex or who will put out, just the willingnes to date me. Latina, Jewish, Arab, East Europen, East Indian, Philapina and Asian women love and accept me as a human being and a good guy and so that's why I love them too. By the way if you noticed, I have not posted any new reviews lately and there's a reason for that if you know what I mean, he, he. :D :D :D

Take care and I hope all of you enjoy the hobby and life in general.:D ;)


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
I'm told I act as a bully by lots of peoples! Even in real life! But most of these peoples often agree when I start acting as a bully, it's because they desserved it, because they were either out of line or acting as plain a-holes, and were told many times, by many peoples, that their behavior wasn't acceptable. It's not about being a bully, it's about standing up. I would not be a good diplomat, I know.

The best compliment I got in ages was from my boss. He said "You can be a awfull bully sometimes but, close to 100%, you're justified to be and what you're bitching about is true." From the pm I get here, look like it's also true on this board.

Most peoples around me feel I'm like a big teddy bear: nice, caring, cuddly, happy-going joker and all but, they also know my patience have it's limit and when reached, the grizzly comes out of the cuddly teddy bear.

Enough of this, The "ignore" is going back on.


Nov 15, 2005
BDC: You did not like metoo4's post because it attacked you on a personal level. Not withstanding that I agree with metoo4, I must say that your calling a white woman who dates only black guys a whore is THE most racist comment I have read on this board. Before you get your knickers in a twist, note that I am not attacking you, but your statement. I am neither white nor black, but belong to one of those races you favour, and I have NO respect for your statements. I will defend with my last breath your ability to state what you think, but do not respect what you state. So, BDC, how does it feel to be THE most racist merbite ???


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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This thread is entitled "Racism and SPs preferences" so should it really surprise anyone that it attracts the posting of racist and/or racially insensitive comments? I find it a bit ironic for anyone to be attacking anyone else's comments as racist within the narrow contours of this thread.


Nov 15, 2005
EagerBeaver said:
This thread is entitled "Racism and SPs preferences" so should it really surprise anyone that it attracts the posting of racist and/or racially insensitive comments? I find it a bit ironic for anyone to be attacking anyone else's comments as racist within the narrow contours of this thread.
So you are in effect stating that it is a given that this thread attracts racists, hence the comments would be racist, and since it is a given that the comments would be racist they should not be attacked as such ??? I find this unusual coming from you, Beav.
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Big Daddy Cool

Emperor of Earth
Jul 20, 2005
69 Hard-On Ave
Anyone regardless of race who won't date one of their own is a racist against there own people. Sorry but that's true.

With all due respect you simply don't know how it feels to be treated like shit by your own women by being constantly rejected and given attitude. Yes given an attitude and dirty looks for simply looking in their direction and smiling. If you went through what I went through you too would feel hostility. I don't ask you to agree with me, but to steap back and imagin being in my shoes and being treated like shit by women from your own group and at the same time being loved by those from another group. You would learn to love those groups and to hate your own. Before judging me please take into account how I've been treated by white Canadian and Quebecois women.

I remember talking to a black lady one time and having her with tears in her eyes tell me that she rather date a white guy because she hates black men due to past experiance of how black men treated her. Don't blame her, blame those guys. Same with me, blame these white Canadian and Quebecois women for continusly rejecting me and treateing me like garbage. I don't deserve to be treated the way I've been treated by these women as I'm a person of value just like yourself. I was not hostile before but years and years of this crap have pushed me to become hostile. What you and others like metoo4 are doing is what psychologist call blaming the victum.

Overall I can't complain as these women I favoured like me and I'll stick with them. The only thing that made things difficult in the past was my lack of french and now I've been taking french courses and really enjoying my experiance as a result.

Take care and enjoy the boards.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I also met a black lady who told me she was only interested in white guys because she did not like the "black attitude." Her own people called her an "oreo." Regardless of the reasons for interracial dating, look at the results: Halle Berry, Tiger Woods, Derek Jeter, Jarome Iginla, etc. etc. etc. Who wouldn't want kids like that.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
Big Daddy Cool said:
please take into account how I've been treated by white Canadian and Quebecois women.

I'm not sure which white Canadian and Quebecois women you hang around with but most of the ones that I've met, I would never classify them as what you used to classify them. Yes, I've asked them out. Yes, some of them have said "no" to me. I've never had any resentment to any of the women who have said "no" to me when I asked them out regardless of their race. All of them have been polite to me when they said no. If they weren't polite to begin with, I would never have asked them out in the first place so maybe that is the difference in the reactions that you are getting and that I am getting.


Nov 15, 2005
Big Daddy Cool said:
Anyone regardless of race who won't date one of their own is a racist against there own people. Sorry but that's true.

With all due respect you simply don't know how it feels to be treated like shit by your own women ...........
I think that when you are "treated like shit" you should look to yourself. I was told by a couple of strippers that they usually don't like to dance for guys of my race, for various reasons. The first one did not want to let me go as she enjoyed being with me, while the second did not count the songs, telling me that dancing for me is not about counting songs. It is quite a responsibility when a stripper tells you that how much you pay her is up to you, and then she does not count the money you give her. I'm sorry, but any preconceived ideas about your race can be easily changed by how you treat people.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The best antidote for racism is to watch the original movie Planet of the Apes, circa 1968, with Charlton Heston. It's about a human astronaut who crash lands his spaceship, and then is enslaved by a race of apes that rules a futuristic Earth.

This classic sci fi film is on the History Channel as I write this.

Big Daddy Cool

Emperor of Earth
Jul 20, 2005
69 Hard-On Ave
chef said:
can be easily changed by how you treat people.

I treat people very well actually. As many on the board I vent more in the vertual world, honesty, but I love people. Actually I'm a bit of a goof ball, family orinted and do hold to some traditional values. As a matter of fact I'm the class clowen as I like to tease people, but I do it with love;) .

I remember this poor Mexican girl who I kept teasing about geting drunk on Tequla. So in return because of my Slavic and Native heratage she kept teasing me about drinking Vodka. We both love joking with each other and I've been invited by some Mexican friends I made in class to join them tomorrow for supper and I visited their Latino church next to Centre de la Sante Ontario, thank good no MP seen and recognized me,:eek: . They are truely wonderful people.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
chef said:
I think that when you are "treated like shit" you should look to yourself...
That's so true! But some still don't get it and blame others. It's always easier to blame others than to blame itself.

What defines normality? That's whatever the majority see as usual and acceptable, right? Some just can't get the point that, if you're the only one who think something is normal and acceptable, then you should ask yourself some question and answer them honestly because, chances are high you're wrong. Not that you won't ever be right, but that's where the questionning comes into play.

Of course, it's pretty difficult, if not impossible, to accept that maybe, a big part of your beliefs and values aren't in line with the majority and, just maybe, this is the source of the majority of what you don't like about your life.

I just noticed! The board clock is right tonight!!
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Virgin User
May 17, 2006
Big Daddy Cool said:
Anyone regardless of race who won't date one of their own is a racist against there own people. Sorry but that's true.

No, all it means is that some people prefer certain looks.

Big Daddy Cool said:
With all due respect you simply don't know how it feels to be treated like shit by your own women

Do you think "your" women are always rejecting guys of your ethnicity? If not, then perhaps there is something in yourself you could improve. Loose weight? Learn to dance? Dress differently? Try to pick up women with different personalities?

Big Daddy Cool said:
I remember talking to a black lady one time and having her with tears in her eyes tell me that she rather date a white guy because she hates black men due to past experiance of how black men treated her. Don't blame her, blame those guys.

Above, you say that people who won't date their own group are racist. But here you applaud this woman for not dating in her own group.

I understand that your lack of success in dating has generated tremendous hostility in you. It doesn't have to be that way. Instead of wasting your time in hostility, figure out what you could improve in yourself to get more attention from the women you like. You'll be a better (and happier) person for it. And you'll probably live longer too. :)

Big Daddy Cool

Emperor of Earth
Jul 20, 2005
69 Hard-On Ave
Thanks for the advice and eventhough I don't know you personally, you seem like a decent person who's just trying to be helpful. But I am very sucessful with the many other groups, just not my own which makes me feel betrayed, but I love these other women. As it is I have 2 Mexicans, an El Salvadoran, a Russian and a Philapina who are all interested in me.:D :D

So I'll just stick with these ladies and to hell with white Canadian and Quebecois women. Besides Canadian and Quebecois women lige way behind these other ladies in the looks department and character department. Maybe it's also a cultural thing where I tend to fit in better with these cultures than my own.


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Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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Would the last person to leave the room please turn off the lights?


New Member
Dec 25, 2005
Wow, so many heated posts...

Well guys, first of all... I agree with BDC (don't shoot yet; agreeing only to certain points). Not dating someone of a certain race IS racist by definition... HOWEVER, very few people are actually racist in that way (believe me, if Will Smith goes after some white girl, he will most likely get her; the same thing for if Brad Pitts goes after the so-called "white whores").

BDC's language does raise questions of suppressed anger; just cause someone won't date you, and they "seemingly" only date black guys DOES NOT MAKE HER A WHORE ! I can assure you, she's not above biology... meaning if a "white" guy who's gentle, smart, good-looking and nice goes after her, she will go for it. Of course, unless you are referring to a certain type of teenage rebellion-stage girls. There's a group of girls in High School (usually), who seem to think that black guys are cool, thugish... or whatnot. I know people who went to school like that (there weren't that many blacks in my school, so I didn't have that experience, but I guess it "could" be kind of bad). That's the media hype they buy into (don't you guys remember doing things like that as a kid?). It's perfectly normal. Now that I am in university, I realized that girls don't go for black guys anymore. Sometimes if someone's preferring one race over another (for no reason), chances are... they are ignorant (disclaimer: not saying liking black is ignorance... I am saying ONLY dating a certain race is ignorance).

Yes, some of you think that it's a matter of taste. Let's say this girl who likes darker men with a heavier build who wears excessive jewelry (I am using stereotypes, sorry...), so she prefer blacks. Why would she NOT date a white thug (well-tanned) who have the same taste in jewelry (If she wouldn't, then she's a racist; because she has no reason OTHER than the race)? Let's say this girl love italians... Would she love another dark featured light-skinned person (with italian-esque features)? If not, then again... she's racist.

One things I find is that: there's a tendency for reversed racism now. Races that usually perform well in society are being "neglected" while races that usually perform badly in our social setting are getting a leg-up. The number of Jews in my science classes are rivaled only by the Chinese... Lots of Jews are professionals or business owners, so what if a few girl got hyped up on the "tough Black thug" image? I still say Jews have it a lot easier than latinos and blacks in this country (and the US). I won't worry about it. This is also why racism toward blacks are WORSE than racism toward whites; because blacks had suffered in the past (one of my friends sat me down and had this talk with me after I went AWOL due to the affirmative action thingy that left my half-chinese cousin out of the best school in NYC). I mean, what's the worst racial insult ever thrown at non-blacks? (yes, i understand that slightly worse comments might be made against immigrants, jews, russians, italians, chinese... etc; but none of these people have suffered as much as the blacks, except the jews during ww2) You can't dance? have a smaller cock? Like Mayo on sandwiches? Come on, it's really not that big a deal, suck it up, princess. However, that being said... The GOVERNMENT should not have affirmative action laws that try to even the field; because the government need to be fair and "blind".

EDIT: Word Combo like "White Whore", "Our women"... tend to sound very racist... avoid ! Just because someone is the same race as you, it DOESN'T mean she belong to you. She might not give a rat's ass about you or how you think. Stop forcing relations on others ! Just cause you're jewish, it doesn't mean you own all the jews and know how they think. She might feel like YOU are the "outsider" because you aren't her friend; she might also feel like a black guy is part of her most inner circle because they grew up together. It's so weird (yet interesting, in terms of tryng to understand it) how some people "lay claim" on others because they happened to from the same country.

"I find it a bit ironic for anyone to be attacking anyone else's comments as racist within the narrow contours of this thread." -- EB

Yes, we should expect it... but no, it is not ironic that we attacking racist comments (You expect murderers at murder trials; yet it doesn't make them anymore likable). To clarify, in a perfect world, this discussion would've been something like "OMG, racism today... wtf? That's WRONG ! Let's hug and sing a song". This is not a perfect world, however, it doesn't mean we have to ignore the little imperfections.

Where's the light switch?
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Big Daddy Cool

Emperor of Earth
Jul 20, 2005
69 Hard-On Ave
Ok, some has called me a raciest. That's right blame the victume rather than trying to understand how ones prolonged treatment at the hands of these women has caused these feelings.

Let's see some famous people who are mixed: Halle Berry, Tiger Woods, Derek Jeter, Jarome Iginla and etc. In each case the woman was white:rolleyes: and the man was black and they produced kids that look dominitly black. Congrads if this keeps up we'll have succesfull commited genacide and wipe out the white race. But hay let's ignore that factoid for the sake of political correctness.

jimace hit the nail on the head when mentioning the reaction. If the reactions is usually negative and with a mean sperited attitude by the white Canadian and Quebecois women than of course there will be resentment. That should be obvious.

chef mentioned that it may be the way I treat people. Ok, let's say for a minute that's a possibility. That would still not explain why I'm so hated by white Canadian and Quebecois women while I'm so loved by Latina, East Europen, Jewish, Arabic, East Indian, Asian and Philapina women. I hate an unsolved mystery of any kind so if anyone can explain this phinomina, plese do share.

What defines normality? That's whatever the majority see as usual and acceptable, right? Some just can't get the point that, if you're the only one who think something is normal and acceptable, then you should ask yourself some question and answer them honestly because, chances are high you're wrong. Not that you won't ever be right, but that's where the questionning comes into play.

Of course, it's pretty difficult, if not impossible, to accept that maybe, a big part of your beliefs and values aren't in line with the majority and, just maybe, this is the source of the majority of what you don't like about your life.

While there is some good logic in this statement there is one flow. Just because the majority does or beleive in something it does not make it right. If it did than enslaving Africans was perfectly right and ok back in history since the majority viewed the black man and an inferior animal that should serve the better race. I'm sure we can agree that they were wrong back then eventhough the majority thought that it was right back then.

Do you think "your" women are always rejecting guys of your ethnicity? If not, then perhaps there is something in yourself you could improve. Loose weight? Learn to dance? Dress differently? Try to pick up women with different personalities?

Thanks for the insight, but if any if these were the problem than that would transend to the others who actually do like me.

Above, you say that people who won't date their own group are racist. But here you applaud this woman for not dating in her own group.

This was about a balck woman who won't date black men because she said that black men treated her like shit. No I don't applaud her but I do sympathize with her since she's experinced with her race waht I've experinced with my race and so I understand that she's the victum, not the agressor.

I understand that your lack of success in dating has generated tremendous hostility in you. It doesn't have to be that way. Instead of wasting your time in hostility, figure out what you could improve in yourself to get more attention from the women you like. You'll be a better (and happier) person for it. And you'll probably live longer too.

Thanks for the good advice as these are words of wisdom. Actually I prefear the other women that do like me as I find them to have a better attitude, to be less materialistic, more family orinted and more genuine than white Canadian and Quebecois women who tend to be more superficial, money grabbers and laking in class and charm. Yes, I was unhappy at one point since most of the ethnic women I connected with were french speaking, so I got of my ass and started taking french courses and as you can tell by other posts here, my options are much more wide open as a result.

Well, glad to see the different personalities come out and from a psychological perspective I find it very interesting. Some have the bully mentality of atack, attack, attack and blame the victum. Others tend to be more sympathitic and solution oriented with a sperit of kindness who want for everyone to get along. To all of you, cheers and hope you all enjoy the wonderful gifts of life.;)


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Now BDC, that's a classy response! And I'm not sarcastic at all, I'm sincere!

The ladies you say like you are, maybe strangely, from groups where the womens are often not seen as equals to men. Does this help solve the mystery? Chances are you do treat these ladies better than they are treated by their own so, of course they like you. Congratulations on learning French. That's a good step!

My statement about normality still stand. Remember the last part: Not that you won't ever be right, but that's where the questionning comes into play. That's what happened with slavery. Peoples were seeing this as normal and other peoples questionned it. Their question and the answers they commanded got peoples to understand they were wrong and today, slavery isn't considered as normal.
The points you bring about racism and certain of your views on womens were discussed by society before and, the general concensus was to move away from considering them "the norm". Those views were the norm 50-60 years ago but society decided they aren't anymore so, in order to have the trend reversed, you'd have a lot of work to do!

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