Montreal Escorts

Racism and SPs preferences


Jul 26, 2006
John_Cage said:
So the real question here is: If you find an excotic looking Asian girl (to you) and she very open minded, fun, outgoing (not shy), and sex is nothing more than physical probing to her... Would you go out with her?

"White" girl is like 50 different looks, btw.

The really "white" ones, (blond hair, blue eyes):
You got the Excotic Eastern European Hotties (Russians), you got the Sexy French Girls.

The not-so blond hair, blue eyes ones:
Sultry Spanish Girls.
Fun-loving and outgoing Italians.

The gothic types:
Dark hair, dark eyes Mysterious Seductresses.

*All generalization are there simply to prove a point (that there are diversity in the "white" race, so it's weird for people to "just" like "white girls")
** Anyone offend by my generalizations will receive my apologies here and now, sorry but it's for a good cause.

If you just claim to like "White" girls... it's a bit vague AND it could send across signs of racism, because why else would you like ALL those type of girls YET dislike Asian girls? Or your equally excotic Arabic girls? Or your flaming hot Latinas?

To avoid sounding racist, it's best to state the qualities you like rather than just the "race". Since honestly, it's harder to tell races apart (as long as there's less than a few degrees difference in skin tone) nowadays.

In your case, maybe you could've said "I like Fun Girls..." that would probably NOT include all the "white" girls yet you would have stated your point without sounding the least bit racist.

*I am not saying you did sound racist, I am just saying how you could sound even LESS.

hehehe.... you're right. But i was just bringing up a point. didn't want to go into exact details about what kinda white girls i like. i like any hot while girls, no specific hair colour, no certain height, but actually, i think i do like the 5'10, 115 pounds, blond hair, blue eyes, pouty lips, fun, exciting, horny, loves to give head, friendly, kind, nice, etc etc etc....

but if you like to be politically correct. I like caucasians over asians. But if i did come by a hot hot hot hot cute cute cute cute asian chick, i'd go for it too. but if i had a choice between a perfect 10 asian, and a perfect 10 white girl, i'd go for the white girl.



Jul 26, 2006
oliver kloseoff said:
in a perfect world this makes perfect sence.
welcome to reality:D
woman are just a life support system for a c-u-n-t to many
and men are just an extesnion to their wallets to many a working girl
as long as you pay they dont care of you have a 3rd eye in the middle of your forehead.

3rd eye on your forehead? that sounds like some dragon ball shit. :D


New Member
Jul 24, 2006
MontrealAsian said:
but if i had a choice between a perfect 10 asian, and a perfect 10 white girl, i'd go for the white girl.

I would take both:D , Men! polygamy should be legalized............;)


Mar 31, 2005

in a perfect world this makes perfect sence.
welcome to reality
woman are just a life support system for a c-u-n-t to many
and men are just an extesnion to their wallets to many a working girl
as long as you pay they dont care of you have a 3rd eye in the middle of your forehead.

I like to believe that we have some humanity left, in my world, we care !
While I have to agree that money is the driver in almost all dealings, I still do not want to dehumanize our hobby, as of yet :)

I do have to say that while seeing SP's, a more human approach has yielded better service. People respond to the way you treat them, even though money is exchanged, the encounter can be warmer and more enjoyable for all parties.

I think that too many times the SP's are treated like simple minded machines, and thus react in the same manner. Most of SP's are classifed according to the acronyms attached to their profile, and get business in accordance to the accronyms. Many complain about how they did not get such and such a service, without regard of the feelings for the SP. We want them to be more GFE with genuine feelings, but treat them like cold robots, to me thats hypocricy..

I would much rather have an SP who enjoys sex as much as I then have a cold machine sucking machine that can DT CIM COB CIF etc etc

Anyways thats just me :)

Take care out there,



New Member
Dec 25, 2005
Porter said:
The remark that I read about if an SP is choosy then she should leave the business. I find that single remark void of human compassion. Which also leads to the whole GFE thing going on.

Oh no, that's not what I meant at all.

My point 2 stated that a woman ALWAYS have a right to choose. That being said, there's a certain thing call professionalism.

Back in the days, Doctors refused black patients using the same logics (I have the right to choose). Why is a doctor's right to perform surgery NOT protected?

Simple, because when you choose to be a Doctor, you've chosen to serve our society AS a Doctor. That's how you get a licence. If you advertise yourself AS a Doctor, You Must Accommodate Everyone.

Basicly, the difference now is The Way The Profession of Escorts Is Defined. If Escorting ever become a real Profession (not a taboo, a discussion fit for the dinner table with kids present), if they ever require licence or whatnot... The law MIGHT enforce the same restrictions on Escorting. One might argue that it's an intimate profession, then again how is babysitting not intimate? How is cutting someone open then putting them back not intimate? You cannot just draw a line above Escorting and call it the only intimate profession.

So basicly, IF that's how the law decides to view SPs, then by becoming a SP, you are saying "I am willing to do whatever my job demand of me". Otherwise don't become a SP. She does have a choice NOT to sleep with men that she doesn't want to... she can just NOT be a SP. OR she could be a "illegal" SP (one that's not licenced, like a back-alley doctor). It would be like a Moral Code of the SPs (similar to that of the Doctors).

However, that's NOT how SPing is right now. SPs are girls who Meet you and Spend time with you; the sex is not mentioned (but it happens).

Just think about how it would be if a racist became a doctor (and he refuses to see black patients)? He would lose his licences faster than he can say... well... anything.

MontrealAsian said:
[...] but if i had a choice between a perfect 10 asian, and a perfect 10 white girl, i'd go for the white girl.


*Sigh* Well, if that's how you think, then by DEFINITION, you are a racist.

A perfect 10 (to you) = A perfect 10 (to you). Why would you choose the "white" girl over the Asian girl? The ONLY difference in this case is the "race"? Don't you see? Are people NOT grasping the concept of racism?
HOWEVER, this is what I think you meant... the most beautiful "white" girl (a 10 to the general scale) and the most beautiful Asian girl (a 10 to the general scale)

In that case, they are NOT 10s to YOU. Because you like outgoing, fun, horny girls (assuming the Asian girl isn't like that). So basicly, to you, the "white" girl is a 10, the Asian girl (due to her lack of sex-drive) is only a 9 (to you). THUS you choose the "white" girl (10>9). (If you DISLIKE horny girls, then you would choose the Asian girl)

That is how a non-racist thinks.

Food for thought:
What about a spanish girl who looks really chinese and lived in China all her life?
What about a chinese girl who looks really italian and lived in Canada all her life?

Case in Point, choose based on attributes and NOT the blanket "race" statement is how one avoid being called a racist (and avoid BEING a racist).
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Mar 31, 2005
Basicly, the difference now is The Way The Profession of Escorts Is Defined. If Escorting ever become a real Profession (not a taboo, a discussion fit for the dinner table with kids present), if they ever require licence or whatnot... The law MIGHT enforce the same restrictions on Escorting. One might argue that it's an intimate profession, then again how is babysitting not intimate? How is cutting someone open then putting them back not intimate? You cannot just draw a line above Escorting and call it the only intimate profession.

So basicly, IF that's how the law decides to view SPs, then by becoming a SP, you are saying "I am willing to do whatever my job demand of me". Otherwise don't become a SP. She does have a choice NOT to sleep with men that she doesn't want to... she can just NOT be a SP. OR she could be a "illegal" SP (one that's not licenced, like a back-alley doctor). It would be like a Moral Code of the SPs (similar to that of the Doctors).

However, that's NOT how SPing is right now. SPs are girls who Meet you and Spend time with you; the sex is not mentioned (but it happens).

I believe you are distorting profession with rights! Unalienable rights that all human beings have. The right to choose, which is the one I am harping on!

The SP in question has a right of choice, she did not display any racial comments, she expressed a choice.

As for Doctors, well Sir, may I just say that we must live in a very racial political climate in Quebec, because even though I am a diabetic, I cannot get a Doctor (endo) to treat me. I have been at this for the last two years !!!!

Even in a profession, we still should maintain our right of choice without the discrimination associated with it.



Jul 26, 2006
fuck me..... i'm a racist against asian ppl? I never thought of it that way I guess...

Oh well.... *puts on his white robe and conehead of a hat*.


New Member
Jul 24, 2006
MontrealAsian said:
fuck me..... i'm a racist against asian ppl? I never thought of it that way I guess...

Oh well.... *puts on his white robe and conehead of a hat*.

I don’t think your racist. I see it more like ice cream. You have your favorite flavor but you don’t hate the other flavors you just indulge in them once in wile. But you stick most of the time to vanilla flavor. I can respect that and I believe most people are like that in ther choices. I believed you said :

MontrealAsian said:
But if i did come by a hot hot hot hot cute cute cute cute asian chick, i'd go for it too.

This show that you’re open to the possibility on having fun with Asian women, if the opportunity presents it self but you won’t actively look for it. That’s ok. But if you said I don’t sleep with Asian women then there might be some sort of self-hatred thing going on. But from what I read, I believe you have a healthy perspective.:)

For me if the chick gives me a bonner were good to go!:D

MontrealAsian I wonder what is your opinion on pornstar actrice Tera Patrick, I know I would do her in hart beat!:D
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Jul 26, 2006
player_82 said:
MontrealAsian I wonder what is your opinion on pornstar actrice Tera Patrick, I know I would do her in hart beat!:D

Oh man... if only I can remembe HOW MANY loads i've blown on her face....... in my head while jerking it. Man, she's ultra super pornstar HOTTTTTTT!

Now that you mention it, I prefer white girls over asian girls, but i'd DIEEEEEEE for an asian/white girl!!!! They are ALL TIME SUPERRR HOTTTTTTTT!!

I've actually met her in real life in Las Vegas at a porn star convention. Took a pic with her and all too... YUMMYYY!!

Thanks for pointing out i'm not hating on my own asian people.

*sigh of relief... gets off from the buliding ledge...*

Now I don't have to kill myself for being asian... I guess i'm not a racist. :D


New Member
Dec 25, 2005
player_82 said:
I don’t think your racist. I see it more like ice cream. You have your favorite flavor but you don’t hate the other flavors you just indulge in them once in wile. But you stick most of the time to vanilla flavor. I can respect that and I believe most people are like that in ther choices.

What do you think the definition of racism is? Hating others? No.

Preferring one race over another is RACISM. Giving a job to a certain person because he's good at computers is not racism; giving a job to a chinese guy because you assume he's good at computer is racism (racism doesn't even have to be offensive).

To the other poster on professionalism:

Why can't you get a doctor? Is it an appointment thing? (Yeah, i know, doctors have to be like booked 6 months in advance or something, what a shortage) Don't tell me that they won't treat you due to your race... If so, SUE them.

To MontrealAsian:

Anyways, I enjoy debates only because it's fun (part of being a student is enjoying academic debates). I am NOT assaulting your character, in fact you seem rather easy going. I am just telling you what racism is (defining others by their race AND attach opinion to that race). In the United States, you can't even ask where someone is from in a job interview (unless you meant city/state). If you did, and he/she is a minority... you better have a damn good excuse not to hire him/her. Because god damn, they will sue your ass off. I know, I lived in the States.

Interesting fact: (I went to High School in New York)

They have an affirmative action thingy in place for school systems. Many of you might know that there are three top Science High School in New York: Stuyvsent (spell?), Bronx H.S. of Science and Brooklyn Tech. We have to take a SSHSAT (Specialized Science High School Admission Test, 400 points for english, 400 points for math) to get in. Due to the affirmative action, every school must have minimum representation of all the major minorities (especially true for those 3 schools that everyone want to get into). I won't mention details, but it resulted in favor of some race and caused problem for others (because you are basicly competing agaisnt people of your nationality, instead of based PURELY of the score). If there's a minimum of 20 seats for Race A, then they must have 20 Race A, even if there aren't enough Race A who scored that high. Causing some of Race B to lose their seats. Equal Representation, they say...

Is that racism? (this happen to be the topic of my term paper for one of my humanity classes) Equal Representation or Equal Opportunity (which is better)?

In case you don't know what I know talking about:

Equal Representation means the RESULT must be equal to all (you must have at least 30% female in your work place, 30% african american, so forth... so forth... be best if you have representation of everyone in your work place).

Equal Opportunity means the Chances must be equal. Blind selection for a job position; all choices are made based sololy on merit. (If there aren't enough girls fit for the job... then it's fine to not have any).
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Jul 26, 2006
Which brings you to the conclusion......

I'm still a racist.

But the way you put it, sounds a lot less hating. I may be a racist with asian people without knowing, I give you that much. But I don't care much if i'm a racist towards asians... if I am, then so be it. :)

Didn't know it was so easy to be a racist without knowing it... hehehe... whatever. No biggie to be a racist. Probably a huge % of people are racist from your point of view without them even knowing it. Well, not YOUR point of view, but the politically correct point of view that is.

I'm sure one time or another someone has made a black joke or maybe picked the black guy to be on his bball team in school instead of the chinese guy, or picked the chinese guy to be his math partner instead of the black guy, or picked the italian kid instead of the black or chinese guy to be on the soccer team.

So if you think of it that way, almost everyone's a racist for acting that way or having done something to be able to considered as a racist.

Man, being politically correct sucks hard. :)

Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
Montreal Asian:

I doubt you are racist. You probably just prefer taller woman with large breasts, long legs and a round ass. Also, I don't know what culture you were raised in, but if you grew up in Canada or the US, your personal culture would be essentially western, so obviously you would seek out caucasian woman as being the most likely to possess the cultural character with which you feel you can communicate intimately.

Funny thing, you and I are very similar. I am Caucasian, but I tend to prefer woman of other races, particularly Asian and African. To be honest, in the last twenty years I've only had one short romantic relationship with a Caucasian woman. Nevertheless, I find many Caucasian woman beautiful, but they are just not the "true north" toward which my little compass naturally points.

Why should having an attraction for certain racial characteristics be any different than a fetish for black leather boots and a whip? Some guys go crazy for fat girls or hairy girls.

Anyway, I'm not sure that the term "racism" was devised for use in the sphere of sexual relationships. Exclusion is intrinsic to sexual relationships. Don't we pick and choose our partners based on our personal preferences, in the end selecting only one or a very few partners according to a multitude of factors (age, money, looks and character) to the exclusion of all other individuals?

MontrealAsian said:
Which brings you to the conclusion......

I'm still a racist.

But the way you put it, sounds a lot less hating. I may be a racist with asian people without knowing, I give you that much. But I don't care much if i'm a racist towards asians... if I am, then so be it. :)

Didn't know it was so easy to be a racist without knowing it... hehehe... whatever. No biggie to be a racist. Probably a huge % of people are racist from your point of view without them even knowing it. Well, not YOUR point of view, but the politically correct point of view that is.

I'm sure one time or another someone has made a black joke or maybe picked the black guy to be on his bball team in school instead of the chinese guy, or picked the chinese guy to be his math partner instead of the black guy, or picked the italian kid instead of the black or chinese guy to be on the soccer team.

So if you think of it that way, almost everyone's a racist for acting that way or having done something to be able to considered as a racist.

Man, being politically correct sucks hard. :)
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lookin 4 a cuddle
Jul 24, 2005
Exotica laval

I am waking up this old thread.
I lost my massage Virginity to Exotica and have been quite a regular there since, I have posted about my earlier expirianaces, (lately i haven't posted at all)

I still went to their old place before they moved to the new place.
I also recommend some friends to go there, but it was quite shocking to learn that they have a firm discrimintation policy against Jewish customers,
This guy wrote to me, that he tested them a few timem he made an appointment and then double checked that its not booked, but when he showed up he was refused, they claimed to be busy

only after nagging them, they told him the truth that they don't want to accept him because of his nationality.

isn't that a disgrace


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Is the guy's nationality written on his face? I do know some Jews and the only way I know is because they told me!

Knowing how much some middle east groups hates each others, maybe the owners of Exotica is from a group who hate Jaws? In this case, it's almost genetic! It's still not ok to act like this in Canada but it won't likely change, since they might hate each others for a 1000 years or so!

What if they would take him after the nagging? Service could be totally shitty! Better go somewhere else right off the bat! It's not like there's only 1 place who offer these services and it's not like he'll die if he's not going EXACTLY THERE! Somebody else will be happy to take his money and give him excellent service. His gain, Exotica's lost.

It's good you point this out. Now, peoples who are bothred by this attitude can avoid the place. I don't think your buddy should push it further. IMHO, they are not worth it.


New Member
Dec 25, 2005
Racism still exist in 2007, it's sad (I agree that it's "less"). Some of you know that I recently encountered racism in the form of affirmative action (interesting, how I mentioned this before). At the time of the above post, I discussed it like it's nothing more than a topic. But once you've been on the receiving end of injustice, you feel it more and you care more.

The only difference in racism now is that we tend to be racist behind closed doors or we disguise it with something (yes, people are more politically correct, but that does not erase all form of racism). During my research in "Affirmative Action" I came across a brand new form of racism... Scientific Racism. At first, I didn't see it that way; I thought of it as just another scientific research.

This guy, Rushton managed to publish something that at first glance, resembles "a normal scientific research".,_Evolution_and_Behavior#Summary

I couldn't see any form of bias at first and then I realized... Racist ideas doesn't have to be "incorrect" or "insulting"; they just have to enforce the concept of race. By dividing people up into different races, the racist gain a weapon. They can "classify" people with a "catch-all". Instead of calling a person "dark-skinned, large build..." it's "BLACK"... It is this classification of race that back up ALL racist ideas. By using scientific data and statistics, Rushton try to enforce the idea that human races (scientifically speaking) actually exists (modern Anthropologist believes that the "race line" is basically non-existant and the difference between a white men and a black men is very small to almost non-existant).

Basically, by giving the racists a way to BE RACIST (confirming the existance and difference of each so called "race"), we allow racism to take place. Think of it this way... How would Affirmative Action work if race... simply didn't exist?

"Mmm, yeah... if you skin tone is 15% dark then this piece of paper and your cock is longer than 8 inches... then all you need is a 1200 SAT !"

By taking away race... we take away their power (racists).

To me, if there was 3 people in front of me, two was "gangsta" (1 white, 1 black) and another was a mathmatician (black)... I would not be classifing the 2 blacks together because to me, the "race" card isn't quite as important as who they actually are.

Big Daddy Cool

Emperor of Earth
Jul 20, 2005
69 Hard-On Ave
What you discribed about affermative action is exactly what I hate about it. I remember knowing a white guy who loved everyone regardless of race. Everyone was equal to him. I watched this guy as he kept being turned down for jobs in favour of less qulified black, asian, east indian and etc people under affermative action laws under the NDP in Ontario slowly become hateful and resentful towards these people. Yes he acted liked the typical victum of racest policies against the white male. The irony being that affermative action actually caused non raciest people to become raciest totally having the opposite affect of its original intent.


Active Member
Apr 3, 2007

at exxotica they the girls have the right to service you or not. you also have the right to book them or not. if they do not service jews, there has to be a reason. are they sometime too cheap when it goes to tip? or is it because they only want a professionnal massage? :)

when i look at the gazette, it is full of ad of women and men asking to date jews only. are they racist? no, it's a preference. the same apply for MP therapist. giving a massage is a special and intimate experience especially if options are to be asked or given. it's not like going to your mecanic...

you and your friends can boycott them. less business is less profits. and you wont loose your time going there.


Big Daddy Cool

Emperor of Earth
Jul 20, 2005
69 Hard-On Ave
What is racist is the double standard I've seen on this board. A place won't service Jews and little is made of it, but a black man is refused service and an intir thread full of angry people expressing that they will boycot that place was started about a year ago. Obviously Jews are not as favored as blacks here.

Another thing that's rediculous. All these white whores who only date black guys, gangs which are dominitly black (Crack Down Possie, Bo Gars, Punto Negro 167, Jamacian Possie, Burgandy's Most Wanted), most the high crime areas being black, most of the thugs that hang around the metro are black (Lional Greaux on a Saturday night for example), having white trash producing their kids and yet people are ready to defend them.

The Jews are friendly, helping people with such organizations like the Jewish General Hospital, the Shriners, providing jobs for our community and contributing a lot to our nation and they are thanked by white whores not wanting to date them, having their schools fire bombed, their cemitaries vandalized, their synagogs desegrated and their people attacked.

It's disgraceful and desturbing. I'm not Jewish, but it ticks me off to see how they are treated and I will boycott this place in protest. Someone has to stand up for them.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
BDC, a woman who only date black dudes is a whore and one who date you isn't?

The consensus on that previous thread was "Each lady is allowed to see who she wish.". Don't you remember?

As we can see, you're still the same and didn't learn anything from previous discussion or bans. Why don't you crawl back under your rock? Things were good here lately...

Big Daddy Cool

Emperor of Earth
Jul 20, 2005
69 Hard-On Ave
metoo4 said:
we can see, you're still the same and didn't learn anything from previous discussion or bans. Why don't you crawl back under your rock? Things were good here lately...

You disagree with me that's fine you can attack my ideas. But I still see your still the same old school yard bully that needs to lash out at other board members which tells me what a sorry state you are in if you need to boost your own ego by attacking others on a personal level and throw insults. Man I really feel sorry for you.

By the way I don't bother much with the boards because to be blunt, I've gotten board with the boards, the same subjects, people flaming each other to make themselves feel more imortant than they really are, reading about how this SP is a bitch and the white knight saying "no she's not". There's way too much childish behaviour and to be straight, I have a life outside the boards and the hobby, but it's nice to drop in once in awhile. Hay if you don't like what I write than you can drop out or simply ignore what I say. Till then please grow up and learn to tolerate other opinions or debate without the childish name calling and condensending attitude towards other board members. Thank God most here are decent and tolerant people.
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