I like a good CIM combined with a COF. The sloppier the better! However, if an SP is charging extra for it, i won't bother. I think too many SPs (especially indies) are charging extras for too many things. So, i do not want to promote that practice.
Like Sol Tee Nutz, i also have unfortunately experienced SPs (and regular girls) completely drop the ball during a SOG, either with a limp hand (or the complete opposite), or stroking the wrong end of the shaft, or simply letting go.
In the past, i even had an SP or two literally stop and go to the bathroom, while i was still having an O, ........totally ruining the entire experience for me!!!
Other wel-intended SPs (usually younger ones) think that as soon as the juice stops flowing, that's their cue to get up and go.....
But, in reality, (i can speak only for me), a man's "O" can actually continue a good 1 to 3 minutes after the juices have stopped exiting. I still have ecstatic sensations to "touch" after the SOG has ended, ...so a soft pair of lips or a gentle hand or tongue, or all 3 at the same time is pure paradise....
So, in order to avoid any disappointments during the SOG (i usually like my SOGs on a pretty face or in a sexy mouth, or both), i will literally explain to the SP exactly what i want in terms of technique and intensity. And, i won't wait to tell her near the end when she may perhaps be stressing about time.
For example, during the opening BBBJ, i will explain what technique i like when i am ready to SOG and what she should be doing during the O. I also make certain to explain that they must not leave me girating by myself as soon as the juice stops, and that they should wait for my signal before they come to a full stop.
And since i have been doing that, I have had no big problems anymore in this department, save for a few minor incidents where the SP still did not adhere to my desires, even if i reminded her (sometimes, when they see or taste the juice, they go emotionally limp lol). But, in general, SPs are cool with my demand. I admit that it can be a turnoff (even for me) when I have to explain such things in great detail, but i truly don't give a crap, since it is a strictly physical service that i'm splurging for, and i am not looking for a love affair, nor are they.