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Russian invasion of Ukraine imminent, BBC reports


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Bidet again really put his foot in his mouth, with his statement of Putin cannot remain in power. Now the white house is busy trying to down play and explain his statement again.
What was he doing publicly calling for Putin’s assassination, what a fucking moron.
Either have the guts to call in the troops and show some military force but don’t antagonize the nutcase by basically announcing a hit out on him.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I think it was Lindsay Graham who called for Putin's assassination.
Yeah well that idiot Bidet must have been listening and regurgitated it on the world wide stage.
Perfect way to make sure Putin doesn’t reach for the red button.
Not exactly the same coming from the President of the US or some backwoods red neck Senator although they could share the moron award.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Sorry you had not posted this someone else did but this is the report that said they were deported- and haggling over terms is silly because it is a correct description of what was done.
This was posted by a Hungarian who’s English is obviously not perfect.
Visegrád is a small Hungarian town with a famous castle ( I mean well known in Hungary).
Hungary has the second most Ukrainian refugees after Poland.
Strange he doesn’t know the difference between trains and buses also they have many of both in Hungary
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
BIDEN. .plus he said also today PUTIN was a ''BUTCHER''..... perhaps not politically ALL what BIDEN said vs the FURHER...the 2/3 of HUMANITY will agree with him....sorry M.PUTIN if it hurts your big dementiel ego..BUT we don't
the red's not what BIDEN says or n'importe qui d'autre qui vont l'influencer.....c'est un paranoiaque qui veut la destruction des démocraties....and nothing nothing will stop him....well said JOE.....more more more. ;)


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Butcher of Mariupol: Russian Colonel behind horrific civilian attacks identified.
Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev.

If he survives this then let’s hope the evidence against him is being compiled and we will see him and others face a court of justice for these war crimes.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Let's hope for so....ces barbares devront payer pour leurs crimes sordides, haineux et machiavéliques.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
BIDEN. .plus he said also today PUTIN was a ''BUTCHER''..... perhaps not politically ALL what BIDEN said vs the FURHER...the 2/3 of HUMANITY will agree with him....sorry M.PUTIN if it hurts your big dementiel ego..BUT we don't
the red's not what BIDEN says or n'importe qui d'autre qui vont l'influencer.....c'est un paranoiaque qui veut la destruction des démocraties....and nothing nothing will stop him....well said JOE.....more more more. ;)
That is the whole problem all Bidet does is yap, and even with that he makes stupid mistakes. No military action no planes for Ukraine.
You really think calling Putin a butcher is going to deter him or hurt his ego.
What did Bidet achieve with his trip and meetings, is there a ceasefire ? are there peace talks . is Russia withdrawing or even diminishing the bombardment, nope so Bidet has basically done fuck all except for putting his foot in his mouth with the one thing that wasn’t written down for him to say.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
None---and you know it----- will influence this tyran---except CHINA...military action...planes for Ukraine???,,,you are really ready for WW111...some are more concerned and responsable............all the EUROPEAN leaders are also in the same boat.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The BBC is reporting that the Russian goal is to split Ukraine- although this article mentions North and South Korea, I think a more appropriate example would be what Putin sees as the "good old days" of East and West Germany. The 2 new countries will be East Ukraine, presumably to be ruled by a Russian puppet, and West Ukraine, which will presumably be led by Zelensky, if he manages to stay alive, or one of his ministers, if he does not:
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
None---and you know it----- will influence this tyran---except CHINA...military action...planes for Ukraine???,,,you are really ready for WW111...some are more concerned and responsable............all the EUROPEAN leaders are also in the same boat.
No I am just not ready to let a maniac kill thousands of innocent people without calling his bluff.
This man will not stop and does not understand anything else except military force.
Your logic is that he can go on killing innocent women and children as long as they are not members of NATO mine is not.
Time the rest of the world put an end to this tyrant instead of just useless yapping like Bidet.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
None---and you know it----- will influence this tyran---except CHINA...military action...planes for Ukraine???,,,you are really ready for WW111...some are more concerned and responsable............all the EUROPEAN leaders are also in the same boat.

This is a golden opportunity for China. All they really want is access to Russia's resources.

So...say they support Russia ===> get access to Russia's resources. Downside: get associated with butchery, China gets sanctioned.

They don't support Russia ===> still get access to Russia's resources, on the sly. Probably at a discount, since Russia is desperate.

No upside to supporting Russia at all. Might as well profit off its misery.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Hilarious if going to check your buried piggy bank and realizing someone filled it with gravel

The end result? Equipment that breaks down at its most basic level. When I was in Cuba a few years back, I was able to buy cigars from a guy who worked at the official state factory making them. Everyone pilfered a certain amount, which they would then sell on the black market. That’s what’s clearly happening here: the Rothenbergs and other arms manufacturers pilfer; the steel-, iron-, and component-manufacturers pilfer; the plant managers pilfer; the employees pilfer; the unit commanders pilfer; the supply officers pilfer; the soldiers pilfer. It’s a wonderful grift. Everyone benefits! Well, except when war is called. Suddenly, all that equipment that was supposedly in the field turns out to have been an illusion, long sold off for Italian villas and bottles of vodka. That’s likely why we haven’t seen much of a Russian Air Force in action. I bet they can’t even get their birds in the air.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
None---and you know it----- will influence this tyran---except CHINA...military action...planes for Ukraine???,,,you are really ready for WW111...some are more concerned and responsable............all the EUROPEAN leaders are also in the same boat.
You talk about being concerned and responsible.
This incompetent senile idiot is too chicken shit to supply Ukraine with planes and missiles to defend themselves yet he is stupid enough to actually call for the assassination of Putin on the world stage. How would you explain “ Putin cannot remain in Power”
This is the man the US has picked to represent them in front of the world.
So fucking sad it is not even funny anymore.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
It's easy for us dans notre salon en chaussettes sirotant notre café de décider du sort du monde...i much much prefer let the INTERNATIONAL leaders avec leurs conseillers militaires décider....pas mal plus équipé ;) .


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
It's easy for us dans notre salon en chaussettes sirotant notre café de décider du sort du monde...i much much prefer let the INTERNATIONAL leaders avec leurs conseillers militaires décider....pas mal plus équipé ;) .
No Gaby that is not it at all you have decided that Bidet in your mind can do no wrong.
He is a useless senile old fool who puts his foot in his mouth every time he opens it.
As for sitting on the couch, yes it is true in your case, however I went through this exact same thing and watched children not much older than me going up against Russian tanks, saw people being shot and buildings being toppled with tank fire, the ordinary citizen going up against and attacking the secret police with their bare hands.
The west stood by then also and watched as countless countries were ”helped by Russia“ this caused 50 years of misery for millions of people and no I am not the one that is just attaching smiley and winking faces to my posts but someone who actually knows what the Ukrainian people are suffering and going through.
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