US Senate approves lend-lease act for Ukraine:
The lend-lease program was last used during World War II, when the United States provided assistance to allied countries that fought against Nazi Germany, mostly to the Soviet Union and Great Britain. Many historians say it helped tip the balance of the war in favor of the allies.
The bill must still be approved by the House of Representatives and signed by Biden.

U.S. Senate Approves Bill On Lend-Lease For Arms Supplies To Ukraine
The U.S. Senate has unanimously approved a bill that will help President Joe Biden send weapons and other supplies to Ukraine as it tries to defend itself from an invasion by Russia.

The lend-lease program was last used during World War II, when the United States provided assistance to allied countries that fought against Nazi Germany, mostly to the Soviet Union and Great Britain. Many historians say it helped tip the balance of the war in favor of the allies.
The bill must still be approved by the House of Representatives and signed by Biden.