The very fact that it costs so much to be elected into office and that the incumbents are therefore indebted to either capital interests or the interests of the poor, whichever, rather than to the Nation itself should be reason enough to despise Democracy in general and Oligarchic Democracy specifically.
The unbridled passion that possesses the masses during an election cycle is unbelievably comical.
There are times when... I honestly believe that most people like, crave and want to be lied to!
The thing you have to keep in mind is that the corporations are the government. Corporations control all resources and dictate all policy. Have you ever seen a leader reveal himself? There is always a spokesperson or middle man that delivers and implements the orders of the leader. Having said not all warfare requires weapons and violence. Corporations use the media that they control and cleaver marketing that has been designed by psychologists and marketing specialists in order to brainwash people and to coerce them in order to exploit them in the name of profits. Just to prove my case look at how many people are right wing conservatives they support conservatives and will even fight for them. Any evidence you present to them and they will complete deny everything and dispute it as false. It is a lost cause. Am glad I am not living in a conservative capitalistic country that rewards greed and unethical behavior yet if a client decides to avail to sexual services of a SP he has committed the greatest sin and should go to prison for that. Weird society. Lol