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Senate impeachment circus

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C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Consider this a payback for your immortal "subatomic molecules" line. I guess we are even now... :yo:
we could ask the professor he has a brilliant analytical mind closest thing to a quantum computor .Years of underwater basket weaving has paid off.
its his source of information which seems to be the problem.

Yes, this is just been presented as a “threat” by the media. As was explained today by the WH team that after all classified info is corrected/removed the book can be published. This is not a threat but standard procedure for every publication by the person that have Top Secret clearance
ahh so a moderate comes in with a reality check........ it is procedure for people writeing a book who have top secret clearance


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
It is a very good point. But the white house team overlooked another good one. Requesting investigation into Hunter Biden and Burisma also will show that US don’t tolerate corruption when their citizens involved in Ukraine. How else you can teach the country from the high ground if your own citizens involved in very same shady deals in the same country? Thus, there are at the very least two motivations. Can you argue what was the true one or assign percentage points to each?

Alan Dershowitz just brought the above-mentioned argument. This guy is not paid for nothing:clap2:

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Alan Dershowitz just brought the above-mentioned argument. This guy is not paid for nothing:clap2:

You should have copyrighted it :)

Alan Dershowitz seems to possess an intellect more powerful than that of all the other participants' combined. When he was teaching at Harvard, it was next to impossible to get into his class, everyone was so eager to attend.


Nov 1, 2019
Trump's Attorneys Are Advocating For Criminal Behavior This Evening! They stated it's okay to accept information against an election opponent from a foreign government, so long as it's true.
That is a direct violation of Title 52-Voting and Elections; Subtitle III-Federal Campaign Finance; Chapter 301-Federal Election Campaigns; Subchapter I-Disclosure of Federal Campaign Funds:
It shall be unlawful for: (1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make: A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election; .... C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication; or (2)a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

This is what happens when good lawyers have to defend indefensible President behavior and corruption. aka twisting oneself into a pretzel


Nov 1, 2019

The list of former Trump loyalists and staff members who have been tossed aside and then flamed into right wing purgatory are legion.
But John Bolton, one of the the most hard right political figures for the past few decades, Fox News paid contributor for 11 years, has dared to tell the truth about this President because he is so damned principled in his love of country, he is willing to brave the shitstorm that Trump throws at every one of his discarded minions eventually; and that list of minions is almost too long to recount.
Trump is furious that his former National Security Advisor has confirmed in his book the corrupt quid pro quo, attempted bribery/extortion by Trump against a vulnerable US ally; an eyewitness with direct knowledge of Trump's corrupt self-dealing. Soooo juicy.
No shrinking violent, these next few days and weeks will see a clash of titans, Trump vs Bolton, Captain America vs Iron Man, Frazier vs Ali! Stay tuned!


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Look guys, I hope we are all adults on this board. Some posters however like GMA need to show their IDs. Because every mature adult will ask himself the question on what democrats are trying to accomplish going to Senate and knowing there never, ever, zero chances, be 2/3 majority enough for the impeachment. They went into it, nevertheless. Why? What is the motive? GMA claims it is a pure desire for the democracy. At this point I really want to see his ID. The only correct answer, for an adult of course, is that they hope to damage Trump’s chances to get re-elected. And this is nothing else as using impeachment procedure as an election weapon. They charge Trump with the same thing. Can’t have it both ways.


Nov 1, 2019
1) Trump is so obviously guilty of abuse of power, bribery, extortion, obstruction
2)Trump is the most infantile, vindictive, corrupt, amoral, egotistical, dishonest, lying POTUS in modern history. I was no fan of Reagan nor Bush, but this dude is beyond the pale. Paying off porn stars. Racist policies as a landlord. Denigrating Gold star parents, teen age girls, people with disabilities... Letting the Iran government attack our soldiers and cause 50 plus soldiers to suffer Traumatic Brain Injury...and then President Bone Spur Draft Dodger shrugs that those injuries aren't serious, and let's this attack against our troops go unpunished! I could go and on. But I'm the immature one here? Right, pal.
3) The Republicans are making a mockery of this impeachment trial, so one can hardly be reverent while they enact a selfish unpatriotic cover up of a crooked POTUS simply because they fear his tweetstorms will mobilize his base against any Republican who defies him. That's exactly what he's done to Bolton ever since Bolton came clean with his book and willingness to testify.
4) The Democrats have already made their point, standing up for the Constitution. They would like to show Trump's guilt beyond any possible shadow of doubt, but the Republicans are blocking any production of documents or witnesses (Bolton, White House Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, among others) who have ironclad eyewitness proof of Trump's guilt; and they're slyly slandering Joe Biden with false accusations re Burisma, which was never a concern to Trump in 2016 nor 2017 nor 2018; but as soon as Biden becomes a threat to defeat Trump in an election, all of a sudden Trump's soooooo worried about ukraine corruption, Burisma, etc. Gimme a break, Liar-In-Chief.
5) Ever see a criminal trial without witnesses or relevant documents. No one else has. 75% of American people want to see witnesses. But Republican senators and Trump won't permit witnesses because his guilt will then be undeniable on prime time television What a Republican farce and cover up
6) If some of the righty merbites want dignity and maturity, just check out POTUS' tweet storms regarding the dozens of former employees and staff members who he's kicked to the curb without an ounce of loyalty nor conscience. Maturity some of you want? Look to your leader, The Donald, and tell us what you see.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
GMA, I was wrong, you are lost cause incapable of staying on topic and intelligent discussion. This topic is not about if Tramp is good or bad person. This is the discussion about the legality of the impeachment proceeding, its highs and lows, etc. By the way, I do not like Trump either, but I support many of his political/economic decisions. I prefer president which is not so good as a person but who is providing right decisions giving results, towards some adorable smooth talking guy/lady with wrong ideas and failing policy.


Nov 1, 2019
George F. Will, iconic conservative news columnist, with his thoughts on the impeachment trial:
There Is More Utility Than Futility in the Impeachment

"When the Senate acquits the president, he will launch a vindication tour proclaiming that his prosecution was persecution that validated his coveted victim status: Crybaby conservatism’s leader has been tormented by unhinged elites.
The entire impeachment episode might boost his reelection chances, but only slightly, because voters who are undecided about him are thin on the ground."...
"Since he entered politics in 2015, he has enjoyed immunity through profusion: His nonstop torrent of lies, distortions, slanders and historical claptrap has prevented prolonged scrutiny of anything. This has helped him weather the impeachment squall. Millions of Americans respond to yet another batch of presidential mendacities about yet another sordid presidential action by thinking: This is not news. They are, in some sense, correct."

Sad, but true...

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
GMA, I was wrong, you are lost cause incapable of staying on topic and intelligent discussion.

You got that right. Maybe you did not follow the climate "discussion" and so were not familiar with the professor's online manners. Welcome to the club! :)

P.S. Agree 100% with your assessment of Trump.


Nov 1, 2019
You seem to have a preoccupation with my personality. Sorry it doesn't suit you. Pardon me if I don't worry about it. But my post about the cry baby POTUS was in response to your calling me immature. I say to you I am 100 times more mature than the impeachment defendant, admittedly a low bar lol
You are incorrect about the topic, which is literally the title of this thread: Senate impeachment circus. And Trump is the biggest clown in the circus. Exhibit A: his infamous twitter account.
The topic is definitely not his political/economic decisions; they have nothing to do with impeachment circus.
His attempt to turn the US Presidency into a monarchy is on topic. Witness his lawyer Dershowitz with the simultaneously absurd, but frightening claim, that whatever corrupt act the president performs, it is legal if he believes it will help get him re-elected because that is in the best interest of the country!!!! WTF
There is your circus!
However, I do see your point about why his base supports him despite his amorality. If you are pro gun, pro christian prayer in public schools, anti-choice, racist, CEO of a major corporation, against clean air and clean water, climate change denier, don't give a shit about poor people or the working class or unions...well, then I see why you would support his shredding of the Constitution during this impeachment trial.
But stop and think about the ramifications of a supplicant Senate ceding it's power to serve as a check and balance on the imperial presidency, this week forfeiting forever its institutional rights to prevent the Presidency from becoming an all powerful monarchy. Trump was only half joking when he said he could go and shoot someone dead out in the street, and no one could prosecute him because he is the POTUS. The Senate is giving him their blessing with this sham trial that has no witnesses and no documents - basically a criminal trial without any prosecutorial evidence!
History will judge them harshly

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
The topic is definitely not his political/economic decisions; they have nothing to do with impeachment circus.

I am flabbergasted! For the first time in living memory, our professor landed on a truth. The impeachment has nothing to do with Trump's actions. Who knew?

Making a screenshot of course, goes without saying.


Nov 1, 2019
The only correct answer, for an adult of course, is that they hope to damage Trump’s chances to get re-elected. And this is nothing else as using impeachment procedure as an election weapon. They charge Trump with the same thing. Can’t have it both ways.

The Democrats wanted to get this impeachment trial done before the election for a very good reason.
He was impeached because he tried to extort the Ukrainian president into helping him steal another election, exactly the election coming this November. He has already said publicly that he hopes China and other countries can help him dig up more dirt on his Democratic opponent, just like every single USA intelligence agency has confirmed that Russia helped Trump win the election (but not the popular vote) over Clinton in 2016.
Like Adam Schiff says, "He did it in 2016, he did it again in 2019, and he'll do it again for this November.
Follow Schiff's logic if you truly desire to understand. We cannot skip impeachment and just wait for the November election, because Trump is still trying to steal that election too! How can the American electorate hold him accountable, if Trump succeeds in gaming another election?

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
The Democrats wanted to get this impeachment trial done before the election for a very good reason.

Indeed! And we all know what that reason is, minutemenX pointed it out just above. Two out of two, unbelievable. Pigs are really flying, like our own C.B. Brown predicted they would.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
1) Trump is so obviously guilty of abuse of power, bribery, extortion, obstruction
Thats like what the people for the flat earth theory argued it obvious the earth is flat.

1) 2)Trump is the most infantile, vindictive, corrupt, amoral, egotistical, dishonest, lying POTUS in modern history.
Here you go again underestimating yourself again.

1) Paying off porn stars.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black from a stud who pays for prostitutes.
Lets get this straight sparky maybe he paid for sex we all do 1 way or another but lighting zipper Clinton paid off 3 woman he raped but oh ya he was a democrat and in democrats playbook if you rape its only acceptable if you’re a democrat

1) Racist policies as a landlord. .
got any cnn links to this J

people with disabilities...
now where did he make fun of your mental capacity

1) The Democrats are making a mockery of this impeachment trial,
Now for once I agree with you

Ever see a criminal trial without witnesses or relevant documents.
Exactly the Dwemocrats didn’t make 1 valid point so why should the republicans try to make their case

75% of American people want to see witnesses.
Sounds like the same elcection night results wher Clinton was supposed to win
Wher do you get your numbers from cnn
Guess what he wont be impeached
Guess what when the people show how fed up with the democrats by voting trump in 75%
I think you will end up in a padded room with a nice little white jacket with arms that tie in the back
Your hatred is only surpassed by your ignorance and arrogance and everyone has noted it.take your ball and go home

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
The Trial is supposed to incur in the senate
And the trial is supposed to incur on the houses record
And the house said very clearly accordingly to the president of the united states

In the house what was head is >This is overwhelming this is indisputable
And we can’t wait one more day,you don’t need to hear from a single witness
Because this is have everything you need.
the democrats said if we have everything we need
why down the hall are united states senators saying we will need more witnesses and evidence in that trial.
Now your saying lets talk about a witness to a unpublished manuscript
.questions were never asked about the actual transcript

This is like saying a whistle blower who Schiff claimed to meet with
but actually does not know who he /she is made a false accusation
as the transcript of the phone call was released and shows the charge which got this whole thing started was bullshit

So obvious the transcript of the book would as will show nothing damaging so the democrats wish to get a witness to come forward
and change what he actually put in writing and to tell the people what their interpretation of the facts should be twisted to to try and incriminate trump
But if the original transcript has nothing damaging who call a witness to come forward and lie under oath
I mean shiff is a pathological lair why not his witnesses

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Testmony witnesses
Talk about a witness to a unpublished manuscript
there is a 179 page document of a actual witness Michael Atkinson .inspector General of the Intelligence Community
his testimony has still not been turned over..what are they trying to hide
Testimony which should have been heard by now.they are cherry picking witnesses
Let all the witnesses speak not ones you chose for the specific reasons that they can be
manilupated and their testimony
changed to fit your narrative

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