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Senate impeachment circus

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

I think you said it really well, I think we would agree on many things.

I also voted for Trudeau, not because I like him or even thought that he was the best candidate, simply where I live it is either a liberal vote or a separatist vote and I will not vote for the Bloc. I don’t believe in breaking up Canada.
Having said this some of my best friends are separatists and we argue about this all the time and I understand them, most probably if I would have been raised in a French Canadian family I would be the same. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage and trying to protect your language. I just think they can and have done that within Canada. I don’t speak English or French at home with my family. In the end we basically want the same things, they just want to have it in their own country and my view is that we already have that why break it up.


Nov 1, 2019
Another big Impeachment Trial Day.
Looks like it will end tomorrow with the Republicans voting to deny ANY witness testimony or documents in this trial, perhaps a first in the history of US jurisprudence. I yield to EB on that one. The Republican are frightened by the spectacle of John Bolton, Mick Mulvaney, and/or Rudy Giuliani actually testifying before Congress under oath because they would give eyewitness accounts of Trumps attempted extortion of Ukraine's president. And that would embarrass them in perpetuity (see Nixon videotapes "I am not a crook"; "it's not a crime if the President does it!").
And let's not forget that unlike Clinton, Trump doesn't have the stones to testify under oath before Congress. What kind of leader is too chicken to stand up and swear before God that he didn't do it?
Because the Democrats needed 4 votes from Republicans tomorrow to have a shot at a tie vote to get witness testimony in the trial, they were hoping Senator Lamar Alexander would put country before party (like the Republican senators did in the Nixon scandal) because he is not seeking re-election this fall. But this evening Alexander said he's voting against having witnesses testify because it has already been convincingly PROVEN that Trump is guilty of the above, although he uses softer terminology; he states the evidence is so convincing that he doesn't need any witnesses whatsoever; and he falls back to the only shameful position left the Republicans: he's guilty, but it's not that big a deal that Trump should be removed.
So we should expect that Trump will continue to use the power of the POTUS to extort other foreign leaders to help him rig the election again this November (Russia,China are you listening?). All our enemies prefer Trump because his foreign policy is corrupt, childish, and harms our nation's future (again see Fareed Zakaria's show on CNN).

Alan Dershowitz just brought the above-mentioned argument. This guy is not paid for nothing:clap2:
Trump's lawyers just repeat his lies. It's a matter of record that Hunter Biden did nothing illegal at Burisma; that Joe Biden got Ukraine's Chief Prosecutor fired because that was official US policy, along with the policies of the European Union, among others, because he was corrupt; and the Prosecutor was not actively investigating Burisma at the time of his firing, and that fact actually contributed to his dismissal. These are facts, and you seem intelligent enough to know them already, yet you keep repeating the lies just like Fox News, Trump and his allies. If you really believe this crap, then please do some research from nonpartisan websites (that is not Breitbart lol)

Here are some good video highlights of oral arguments by Dershowitz, Schiff, Philbin and Jeffries:
Thank you for this link, EB

Make no mistake...this entire sh@t-show will be nothing but positive for Trump and almost guarantees a second term..
Trump comes away with the power of an absolute monarch, sadly. And his team used the trial to slander Joe Biden with their lies. (yes, the truth does matter)
But the entire country has seen his corruption and dishonesty.
Trump's White House is going to refuse to give Bolton's book security clearance for publishing, until AFTER the election (more abuse of power). But Bolton will likely just dish on television. And Farnas will have more video documentation of Trump's guilt in the Ukraine scandal, so hopefully that will stay in the news during election season.
I think the race is a toss up at this point.

Fradi Nixon was not impeached. He resigned before being impeach. Remember the Frost/Nixon interview?
"I'm saying when the president does it, that means it's not illegal," Nixon said during the interview, cementing his ignominy.
How did we forget that??? Trump surely did not.
Wow, you know US history well, Jalimon!

Trump cannot decriminalize prostitution his right based supporter are all about guns and against women and of course against abortion.
Perhaps, but Trump can decriminalize the President fucking prostitutes if he thinks it will help him get re-elected, because that is in the best interest of the country. Maybe Trump will visit Montreal; perhaps his supporters on Merb can say if he likes spinners?

(Trump) is nefarious and crooked to the bone like all the rest of them in my opinion, if not more so ... he always lied flat out , but unlike the polished Washington insiders he never really cared what anyone thought
Trump actually cares a lot about what other people think of him. That's why he always praises himself and lies about it. "My inauguration crowd was much bigger than Obama's". I know more about Syria than my generals do." "I have a higher IQ than Obama, George Will, Karl Rove, George W Bush." "I am a very stable genius." I have a very, very, large brain.". He claims he finished at the top of his class at Wharton Business School, but his attorney Michael Cohen sent letter to his alma maters, threatening legal action if any of Trump's own academic records were made public.
This dude Really Cares What People Think of Him, to the point of more pathologic lying.

Hey, No Church In The Wild; thanks for the backhanded compliment lol
Sorry, had to put Fradi and CBB on the IL, along with BS. I'm here to enjoy the interactions on merb, and I just wasn't feeling the love lol

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Another big Impeachment Trial Day.
Looks like it will end tomorrow with the Republicans voting to deny ANY witness testimony or documents in this trial,

The democrats said This is overwhelming this is indisputable
And we can’t wait one more day,we don’t need to hear from a single witness
Because this is impeachable.we have everything we need.

Then trump dropped the hammer,no politician would ever release the transcripts which clearly show he is guilty,but guess what sparky
he is a business man not a politician and smarter than the average democrat rat.and guess what nothing in thetranscript even remotely closely implies this only in the minds of democrats
because they can read minds adn knew what trump was thinking :)

so they lied .....about russia...they lied to try to impeach him ......whats to stop them to lie under oath or getting witnesses to lie
schiff is a pathalogical liar his parents has to tie a park chop around his neck when he was a kid to get the dog to play with him--totally unlikable person

this is interesting if you take a look seems like shiff likes to crow but when asked under oath if the whistle blower had a conflict of interest and was tied to biden corruption he went dead silent

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Interesting fact apparently there was 40 presidents who could have been impeached
george washington
John Adams
John Quincy Adams
Thomas jefferson
under the house managers standard everyone could have been impeached
thats not what the framers meant for impeachment to be

if obama asked russia to dig dirt on a person in the white house of coarce it would have been illegal
but if obama asked russia to check intoa person knowing he was corrupt he would have been doing his job
is the argument democrats are using

[h=1]Schumer S-tunt Ba.ckfires – His Senate T.rial Guest E.JECTED[/h]how dumb can you be your star pathalogical liar is wearing a ankle bracelet becuase he is a criminal ordered by the courts no less
you cant make this stuff up halarious

24 hours to victory


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Sorry, had to put Fradi and CBB on the IL, along with BS. I'm here to enjoy the interactions on merb, and I just wasn't feeling the love lol

Makes sense, finally retreated to his safe room where he belongs.
These are the type of heros our universities are churning out today, unable to face the world without getting insulted and hiding.
Feeling the love means everyone marvelling at his every word.

If I would put someone on an ignore list I would just do it with out publicizing it to make others feel sorry for me or to try and gain sympathy. typical childish behaviour, we used to call it sulking. Usually ends when mommy comes and says it is ok and gives you a cookie.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
This behavior seems rather funny. Why would one deliberately choose to play with incomplete information? It is like you play chess and choose to block one file from view. What exactly is the point?

On the other hand, I feel it does benefit those he ignores, exactly like in the chess example. I hate to admit it, but I don't miss his comments on my posts, does anyone?

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
[h=1]Newt Gingrich calls out Schiff's 'lies' as 'deranged'[/h]funny when obama was president usin executive power he claimed if congras was locking him out he would use pen and telephone to use executive order to fix things funny democtats were ok with that now 180 degreemtrun with trump not a suprise
love how shiff is always portraid as a pathalogical liar and a worm


Nov 1, 2019

The revelations of Trump's dirty self dealing extortion of Ukraine's President Zelensky continue to drip out, this from then National Security Advisor John Bolton. He was asked by Trump to call Zelensky and encourage him to meet with Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani about investigating alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 Presidential election and allegations against Hunter Biden. According to US intelligence, both of these allegations are false. It was Russia that interfered with our election, without any doubt.

Bolton is willing to testify before the Senate in Trump's impeachment trial.
Giuliani henchman Lav Parnas also wants to testify before the Senate to tell how Giuliani and Trump are guilty of extorting Ukraine's president in order to tilt the upcoming 2020 Presidential election his way

Trump is guilty, and the Republicans know it. Their only defense now is that Trump's corrupt self dealing is not serious enough to impeach him. Their behavior is unpatriotic and makes a mockery of the United States Constitution

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
The False alligations of Trump dealing with Ukraine's President Zelensky QUOTE]
Sorry my quote does not match yours but I have a BS filter which filters crap out
You truly write like a child .you talk about adult conversation try to practice what you preach
Said like a true democrat,opinions vary but none so as much as yours we all have them but we don't all express them with the hatred you do.
And to catagorize trump doing what any good president ,checking up on corruption before throwing away a billion dollars is ok in my books
when obama was in charge he said it straight to the camera if congress wont give him what he wants he will use executive order to get it done

this from then National Security Advisor John Bolton.He was asked by Trump to call Zelensky and encourage him to meet with Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani about investigating alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 Presidential election and allegations against Hunter Biden. According to US intelligence, both of these allegations are false. It was Russia that interfered with our election, without any doubt.
Ya Russian again right you forgot space aliens elvis and Hoffa in your theories stick to the facts if you can concentrate that long
Ya bolton gets fired and ridiculed by trump and he has no vested interest to seek revenge.coupled with the exquisite timeing of the''leak'' of his book….. talk about dirty politics
and legally he has top secret clearance and the idiot is not allowe to do a book without clearance which he sis not get

Bolton is willing to testify before the Senate in Trump's impeachment trial. .
Seriously dude he would get on his knees and blow everyone in the room for a chance to get back at trump
Giuliani henchman Lav Parnas also wants to testify before the Senate to tell how Giuliani and Trump are guilty of extorting Ukraine's president in order to tilt the upcoming 2020 Presidential election his way .
Remember it was the democrats who rushed everything in a unprecedemnted way saying they don’t need witnesses they have a iron clad case which was wrong in a legal system with rules which both sides are using you cant change the rules just because your loseing and grasping at straws to try and get more people to lie

Trump is guilty, and the Republicans know it. Their only defense now is that Trump's corrupt self dealing is not serious enough to impeach him. Their behavior is unpatriotic and makes a mockery of the United States Constitution

Your attitude is unpatriotic you have a elected president by the people and no democrat has or will ever accept this fact
Get over it this witchunt has failed adnwill backfire with backlash from the people who are fed up

If the people dotn want him he will be voted out
Democrats did trump a favour
He will win by a bigger margin upcomeing election and dirty democrats will be punished by the people and lose their seats

I just hope after this last fiasco those responsible are held accountable by law and strong repercussions
The False alligations of Trump dealing with Ukraine's President Zelensky QUOTE]
Sorry my quote does not match yours but I have a bullshit filter which filters shit out
You truly write like a child .you talk about adult conversation try to practice what you preach
Said like a true democrat,opinions vary but none so as much as yours we all have them but we don't all express them with the hatred you do.
And to catagorize trump doing what any good president ,checking up on corruption before throwing away a billion dollars is ok in my books
when obama was in charge he said it straight to the camera if congress wont give him what he wants he will use executive order to get it done

this from then National Security Advisor John Bolton.He was asked by Trump to call Zelensky and encourage him to meet with Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani about investigating alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 Presidential election and allegations against Hunter Biden. According to US intelligence, both of these allegations are false. It was Russia that interfered with our election, without any doubt.
Ya Russian again right you forgot space aliens elvis and Hoffa in your theories stick to the facts if you can concentrate that long
Ya bolton gets fired and ridiculed by trump and he has no vested interest to seek revenge.coupled with the exquisite timeing of the''leak'' of his book….. talk about dirty politics
and legally he has top secret clearance and the idiot is not allowe to do a book without clearance which he sis not get

Bolton is willing to testify before the Senate in Trump's impeachment trial. .
Seriously dude he would get on his knees and blow everyone in the room for a chance to get back at trump
Giuliani henchman Lav Parnas also wants to testify before the Senate to tell how Giuliani and Trump are guilty of extorting Ukraine's president in order to tilt the upcoming 2020 Presidential election his way .
Remember it was the democrats who rushed everything in a unprecedemnted way saying they don’t need witnesses they have a iron clad case which was wrong in a legal system with rules which both sides are using you cant change the rules just because your loseing and grasping at straws to try and get more people to lie

Trump is guilty, and the Republicans know it. Their only defense now is that Trump's corrupt self dealing is not serious enough to impeach him. Their behavior is unpatriotic and makes a mockery of the United States Constitution

Your attitude is unpatriotic you have a elected president by the people and no democrat has or will ever accept this fact
Get over it this witchunt has failed adnwill backfire with backlash from the people who are fed up

If the people dotn want him he will be voted out
Democrats did trump a favour
He will win by a bigger margin upcomeing election and dirty democrats will be punished by the people and lose their seats

I just hope after this last fiasco those responsible are held accountable by law and strong repercussions


Nov 1, 2019
Republican Senator Marco Rubio admits Trump took actions that are impeachable, but he nevertheless opposes removing Trump from office

"Just because actions meet a standard of impeachment does not mean it is in the best interest of the country to remove a president from office,", said Rubio.

Republicans in Congress are abrogating their sworn duties to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States. Whatever happened to putting country before party?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Whatever happened to accepting the rule of law.

Trump was elected according to the rules in place by the people.
Senate votes no to witnesses essentially ensuring impeachment will not hold.

According to both accounts these people that voted thought it was best for the country, to the best of my knowledge these were all American that took these decisions.
Is it not just a little unpatriotic not to support the will of the people and get behind the chosen leader.
They will all have their chance to get rid of him if they so choose this year, let’s see what happens, my bet is on Trump.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Republican Senator Marco Rubio admits Trump took actions that are impeachable, but he nevertheless opposes removing Trump from office

He will be acquited of all charges

he will win the next elections

and many democrats will have a mental breakdown

senator Lamar Alexander jsut said no to more witnesses

his vote was critical to demorats

BREAKING, I-mpeachment Just C.ollapsed – Adam Schiff BLINDSIDED

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
[h=1] Everyone is coming out of impeachment as a winner[/h]
simple trump will be aqquited

Democrats win because they will use 'cover up' as a platform in 2020 races

John Bolton gets free publicity for his book

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
While presenting his case on the senate floor s
Adam schiff kept referencing 17 witnesses who would testify on the house impeachment trial
but there was 18 witnesses.shows you about disclosure and transperancy.
If you have to hide facts which make a person innocent then you yourself are a criminal
Because your witnesses are not all facts but opinions like your whole case.

Michael Atkinson testimony concealed by Adam Schiff ...
And according to republicans who were present under the closed door testimony
The reason the transcript has not being released is because it proves not only the man who can not be named (whistle blower) and house chairman adam Schiff did not tell the truth about their contact with each other.the transcript is damaging to adam Schiff.

jeff teliska

Active Member
Feb 26, 2013
Native Land
Don't thank me, GMA , lol
Simply follow super fact-checker, Daniel Dale on Twitter..
It is the Americans now and certainly in the future, who will owe this Canadian a great debt.
Trump made 44 false statements last week, including 30 during his two-day Davos trip, so we are quickly reaching the 17,000 marker..

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Trump made 44 false statements last week, including 30 during his two-day Davos trip, so we are quickly reaching the 17,000 marker..

Only 44? For the whole week? This is outrageous beyond belief! Is Trump slowing down? The U.S. needs a president who is vibrant and energetic, this kind of slacking can't be tolerated.

Trump must be impeached!


Nov 1, 2019
The hits just keep on coming re Trump's Ukrainian extortion and hiding evidence from Congress. This from CNN, but it's news everywhere except FOX and Breitbart.

"The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate
voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.
A lawyer with the Office of Management and Budget wrote to the court that 24 emails between June and September 2019 -- including an internal discussion among DOD officials called 'POTUS follow-up' on June 24 -- should stay confidential because the emails describe 'communications by either the President, the Vice President, or the President's immediate advisors regarding Presidential decision-making about the scope, duration, and purpose of the hold on military assistance to Ukraine."'

Trump's Justice Dept waited until midnight of the day in which they were legally required to respond to the court, and is of course refusing to actually release this evidence. Bill Clinton handed over all relevant evidence during his impeachment, including DNA samples. Can you even imagine Trump submitting DNA? He and the Republicans are involved in a massive coverup to stay in power. Disgusting.
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