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Should the legal age for SPs be increased to 21 years old?

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
The latest debacle over Samantha at Eleganza has made me think that we should review what the appropriate age for SPs should reallly be. I cannot guarantee that Samantha was 18 years old when she first worked at Eleganza. John tells me that he verified her ID but who knows if he really did or if it was a valid ID.

Anyways, I am not going to get into how agency owners verify IDs or if they really do it carefully. If I was an owner, I would demand to see a medicare card, a passport and a birth certificate. But I am paranoid of these things.

I did find Samantha sexy but young. I typically enjoy ladies in their mid twenties to late thirties. I like a real woman who has matured and who knows her body. There are young ladies that are mature but in general, they are rare in this business.

I wanted to get some feedback on an idea I have about raising the minimum age for being an SP to 21 years old. I know we are in Canada and this idea smacks of US puritanism but I am a firm believer that in general, young SPs are more prone to emotional problems.

We assume risks when we engage in sexual activities with ladies that might be minors. Is it worth the risk? As far as I am concerned, no it isn't. In fact, from now on, I'll make sure they're 20-21 years old.

I want to get your feedback on raising the minimum age for SPs to 21 years old. We cannot enforece this rule but can try to force agencies to implement it.

I know I am going to get blasted for this idea, but I'll still put it out there.



New Member
Apr 24, 2005
I agree. It should be raised to 21. Less confusion.

I have seen an 18 year-old SP before, actually in the US.

I would have felt better had she been at least 21.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
All sex workers

Actually that might not be a bad idea for the entire sex industry, from dancers to mp's to escorts. Many young girls are forced into the strip industry by street gangs as well as others who start as students and never go back to their studies due to the easy money. Raising the minimum age would prevent many of these problems. The girls would have three more years to mature and clubs and reputable agencies would not take a chance on very young looking girls. For this to work however, the laws must be changed as I can't see disreputable clubs and agencies abiding to these standards. It would also be difficult to enforce as LE doesn't really seem interested in the sex industry unless there are complaints. Write your MP, send letters or e-mails. Never know what could happen.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Techman said:
Actually that might not be a bad idea for the entire sex industry, from dancers to mp's to escorts. Many young girls are forced into the strip industry by street gangs as well as others who start as students and never go back to their studies due to the easy money. Raising the minimum age would prevent many of these problems. The girls would have three more years to mature and clubs and reputable agencies would not take a chance on very young looking girls. For this to work however, the laws must be changed as I can't see disreputable clubs and agencies abiding to these standards. It would also be difficult to enforce as LE doesn't really seem interested in the sex industry unless there are complaints. Write your MP, send letters or e-mails. Never know what could happen.


I totally agree with you. I think it makes a big difference dealing with an SP in university or who has some experience under her belt. For the most part, they are more mature and emotionally stable.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
btyger said:
I've had much better experiences with women in the their mid 20s than with girls of 19 or 20. I'm going to make it a guideline to try and seek out SPs in their mid 20s...unless she's drop dead gorgeous:D


You bring a smile to my face because my best sexual experience in this hobby was with Lily Love, a 50 year old SP with mind blowing oral skills. (I think Hoover researched her oral stamina to patten their suction technology!:p ).

The great thing about Lily was her wordly experience. I really enjoyed speaking with her. That is one SP that I'll never forget.:)

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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
btyger, I think your descriptions hit the nail on the head. Women in their mid 20's and girls of 19 - 20. It may only be a short number of years between the two ages but the difference it can make in maturity can be amazing.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

Hello all,

Raising the age to protect younger ladies is a good idea. But wherever you raise it to, there will always be those who are too young under the law. Boundaries will always be skirted wherever you make them. If you want to do it to protect the ladies who are too young then you need to raise it significantly. That will help the obviously too young. But this industry is what it is and there is an inherent seamy side to it. So do it to protect as many as you can and help more ladies to mature and become more "emotionally stable". But it's a seamy industry because of it's nature even if they are all legal.




Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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You've got to be kidding me. Are we all so bored out of our heads as to question such things as legal age of sp's, sp's being labled ymmv for the first year, do real french sp's have armpit hair, trying to talk about how to get a better encounter with an sp, finding sp's with the 'right' attitude, if a TS doesnt have an adams apple is it ok to experiment, how to earn a living, what is striking beauty and what isnt...and a half dozen more questions and posts that should be put to rest.

I think some member of this board need to step in line to get bitch slaped:eek:

Is this a Montreal Escort Review Board or is it a "lets see what nonsense I can post and still keep up my post count"....:confused:

How bout we leave the 18 to 21 year old escorts to the breadman...and all the pansies out there can have the geriatrics with their walkers.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Actually raising the age from 18 to 21 is a significant change in my opinion. Passing a 16 or 17 year old off as 18 is not that difficult. Passing her off as 21 is a big difference in most cases. Yes, there will be some young ladies who could pass as 4 or 5 years older when dressed up in a night club. But take the clothes off and it's a different story.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
breadman said:
How bout we leave the 18 to 21 year old escorts to the breadman...and all the pansies out there can have the geriatrics with their walkers.

LOL, I read this to StripperLover, who I am talking with, and I am waiting for both of you to "bitch-slap" me!!!:D


P.S. Did you try stealing my identity yet?:D
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
We all need a good slap every once in awhile. I may just get mine from SL later on tonight.:p


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
Visit site
General Gonad said:
P.S. Did you try stealing my identity yet?:D

I hope you realize that 'General Gonad' ISNT your real identity...its a handle that you use.

If you have something against SP's starting the business before they hit 21 I suggest you dont see any girls that are 18 to 21
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
breadman said:
If you have something against SP's starting the business before they hit 21 I suggest you dont see any girls that are 18 to 21

No shit Sherlock, that is why I generally avoid these ages. But I have made exceptions and they were excellent SPs (for example, Karma, Emely,).


P.S. The question isn't about how I feel. It is meant to gauge how hobbyists feel. If you do not like my "stupid' questions, then go get a discount on some SP that hasn't been reviewed and leave us all alone. Comprende big guy?
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Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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I'll use my freebee as soon as I can come to Montreal and use my new "General Gonad jr" handle:rolleyes:

P.s...seems your making alot of 'exceptions' lately with this under 21 rule.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Really..are you ready to go to jail because the girl was 20 and not 21 ??..this is whats going to happen if the legal age was 21


It will not happen but if we lived in a progressive society where this hobby was legalized and regulated, then I think it would make sense for women to be at least 21 years old. It would be better for the ladies to gain some experience before entering this bloody hobby, be it university or a regular job.

I have no problems meeting with a mature 19 or 20 year old but I still feel that some of my best experiences were with older women. For me to get into a lady, I ned to connect with her way of thinking.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
breadman said:
P.s...seems your making alot of 'exceptions' lately with this under 21 rule.

What are you talking about? In the past two months, I have been with Michelle of Celine (almost 30 years old and amazing), MIss Samantha (mid twenties and amazing), a Devilish chic that was 19 and acted like it (I'd rather forget her), and Samantha/Mercedez who told me she is 18 years old. I also met a gorgeous masseuse who I think is in her mid to low-twenties.

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
traveller_76 said:
GG, with all due respect, it's like saying lets raise the minimum age of children in porn to 18.

Whether there's a law or not, it won't change the fact that there's a market for young girls in Canada.

So are you saying that we should ignore this problem because it's so pervasive? Turn a blind eye to it? As hobbyists, I think we should review and be honest. I honestly thought Samantha was sexy but young. It bothered me that she was younger than SPs I usually meet with and I told this to John. His reply: "...most guys like them very young." Unfortunately, he might be right.

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John Legend

Aug 16, 2004
Albany, NY
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I don't worry about ages, I worry about how pettitte they are, how good they kiss, and how good their pussy tastes. My policy is to stick to Devilish, and Eleganza. Read reviews, check out the pics on thr website, and make my choice accordingly. I don't accept newbies, unreviewed, with no pics, unless I speak to John (Eleganza) or Chris (Devilish) and verify my requirements and approx age. If they tell me 18 on phone, I won't book just to play safe.

I had takeout at a US strip club recently with a girl that I have known as a dancer for 5 years. I never persued it until a few months ago because she always looked so young in the 3 or 4 times a year I had seen her. 5 years ago she told me she was 18 and wanted to dance for me. I passed on her, gave her a couple of bucks and she was very pissed. The nest few years we didn't speak. If she did say something to me it was very sarcastic. She had a baby like 2 years ago, and came back to dancing last year. I had heard she had a baby and when I saw her I offered a congratulations and handed her 20 bucks for the kid. She was very grateful, and said please let me dance for you. I finally did agree. Well without details our relationship advanced to takeout first paid, then quite a few freebies. A few weeks ago I asked her age (figuring she should be 23 or 24, and she told me 21. I said wait, how can you be 21 when you were a dancer 5 years ago (knowing the club was very close to where I worked, and what year I left the job). She admitted to me she had dropped out od school, and began dancing on her 16th birthday!!! I am so glad I never had her dance for me back then. I am sure a lot of you have suspected others of being underaged. Dancing for you is one thing, but imagine if the girl was an escort??? Let's be careful out there guys!!!

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
John Legend said:
She admitted to me she had dropped out od school, and began dancing on her 16th birthday!!! I am so glad I never had her dance for me back then. I am sure a lot of you have suspected others of being underaged. Dancing for you is one thing, but imagine if the girl was an escort??? Let's be careful out there guys!!!

Nice story John Legend and lucky for you you didn't jump in back then. Nowadays, 15 year olds look like twenty year olds!:eek:

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