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Should the legal age for SPs be increased to 21 years old?

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New Member
Jun 30, 2005
At 18 a woman is an adult and can do what she wants.

If you are concerned about it, verify her age yourself, but this idea should be left in the realm of speculation.


New Member
Jun 30, 2005
Techman said:
Many young girls are forced into the strip industry by street gangs

Where do you guys get this stuff? Force to strip by street gangs?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
BigPickle said:
At 18 a woman is an adult and can do what she wants.

If you are concerned about it, verify her age yourself, but this idea should be left in the realm of speculation.

Yes, at 18 she is an adult in the eyes of the law but it doesn't make her an adult, if you know what I mean. The original purpose of putting 21 years old in my initial question was not to emulate what they are doing down south; it was to put a buffer of three years between the legal age and the age that one should SP. This way you minimize the chances if running into a minor or having doubts. I doubt any SP would show me a valid ID if I asked her for one.

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New Member
Jun 30, 2005
General Gonad said:
Yes, at 18 she is an adult in the eyes of the law but it doesn't make her an adult, if you know what I mean. The original purpose of putting 21 years old in my initial question was not to emulate what they are doing down south; it was to put a buffer of three years between the legal age and the age that one should SP. So you minimize the chances if running into a minor or having doubts. I doubt any SP would show me a valid ID if I asked her for one.

Then stick to seeing only escorts advertised as 21 or older and if one shows up who you feel might be uncomfortably young, send her away.

Some of us are still young guys and not always interested in well-seasoned mature ladies, sometimes we want younger.

The older you get, the younger young people seem and more often than not the girl who is advertised as 18 is older than advertised, not younger. The "21" year old coming to your door is really 24-25.

The only way this speculation will ever work is government driven regulation and I believe that is the last thing anyone really wants.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams your logic is...

Hello Btyger,

"It's like gun control or drug laws: if you prohibit it, you won't decrease the number of incidents, you'll just increase the number of criminals."

So lets eliminate all gun control, allow everyone to get all and every drug they want, and drop the minimum SP age to 12. Then we will have many fewer criminals and save tax payers billions in court and prison costs. I really don't want a doped up 12 year old with a gun on her hip. Is this down the road of your logic??? Sorry for being so sarcastic. But you seem to be saying do nothing and that offers no hope at all.

Better ideas needed,

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New Member
Jan 9, 2006
I don't think changing the age will make a difference.

I cannot fathom how one turns 18 and decides to start escorting. I couldn't have even grasped such an idea at 25! I wonder, what brought them to SPing? A hard childhood? Abuse? Drugs? Pimps? Maybe I am wrong (I often am) but I have met a few girls who started SPing at 16 or even younger, I have met others that started much later.

A common theme amongst the younger generation of SPs, abusive family, turned to drugs, ended up escorting or stripping (now I am not saying ALL), and mostly wasn't a choice, it was a "i don't care, it's good money for now". The ones that are now older and more mature, struggle with their past choice of escorting, pushing anyone and everyone who tries to show them love, away.

As for the truly inderage girls, the ones involved with gangs and such - there's isnt the same need for violence anymore - we live ina "pimp-n-ho" musical society now - it is COOL to have a pimp - COOL to be a HO... I won't even get into that because it really disturbs me too much - I see it everyday! Thankfully, the most respectable agencies DO NOT hire underage girls - PL (back when I was 30 yrs old) checked my ID!

Amongst us gals who started when we were older, the theme is a bit similar, but the choice was made differently. Most of us have experienced an abusive relationship, got out, and finally found something sexy about ourselves, worthy. Most of us found escorting quite by accident, but were intrigued, probably spent a few months, wondering should we, shouldn't we. And at one point, we came to a "yes, we could do that" choice.

We could argue that girls now-a-days are more sexual, and know more about sexuality, and all that stuff. However, anyone over the age of 25yr... knows that you only get to be a kid for a limited, adulthood is forever more. I say, please stay kids while you can (and yes, 18-21 yr olds are still kids to me).

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Feb 24, 2005
This can only append if governement fully legalize it and actually they have better thing to focus on. About street gang it wont change anything they alreay have 14-15-16-17 y.o. girls working for them... so 18 to 21 would change anything in the way they do business...

I think some peoples here are out of topics....


New Member
Feb 15, 2005
BigPickle said:
Then stick to seeing only escorts advertised as 21 or older and if one shows up who you feel might be uncomfortably young, send her away.
Now that is an answer to the point.
If you think something has to be done then you do that as an example without concerned about what others will say/do. You set the example and be it.. :)

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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Just to go back to the thread's topic-starter. No, we should not increase the legal age for SPs to 21. Some of the absolute best sessions I've ever had were with 19 year olds. Come to think of it, one was with an 18 year old. I am completely against raising the age limit.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
orallover said:
Now that is an answer to the point.
If you think something has to be done then you do that as an example without concerned about what others will say/do. You set the example and be it.. :)


I have already told an SP that I wasn't going to have sex with her because she really seemed too young. It was at an incall off St-Denis and she looked like a teenager. I wrote about it in a thread. All we did was talk but I couldn't get an erection and sex was the furthest thing from my mind.

Now with Samantha/Mercedez, it was different. It didn't hit me right away that she was young. I had no problems getting and maintaining an erection.:p It was by speaking with her that I started to get the sense that she's young.

She told me that she dropped out of high school and wanted to go back to finish her studies (a little alarm went off in my head). Then she told me she is 18 years old (it got louder). I then understood that she has a lot going on in her mind, which is understandable given her age and the line of work she chose to do.

I don't know about you guys, but I agree with Anik, between 18 to 21 years old, they're still kids. What is the rush to grow up and lose the best years of your life doing this shit?

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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

Hello Btyger,

I was being purposely outrageous to make the point vivid. It was far from the best way to handle it, but it does provoke reaction...obviously. As I indicated, we need better ideas, not extremism or stagnation.

The issue on the thread is "Should the legal age for SPs be increased to 21 years old?" If you want to purge your thoughts on these other issues, go for it. I respect your point of view and your right to an opinion, but at my age what you are saying on guns and drugs is a thousand times redundant anyway to me. I don't know if the hobbying base of merb is the place for this and I choose not to go into it.

"Societally, the best thing we can do is raise our children to value and respect life, including their own, so that they won't want to do these things." Yes, I agree. This seems like a no brainer. Is this your key point about the thread subject related to age limits? Why don't you weave it into your rationale on the question of age boundaries clearly? It's pretty conclusive. You seem to have a need for a forum with a different slant or focus.

Good luck,


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
traveller_76 said:
Get rid of that demand and you'll help get rid of the problem.
But you need to change the mentality in order to get rid of the demand...

So I repeat, I don't see the day when that's going to happen.


I am afraid you are right. I know of dentists, lawyers, accountants, doctors and all sorts of "professionals" who take trips to Thailand or other under-developed nations and actively seek teenage prostitutes. It makes me sick just thinking about it. Hell, I do not even surf on some porn sites, fearing to see disturbing images of young teenagers having sex. It totally grosses me out.

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
A more appropriate question?

Maybe a more appropriate question would have been should we ban agencies that hire ladies under 21 years old or at least pressure them to hire ladies that are 21 and over?

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Apr 20, 2004
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General Gonad said:
I honestly thought Samantha was sexy but young. It bothered me that she was younger than SPs I usually meet with and I told this to John. GG
General Gonad said:
She told me that she dropped out of high school and wanted to go back to finish her studies (a little alarm went off in my head). Then she told me she is 18 years old (it got louder).
General Gonad said:
Maybe a more appropriate question would have been should we ban agencies that hire ladies under 21 years old or at least pressure them to hire ladies that are 21 and over?

And yet, until now you still feel quite confortable recommending her to other hobbyists. Hmmm...Not even a hint of a moral dilemma? :confused:

General Gonad said:
...She is, however, a little younger than what I typically like (18 years old), but I would recommend her in a flash to anyone that loves hot and sexy brunettes. ...
But as long as she is with Eleganza, let's take care of this babe and show her how a real VIP is treated.;)

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New Member
Jun 30, 2005
btyger said:
PS-Big Pickle, how young? I'm 28, fairly attractive, and very shallow about looks. There, I said it, and probably most of you are as well.

I'm a little older. Boyish young appearance, somewhat attractive, would be a lot better if I hit the gym more often :D I'm shallow about looks but I also seek out nice personalities. Nice to me doesn't necessarily mean seasoned or sophisticated, all it means is the girl is at least thoughtful, sweet and fun.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Hmmmm, I am not sure I like what you're implying...

Maxima said:
And yet, until now you still feel quite confortable recommending her to other hobbyists. Hmmm...Not even a hint of a moral dilemma? :confused:


In my eyes, as far as I can gauge, she is young but legal. I do not ask SPs for IDs and I didn't have enough doubts to tell her to leave. But I didn't hide the fact that she is young and sexy in my review. Did it bother me? Yes, especially after we had sex and I started chatting with her about her life.

Would I recommend her now? No, and it has nothing to do with doubts on her age but everything to do with the fact that she is obviously not cut out for this. If what the owner of Mercedez told me is true, she should stay as far away as possible from this line of work and go back to school.

This whole incident has opened my eyes to a few things. In the future, if I have any doubts about age, even if they're small, I will ask for a valid ID where she can hide her name but show me her birthdate. If she refuses...CIAO.

Better yet, I will steer clear from 18-19 year olds and focus on what I think are better SPs - the ones that are 21 years old and over.

Finally, I have no trust in agency owners....they will say anything to make the sale. They have as much morals as the dealer using kids to peddle crack cocaine. This might be a harsh statement but I suspect a lot of shit goes on in the background that we are not privy to and it's not always the ladies' fault.

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Virgin User
May 17, 2006
I think it's a terrible idea to raise the age to 21.

First, it means that clients are at much higher risk of going to jail since sleeping with a 20 year old would be a crime and label you a pedophile for life! (Just like clients convicted of sleeping with 17 year olds are today.)

Second, I hate this idea that there are different categories of adults (Above 18, then above 21). Look, at 18 we're adults. We can smoke, we can join the army and die for our country. Women can buy contraception and sleep with all the members of a fraternity, or have abortions without parental consent.

Who are you to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies?

And if 21 is more mature, then why not 25?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Kepler said:
I think it's a terrible idea to raise the age to 21.

First, it means that clients are at much higher risk of going to jail since sleeping with a 20 year old would be a crime and label you a pedophile for life! (Just like clients convicted of sleeping with 17 year olds are today.)

Second, I hate this idea that there are different categories of adults (Above 18, then above 21). Look, at 18 we're adults. We can smoke, we can join the army and die for our country. Women can buy contraception and sleep with all the members of a fraternity, or have abortions without parental consent.

Who are you to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies?

And if 21 is more mature, then why not 25?

Spoken like an 18 year old that thinks they're an adult because they can walk into a bar, get a drink, pick up a chic, go to the pharmacy, buy some condoms and get laid.:rolleyes:

Being an adult means you can take responsibility for the decisions you're taking. You're mature enough to understand the consequences of those decisions. You're not making $500 a night and blowing it all on drugs and partying. It means being able to plan and sticking to it.

I still feel strongly that to become a great SP, you need a lot more than just years under your belt. You need to have some experience in life.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
martinl68 said:
That's one of the reasons I personally try to see only indies. I always wonder what kind of criminality is behind escort agencies? Street gangs, Bikers, Italians?


Perhaps you should edit your ethnic slur in your last post....



Apr 20, 2004
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General Gonad said:

In my eyes, as far as I can gauge, she is young but legal. I do not ask SPs for IDs and I didn`t have enough doubts to tell her to leave. But I didn`t hide the fact that she is young and sexy in my review. Did it bother me? Yes, especially after we had sex and I started chatting with her about her life.

Would I recommend her now? No, and it has nothing to do with doubts on her age but everything to do with the fact that she is obviously not cut out for this. If what the owner of Mercedez told me is true, she should stay as far away as possible from this line of work and go back to school.

This whole incident has opened my eyes to a few things. In the future, if I have any doubts about age, even if they`re small, I will ask for a valid ID where she can hide her name but show me her birthdate. If she refuses...CIAO.

Better yet, I will steer clear from 18-19 year olds and focus on what I think are better SPs - the ones that are 21 years old and over.

Finally, I have no trust in agency owners....they will say anything to make the sale. They have as much morals as the dealer using kids to peddle crack cocaine. This might be a harsh statement but I suspect a lot of shit goes on in the background that we are not privy to and it`s not always the ladies` fault.


I was not implying anything. I just stated the fact as written by you. You raise the question about banning agencies that provide sp under 21 and yet you strongly recommend an sp who is barely 18. Bad example don`t you think. As you still have not make any changes to this Sexy Samantha thread, I have to assume your recommendation still stands;

Another point for you to ponder:
John told you Samantha is 18, Samantha herself told you that she is 18. You did not check her ID, fine. You took what they said to you at face value, fine as well.
Now, let`s just suppose for a moment, that she is under 18. Now, you must suspect that LE does read this Board. Now, let`s suppose that her parents takes the agency owners to court....don`t you think that the ones who publicly recommending her would be calling to court as well?
Remember Robert Gillette case?
You`d never know what may happen in why not stay on the safe side.
But again, what am I to say. You are way smarter than me and you seem to know exactly what you are doing.
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