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Should the legal age for SPs be increased to 21 years old?

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
martinl68 said:
I think everyone know what kind of italians I was talking about ;) I have of course nothing against other italians, very good people. And I'm a big fan of the Godfather films and The Sopranos ;)


These are all Hollywood stereotypes, just like those evil brown people from Iraq.:rolleyes: Anyone who is an expert in criminal "organizations" knows that they are hardly organized at all. They come from all backgrounds, including pure lain Quebecois, and they're a bunch of thugs that are only looking out for their asses.

I knew a guy that made his way up in the Hells Angels. He is still very high up. We saw each other and he told me "...if you ever need anything, let me know," to which I replied " offense but I hope I never need anything from you."

I also asked him how he slept at night. I'll never forget the look in his face as he replied:"...with one eye open and my gun under my pillow."


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maxima said:
John told you Samantha is 18, Samantha herself told you that she is 18. You did not check her ID, fine. You took what they said to you at face value, fine as well.

Wrong! John posted that she 19 years old on the website and that is what he told me. Again, this was a lie. She admitted to me that she was 18 after I had sex with her and that she was lying beside me on the bed.

Maxima said:
You'd never know what may happen in why not stay on the safe side.But again, what am I to say. You are way smarter than me and you seem to know exactly what you are doing.

Absolutely, you are reinforcing my argument to stick mostly with SPs that are 21 years old and older.


P.S. I am not "way smarter" than anyone but I do learn from my mistakes...usually.;)

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
martinl68 said:
But maybe you're italian and you felt offensed? ;)

No, I am not Italian, but I dislike stereotypes of ethnics.;)



Virgin User
May 17, 2006
General Gonad said:
Spoken like an 18 year old that thinks they're an adult because they can walk into a bar, get a drink, pick up a chic, go to the pharmacy, buy some condoms and get laid.:rolleyes:

Thank you for addressing my argument with an ad hominem.

General Gonad said:
Being an adult means you can take responsibility for the decisions you're taking.

Let me clue you in to something: many 18 year old SPs have that ability, and many 40 year old regular guys don't. So perhaps you'd like the government to have some sort of licensing process to be an SP?

General Gonad said:
I still feel strongly that to become a great SP, you need a lot more than just years under your belt. You need to have some experience in life.

If your goal is to only sleep with "great SPs", then by all means simply hire older women. Changing the law has nothing to do with it.

The bottom line is that if the law ups the age to 21, you're all of a sudden going to have a lot more "pedophiles" who'se lives are destroyed for sleeping with 18 to 20 year olds.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
martinl68 said:
I don't like Political correctness. Now we can't say that Bikers are mostly quebeckers? that Mafia is Italian? that streets gangs are mostly black and latinos, that terrorists are mostly Muslims?
It's generalization that is bad, not to call a cat a cat.

I am not a "PC" guy but you show a lot of ignorance with these statements.



New Member
Jan 9, 2006
I know what GG is talking about, and I agree with him... sorry, but at 18... you don't understand the long term consequences of what you are doing, whether it is SPing, partying, drugs, sex, or most other things as well.

Why do you think they allow 18 year olds to fight for a country? Why do you think that in the US they recruit at high schools mostly in poor areas? Why do you think that the age that most people start investing in their retirement is 27-30 yrs old (this is unverified and was related to me by someone who sets up RRSPs)?

I don't think that at 21 you magically become an adult, but you have figured out by then that you have a future to think about. Suicide is the 3rd most common cause of death for young people (stats are 15-24yr - Also note that for most statistical purposes, ages 15-24 is a related age group.

OK - I think that is enough of that stuff for a sunday morning-

so I will re-iternate - sorry but under 21 yrs old is still a kid. Do you know how you can tell they are still kids? If you call them one to their face, they try to convince you of how much they know or what they can do that adults can do. If someone called me a kid...I would skip down the street in glee!


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
martinl68 said:
If you say so... I probably do not have your level of culture (on criminal organizations that is) :D


Any criminologist worth anything can attest that criminals come from all sorts of backgrounds: pure lain, Italian, Irish, Jewish, Greek, Chinese, Indian, Pakistani,...and the list goes on and on.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have read through 4 pages of this thread and see no meaningful discussion of the legal, social or economic issues involved.

First of all, the age of consent for purposes of the criminal law in Canada is as follows: the age of consent is 14, with two exceptions:

1. It is not an offense if the female is over 12, and the male is 16 or less, and also less than 2 years older than the female.

2. Age of consent is 18 for anal intercourse.

That is the starting point in any analysis.

Second, I am not aware of any major hobbying jurisdiction in the world in which an 18 year old is not deemed the minimum age for an escort. There are various reasons for this. One is the purely legal reason that at age 18 a woman is deemed to be legally emancipated from her parents and all child support obligations of parents are released at that age.

Two, apart from all of our laws treating women as adults when they reach age 18, there are the economic considerations. At age 18 women are deemed ready for college or CEGEP. Many women then are forced to obtain employment in order to fund said schooling and education, or else they must eschew said schooling. Many SPs I have seen escort to help pay for their college education. Under the GG model, these women would be forced to obtain lower paying jobs at Burger King, or they would not work at all, and some would end up not being able to go to school. Rent would go unpaid, and some would have to drop out of school.

These women would then become wards of the Province of Quebec. Wards of the Province of Quebec receive welfare payments funded by the Quebec taxpayers. And who are those taxpayers? Well, it's all of you - Techman, Smack Appeal, Stripper Lover, Martin, etc., all of you Quebec citizens who will pay for the welfare of these ladies, while simultaneously not having sex with them. Unless of course you can convince the Revenue Services to send the bill directly to General Gonad to relieve your own personal tax liability.;)

Third, if Montreal agencies increased the minimum SP age to 21, many agencies which rely on out of town and tourist business would go out of business, because every major hobby destination in the world offers 18-21 year old SPs, and there would be no reason for many hobbyists who enjoy the company of younger ladies to visit Montreal any more. An agency like Eleganza, for example, which is primarily staffed by ladies in this age group, would suffer tremendously.

These are the social, legal and economic reasons. Beyond those, any reasons advanced in this thread are from my perspective either purely personal opinion or self serving justifications, as in the case of some more mature SPs who have posted in this thread, who would love to see the minimum age increased - to age 30 or even higher if possible, as it means more business and less competition for them. This is obviously common sense. The only reasons that matter to me are the ones I have stated above. If we treat a woman as an adult at age 18 legally, for purposes of emancipation from parental rights, voting, serving in the military, etc., there is absolutely no reason to treat them otherwise for purposes of employment in the escort industry.
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Thank you Eagerbeaver


This is my first post. I am a very new member to this board. I participate in the MERB/TERB chat room for over a year. I plan on visiting Montreal in two weeks for the first time.

I have be using this board as a great research tool and I have met some good users in the chat room.

I noticed that some users use this place to state their personal opinions and when someone replys with a counter opinion they are attacked or mocked.

Some of the threads in here including this one, which I defend the right to free speech just degenerate to people trying to throw out a controversial subject to see what happens. Eagerbeaver you came up with a well written and informative post. No name calling or derogatory remarks involved.

I know this will not end any more controversial or very weird threads from continuing or beginning but I hope that this board doesn't end up like TERB, with just rantings happening every 5 minutes.

Thanks and hope to continue the tradition of this board.

Redstorm whereever you are, join us in the chatroom. Life goes on.



New Member
Jan 9, 2006
EagerBeaver said:
These are the social, legal and economic reasons. Beyond those, any reasons advanced in this thread are from my perspective either purely personal opinion or self serving justifications, as in the case of some more mature SPs who have posted in this thread, who would love to see the minimum age increased - to age 30 or even higher if possible, as it means more business and less competition for them.

You have got to be kidding me, or you are trying to insult me.

In any case, I don't believe that parents should be off the hook when their kids turn 18 and actually, they are not. In fact, oh wise EB, the welfare system here in Quebec requires anyone under the age of 21 to be supported by their parents. If you are 18 or 19 or 20 and head to a welfare office for welfare, you must prove that your parents are no longer willing to support you or you must be a parent yourself. If the latter is true, your parents will be charged for any welfare you receive as a result. Oh, and the same goes for educational loans and bursasies - hmmm, seems that 18-21 yr olds are NOT treated as adults under certain conditions.

Do I have a self-serving reason- YUP - I have a 19 yr old... I have friends who are fucked up because they got into this business so early and had no clue about their choices effects on their future. There is no way to change the age thing and in fact, I wasn't aware that one even existed (and in reality it doesn't) - do I think that guys who head out with these young girls should be jailed, no. I think it is sad, because they will more likely than not, be part of a problem in their future.

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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Just-ass-weet said:
Suicide is the 3rd most common cause of death for young people (stats are 15-24yr - Also note that for most statistical purposes, ages 15-24 is a related age group.

Just a bit a trivia:

According to stats-Canada; in Canada, young men (4 times more likely than young women) from Quebec, who do not live in a big city, are the most likely to commit suicide.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Just-ass-weet said:
Do I have a self-serving reason- YUP - I have a 19 yr old... I have friends who are fucked up because they got into this business so early and had no clue about their choices effects on their future.


If the minimum SP age was increased from 18 to 21, isn't it true you would have more business and less competition? Yes or No?

Is child support required to be paid to age 21, yes or no?


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
OK whether we raise the age of conscent laws or not, an SP who is underage and working is breaking the law. Lets assume she is either an indy or a street girl. What do we do with her? Is arresting her the solution?



New Member
Jan 9, 2006
No, I wouldn't - I don't compete with that age group - the 21 yr olds to 25 yr olds would probably get more business. As I mentioned earlier, I didn't even know that there WAS an age requirement... I don't think it means anything to change an age requirement since demand will always be there.

EagerBeaver said:

If the minimum SP age was increased from 18 to 21, isn't it true you would have more business and less competition? Yes or No?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If you eliminate the 18-20 year old SPs, what percentage of the SP market are you eliminating? 30%? 40%? 50%? And you really don't think the elimination of 50% of more or your competition, would not benefit more mature SPs like you, and Ronnie et al? There are many hobbyists who see both younger and more mature SPs, mixing it up. I know a hobbyist who on a recent trip saw Ronnie and a 19 year old, another hobbyist I know has seen you on several occasions and has also seen numerous 18-21 year olds. If he is banned from seeing 18-21 year old, your chances of getting repeat visits goes way up. This is all common sense. Not insults, just logic and common sense.


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
EB, as I said, I don't see the point of whether or not you can change the age limit - it won't matter, it is redundant. You just argued that I am posting here in a self-interested manner... that is insulting. That wasn't at all my intention. I am merely stating that, imho, girls that young are still kids. Period.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Just-ass-weet said:
If you are 18 or 19 or 20 and head to a welfare office for welfare, you must prove that your parents are no longer willing to support you or you must be a parent yourself.

Show me a child support order stating that a girl must be supported beyond her reaching age 18. Why should a father paying child support continue to support a child if there is a Court order saying he can stop when the child reaches age 18? What more need you prove?

Again Anik: Yes or no - are child support obligations imposed on fathers beyond the child reaching age 18?

Shit, and I am not even a family law attorney. Isn't this a fundamental and basic rule, like everywhere? Or am I missing something? Please, any Canadian family law specialists are welcome to correct me if I have missed something.
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New Member
Jan 9, 2006
EagerBeaver said:
Show me a child support order stating that a girl must be supported beyond her reaching age 18. Why should a father paying child support continue to support a child if there is a Court order saying he can stop when the child reaches age 18? What more need you prove?

Again Anik: Yes or no - are child support obligations imposed on fathers beyond the child reaching age 18?

OK EB, you are right - if child support says it so, it must be true.

Oh and here is a link that might interest you it states that a "child of marriage" who is pursuing an education may have rights to continued child support payments.... hmmm... it also says, that child support doesn't end at 18, but must be terminated via court order - hmmm, even more interesting.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Anik, that link you provided suggests that parents can be ordered to provide child support beyond the age of majority, in situations where housing cannot be provided. I was not aware of the Quebec law in this regard. That's completely different than anything here in the USA. Here, kid reaches age 18, child support stops.

I would be interested in knowing, in practice, how often fathers are ordered to support children financially beyond the age of 18 in Quebec. I suspect not very often. In any event, if the support is for education ONLY, then it probably still isn't enough to completely defray that cost. And it doesn't speak to the issue of non-educational support where the 18 year old is emancipated, not living at home, not going to school,and having to work at Burger King to pay the rent. How often is child support ordered in that situation?
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New Member
Jan 9, 2006
EagerBeaver said:
Anik, that link you provided suggests that parents can be ordered to provide child support beyond the age of majority, in situations where housing cannot be provided. I was not aware of the Quebec law in this regard. That's completely different than anything here in the USA. Here, kid reaches age 18, child support stops.

I would be interested in knowing, in practice, how often fathers are ordered to support children financially beyond the age of 18 in Quebec. I suspect not very often.

Smarts when you are uninformed doesn't it! lol! Oh, and yes, it doesn speak to the BK phenomena - if a child chooses to go on welfare the parents can be forced to pay it back.

Anyhow, we are entirely off topic.

I am not sure why you are so upset about me calling kids kids... they are! It isn't an insult. Not all kids are irresponsible party animals, I never would say that.... some are way too serious, take the hard roads in life, and never enjoy their youth. That is where I feel sad for these young girls and only because I have met those girls later in life and they are completely screwed up. If you don't believe that that is a big problem amongst these girls who work at 18 or so, then you will not follow what I am trying to communicate. All I am trying to relate here is that I worry about the young girls in this business.

Now, I want to know - you TRULY believe that I posted what I did in this thread for more BUSINESS?!!! I want to know if you accidentally insulted Ronnie, t67 and myself, or you meant to.
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