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Should we change the term "hobby" for something else?


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
How about "Fucking for Money"?


A story goes that a student approached the master and said, "I have heard you teach that the universe is one bright pearl. Can you help me to understand?"
And the master responded, "The universe is one bright pearl. What is there to understand?"

Fucking for Money. Point well made.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
As far as how I present myself and the type of language I use, I don't think I need a lesson on that from anyone, thank you.

Well stated, and echoed by Uncle Bob :thumb:

Best Regards


New Member
May 14, 2016
"Hobby" is a lighthearted term usually going with a fun interest the hobbyist is dedicated to. I don't have a problem with it. It's also pretty ambiguous so no one outside knows what it means. Pooner or Punter starts to sound sleazy and there's a thousand terms much worse. Monger for instance sounds a bit deviant. Why try to perfect something that works quite well enough?


New Member
May 14, 2016
You don't find the reviews offensive that go into great detail into how far they want to put things and where.
You think that is enlightening bedtime reading for women.

GRRREAT POINT. I thought of that too. I mean "hobby" versus "she took a load like a pro, and swallowed". If you want to be respectful changing "hobby" doesn't begin to touch the topic.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
GRRREAT POINT. I thought of that too. I mean "hobby" versus "she took a load like a pro, and swallowed". If you want to be respectful changing "hobby" doesn't begin to touch the topic.

Well I guess everyone needs to admit it's a strange business .
I have heard worst when I was on the lines and being the Booker & driver of some cuties .
It's hard to know what goes on in there minds ,but one event I do remember clearly one of my girls came in my vehicule after her last call she had made 7 all with swallow and started DFK ing? .
The question she asked ,"do you like it "?
Made me wonder ?




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Mr Eagerbeaver,
I don't want to get into a war of words with you but are you kidding me?
You find the word "hobby" offensive because women read this site.
I'm afraid he is not. And I don't think EB writes reviews anymore either

I for one am so sick and tired of this PC world where one can feign being offended at the slightest micro-aggression. Everyone is walking around with a chip on their shoulder these days. When the media sticks a microphone in your face it is really a litmus test. You better respond with the most PC answer our clean out your cubicle.

To me the hobby part is learning as much about the destinations where pay-for-play flourishes. I like to frequent the correct web sites and forums and learn how to use this information to find the best agencies or Termas, Privies, FKKs, free lance pick-up bars etc. and understand how to enjoy my time there by working out logistics, exchanging currency, obtaining lodging, finding restaurants etc. etc. . If this bothers the SPs than they can rebut this and give me some good reasons why they are offended by the use of this term. Most likely I will avoid this SP.

This reminds me of the South Park happy non-denominational, non-offensive Christmas play. Kyle's mom was offended because Kyle is a jew and she complained. The prompted the South Park elementary principal to first screen all the words that they were going to use during the upcoming pageant. To do this, the citizens of South Park sat in the auditorium the principal read a list of words. Everyone had a sign. If you were offended you could raise your sign and they would avoid that word. The resultant pageant wasn't anything like a pageant. This is what is happening to this world.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I don't think EB writes reviews anymore either

This is a totally untrue statement. I have posted reviews of Anastasia, Brooke, Kaila, Alexia and Jaime of Euphoria this year, and started the thread on Adagio which includes reviews of at least 3 of their girls that I saw. I also posted a review of Nahomi of YPG. I also did some others I can't think of right now. My thread on Brooke of Euphoria and the Euphoria Mini Party my friends and I staged was probably one of the longest reviews written on the board this year. It detailed the experiences of me and 2 friends and 3 girls from Euphoria, in a party we staged at a bar of a hotel and later in our rooms. I wrote that review because my friends asked me to. In fact, I circulated a draft of the review to them days before I posted it to see if they would change anything I had forgotten or left out from their own perspectives. My recollection is they made some very minor editorial changes with regard to a few minor details (additions, not deletions). It's true I withheld the name of one of the girls reviewed for reasons stated therein, but she has her own review thread and there is not anything I could have added to it anyway.

The issue is not one of political correctness but having and showing respect in what you write. There are many posters on this board who write misogynistic statements and they think it's perfectly okay to do that. I don't feel the same way. I have also met enough ladies to know what they think about board reviews and comments. This is not to say I haven't chosen the right words on some occasions myself, but I do try and think about what I am saying in reviews and not let them deteriorate into misogynistic locker room chatter with the guys. There has not been a single review I have written which I didn't think about carefully, in particular the Brooke/Euphoria Mini-Party review, which I wrote over the course of a week or two as I recall, and then let my friends read and edit the draft review before posting it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
EB is so obviously right that I'm not sure what there is to talk about. He has made two basic points: 1) our language matters; 2) the word "hobby" may be offensive to the women we see (and to many men as well). On the one hand, it's possible that many use the term in a seemingly benign way: what we do for pleasure in our own time. But on the other hand, I can certainly understand why women might feel demeaned and objectified by it. Our "hobby" is their livelihood; it's hard work with not inconsiderable risk. More to the point, it's not really up to us to decide what's offensive to escorts; if it's offensive, it's offensive. (Why do we use "SP" or "escort" and not prostitute or many of the other, often more derogatory words out there?) That's basic respect; we should all have the autonomy to define ourselves to a large degree.

Language matters, not only for the respect (or ideology) it conveys, but because it participates in the construction of our reality. There is a reason we use "hobby" and not "sex work," although the terms refer to the same physical acts and the same interpersonal relationships. The first sounds fun, playful, pleasurable; it's something we can control, it's something we want; just think about other hobbies, most of which we do for our own enjoyment. Now think of "sex work"; gone is the playfulness, gone is the intimacy, gone is the sense of a shared experience, etc.--

What's really interesting to me is what our alternatives are, what other words we might use--in a shared discussion between the key players here, SPs (?) and clients (?). What language can we find that speaks to the experience we're having, the experience we want to have, and the respect we want to show?

It's a fascinating problem.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
This is a totally untrue statement. I have posted reviews of Anastasia, Brooke, Kaila, Alexia and Jaime of Euphoria this year, and started the thread on Adagio which includes reviews of at least 3 of their girls that I saw. I also posted a review of Nahomi of YPG. I also did some others I can't think of right now. My thread on Brooke of Euphoria and the Euphoria Mini Party my friends and I staged was probably one of the longest reviews written on the board this year. It detailed the experiences of me and 2 friends and 3 girls from Euphoria, in a party we staged at a bar of a hotel and later in our rooms. I wrote that review because my friends asked me to. In fact, I circulated a draft of the review to them days before I posted it to see if they would change anything I had forgotten or left out from their own perspectives. My recollection is they made some very minor editorial changes with regard to a few minor details (additions, not deletions). It's true I withheld the name of one of the girls reviewed for reasons stated therein, but she has her own review thread and there is not anything I could have added to it anyway.

The issue is not one of political correctness but having and showing respect in what you write. There are many posters on this board who write misogynistic statements and they think it's perfectly okay to do that. I don't feel the same way. I have also met enough ladies to know what they think about board reviews and comments. This is not to say I haven't chosen the right words on some occasions myself, but I do try and think about what I am saying in reviews and not let them deteriorate into misogynistic locker room chatter with the guys. There has not been a single review I have written which I didn't think about carefully, in particular the Brooke/Euphoria Mini-Party review, which I wrote over the course of a week or two as I recall, and then let my friends read and edit the draft review before posting it.

EB - you really do have an over-inflated sense of self importance.

We should have a drinking game. Every time EB writes or says Euphoria Mini-party we should all take a drink. Just make sure that you are not driving that night.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Not sure how you go from saying I don't write any reviews to then criticizing a review I wrote only at the request of my friends as "self important." I didn't claim to be the best reviewer or even a significant reviewer. I just stated the facts of the reviews I wrote, most of which are short and to the point. And the term I used described exactly what I had reviewed. It was a small party involving 3 girls from one agency. The review was actually written by 3 people and posted by me.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
EB - you really do have an over-inflated sense of self importance.

We should have a drinking game. Every time EB writes or says Euphoria Mini-party we should all take a drink. Just make sure that you are not driving that night.

I just spit the cereal out of my mouth :pound:

If I posted that , I'd have an " AGENDA "

Best Regards


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Because you do have an agenda Smuler which is being judgmental about things you know absolutely nothing about. You are the single most judgmental person I have met in this hobby and don't even know it.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Because you do have an agenda Smuler which is being judgmental about things you know absolutely nothing about. You are the single most judgmental person I have met in this hobby and don't even know it.

I thought you just said you don't use the word hobby ?

Best Regards


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Sorry EB. You had quit writing reviews and even stated in one of your posts that you don't write reviews for escorts anymore. I hadn't realized that you decided to resume writing reviews. I have heard you mention the Euphoria mini party several times. It must have been a very nice time and I am glad you enjoyed it. That is what the hobby is all about. I wrote that post above and then I realized that I have the same habit of having a really good time and then I tend to reminisce on this board and others for years later. Yes, I too am guilty but what can I say as I fell under the spell of a beautiful lady....but I digress.

The point is that someone suggested that the hobby is now considered a bad word. I do believe that this is true in some circles. I have also noticed that there is a correlation between some of the HDH primadonnas in the sex industry that post on Twitter. These same SPs seem to have a chip on their shoulder and seem perpetually offended by something new every day. I do not want to offend but I also do not have the time to play the game as to what PC term is in vogue at the moment.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You are correct that I had stopped writing reviews for a while. This didn't have anything to do with being sensitive to SPs. It had to do with some privacy concerns I had at the time. I then resumed writing reviews but generally they were more generic reviews than what I wrote in the past. Generally if I post a review of a girl who has already been reviewed, I only post my own thoughts on what hadn't previously been written about. On Jaime, I was kind of struck by the fact that although many guys had discussed how hot she is, nobody had mentioned that she had a classy and mature look for her age which I added in my short review.

When I posted the review on Brooke, I believed it was the first review on her because my search didn't turn up Cobra's review which was the first posted. I wrote the review differently than I would have had I seen Cobra's seminal review. Which was written around 2 weeks previously but had not popped up on my search.

The other reason I resumed writing reviews is the same one you mentioned, sentimentalism and a desire to be able to recall the details at a later date. I have read some posts I wrote 10 years ago and when I read them it refreshes my memory about things I have totally forgotten about. I read some posts I wrote in 2005 and some of the details I would never have remembered if those posts were not there.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
EB - The last sentence is really beautiful. A review is like trying to keep time in a bottle. I recently read my old reviews from Rio De Janeiro and Sao Paulo. These are detailed reports that cover the entire day of mongering. When I read them it brings Rio back to life so vividly. This hobby is one thing that has helped me to maintain my sanity in a rather mundane and stressful world that I live in. I come here for a diversion to that....Hey, maybe I am a diversionist?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
You got it! Where not hobbying, we are diversionisting... Oups how can we spell it right?


Sounds like something we can use when hobbying errr excuse me, diversioning, in Latin America. I'm a diversionista!
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