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Should we change the term "hobby" for something else?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Man, why are people on the internet so rude? Why is there so much resistance to civil conversation? Why as a culture are we so averse to intelligent, thoughtful discussion? I truly, truly don't understand incivility and hostility in a conversation that could be interesting. I guess I'm just old school; I like to hear what people are thinking and I like exchanging ideas. I don't see any point in exchanging insults; no one learns anything, no one listens, nothing gets done.

But there comes a point when you are just beating your head against a wall, having to repeat yourself to the same group gets tiring. And they probably say the same thing about me.
I have a pretty good threshold to explain things, but after awhile the threshold gets thinner, especially when you hear complete rehashed bullshit.... Old and mindset.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
I like too the term hobbyist.

I don't feel bad about it at all. And never did.

I think the girls/ladies who were feeling bad about it and inspire this thread,
most be so much devastated with all the negatives charged words to design themselves.
It seems they are having "la peau mince", "thin skin" as we could say in French.
There is so much other things to be outraged in this field, oh my.......... :tape:

There was a time, for my part, that I dislike so much the term "MILF", shouldn't we ever be aroused by the idea of some "'children around"? That a woman has been pregnant and having a baby inside her?
That's how I understood that term at first. But I understand now the real concept behind this expression now. Children have nothing to do in fact.
In fact now, as strange as it looks, that's ""almost"" a compliment, because there are so much ladies out there who let themselves become physically the shadow they were before having children, so if you are still very "hot" after, that's a sign of good chance or that you work hard after...... but that's another story.

So about the word "hobby" now? I think the ladies might have done the same thing that I did for the word "milf": That's just an extrapolation.

But those escorts have to realize and accept plenty their occupations and/or hobby (yes, that could be feel/live as an hobby for the escorts too), and yes, they are private entertainers, so yes, that could be a hobby to like to be entertain privately. Or to be entertainers too.

*At first because my native tongue is French, I thought that I wasn't catching the possible subtleties , but with the post of Tianna, I realized there were not subtleties at all.
** That was very entertaining to read some suggestions :pound:

Anyway, you know, realize gentlemen that to change a term used all over the planet, you will have to have many very persuasive arguments :pound:


Sep 1, 2016
Personally I love the term "the hobby". You have to admit that it's kind of a "tongue-in-cheek" term. To those of us who partake of this activity, it's difficult to relate what it is we're doing in normal civil discourse. So in that respect it's the ultimate PC terminology. By the very nature of the word it's an acknowledgment that we want to keep our activities somewhat below the radar. It's kind of like saying, "You know what I mean".....LOL Looking at other activities most of them have a unique name, but ours enjoys the most general of references.

The Power Thesaurus has 66 Synonyms for the term "whoremonger" listed as follows:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Well if Maria and Tiannas do not object I guess I feel compelled to withdraw my objection. Although I used the term in the past I always thought it to be an odd word choice. When I was a kid my hobby was building and firing model rockets made by Estes (and a few of my own design). As an adult my hobby is paying women for companionship and sex. It struck me as odd, and potentially trivializing the pursuit to use the word hobby. I imagined Maria Divina cross examining me and saying, "and your hobby as a boy was model rockets.....and now it's me? So I am like a model rocket??????"

And that is where I thought the offended women might be coming from. Like talkinghead I really do try not to be offensive with women and try to be sensitive. It doesn't always work out with the word choices that come out of my mouth.

I was with a SP who has an absolutely gorgeous body. To my eyes, it's objectively and awe-inspiringly awesome. Perfect breasts, no tats, hourglass shape, tight abs on which I could bounce quarters if I tried, full round ass, no imperfections, etc. etc. I was admiring her body and tried to think of the last thing I had seen that was so amazing to my eyes. And it was a $1,000 wedding cake I had seen which was like the most amazing wedding cake I had ever seen. So I told her "your body is like an amazing wedding cake, you know just a work of art." And I can tell as soon as I said that I shouldn't have, although the truth is her body was inspiring as was the artistic perfection of that cake.

Anyway "hobby" is by far not the most offensive thing one can say but the point is that we should be careful - and not have no regard whatsoever to our words or their possible meaning.

Carry on!


New Member
May 14, 2016
"Hobby" is something one becomes devoted to doing by choice for personal enjoyment. I don't see how that's objectionable. Also, is there any word that will please all escorts. Why are we using 6 pages to try to do that? Do we need to placate the entire body of escorts because a word isn't perfect. I agree with Tiannas this has become a pointless exercise. It was fine as a simple question of interest, but it went above and beyond long ago.

Hobby - something I do to find enjoyment. What's the problem with that.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Eager Beaver:

To be clear:

For my part, the idea to objectify women in general is clearly not something I am accepting.

Like your idea to compare one perfect body escort to a perfect wedding cake. :pound: Sorry, I found it very funny that you even told her. hahaha
You are really incredible. I would have so much laugh if I would have been that girl because it is so much bizarre, at the end. Sorry to tell, but it is. And I would have told you, but that's me. What did she tell you after your special declaration?

So, what I underlined in my first post in this thread is often, if something is offensive it could sometimes be clearly because of the point of view we are taking it.

I am describing/thinking of myself as a personal private entertainer for men. So for me, the term "hobby" and "hobbyist" make sense.

And people, as example, who go often to shows or work as volunteers regularly, could be described as "hobby" & "hobbyist" too.

I think here there is a misconception at the base: the hobby is made by the numbers of repeated encounters, not based as a "collectible things/women" we could be stated previously. Because, at the end, you don't keep all the ladies you are encountering in a box like butterflies pin on a board. :p

Hey, that was a very long thread 6 pages about that.

I want to thank all the gentlemen who felt kind of concerned and wanted to make a very good move changing the world for the best for the escorts. oxoxoxoxox

If you want to help for real, maybe something much more accessible for all of the Merbists.... You could just try still to find beautiful words to describe escorts and all the Sp's around and also all the women,
and react and don't let other guys around use of negative heavy words while they are talking about "us" all,
and that could begin directly on the review board, in the discussion & in the reviews, what do you think of my suggestion?

Men are at the first best place to stop any kind of violence toward women by reacting and not letting other men doing it freely without protesting, just saying.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The point is that words sometimes come out of your mouth in a spontaneous way based on a thought and you then regret having chosen them. I don't think she was too happy with the wedding cake comment. But I regretted saying it as soon as I did and before she said a word.

By the way before passing judgment on my comment did you see the wedding cake I was referring to? It was no ordinary cake.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
Well if Maria and Tiannas do not object I guess I feel compelled to withdraw my objection. Although I used the term in the past I always thought it to be an odd word choice. When I was a kid my hobby was building and firing model rockets made by Estes (and a few of my own design). As an adult my hobby is paying women for companionship and sex. It struck me as odd, and potentially trivializing the pursuit to use the word hobby. I imagined Maria Divina cross examining me and saying, "and your hobby as a boy was model rockets.....and now it's me? So I am like a model rocket??????"

And that is where I thought the offended women might be coming from. Like talkinghead I really do try not to be offensive with women and try to be sensitive. It doesn't always work out with the word choices that come out of my mouth.

I was with a SP who has an absolutely gorgeous body. To my eyes, it's objectively and awe-inspiringly awesome. Perfect breasts, no tats, hourglass shape, tight abs on which I could bounce quarters if I tried, full round ass, no imperfections, etc. etc. I was admiring her body and tried to think of the last thing I had seen that was so amazing to my eyes. And it was a $1,000 wedding cake I had seen which was like the most amazing wedding cake I had ever seen. So I told her "your body is like an amazing wedding cake, you know just a work of art." And I can tell as soon as I said that I shouldn't have, although the truth is her body was inspiring as was the artistic perfection of that cake.

Anyway "hobby" is by far not the most offensive thing one can say but the point is that we should be careful - and not have no regard whatsoever to our words or their possible meaning.

Carry on!

And since, like you, my words don't always align with my brain, all I can think to ask is: did you have your cake and eat it, too?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
And since, like you, my words don't always align with my brain, all I can think to ask is: did you have your cake and eat it, too?

Yes I did. Conversation happened post-coital. She wasn't happy with the comment but I have seen her many times so she kind of knows me anyway. It's not like it was an awkward moment on a first date. It was just one of those things that just sort of spewed out of my mouth like lava from a volcano, and once it is out, there is not much you can do about it except run or duck. LOL.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
Yes I did. Conversation happened post-coital. She wasn't happy with the comment but I have seen her many times so she kind of knows me anyway. It's not like it was an awkward moment on a first date. It was just one of those things that just sort of spewed out of my mouth like lava from a volcano, and once it is out, there is not much you can do about it except run or duck. LOL.

Got it. Like lava from a volcano. Krakatoa?

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...

Oh, don't worry, I understood that you spoke too fast :pound: I wouldn't believe that someone truly think something like that for real.
That's why I would laugh if someone ever told me something like that, and telling to my wanna-want-to-make-an-original-compliment-but-geeeee-I-didn't pal how funny it is. We have to be able to laugh of ourself when we are doing something "special" no? :smile:

(and I had sometime did too, I think everybody does, said thing too fast)

And gentlemen, I had made a suggestion 2 days ago and noboby commented about it yet. I'm surprised. Because the intention of this thread was clearly to find a way to improve the hobby for some women who were feeling bad about few things.

So, I am repeating my question/suggestion and please, I would be very highly curious to know what do you think about it, and if this is possible for you. In fact, is to refuse misogynistic attitudes toward women, EVEN if it is toward Sps.

If you want to help for real, maybe something much more accessible for all of the Merbists.... You could just try still to find beautiful words to describe escorts and all the Sp's around and also all the women,
and react and don't let other guys around use of negative heavy words while they are talking about "us" all,
and that could begin directly on the review board, in the discussion & in the reviews, what do you think of my suggestion?

Men are at the first best place to stop any kind of violence toward women by reacting and not letting other men doing it freely without protesting, just saying.
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