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Should we send flowers to our favorite sp/mp or stripper on Valentine day


Mar 25, 2009
Il ne faut pas tous donner du chocolat à notre MP/SP préférée
Sinon elle va prendre 20 lbs


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

A 10$ tip is nothing to get euphoric about, but the fact that she would whine about it to other clients, what does that make her?

A shallow money-grubbing........................I give a tip as a matter of gentlemanly course that makes me feel good. If the lady behaved in a coldly demanding unappreciative mercenary manner over a tip issue she should be dressed or have her clothes in hand because she'd be leaving...TOUT DE SUITE. She just ruined the meeting for me, so it's party over at that point. The ladies or agencies make the rate they want, we don't. If they want to more raise the rate, they shouldn't be an A.. over the tip.

On the flowers issue, the surface of Sampson's statement shows a real cynical attitude that is his issue. Giving a lady a flower(s) of some simple type at a meeting on Valentine's day would be a nice touch since you are seeing her anyway. Why not. As Siocnarf said, just be yourself. But don't go through any more efforts that might imply emotional complications. It could be considered too involving for her or an indication of emotional involvement that she could exploit...if she's that type underneath.

If you want to add little touches like flowers make sure you there's a previous relationship between you that makes extra touches safely understood. I wouldn't do it for a first meeting.

I remember sending a nice bouquet of flowers to Misha for Valentine Day! ... She was working a Candy's on Sainte cath and Saint mathieu around 2002/2004. I was very found of her ! She was barmaid stripper shooter girl , everything to make your night go wild and it did ! Don't remember why I couldn't bring myself these flowers to her, was lonely at that time but surely some family function. It was a big bouquet of roses that i gave to a taxi driver nearby with a tip of 20$ and the address of the strip club and my cell number if anything !

So you sent flowers because you were lonely and besotted with sexual heat and/or strong emotional attachment? Well, if you really feel the need to put your heart or hormones on the line like that then bravo for having the balls to take a shot. But be ready in case of a huge crash. This is an extremely risky situation, almost 100% guaranteed to end up being very, VERY hard on the sender.

Good luck,



Oct 21, 2011
Top of the mountain
This is an extremely risky situation, almost 100% guaranteed to end up being very, VERY hard on the sender.


Been there done that many times I learn my lesson long time ago ! But sometimes the heart as it own reason that the reason doesn't know about! And a heart can always be broken !


Apr 29, 2012
on the border
I have a very negative experience with this kind of gifts. Most SPs consider it as an intrusion into their personal life which has to be kept separated from the business at any costs. So if you are happy with the service and would like to show your appreciation than just tip…


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
I have a very negative experience with this kind of gifts. Most SPs consider it as an intrusion into their personal life which has to be kept separated from the business at any costs. So if you are happy with the service and would like to show your appreciation than just tip…

I agree just tip...,very often they have boyfiend and they will have to explain where the flowers are coming and from who.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
If you know she loves flowers and you want to be discreet, give her a gift card for a flower shop. That way she can buy whatever arrangements she wants for her house and tell her boyfriend she got it herself. (Or give her an annual pass for the botanical garden).

I think gift card make great gifts, and not just for escorts. It's just like money and she can get whatever she likes, but she will think of you when using the card.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Here is what i have on when they enter the room, it puts a smile on their face every time and they indeed feel very special:)

"Sudbury Saturday Night" is one of the many songs i have on my 'romance' playlist on my ipod whenever i meet a special sp. However, the song that i have playing when she first shows up, and put back on when the 'action' is about to start, is this one: Doc's #1 "romance" song

This song is one of the greatest aphrodisiacs that i've ever encoutered. And it's usually that song that is the last one to play just prior to my 'date' leaving. The girls love it! :cheer2:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I have a very negative experience with this kind of gifts. Most SPs consider it as an intrusion into their personal life which has to be kept separated from the business at any costs. So if you are happy with the service and would like to show your appreciation than just tip…

I just had a thought. Put yourself in the SP's shoes. You are home from work living in the other half of your double life. The door bell rings and there is a guy at the door with flowers. The delivery man says to the SP These are from Hungry 101. Yes, the creep now has your address and he is sending flowers. I don't think this would work out.

But, I disagree with Doc and some of the others. This isn't the same as the person that changes your oil or the person that mows your lawn. And I'm not using sexual innuendos either. This is still sex, an intimate act. We all know it's not love but there are some feelings that develop. Maybe the feeling you have for them is like the young woman you coached in sports or the new cute female co-worker you mentored? Still the flowers thing I don't get. Can I send them to Mike at GGs and have him get them over to Kate or something like this? How do you do it?

I agree just tip...,very often they have boyfiend and they will have to explain where the flowers are coming and from who.

Boyfriend? What she has a boyfriend and she is fucking on him? The nerve!


Aug 25, 2013
"Sudbury Saturday Night" is one of the many songs i have on my 'romance' playlist on my ipod whenever i meet a special sp. However, the song that i have playing when she first shows up, and put back on when the 'action' is about to start, is this one: Doc's #1 "romance" song

This song is one of the greatest aphrodisiacs that i've ever encoutered. And it's usually that song that is the last one to play just prior to my 'date' leaving. The girls love it! :cheer2:

Mr Holliday,

That is a great choice, here is another one i find they really like. It is my 2nd favorite song to break the ice and warm them up.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Is anyone else getting a popup ad for some florist shop when they click on this thread? I think the whole point of this thread is to shill for some florist.:rolleyes:

Mods, please delete this piece of shit thread which as it turns out is designed to shill for some florist.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Let me add to my previous answer to the question:

One of my buddies once met an sp. They hit it off pretty good. She found that he was a good listener. From my experience many sps have very serious issues & often find it's a relief when they can discuss their issues with someone they trust & find is a good listener who may give good advice. Well, he made the mistake of giving her his phone number. Soon after he got home, she began to call him. First it was for advice, then it was just to talk. And call him. After a while, his wife got suspicious since she noticed he started getting irritated (and exasperated) after answering his cellphone so many times. He finally told her that his wife was getting suspicious & to stop calling wait for him to call her. Well, she kept on calling. And calling. So he switched his phone number and never saw her again.

What i'm getting to is that buying an sp a St-Valentine's gift may give her the wrong impression & don't be surprised if she stops seeing you. The last thing any guy wants is to give the gir the impression that you may be infatuated with her. She'll think you may be a stalker & if this is the case, good luck trying to see her again.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Is anyone else getting a popup ad for some florist shop when they click on this thread? I think the whole point of this thread is to shill for some florist.:rolleyes:

Mods, please delete this piece of shit thread which as it turns out is designed to shill for some florist.

I don't get the pop-up add that you mentionned. Does your browser block pop-ups? If so, maybe it's time to clean your PC of adaware, which i recommend be done at least once a week.

Lily from Montreal

I am always surprised as how some people has a hard time understanding boundaries, I am very compartmentalized and have zero problem juggling many lives and loves but it is sad to see some ruin a perfectly funlife romance by trying to merge it into real life...and before you ask no I am not schizophrenic lol


Aug 25, 2013
Great song for romance by the great Tiny Tim!! I will add it to my playlist! :thumb:

Now here's another favorite of mine when in the company of a special sp:

Great song to make love to

Mr. Holliday,

This is amazing, we have very similar tastes. I already had the song waltzing matilda in my playlist. It is definitely an all time classic. It brings back many fond memories.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I don't get the pop-up add that you mentionned. Does your browser block pop-ups? If so, maybe it's time to clean your PC of adaware, which i recommend be done at least once a week.

Whether my pop up blocker is working is not the point. The point is that this thread is not what it seems, it's a shill for an ad- the whole thread is bullshit! Here is a copy of the pop-up I got when I opened this thread in Mozilla which I did because my Google Chrome Browser is down:

"Commitment to quality
Send flowers
I need a florist
Describe what you need...
By submitting this form, I authorize service providers to contact me back regarding my request. Privacy and Terms."

Fucken bullshit! Mods please delete this thread, it is an unpaid advertisement.
Jan 29, 2014
I know we are all different... but some of us are not living double lives, and do see certain clients as lovers and share a closeness that is not just "professional" while still sharing predefined boundaries.
I love flowers :p


New Member
Apr 23, 2009
I am always surprised as how some people has a hard time understanding boundaries, I am very compartmentalized and have zero problem juggling many lives and loves but it is sad to see some ruin a perfectly funlife romance by trying to merge it into real life...and before you ask no I am not schizophrenic lol

I get what you're saying LilyForYou, but I think your perspective is a little skewed from being an escort. As such you get all the attention you need from multiple people. Most men, even rich attractive ones, will never receive that kind energy from women. You underestimate how unbearably lonely it can be to be male sometimes, and never *receive* from women.

That being said, to answer the question of the thread: HELL THE FUCK NO!!!

Waste of money and energy.

PS: I have always hated V-Day. It's just another Hallmark invention to have another holiday for selling more cards and shit.


New Member
Apr 23, 2009
Whether my pop up blocker is working is not the point. The point is that this thread is not what it seems, it's a shill for an ad- the whole thread is bullshit! Here is a copy of the pop-up I got when I opened this thread in Mozilla ...

I don't think that pop-up is being generated by this thread per se. You could have picked up a keyword tracker somewhere that triggered the ad because of the topic.
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