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SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

Don Julio

Active Member
Jul 15, 2023
You meant when he was leading a minority govt and the opposition parties forced him to adopt a way more interventionist budget than he otherwise would? Oh yeah... he doesn't deserve that much credit for that.

If Harper was the PM in 2003 he would've gotten us involved in the Irak war mess. We were blessed to be led by Jean Chretien back then, even though I'm not really such a big fan of him.

You meant when he was leading a minority govt and the opposition parties forced him to adopt a way more interventionist budget than he otherwise would? Oh yeah... he doesn't deserve that much credit for that.

If Harper was the PM in 2003 he would've gotten us involved in the Irak war mess. We were blessed to be led by Jean Chretien back then, even though I'm not really such a big fan of him.
An article



Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Do you even know what the meaning of a dictator is? You keep on writing nonsense. Explain to all of us how Harper was a virtual dictator? How did he take away anyones rights? Give us examples.

Dictator as defined by the dictionary. What Trudeau did, freezing of bank accounts of peaceful truckers who only wanted to be free from covid mandates is the act of a dictator. You want politicians to go down the typical leftwing road. Trudeau forcing covid vaccines when you wanted to travel is an example of removing rights of individuals.

And targeting law abiding firearms owners. In 2020 by banning semi-automatic rifles on the fact that a couple of crazy men used them in multiple murders.
In october 2023, he kind of seized the hanndguns legally owned by sport shooters.
Supposedly to stop the street gangs from shooting each other in Montreal and Toronto.
Handguns that came from USA or parts imported from USA too and assembled by these thugs.
Beeing, selling or tranferring these handguns to sons or daughters is impossible.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
Jean Chretien is not innocent either, remember he was involved in the sponsorship scandal which tainted the Liberal image for a while which probably is one of the reasons Harper won.
Ask Jean Chretien about his relationship with Gordon Ho. I would love to see the look on his face, lol!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Latest polls numbers show Poilievre in the lead, he is in majority territory. He has a significant advantage for seats and as the preferred prime minister. I am happy to see people came to their senses. What I am not understanding is how Trudeau still has any votes? It should be zero. As time goes on till election time I am certain Polievre's lead will get higher.
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I didn't know much about Poilievre before watching this video (that is fast going viral), but now I like him a lot:

Me too. He may not be perfect but he makes sense and realizes there is a housing crisis and a doctor shortage. Trudeau was in the moon all these years till his poll numbers began to plummet. The reality is the last two CPC leaders especially O'Toole were weak leaders, Trudeau meet his match. These are the candidates, got to choose the lesser of two evils, the choice is clear. Poilievre is the sane choice because the alternative is madness.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
im no fan of Trudeau, but remember that the conservatives brought in C-36, will not decriminalize drugs but re-criminalize them. Easy to say you will stand up to China. There is a lot a fact checker would have to work with in that short interview. Poilievre IS a populist (but hes no Trump in a good way), with for example is support of the truckers blocade of Ottawa...He would probably be quite ''Harper'esque'' in his governance. Not my first choice, but not the end of the world either. I would love a more centrist option in Canada, somewhere between the liberals and the conservatives.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Why Nobody (even Poilievre) talks about this? This is the main cause of the housing crisis, food banks crisis....

Poilievre is a globalist also, building more homes is not the only solution. Got to stop all immigration which is the direct cause of the housing crisis. But at least Polievre recognizes there is a problem, he plans to eliminate the carbon tax. I live in downtown Montreal and there are building so many tall building condos being built, the whole row is now full of new condo building contruction, my view of the street will get blocked. I dunno about any of you but this is not what I want for the city. The city is already so overcrowded, I do not want tall skycraper condo buildings everywhere. I like sparsely populated places with wide open spaces. I am considering moving out of the city to the suburbs, away from all these people.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Poilièvre a encore fait un FOU de lui en chambre... Suite à l'accident arrivée aux USA près d'un poste frontalier, il a sans discernement affirmé que c'était un acte terroriste. C'est ce qui arrive quand on prend ses sources sur les sites de l'extrême-droite américaine plutôt que sur les grands réseaux reconnus.

Les autorités américaines n'avaient encore fait aucune déclaration à ce sujet et quelques heures plus tard affirmaient que l'hypothèse d'un acte terroriste était écartée.

Bien sûr c'est sa "LIBARTÉ" de faire un fou de lui. Est-ce que quelqu'un peut sérieusement dire qu'il pourrait assumer le poste de Premier Ministre du Canada?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
L'exemple parfait de celui qui se confine dans de la petite politique mesquine et y en a déjà trop de la


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Poilièvre a encore fait un FOU de lui en chambre... Suite à l'accident arrivée aux USA près d'un poste frontalier, il a sans discernement affirmé que c'était un acte terroriste. C'est ce qui arrive quand on prend ses sources sur les sites de l'extrême-droite américaine plutôt que sur les grands réseaux reconnus.

Les autorités américaines n'avaient encore fait aucune déclaration à ce sujet et quelques heures plus tard affirmaient que l'hypothèse d'un acte terroriste était écartée.

Bien sûr c'est sa "LIBARTÉ" de faire un fou de lui. Est-ce que quelqu'un peut sérieusement dire qu'il pourrait assumer le poste de Premier Ministre du Canada?

What is the alternative ? Certainly not the present Premier Ministre who inherited from Harper government budget surplus in 2015 and made déficits from 2015 to 2020 before the Covid 19 pandemic.
He doubled Canada's debt and has no prvevisible date for balanced budget.
If the Liberal party find a competent replacement it could be an alteranative to Poilievre.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Poilièvre se cale encore plus en mentant publiquement.
Après avoir fait un FOU de lui hier, il met la faute sur CTV affirmant s'être fié à un de leur tweet.
Le problème... ce tweet a été publié 15 minutes après la déclaration de l'idiot du village.
Incapable d'avouer qu'il a réagi trop vite et honteux de dire qu'il avait pris sa source sur FOX NEWS, réseau de FAKE NEWS de droite.

À ceux qui cherchent une alternative, continuez de chercher. Poilièvre est un canard boiteux dangereux sans aucune vision. Les Conservateurs avaient le loisir de choisir un chef qui aurait eu plus d'allure mais ont fait les enfants d'école en suivant la mode du chialâge et en choisissant ce populiste. Avec 40% des appuis, Poilièvre devraient enlever ses culottes courtes, arrêter de faire le "bacon", se comporter en adulte responsable. Hier et aujourd'hui il a prouvé à tous qu'il en est incapable. Il prétend tout savoir, "bébé capable" prétend-il. Même les naîfs qui l'appuient aujourd'hui risquent de le lâcher.

Heureusement, au Québec, on a le Bloc Québécois qui pourra avoir notre vote et une partie du pouvoir et empêcher que les Conservateurs soient majoritaires. Un gouvernement de coalition pourrait bien être la voie à suivre.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
When people tell me it’s time for a change & that’s why they’ll vote for Peepee i tell them that they’re free to vote for whomever they want but to remember to be careful what you wish for. When the problem seems to be worse than the solution then maybe maintaining the status quo is not a bad option. Personally i see Peepee taking Canada down a cliff if he gets elected. He’s also planning to make drastic cuts which include eliminating very popular social programs. He will also likely increase old age pension eligibility back up to age 67 like his mentor the fascist Stephen Harper did when he was in power. And people: please ignore the whole carbon tax nonsense. Several provinces like BC have already had it in place for years & it’s not as bad as Peepee claims it is. And even if he ends up removing it people living in BC or other provinces that have already imposed it will still be paying it. He’s against it strictly because it’s an election ploy plus the fact the oil industry is donating millions to his campaign. If ever he gets elected & for once in his sad adopted life isn’t lying he’ll simply replace it with a different tax under a different name. And 80% of Canadians will lose their carbon tax rebate cheques which are very popular with Canadians. The guy is a divider, a liar & a fraud who copies the MAGA playbook. He’s gay, in an arranged marriage with a Venezuelan woman with ties to organized crime. None of the two young children look anything like them so i wonder if their even theirs. He still refuses to get top security clearance. Why? Does it have to do with her ties to organized crime? Or the fact he likely has American citizenship? How did he get rich so quick considering he’s never had any real job before entering politics? Beware, beware, beware!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
I wonder if Pierre will address the issues of homelessness, housing and healthcare that have been exacerbated by the current administration and their incompetence and mindboggling corruption. These problems have happened as a direct result of the policies followed and adhered to by the current leadership under Justin Trudeau.

This leadership has lacked the gravitas needed to govern and that is evident to many if not most Canadians, and it is the reason why Poilievre is the only viable contender and faring so well in the polls.

Whether you like him or not, Pierre Poilievre will be the next PM of Canada.

The question is; will he address these issues with substantive policy change or just talk about them?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

I wonder if Pierre will address the issues of homelessness, housing and healthcare that have been exacerbated by the current administration and their incompetence and mindboggling corruption. These problems have happened as a direct result of the policies followed and adhered to by the current leadership.

This leadership has lacked the gravitas needed to govern and that is evident to many if not most Canadians, and it is the reason why Poilievre is the only viable contender and faring so well in the polls.

Whether you like him or not, Pierre Poilievre will be the next PM of Canada.

The question is; will he address these issues with substantive policy change or just talk about them?
I fucking hate his guts & i’d slash my own wrists & fuck myself with a watermelon before i’d ever vote for this piece of shit. Homelessness & housing is as much if not more a municipal & provincial problem than a federal one. As for healthcare it’s strictly under provincial jurisdiction. As a matter of fact municipal & provincial governments have considerably more impact on our lives than the federal government. Similar to the State governments in the US compared to the federal government. But most people don’t realize this & believe everything they read on social media.

By the way i don’t believe in polls. They’re always wrong & most people i know only use cell phones & won’t answer an unknown number. Most people polled are contacted through land lines.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022

I fucking hate his guts & i’d slash my own wrists & fuck myself with a watermelon before i’d ever vote for this piece of shit. Homelessness & housing is as much if not more a municipal & provincial problem than a federal one. As for healthcare it’s strictly under provincial jurisdiction. As a matter of fact municipal & provincial governments have considerably more impact on our lives than the federal government. Similar to the State governments in the US compared to the federal government. But most people don’t realize this & believe everything they read on social media.

By the way i don’t believe in polls. They’re always wrong & most people i know only use cell phones & won’t answer an unknown number. Most people polled are contacted through land lines.
Correct and the problems that led to these provincial and municipal jurisdictional issues are all related to the current federal government's immigration policy and not Pierre Poilievre.

Immigration is a fact in Canada, what is wrong with the current levels of immigration is that housing, healthcare and the homeless problem were not even considered by the current administration when they decided to drastically increase the numbers, officially and unofficially. It has led to a multitude of social issues including absurd rent increases, the inability to find proper lodging, overcapacity issues on public transit and in the healthcare system, and overcrowding in our schools where there are not enough teachers and healthcare professionals already.

Here in Quebec, the Roxham Road border opening was responsible for creating a massive homeless issue in Montreal where our shelters of last resort have been emptied to accommodate newcomers. Many of these newcomers were also put up at taxpayers' expense in downtown hotels, not bad digs at all and speaks volumes about the government's priorities. This is how we treat our own destitute and push them to the street while accommodating newcomers like royalty.

It was Trudeau who welcomed them and encouraged them to come with open arms putting a strain on housing, healthcare and our own homeless. He did not seem to care about these municipal and provincial jurisdictions only about his vain posturing.

Pierre Poilievre did not create this problem as much as others would like him to have.

My question remains, will Pierre Poillievre fix this problem as he states he will, or will he not?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
As if the Conservatives ever gave a fuck about poor people.

Don't fall for that populist non sense.

Contrary to the Liberals, they didn't make huge déficits !
Do Trudeau give a fuck about poor people ? I don't know how.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Contrary to the Liberals, they didn't make huge déficits !
Do Trudeau give a fuck about poor people ? I don't know how.
And to add no prime minister of Canada has ever been as corrupt then Trudeau. Anyone else will be a big improvement including Poilievre. Poilievre will greatly lessen the rampant corruption. Poilievre is the only sane choice because the alternative is madness.
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