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Sold-for-sex - Fox News story on human trafficing


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

Fox is running a story which sites Atlanta as the hub of human trafficing for underaged sex workers. They said the average age that someone gets into the business is between 12-14 y.o. and they start at strip clubs and then move on to escorting. I personnally dont believe it but the general public believes that all hobbyists are monsters and they are sure to eat this up which means the city will get grants to put more vice cops on the street and there will be more stings to bust me and you. Atlanta is a poor place to hobby in the United States of Sex Prison (also known as USA). Read on...

Sold For Sex, in Our Backyards

Today, Keisha Head is a wife and mother of three. But more than decade ago, she was the victim of a notorious human trafficker.

At 16-years old, Head says she was being sold on the streets of Atlanta for sex.

“I did not know that a normal, average man who was a preacher, who was a lawyer, who was a senator - could turn into this monster,” Head said. “That is the scariest moment when you are amongst people who claim to be normal yet they purchase you and they turn into these monsters. They rape you. They beat you. And then act as if they're normal. These are not your normal pedophiles.”

Experts say, across the globe, millions of people are trafficked each year. Hundreds of thousands of the victims are women and girls. But what surprises many -- is the rate it is happening in affluent neighborhoods where minors are being turned into sex slaves.

“The buyers aren't just pedophiles. The buyers are normal community men, normal leaders, people that belong to someone,” said Jennifer Swain, state coordinator for A Future. Not A Past.

A Future. Not A Past., is a campaign organized by the Juvenile Justice Fund in Georgia. Swain and her peers, such as Keisha Head, work to educate and prevent exploited children.

The organization lobbied Georgia legislators to pass HB 200 last year. A victory for victim advocates, the bill imposes stricter punishments on offenders and improves the treatment of trafficking victims.

“We have to stop the men. This is a very lucrative business,” Swain said.

According to the Georgia Governor’s Office, more than 400 girls are sexually exploited every month in the state. On average, the girls begin having sex for money between the age of 12 and 14.

“Atlanta is one of 14 cities in the United States that are the highest in terms of child prostitution and sexual exploitation,” said Brian D Lamkin, Special Agent in Charge, FBI Atlanta Field Office. “It's a major transportation hub -- not just domestically but internationally.”

Businesses Getting on Board

Atlanta is seeing the problem firsthand. Some attribute the issue to a huge interstate system. Others put the blame on Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport – the world’s busiest airport.

“I think they are absolutely connected. We don’t know for sure but we have seen human traffickers utilize the airport to bring in victims,” Brock Nicholson, Special Agent in Charge ICE Atlanta. “We know that the same airports bring in conventioneers and other targets or employers that might be interested in these individuals as well.”

But there are now big corporations getting on board such as Coca Cola, Delta and LexisNexis. Many are taking initiatives to educate employees about red flags whether it is in the supply chains for their products or customers such as airline travelers.

In fact, Delta Airlines is the first major airline to sign the ECPAT, End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography, and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes. It’s a global network of businesses that work together to eliminate of child prostitution. Delta is developing policies and procedures to educate employees recognize the problem and address it.

“I know Delta has put a lot of their pilots and their stewards through training to be aware of things to look for - to be aware of the signs and signals,” said Elisabeth Marchant, the founder of Womenetics, a resource for female business professionals who are proactively educating employees about warning signs and red flags.

“There is also a big move in the hospitality industry now with hotel systems -- like the Intercontinental Hotel Group and Hilton -- who have also joined ECPAT who are working on these issues to create alerts and lookout for these problems in hotels,” she said.

Looking Forward

With increasing technology and the Internet, human trafficking has become more accessible and more anonymous. That being said, grassroots organizations, victims advocates as well as lawmakers and prosecutors are banding together to combat the problem. They all pledge to do so until it no longer plagues the lives of victims across the globe.

“Who could imagine we would allow any of this to happen?” said Marchant. “It’s just incomprehensible to me that this is happening today. Young children in particular are being taken advantage of and being sold. It is just not acceptable.”

Read more:


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
It makes me laugh all the time. Not the trafficking which is a real problem but the way journalists show their incompetence dealing with numbers. In this report, the lady first says that 7000 men pay for sex every month in Georgia, 400 of them with adolescents. Then later in the report it is written at the bottom of the screen that 7000 men pay for sex with adolescents every month in Georgia.

Just in case you are wondering about the report they are talking about, it was made by Shapiro. Remember Beth Shapiro? If not, I suggest that you read a story about their "junk science" written by Nick Pinto in the Village Voice last February or March.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Thnaks Gugu. i will check this out. This is the kind of story that drives me crazy. You ask John Q public and suzy Homemaker about Johns that see prostitutes and the first thin that will come out of their mouths is either human trafficing or under aged sex workers or some other exploited woman stories. Gays have gained status and so have TS/TV's but men who pay for sex are still lower then amphibian peices of shit. Therefore vice is employed to protect the general public from us. This is why they call the USA "Sex Prison."


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
The one and only reason media talk about the sex industry is that people like to read about it and buy the newspapers when they see something on the sex industry. La Presse, the most important french news paper in Montreal, has daily videos on their Internet site. Guess what video was the viewed the most in 2011: a video about about the sex industry in Québec, a pretty good and neutral one I must admit.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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The Femanists are behind the push to link child prostitution with human trafficking. Never mind that the majority of SP's are over the age of 18, they want to make the impression that the majority are under 18 and perhaps way under 18.

The article states that girls start out at 12 to 14 at strip clubs. I have never seen a girl that young at a strip club. Most girls that age are not fully developed. If I saw a bunch of underaged girls at a strip club (the last time I was in a strip club was 4 years ago), I would call the police myself and get out of there.

You need to be aware of this effort. It is being directed against all forms of prostitution, not just in the US.

In the US, if prostitution was legalized and regulated by requiring women to have proof of age and residence, then child prostitution and trafficking would be easier to eliminate. Any non-licensed SP would be suspect of being either minors or trafficked (slaves).

But that's not the femanists goal. They want to get rid of all forms of female entertainment, including strip clubs and pornography. They feel that women degrade themselves by showing any sexuality to men.

That's my take on this.


Nov 4, 2009
Provide more detail about how the feminists(not femanists) are behind this. And why is it a bad thing to link child prostitution to human trafficking. Both of them are bad and more often than not, related, especially in countries like England (since they don't have the pacific and atlantic ocean protecting them).


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
The Femanists are behind the push to link child prostitution with human trafficking. Never mind that the majority of SP's are over the age of 18, they want to make the impression that the majority are under 18 and perhaps way under 18.

It is true that the feminists have played an important role in this push. It is also true that they were well organized in pressuring the legislators in Sweden to get the law on criminalisation of clients pass. But I think it would be unfair to present the feminists as the main force. I think that the most powerful groups in the fight against trafficking and, to some extent prostitution, are community groups providing support to the women. They do an extremely difficult job in helping women in difficulty, very often because violence was part of their relations to men. Quite frankly, I must admit that if I had to work everyday at their desk, I would understand better why they fight something they think is fundamentally violent.

Also, there are very serious reasons to link child prostitution with human trafficking. The most prudent data available about Thailand show exactly that. Child prostitution is a very rare phenomenon here in Canada and United States. It confirms, if needed, that a certain portion of the population suffer from pathological mind disorder or inability to assimilate human “interdits”. But, in essence, prostitution of child, even if not transported from one place to the other, is almost the same as trafficking: it is a forced, controlled, domination of someone.

The article states that girls start out at 12 to 14 at strip clubs. I have never seen a girl that young at a strip club. Most girls that age are not fully developed. If I saw a bunch of underaged girls at a strip club (the last time I was in a strip club was 4 years ago), I would call the police myself and get out of there.

A very down to earth proof that if girls of the trade started that way, we would have to see some in the SC. There are some, but the numbers don’t add together. Considering the short average time in the trade of most sex workers, SC would have to be crowded with under aged dancers.

In the US, if prostitution was legalized and regulated by requiring women to have proof of age and residence, then child prostitution and trafficking would be easier to eliminate. Any non-licensed SP would be suspect of being either minors or trafficked (slaves).

Well, it is not that simple. In Holland, there is still a quite big part of the industry that is black market. Guess where illegitimate activities (child prostitution, pimping, trafficking, organized crime) are to be found. The black market being there while it is illegal, it is no more complicated to be there if prostitution is legal.

But that's not the femanists goal. They want to get rid of all forms of female entertainment, including strip clubs and pornography. They feel that women degrade themselves by showing any sexuality to men.
It reminds me of a funny story. For a study she made last year, Melissa Farley (she should write a book on junk methodology) wanted to study some psychological traits of clients of prostitutes. She needed to create two groups for the study: the clients and a comparison group, obviously not clients of prostitutes. Came the question quite early: could a man that do not see prostitutes but go to strip clubs be part of the comparison group? Of course not they rapidly concluded. And then came the other question: what about men that don’t see prostitutes and don’t go to strip clubs? Could they be part of the group if they watched pornography? After some discussion, they concluded, coherently with their ideology that ALL forms of depiction of sex are a form of violence to women, that they should not be part of it. The funny part is that, according to their numbers, more then 80% of the men they tried to enrol in the study could not satisfy the condition to be in the control group. They finally had to include some men who had seen some pornography, but not too much.

The most vocal feminists on the subject of prostitution are indeed the way you depict them. But it is unfair to the feminist movement to see some radicals as the spokespeople for the movement. They are, as a matter of fact, quite divided on the subject.

Both of them are bad and more often than not, related, especially in countries like England (since they don't have the pacific and atlantic ocean protecting them).

I don’t want to partake in you’re your virile discussions with dd (be assured that being a socialist, I am quite far from his political affiliations). Your attack on him is not justified IMHO. He would not argue that both are not bad. He points out blatant exaggerations by the anti-trafficking movement.

Interesting that you talk about the UK. Isn’t it the country where the police forces tried to drown people a year or two ago, with phony numbers? If I remember well, they estimated that half of the of 7000 or 8000 migrant sex workers in UK were trafficked. After the Guardian, probably the best source available on prostitution in UK (neutral), published an article, showing that the police was unable, after a six month campaign of busts where migrant workers worked, to find a single a single case of trafficker, they had to call the public relations staff. And, by magic, a new definition of trafficking came: a woman does not have to be forced to be considered trafficked. Being vulnerable made the cut.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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There is no doubt that trafficking of any sort is wrong, and is slavery. The girls and sometimes boys who end up in this awlful situation most times come from poor families and more often poor countries like you say, Thailand. The underaged problem is far more rampant in those countries, as Gugu points out. Some men who are pedophiles travel to those countries for underaged prostitutes. The US and Canada have passed strong laws with heavy jail time against such travel. The woman in the Fox news article and video claims she was 16 when she was forced into prostitution. I have no reason to doubt her. It was an awlful thing to happen to a young person. She is black, and perhaps she came from a single parent home in a bad neighborhood, and she did not have much protection against what happened. I don't want to stereotype. I don't know her story other than she says she was a victim of forced prostitution.

I just think the feminists (thanks for the correction lovemaker - I wrote this late at night and didn't check the spelling) are pushing their charge way beyond the subject of child prostitution and trafficking. That was my main point. I do believe everything that can be done to crack down and eliminate child prostitution and trafficking needs to be done. The current day feminist want all pornography, prostitution, strip clubs, anything and everything that has to do with the sexual gratification of men to be outlawed. As Gugu points out, in Sweden, it is illegal for men to engage in prostitution, but not women. The feminist had an instrumental role in passing that law. Their goal of the feminists is to punish men, and not women.

Just because prostitution is illegal in the US does not mean it does not exist. In act, if you look at backpage or some of the boards like this one, there are agencies and independents in the US just like in Canada. These agencies and women advertise themselves just like on merb, else it would be more difficult for them to get johns to pay for their services. Making prostitution legal would send the pimps who are trafficking and enslaving minors to a much more secret black market.

Currently with all prostitution being illegal in the US, if LE makes a prostitution bust it is shear luck if the women they arrest are trafficked and/or under-aged. If it was legal, LE would know the participants who are of age. The pool of illegal or black market prostitution would be isolated and going after the traffickers and pimps of underaged would be easier only in the fact that have to operate underground. Also, they would have to advertise in some way to get Johns to use their services. They could not operate in a vacuum. I am not familiar with the black market situation in Holland.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I remember following a link from this web site to an article about Canada voting about the legalization of prostitution in Canada. I remember reading a woman's responses on the internet to proposed prostitution legisaltion in Canada. One response that was right on the money was from a woman who wrote "If men can just pay for sex they will not have to try so hard." Aha I said. These woman want to emasculate men. It's not about the exploitaion of woman, human trafficing, protecting minors. This is just an excuse. These woman want to be in a position of power over men. Controling us by taking advantage of our number #1 weakness which is the fondness of the flesh is just another way to do this. Bottle it up and men are easier to manipulate with the promise of maybe having sex.

Please correct me if i am wrong but I have never seen so many pussy whipped men as we have in the USA. Imagine, If we had FKK's in the USA we wouldn't see wo many men following their wives around like lost puppies. Breaking up would not be so hard to do as Neil Sadaka says in the song says. And yes I suspect DD41 maybe correct. The US feminist movement is probably behind much of this but they are not the only ones.

Ms. Emily Marie

New Member
Dec 24, 2011
Victoria, BC


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
The Femanists are behind the push to link child prostitution with human trafficking. Never mind that the majority of SP's are over the age of 18, they want to make the impression that the majority are under 18 and perhaps way under 18.

The article states that girls start out at 12 to 14 at strip clubs. I have never seen a girl that young at a strip club. Most girls that age are not fully developed. If I saw a bunch of underaged girls at a strip club (the last time I was in a strip club was 4 years ago), I would call the police myself and get out of there.

You need to be aware of this effort. It is being directed against all forms of prostitution, not just in the US.

In the US, if prostitution was legalized and regulated by requiring women to have proof of age and residence, then child prostitution and trafficking would be easier to eliminate. Any non-licensed SP would be suspect of being either minors or trafficked (slaves).

But that's not the femanists goal. They want to get rid of all forms of female entertainment, including strip clubs and pornography. They feel that women degrade themselves by showing any sexuality to men.

That's my take on this.

Hello all,

Feminists may be an important part of the push against child prostitution, but it's chauvinistic demagogues are HELPING the child prostitute traffickers by demonizing a key segment of the effort against this abominable outrage. I support unrelenting targeting of these child trafficking parasites and the billions of decent people, women of any decent character, whoever fights this tragedy cannot be defined under your cheap FEMINIST label!!!

By attacking feminists for what is a perfect moral absolute in fighting child sexual enslavement, and connecting it to your own self-interests in adult sexual services, you hurt the cause against child prostitution through selfish intent and YOU play right into the hands of those trying to exploit children in the most insidious manner by creating a backlash of chauvinists and misogynists, not to mention anyone falling for this demagoguery, that takes away from this most worthy cause. STOP BEING SELFISH!!! It's the children that matter not your selfishness or feminist phobia. do you know the age of someone just by looking at them??? There are percentages of girls who look 2-5 years older and 18 year olds who look 2-4 years younger. Anyone who goes by the incredibly subjective standard of looks without checking by a valid ID has probably been guilty in this hobby if they have practiced it long enough.

BTW - Registration helps, but criminals don't register.

DUH!!! :noidea:

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Merlot are you willing to be a pawn of those that make up this data? Do the ends justify the means? Have you ever seen a dancer or a suspected an agency girl was under the age of 18 let alone 12-14? I never have. I think this is a bunch of bullshit to whip up John Q. Public into a frenzy. By all means stop the trafficing and stop the exploitation of children but where do you see any of this in North America? It is not evident to me and I have been a participant in the sex trade since I was 18 or 19 myself. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Also this is not a republican Democrat thing. When it comes to sex, I am left of the Kennedys! This shit is an excuse to make what we do in Canada and nearly everywhere else in the world outide of some Islamic Republics, illegal in the United States.

It is mostly Bullshit


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Merlot are you willing to be a pawn of those that make up this data? Do the ends justify the means? Have you ever seen a dancer or a suspected an agency girl was under the age of 18 let alone 12-14? I never have. I think this is a bunch of bullshit to whip up John Q. Public into a frenzy. By all means stop the trafficing and stop the exploitation of children but where do you see any of this in North America? It is not evident to me and I have been a participant in the sex trade since I was 18 or 19 myself. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Also this is not a republican Democrat thing. When it comes to sex, I am left of the Kennedys! This shit is an excuse to make what we do in Canada and nearly everywhere else in the world outide of some Islamic Republics, illegal in the United States.

It is mostly Bullshit

Hello Hungry,

The fact that feminists are involved is inevitable considering their views and goals, some of which I find counterproductive and could never support. But by connecting our dislike of what they might do otherwise with what cannot be denied to be the RIGHT cause, you and all who do so are diverting effort from that anti-child exploitation cause and should be ashamed for that. There are plenty of other subjects on which to oppose feminists, why distract from the abuse of children. It's disgustingly selfish.

And who cares if the data is skewed. The point is child exploitation for sex or anything is's happening worldwide, and should be fought regardless of any other element of sex.

So you think you haven't seen it or it doesn't exist in North America. You sure? It would be interesting if you would describe all your efforts to identify it.

Fox is running a story which site...xploitation of the latter. Cheers, Merlot


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
And who cares if the data is skewed.

I do.

Should we expend on the abolitionist strategy to systematically magnify, distort and invent data to push their agenda? Should we discuss their strategy, beginning less then a decade ago, to systematically link prostitution to trafficking for the purpose, it sad to say, of pushing their agenda that is more against prostitution then trafficking per se? If I turn your argument around, Merlot, by accepting their “skewed” data, you are playing their game.

I am quite sure that no one in this discussion is not profoundly disgusted by child prostitution and human trafficking. But it not a reason to accept the spreading of skewed data about it. By the way, we are not talking about decimals, here. Radical abolitionists in Canada say that the average age of entry in the prostitution trade is 14 years old. We have not even one study in Canada that shows that and I’ll buy you a Bugatti if you find one. The true figure is most certainly way over 18 years old as demonstrated in fairly reliable studies made in New Zealand and Australia, countries comparable to Canada.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Hello Hungry,

The fact that feminists are involved is inevitable considering their views and goals, some of which I find counterproductive and could never support. But by connecting our dislike of what they might do otherwise with what cannot be denied to be the RIGHT cause, you and all who do so are diverting effort from that anti-child exploitation cause and should be ashamed for that. There are plenty of other subjects on which to oppose feminists, why distract from the abuse of children. It's disgustingly selfish.

And who cares if the data is skewed. The point is child exploitation for sex or anything is's happening worldwide, and should be fought regardless of any other element of sex.

So you think you haven't seen it or it doesn't exist in North America. You sure? It would be interesting if you would describe all your efforts to identify it.

Come on Merlot. I care if the data is skewed because skewing data is lying and lying is corrupt. 12 and 14 year old dancers??? Give me a break. If prostitution were legal in the USA it could be regulated and monitored and we would be in a much better position to protect children and stop trafficking. Not to mention SP’s could be screened for STDs and would be able to legally make a living without being pimped or harassed by vice cops. Germany has the right idea.

And yes, I suspect behind this is some hair-clipped, wire glasses wearing, plain-Jane looking, bull-lesbian, militant feminist that hates men because none of us ever wanted to fuck her. Therefore, no man should be able to fuck any woman or it is exploitation.
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Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Hello all,

Feminists may be an important part of the push against child prostitution, but it's chauvinistic demagogues are HELPING the child prostitute traffickers by demonizing a key segment of the effort against this abominable outrage. I support unrelenting targeting of these child trafficking parasites and the billions of decent people, women of any decent character, whoever fights this tragedy cannot be defined under your cheap FEMINIST label!!!

By attacking feminists for what is a perfect moral absolute in fighting child sexual enslavement, and connecting it to your own self-interests in adult sexual services, you hurt the cause against child prostitution through selfish intent and YOU play right into the hands of those trying to exploit children in the most insidious manner by creating a backlash of chauvinists and misogynists, not to mention anyone falling for this demagoguery, that takes away from this most worthy cause. STOP BEING SELFISH!!! It's the children that matter not your selfishness or feminist phobia. do you know the age of someone just by looking at them??? There are percentages of girls who look 2-5 years older and 18 year olds who look 2-4 years younger. Anyone who goes by the incredibly subjective standard of looks without checking by a valid ID has probably been guilty in this hobby if they have practiced it long enough.

BTW - Registration helps, but criminals don't register.

DUH!!! :noidea:


I simply don't understand your posts in this thread. Forgive me.

I have not said that trafficking or child prostitution should not be fought. It's slavery and it needs to be stopped. But it needs to be stopped by itself, not by shutting down everything sexual, which is what the feminists want to do.

The feminists are throwing the baby out with the bath water. In their perfect world, they would outlaw not only prostitution in all places in the entire world. They would shut down strip joints where women never touch a man's genital or a man touch a women's genital. All they do in these places is dance, and give clothed lap dances. These RADICAL feminists are control freaks. They would outlaw pornography, woman's bathing suites that show too much, on and on. They would most certainly shut down merb, merc and all other "sex" boards.

I know what 12 to 14 girls year olds look like. They are not fully developed women. I just don't find this woman's statements in the article plausible. There are some 16 year olds that can pass as 20-year-olds. Tracy Lords was 15 when she broke into porn, and she looked like any 20 year old would. I have seen women who were 25, porn who looked like they were 14. Tracy Lords was not forced to be in porn. She was a runaway. The porn industry did not do a good job in investigating her real age.

But if you had a bunch of 12 to 14 year olds running around in a strip bar, you would notice. I think the majority of men anywhere would get out of there quick and some would call authorities.

My point about legalization and registration was you would know the legal ones. They would be registered. You would know the ones who are not registered would be suspect of not registering because they very may well be involved in trafficking and/or child prostitution.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Just in case you are wondering about the report they are talking about, it was made by Shapiro. Remember Beth Shapiro? If not, I suggest that you read a story about their "junk science" written by Nick Pinto in the Village Voice last February or March.
The story that Hungry linked to originally appeared on Fox News. Junk science is the only kind of science they recognize. The don't believe in evolution at Faux News. Climate change is a terrible hoax at Fox Noise. And the President of the United States is a Socialist Muslim Nazi America Hater at Fox Noise. The mere fact that the link to is to an article there is enough to debunk the story thoroughly.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The feminists are throwing the baby out with the bath water. In their perfect world, they would outlaw not only prostitution in all places in the entire world. They would shut down strip joints where women never touch a man's genital or a man touch a women's genital. All they do in these places is dance, and give clothed lap dances. These RADICAL feminists are control freaks. They would outlaw pornography, woman's bathing suites that show too much, on and on. They would most certainly shut down merb, merc and all other "sex" boards.
I just adore gross generalizations. It's among my favorite forms of ignorance.

Does the name Annie Sprinkle ring a bell? How about Camille Paglia? I'd also say the workers at Stella consider themselves feminists.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I do.

Should we expend on the abolitionist strategy to systematically magnify, distort and invent data to push their agenda? Should we discuss their strategy, beginning less then a decade ago, to systematically link prostitution to trafficking for the purpose, it sad to say, of pushing their agenda that is more against prostitution then trafficking per se? If I turn your argument around, Merlot, by accepting their “skewed” data, you are playing their game.

I am quite sure that no one in this discussion is not profoundly disgusted by child prostitution and human trafficking. But it not a reason to accept the spreading of skewed data about it. By the way, we are not talking about decimals, here. Radical abolitionists in Canada say that the average age of entry in the prostitution trade is 14 years old. We have not even one study in Canada that shows that and I’ll buy you a Bugatti if you find one. The true figure is most certainly way over 18 years old as demonstrated in fairly reliable studies made in New Zealand and Australia, countries comparable to Canada.

Hello Gugu,

Details like the real age of entry into prostitution are not the point. I agree there can be skewing of any stats to serve an agenda. It's common sense that some prostitution abolitionists would skew data to motivate the public to see the issue their way. Extremists on either side generally do that as a matter of course.

By linking an absolute immorality of underage or child exploitation with the debatable issue of adult sex service you only add an extremely poisonous element to the latter issue of the adult service cause. Once these two issues are joined in the public mind those favoring adult sex service by choice lose automatically to the specter of child exploitation that then cannot be removed from what are two separate issues. Joining the two issues only plays the game you want to avoid and is a no win strategy.

And whether anyone supports feminism or not it is utterly stupid to link what is a logical and respectable movement, if not taken to extremes, to child sex slavery. It's also strategically idiotic since it's throwing away some of the most vehement and dedicated fighters against child/underage exploitation of any kind.

So the actual details of data, which can be skewed either way to serve opposite purposes is besides the point. Not to mention the inherent bias of being a hobbyist since it cannot be denied, that on the surface at least, saying the real age of entry is "way over 18 years old" is little more than feel good justification since none of us really knows for sure. Several escorts have alluded to it being younger in their experience.

And yes, I suspect behind this is some hair-clipped, wire glasses wearing, plain-Jane looking, bull-lesbian feminist that hates men because none of us ever wanted to fuck her. Therefore, no man should be able to fuck any woman or it is exploitation.

Well, you just exposed an extremely chauvinistic point of view, while also going way over the top into the insanely ridiculous by suggesting feminists feel all sex with men is exploitation. This comes off as nothing more than pure chauvinistic stereotyping...if not worse. I've been fucked pretty damn hard by a few feminists who initiated it...and returned the favor with FABULOUS mutually satisfying results. ;)

I simply don't understand your posts in this thread. Forgive me.

I have not said that trafficking or child prostitution should not be fought. It's slavery and it needs to be stopped. But it needs to be stopped by itself, not by shutting down everything sexual, which is what the feminists want to do.

The feminists are throwing the baby out with the bath water. In their perfect world, they would outlaw not only prostitution in all places in the entire world.

No one said you weren't against child prostitution, or hinted at it.

True that the feminists want to end prostitution. That's not the point. If you go along with them and link adult sex services with child prostitution you are allowing them to taint the latter with the absolutely immorality and tragedy of child slavery and helping them make their strategy work. I can't put it more simple than that.

My advice: separate your support of adult sex service and view against child sex slavery. Even a car salesman knows it's poor strategy to talk about how gross auto fatalities can be.

Maybe you want to use...don't agree with...instead of..."don't understand". The latter makes you sound like you are announcing you are incapable rather than disagreeing.



BTW...same old story on this issue. Demagoguery at the expense of the real victims. Pffffsssst!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Well, you just exposed an extremely chauvinistic point of view, while also going way over the top into the insanely ridiculous by suggesting feminists feel all sex with men is exploitation. This comes off as nothing more than pure chauvinistic stereotyping...if not worse. I've been fucked pretty damn hard by a few feminists who initiated it...and returned the favor with FABULOUS mutually satisfying results. ;)

And what did you do to get laid by these feminists? Did you have to spend the day pushing whales out to sea or did you pick trash on the expressway? Maybe you chained yourself to a redwood or broke into a R&D lab let some reasearch animals loose into the wild? LOL

Rest assured, I treat women with respect. Now what about the skewed data?

I posted this on the TER General Board. A few Atlanta escorts are commenting as to how ridiculous this story is. One SP and former dancer explained that every girl in Atlanta has to have a license or registration to dance in these clubs which costs 350$ and is displayed on a board in the manager's office. She goes onto say that no manager she ever worked for would take a chance at being shut down by employing a 17 Y.O. dancer not to mention a 12-14 year old. She said that it may happen but the story is grossly exaggerated. This is another reason why prostitution should be legal. The girls could be licensed.
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