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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Which Conway, the blond Trump worshiping lick ass or the Republican contender in House of Cards ?
I`ll tell you no popular soap opera can compete with what`s going on in Washington.
BTW the Conway in HoC has a damn cute MILF of a wife.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Which Conway, the blond Trump worshiping lick ass or the Republican contender in House of Cards ?

Yes, i believe gaby was referring to DC's top fluffer Kellyann Conway a.k.a. "Con-Job".

I loved the pic of her kneeling on the sofa in the Oval office. It wasn't hard to imagine Trump standing in front of her while on her knees sucking his very small cock! :lol:


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Those keeping track of these things are saying that Trump has lied or bent the truth over 300 times since becoming President.
The power of twitter....


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Yes DOC....right on......was referring to that subtile DIVA-COMÉDIENNE,,,,Kellyann....

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Those keeping track of these things are saying that Trump has lied or bent the truth over 300 times since becoming President.
The power of twitter....

It's now likely 400 times and counting since that was first reported.

There has never been such a compulsive liar in the White House. I'll go as far as to say i don't believe there is a single American in the entire country who lies compulsively as much as Donald Trump does. What a fucking lying sack of shit he is!

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
And yet rather than say he's lying, Republicans try to "explain" his statements. Writers from National Review are now saying he fired Comey because Comey did not publicly state that Trump wasn't under investigation, which is not only false because of what Trump admitted on national TV but because that was the same sin Comey allegedly committed when he publicly spoke about the Hillary investigation.

I'm still trying to figure out how people didn't pick Clinton partly because she's a liar (she has definitely told lies) only to pick a guy that lies about the most obvious and unimportant things aka everything.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I'm still trying to figure out how people didn't pick Clinton partly because she's a liar (she has definitely told lies) only to pick a guy that lies about the most obvious and unimportant things aka everything.

Clinton lost not because of lies, she lost because shewas the most corrupt POS in the US. She lied to cover her corruption.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Who will be Spicy's replacement?

Sean Spicer is actively searching for his replacement. This particular replacement will have a nearly impossible job in both covering up for the boss and also have his blessing to remain in that job. It's not easy to work for a boss who constantly doubts you, berates you and throws you under the bus the first chance he gets.

Rosie O'Donnell lookalike Sarah Huckabee-Sanders didn't fare very well as Spicy's temporary replacement, so it'll be someone else. It won't be Kellyann Con-Job, this i'm fairly certain of. Kimberley Guilfoyle of FoxNews was offered the job, but she rejected the offer. Too bad since she's a hottie. Others were also offered the job but also rejected the offer. One name that keeps coming back is FoxNews contributor and radio host Laura Ingraham. She's said to be intelligent, well-spoken and won't be bullied around by Trump, who is rumoured to respect her (one of the rare women he actually respects). But Ingraham would have to leave her lucrative radio job and her FoxNews appearances if she accepted the job.

My guess is that it'll be someone else, possibly someone we haven't heard much about. Hey, could Trump appoint son-in-law Jared Kushner to also act as his press secretary? How about Dennis Rodman? Gary Busey? :lol:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The Trump impeachment ( not gonna happen but if )
Trump gets impeached, Trump resigns, Pense becomes president, Pense pardons Trump, Pense appoints new vice president - Donald Trump, Pense resigns, Trump becomes president, Trump appoints new vice president Mike pense.............. The Liberals go wild.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Am quite sure that this saga investigation on Russia----interference and links with Trump......will go nowhere in regard of Trump....just a waste of time and diversion inutile. Good stuff for médias to cover BUT peoples don't care at all..........too far of their own interest and préoccupation.....Trumps gets that very well.

My two cents.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I know, the media will not stop the Trump bashing, before something gets proven false they move onto something else and the cycle continues. Guess it keeps the peoples minds off the real world problems.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
,,,and the result in Georgia yesterday is very significative.......of course it was a Republican forteresse BUT Democrats put millions and millions there, good candidate---not from there cependant----, and they lost despite une morosité certaine et incertitude face à Trump. Democrats will need better and stronger LEADERSHIP in the future....if not ...they will pay the price.....too bad.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Funny that after the republican win CNN cut away from her victory speech, the look of the CNN crew was hilarious, like someone has bad gas in the studio.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
The Trump impeachment ( not gonna happen but if )
Trump gets impeached, Trump resigns, Pense becomes president, Pense pardons Trump, Pense appoints new vice president - Donald Trump, Pense resigns, Trump becomes president, Trump appoints new vice president Mike pense.............. The Liberals go wild.

Funny STN... You are so well informed that for sure you know that Putin played the same role: after being president for his first part he couldn't be eligible again... so he ran for prime minister but we all know who was the real president of Russia then... holding the office since 7 May 2012.[1][2][3] He was Prime Minister from 1999 to 2000, President from 2000 to 2008, and again Prime Minister from 2008 to 2012.[4] During his second term as Prime Minister, he was the Chairman of the ruling United Russia Party.[1] Of course, you know all that... but not everyone is well informed as you are. Really funny...

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
White House blocks public from viewing today's press briefing

Now the lying sack of shit is using censorship and doesn't want the American people and the world to watch today's press conference held by Sarah Chunkabee-Sanders. And today is the day where the Senate is coming out with their health care bill which they've been hiding from everyone since they're embarassed about it since if it passes it means 20+ million Americans will lose their healthcare and there'll be serious cuts to Medicaid in order to give billionaires a tax break! Shameful!!!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
One more thing...

The lying sack of shit finally admitted today that he does not have any recordings of his conversations with the former FBI director.

What a fucking liar!!!!!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The GOP healthcare bill a.k.a. "TrumpCare" takes out $800 billion from Medicaid and uses it to finance a massive tax break for the wealthiest Americans.

Now that i think about it, part of me actually hopes the Republicans get their way and manage to pass their infamous tax bill. Sure, it would cause many Americans to lose their healthcare coverage and millions will suffer from the Medicaid cuts. People will die because of the Republican bill a.k.a. "TrumpCare".

And then myself and others will be able to say "We told you so."

Keep on electing Republicans, folks!!! :lol:

Here's a good tag line Democrats should use in their next elections:

"You want to get fucked up the ass real good? Then vote Republican!" :lol:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Despite promises from Democrats that the public would grow to love ObamaCare once they knew what was in it, public support for the law rarely came close to 50%. And far more said they'd been harmed by ObamaCare than helped.
"In many ways, it's working better than anticipated." That's how President Obama described ObamaCare in March 2015. The latest enrollment report shows just how wildly wrong he was.

The latest official count shows that 10.3 million are enrolled in the ObamaCare exchanges. That's down from the 12.2 million who were reported to have selected an ObamaCare plan this year, which means that nearly 2 million people (16%) signed up for coverage and then failed to make a payment on it.

It also means that there are 800,000 fewer ObamaCare enrollees now than there were a year ago. And it means that after the first year, enrollment has effectively flat-lined — each year, around 12 million sign up for a plan, but only about 10 million make the first payment.

The Congressional Budget Office — which is currently projecting that the House version of the American Health Care Act will rob 23 million people of their insurance coverage — had been forecasting that 26 million would be enrolled in an ObamaCare plan this year.

In other words, the CBO inflated actual enrollment by 152%. Even as recently as March 2016, the CBO said enrollment this year would reach 15 million, which was 45% higher than the actual number.

The CBO wasn't alone in its Pollyanna-ish projections. The Obama administration said there would be 27 million enrolled in the exchanges by 2017, as did the RAND Corporation.

The liberal Urban Institute had predicted that, if the law had been fully implemented in 2010, more than 23 million would have enrolled in the exchanges.

This huge gap between expectations and reality is important for two reasons.

First, it shows that so-called health care experts are completely incapable of predicting how consumers will respond to government health care mandates and regulations. So the fact that the CBO is now predicting that 23 million will lose coverage under the Republican's American Health Care Act must be heavily discounted.

Second, it shows that ObamaCare is hardly a "great product," as Obama kept insisting. If it were, we would at the very least have seen a steady increase in enrollment, not a flat line. Keep in mind, too, that ObamaCare enrollment hit a wall long before Republicans had any chance to repeal it.

The fact is that ObamaCare is an incredibly lousy product, one that is only barely tolerable even with massive government subsidies. (Which is why, outside of those income groups eligible for the biggest subsidies, almost no one is buying coverage inside the exchanges.)

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
You can read some foaming-at-the-mouth screed about Obamacare or you can come down here to see that more people than ever are insured and getting healthcare to address ailments before they get more expensive or impossible to treat. It's not a hypothetical for me because I work in healthcare.

Under Obamacare, the rate of health insurance increases slowed presumably because with more people insured, health providers aren't passing the cost of uninsured people to people who pay for health insurance through their employer. Obamacare is nowhere near perfect. It's in deep distress in certain areas but nonetheless it's a Republican framework (sic) that has helped millions especially with expansion of Medicaid. It also succeeded for the other reason that once you give people something, even if imperfect, it's hard to take it back. The Republican plan isn't a healthcare plan at all; it's a means to an end to cut taxes on the wealthy. The party of Jesus is OK with people facing financial hardship or death because of an essential service that the rest of the world has deemed essential but not the "best" country in the world.
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