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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I use many sites, I picked quite a few if you read the links. It would be the same as the Liberals hand picking scientists that are in favor of man made climate change over those opposed to it.
I suppose you only agree with sites that are funded by Tides or Soro?
Way to go champ.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Beside our opposite view, you never fail to make me have a good laugh stn ;)


If everyone agreed with everyone the media would have won.
If you can not argue and have a laugh at the sme time why bother.
I am not disagreeing with climate change, yes it is happening. I am against the theory that taxes will alter what is happening, we are building more environmentally friendly vehicles, we are livi g more green, we are advancing battery power.... No need for carbon taxes or shutting down fossil fuels until the alternative energy is feasable, now it is not, we may as well get the most money for our resources while we can just like every other oil producing country is doing. Protesters and media are infulenced by foreign money so they can sell their products and shut Canada down in exports. No othef country has portesters like in Canada, does that not seem odd to you, thousands of miles of pipelines being built and only Alberta pipelines to tide water being protested, h8ndreds of ships bringing oil to ports all over the world and only the BC coastline is targeted for a shutdown..... Canada can make billions from our resources just like every other courty but for some reaaon we are the bad guys.... Why? Foreign interests are against us amd our fucking liberal government bows to environmentalists, the majority of Canadians do want to uae our oil instead of Saudi or other countries, the vocal minority ( paid for and brainwashed by foreign money ) are fucking us over...
Just my opinion.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
I disagree with your opinion on the research.
There overwhelming majority of scientists believe in human influence on climate.
There are a very few who disagree with the concensus, but that is how science works.
Like escort reviews, or the capture cross section of an atomic nucleus, you look at the pool of data and assess the sum of all probabilities.

China has cancelled many coal fired power plants. At the beginning of 2016 they had around 145 planned or started. Around 80-100 have been cancelled. Also, some of the new ones planned are intended to replace older plants that are being dismantled. The four major plants powering Beijing which were the dirtiest have all been deactivated. So even though new ones are being built the net emissions are still being reduced.

These changes are not IMO because of the treaty. China has a rapidly growing middle class. They will not tolerate the kind of pollution we saw on TV during the 2012 Olympics.All over China people are fighting pollution and toxic wastes.

Regarding the oil sands, this would be a boon to our economy but the environmental mess!!!
I assume you have seen the ponds of sludge. How long are those going to last? What is their effect on wildlife, and the water table?
If it could be processed in a cleaner way then great. Some ponds have been cleaned up.
Not so keen on the pipeline to the coast. These pipes seem to break constantly, no matter who builds them or how carefully they are monitored.
And oil tankers are operated by humans so there will be human error.
Remember recently the ferry that capsized off the coast because the captain and crewperson were fucking instead of watching where they were going?
Remember the Exxon Valdez and the drunk guy at the wheel?
Shit happens. 
A mess like a supertanker spill might be impossible to clean up.
We have family property on the Gulf Islands, I don't want any tankers going through there. By all means sell it to the USA. Don't put it on ships.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Regarding the oil sands, this would be a boon to our economy but the environmental mess!!!
I assume you have seen the ponds of sludge. How long are those going to last? What is their effect on wildlife, and the water table?
If it could be processed in a cleaner way then great. Some ponds have been cleaned up.
Not so keen on the pipeline to the coast. These pipes seem to break constantly, no matter who builds them or how carefully they are monitored.
And oil tankers are operated by humans so there will be human error.
Remember recently the ferry that capsized off the coast because the captain and crewperson were fucking instead of watching where they were going?
Remember the Exxon Valdez and the drunk guy at the wheel?
Shit happens. 
A mess like a supertanker spill might be impossible to clean up.
We have family property on the Gulf Islands, I don't want any tankers going through there. By all means sell it to the USA. Don't put it on ships.

The open pit mines are a thing of the past, SAGD is now the new way ( steam injection ), the reclamation on all sites are better than original because there was nothing up there except swamp spruce and muskeg, there are fish breeding in the new pond at Suncors first site.
As for your pipeline constantly breaking the original transmountain built in 1953 has yet to leak. as for your ships, thousands are docking into coasts without a spill, the ships constantly coming into the east coast is no concern because not close to you, even though there has never been a spill.
Instead of sending 10 billion a year to Saudi we could be debt free instead of 300 billion in debt plus employment would be up also which means more tax money.
All your points are fear brought to you by the media, when you look at the new technology and the minimal chance of a spill there is no reason for us not to make billions, take billions away from the saudis and employ a bunch of people. Does that really sound unreasonable?


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
No my fears do not come from the media. Get off that fixation. I have gone to university, got degrees, and continued upgrading.

I get information from researchers themselves.
I get information from journals, not crooked media, peer reviewed journals.
My father and brother both did peer review. Neither were crooked or fake.

Arguing with you is pointless.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I get information from researchers themselves.
I get information from journals, not crooked media, peer reviewed journals.
My father and brother both did peer review. Neither were crooked or fake.


Then why do you bring up these non-issues, methods that do work are feared to fail. Look worldwide and see how many pipelines go to sea water and get shipped out daily, hundreds and if there were incidents believe me, it would be in the news.

Short story, pipeline better than rail or trucks, using our own and exporting better than buying at 8 billion a year

I am all for trying to go green but not at a high price that will accomplish very little and harm so many. We have had vast improvements over the last 10 years, give it 10 more and do not try and rush it in the name of climate change.

EDIT: I would love to see the fact filled info you get direct from the researchers, a link to the journals would be great reading for me, or is there no link to this type of info you base your knowledge from.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Spicy update:

For unknown reasons our favorite press secretary will be spending time on exile island today and will be replaced by Rosie O'Donnell lookalike Sarah Huckabee-Sanders for today's press conference.

Therefore, no need to set your pvr for today's press conference since Chubby Huckabee's press conferences are usually very dull and like the others they never end up answering anything and appear totally clueless as usual.

Have a good day!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Therefore, no need to set your pvr for today's press conference since Chubby Huckabee's press conferences are usually very dull and like the others they never end up answering anything and appear totally clueless as usual.

Have a good day!

I read somewhere that Justine Trudeau takes his question / answer style from her. Amazed that the bashing some of you give Trump and his staff and they act the same way as Justine and you adore him, just sayin...... Ok for a Liberal to do these things but a Conservative... The horror.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Article I read today.

In the U.S. and Europe, many people worry that if prominent politicians signal that they dislike and fear immigrants, foreigners and people of minority religions, they will unleash people’s basest impulses and fuel violence. In their view, social norms of civility, tolerance and respect are fragile. If national leaders such as U.S.President Donald Trump*flout those norms, they might unravel.

Now if you replace fearing immigrants with promoting horrors of climate change we have the same issues, just sayin...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Also this morning, one of Trump's top advisors Sebastian Gorka, who is a well-documentated white supremacist (a.k.a. 'white ISIS')

KKK is now a white ISIS to you, do you really see a similarity or is the left wing news you follow that messed up.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Article I read today.

In the U.S. and Europe, many people worry that if prominent politicians signal that they dislike and fear immigrants, foreigners and people of minority religions, they will unleash people’s basest impulses and fuel violence. In their view, social norms of civility, tolerance and respect are fragile. If national leaders such as U.S.President Donald Trump*flout those norms, they might unravel.

Now if you replace fearing immigrants with promoting horrors of climate change we have the same issues, just sayin...

There's no point in pretending you have an open mind if scientific consensus does not sway you. I'm quite certain that some of the governments around the world that signed the Paris Accord are also conservative. Only difference they believe in science.

As for the original point that you equated with global warming, hating minorities and Muslims never stopped in the US. Many people have no issues with people different from them but many also clearly do. It's not that social norms are fragile but people that feel negatively towards Muslims or minorities are emboldened when they have politicians say out loud the formerly tacit sentiments that they share. A few people have been killed this year by people who targeted them because they were black, Indian or Muslim (people killed in Muslim example were defending victims who were black and Muslim).

It used to be that being a racist was a horrible human flaw but now-- not so much? The best example of this is how the mere insinuation that Jeff Sessions was a racist was enough to cost him federal judgeship. Fast forward 30 years later and the same allegation wasn't enough to stop him from being the head of the entire Justice Department. Also there's nothing particularly difficult in seeing KKK and white supremacists that kill people as a specific type of terrorist.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
What you do not understand is that I do agree with global warming, what I do not agree with is that any amount of taxes will fix it. I have stated this many times and some people just do not get it, global warming is just that, at the present time the earth is warming, it will cool in the future and will warm again.
I have an open mind, the ones who believe that the Paris accord and that taxes will fix it are the ones with a closed mind.
These is so much evidence and I even show links that global warming is just that but the alarmists are calling it false news because it is not in their beliefs, they prefer news ftom the Tides or Sorros groups, you know, stuff full of facts, facts that are proven manipulated.
Who really has the closed minds?

As for putting the KKK and ISIS in the same group, funny. What group would you put the rabid Berkeley protesters in, you know the left wing goup that lost their minds.

EDIT: Just some interesting posts.

We’d learn that the Paris Treaty doesn’t save or generate money, it burns it up. Economist Bjorn Lomborg’s peer-reviewed estimate concludes that Paris is “history’s most expensive treaty. It will slow the world’s economic growth to force a shift to inefficient green energy sources… This will achieve almost nothing… even if every nation were to fulfill all their carbon-cutting promises by 2030 and stick to them all the way through the century—at a cost of more than $100 trillion in lost GDP—global temperature rise would be reduced by a tiny 0.3°F (0.17°C).” That’s assuming the models are accurate and they never have been!

Weather, extreme or otherwise, has not been worsening. Most weather is currently mild or at historic lows confounding the modelers once again.

Sea level has been increasing at 1 to 3 mm per year (about the width of a paper clip) without accelerating since before the industrial revolution. Antarctic ice is stable and shows no signs of melting away. (If you truly believe that coastlines are doomed, we’d like to take your waterfront property off your hands at a discount. Step right up and escape your watery doom!)

Violence, illness, starvation, rape, weakened defense, etc. this is all politically driven speculation piled upon speculation with no basis in reality.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
That's our Trump: always trying to take credit for stuff he didn't do. Not only is the US military based in Qatar, but his talk of talking tough on terrorism rings hollow when he met with the Saudis, spreaders of Wahhabism and home to fourteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers. Qatar may sponsor terrorism but Saudi Arabia definitely does too.

SolTeeNutz, it is best for me to let you rant because honestly you're too far gone beyond what anyone would call a reasonable person. It's perfectly reasonable to say college lefties shouldn't muzzle free speech/opposing viewpoints while not thinking they are terrorists. Hmn, I wonder what the difference could be? Oh wait--maybe unlike ISIS & the KKK, college lefties protesting on campus haven't killed anyone!! Goddamn, man. This shit is not hard unless you make it.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Yup, best to leave the non socialist alone, continue to let the spoiled ranting students do their thing because it is good and they never killed anyone. I never compared students to terrorists, ever. I said comparing KKK to ISIS is really reaching. Perhaps you should learn to comprehend what others write, your one track mind on hate Trump, global warming is evil and socislism rocks shows you are one of the media sheep. You guys wake up in the morning and bolt oit of bed to see what Trump has done, you probably start to get a chubby when you open twitter up, read some left wing news and get the lotion out. You all fall for the " sources say " or " we were told " without ever hearing any real facts, jump on a headline and go rabid, amyone who disagrees with you is obviously crazy.
Chill, put on your romper and join a student meeting with therapy dogs and coloring books if you can not handle a different opinion.
These rants from anti Trump do not really happen out west too much because of the lack of Liberals, we are more concerned with what is happening in Canada with our own retard ruining us.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Haha I say leave you to rant and you do exactly that. If I could only use this type of psychology to get Gal Gadot to sleep with me...

One final word and I'm done. Go ask the black people in the South that had crosses burned on their front yards and all the black people that had family members hung by the KKK if they felt terrorized. There is no logical reach in calling KKK a very specific type of terrorist, especially considering they were not merely about rhetoric; they killed countless black people. Wouldn't be surprised if a few Jewish or putative gay people were victims too because the KKK don't like 'em neither.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
With your logic I could call left wing students the same as KKK since they set cars on fire, cause violent protests but do not kill people, almost the same but not quite. The KKK have killed people, they have not set terror to the entire world, they do not mass murder women and children, they do not want to see the destruction of all except them. Sad that you can not see your lumping the KKK to ISIS is the same as lumping students to the KKK.
Thinking is difficult, that is why liberals judge.
I try to inform myself with things that concern me, I read both sides and come to " my " conclusion. The only time I get called too far gone or narrow minded is from left wing zeros who rant on a daily basis, scour the headlines to see what the media told them to think.
I have agreed that climate change is real, I have agreed that Trump is not a good president but that is not enough for a socialist, I have to agree that taxes will help climate change, that dwveloped countries have to bankrupt themselves in the name of climate change. I have to believe that all the " source " news about Teimp is real and he should be impeached. Who is the irrational one and who is narrow minded... Really. Now put on your romper, tie your hair in a man bun, grab your vape and enjoy the day.
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Stn, i disagree with you on your interpretation of climate change, it's not a normal process what we are seeing now, and will have short term consequences that will change the world we live in.
But I do agree that the Paris accord is a sham, it's not enforced and any money put in it is probably wasted. Taxes used to fix climate change r also totally useless in my opinion. The only thing that can change the direction of climate would have been very very strict population control. The earth can support maybe up to one billion people living like we do in Canada and USA but îm very pessimistic about things with the present population explosion.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Helirage, it is hard to get a lock down on climate change, personally I have more of a belief that it is a normal process but I have not been around for 10,000 years so no proof. I have zero respect for the climate change scientists as many past predictions are false, the group for climate change IMO are there because this is where the majority of the funding goes to, Government, Soros, Tide foundation, these groups pour in billions to prove their point and if I was a working scientist and looking for steady work I could also be talked into agreeing with the status quo, it is just a science that has no real demand for proof, speculation and theories is all we are getting. The media will tell you what is right if you do not do your own research.
Even right now the pro climate change group is finding holes in their claims a few years ago, things they said would happen has not, even here in Quebec we are finding colder weather than 4 years ago.

This is an interesting article.

My main concern right now is not the climate but the outrageous taxes and loss of jobs our kids will have to pay for all this bull shit happening in Canada with Justine hell bent on saving the planet.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Surprised that no one is talking about the Comey questioning yesterday, all it did was make HRC look as corrupt as she really is, Obama took a hit also.

If you can disregard his dress code it is an interesting listen.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Well we learnt that Comey is a leaker, albeit non classified personal notes to aid the FBI Russian investigation.
Our opinion of Trump being a bully, blowhard, bullshit spewing bluffer and big time liar , was reinforced.
Interesting thing that Comey said was that you can`t have it both ways with parts and not like other parts....its all or nothing.
Trump felt that he was vindicated by Comey`s testimony but then he pretty well called him a liar.

Trump said that he was a 100% willing to testify under oath about his version of events.
That will only happen after he and Sessions get into a snowball fight in hell.
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