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Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
You sure do like those right wing propagandists.

For the record, it's not the Democrats who are investigating Trump. It's the FBI, it's the independent counsel appointed by the Assistant Attorney General, appointed by the President, it's the Republican led Senate, and the Republican led House, it's any number of other security agencies.

And if you don't think treason is a big deal, you are sorely misinformed.

House & Senate might have Republican plurality but investigation by bodies of Congress is bipartisan. But seriously, what is the point of disabusing people who want to see the world as they choose as opposed to how it actually is? Everyone knows facts always be hatin'.

jeff teliska

Active Member
Feb 26, 2013
Native Land
" I was a good student. I understand things, I comprehend very well, better than I think almost anybody. "

" Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q is one of the highest and you all know it !!!

" I don't have to be told - you know, I'm, like, a smart person. I don't have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years. "

" I went to the Wharton School of Business, I'm, like, a really smart person. "

" That makes me smart. " (by not paying income taxes)

Isn't what Mensa members typically say all the time ? :smile:


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Will Trump reverse Obama`s more open policy to Cuba?
Bad for Cuba`s population and economy .
Good for European and Canadian tourists.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I bought this book last fall and after reading it i'm totally not surprised by the disaster Trump has been since the Russians got him elected President.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Will Trump reverse Obama`s more open policy to Cuba?
Bad for Cuba`s population and economy .
Good for European and Canadian tourists.

Putin's puppet will no doubt reverse Obama's open policy re: Cuba. This is a win-win scenario for both Russia and China, who absolutely want to gain more influence with Cuba's regime. They feel they were being shoved aside by the United States' new 'more open' policy introduced during the Obama regime. Vladimir Putin and the Chinese leader are now literally doing backflips!!! :lol:

Make America Great Again!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
All Trump threads are closed so I thought I would pick this one... Trump got out of the Paris Accord... Fucking great. Note the bold text below.

“We will cease honoring all non-binding agreements”, and “will stop contributing to the green climate fund”.

“I can not in good conscience support a deal that harms the United States”.

“The bottom line is that the Paris Accord is very unfair to the United States”.

“This agreement is less about climate and more about other countries getting a financial advantage over the United States”.

“The agreement is a massive redistribution of United States wealth to other countries.”

“Fourteen days of carbon emissions alone would totally wipe out the U.S. contribution to reduction by 2030”

“Compliance with the terms of the Paris accord… could cost America as much as 2.7 million lost jobs by 2025.”

“India makes its participation contingent on receiving billions and billions and billions of dollars in foreign aid.”

“We need all forms of available American energy or our country will be at grave risk of brown-outs and black-outs.”

“Withdrawing is in economic interest and won’t matter much to the climate.”

“We will be environmentally friendly, but we’re not going to put our businesses out of work… We’re going to grow rapidly.”

“No responsible leader can put the workers and the people of their country at this debilitating and tremendous disadvantage.”

“The same nations asking us to stay in the agreement are the countries that have collectively cost America trillions.”

“My job as President is to do everything within my power to give America a level playing field.”

“The same nations asking us to stay in the agreement are the countries that have collectively cost America trillions.”

“I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.”

“Foreign leaders in Europe, Asia, & across the world should not have more to say w/ respect to the US economy than our own citizens.”

“Our withdrawal from the agreement represents a reassertion of America’s sovereignty.”

“It is time to exit the Paris Accord and time to pursue a new deal which protects the environment, our companies, our citizens.”

Scott Pruitt: “America finally has a leader who answers only to the people.” “This is an historic restoration of American economic independence.”

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
He's a complete moron and ignoramus...what a clusterfefe his presidency is....

Lets assume where you work the company watch dog is following you around everywhere ( work, home, play everywhere ) you go and report anything they disprove of and then emblish a little plus throw in a few lies here and there, how long would you last?
As I said I am not a Trump fam but hearing all the unproven BS and when something gets question they throw out more BS for liberals to swallow and the past BS is never proven but forgotten.
It is actually sad that people wake up to search the news for some BS article the media has embellished and then the gossip is funneled to other sites.
So far tue US economy has not crashed, people are still working, their dollar is stable. Doom is not around the corner.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
So far tue US economy has not crashed, people are still working, their dollar is stable. Doom is not around the corner.

As it was before he took office. The american are excellent at blaming others for their own problem. They still are economically the most powerful country on earth, yet they just suck at trying to even it out a bit among their own population.


Steely Dan

May 22, 2004
Visit site
Lets assume where you work the company watch dog is following you around everywhere ( work, home, play everywhere ) you go and report anything they disprove of and then emblish a little plus throw in a few lies here and there, how long would you last?
As I said I am not a Trump fam but hearing all the unproven BS and when something gets question they throw out more BS for liberals to swallow and the past BS is never proven but forgotten.
It is actually sad that people wake up to search the news for some BS article the media has embellished and then the gossip is funneled to other sites.
So far tue US economy has not crashed, people are still working, their dollar is stable. Doom is not around the corner.

Look STN I know where you are coming from and might agree with you on certain points. I just despise the man. I think he is a vacuous repulsive human being and yes maybe that clouds my view of his "policies". Presidents should be people that younger generations could look up to as examples. He is not one of them. No class no intellect spoiled fucking man-child.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I agree with you Steely Dan, I do not think much of Trump either but Clinton was not a treat either. If the media would just stop trying to make people see things their way and stop with all the BS, they hate Tiger Woods also, his DUI will be dropped in court, no alcohol in his system, not driving and a reasonable story, still new videos of him during the arrest nit in good shape at all.
I fucking hate the BS media we have now, selling news without proof...
Again, do not like Trump but fucking enough with the BS stories.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Most of the fake news comes from Trump`s far right supporters.

Now his buddy Putin is finally admitting part of the truth about Russian hacking.
It was Russian patriotic citizens and not the government who were responsible says he.
Doesn`t this guy know that half truths are worse than all out lies.
We`ve only seen the tip of this deep iceberg.

There is one guy who is turning into a pleasant surprise.....Macron of France.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
American business leaders seems to have more sense then Trump.

And the fact is there is a little hypocrisy into their reaction, they realize the stupidity of Trump will get eventually really bad for their businesses.


p.s. hey a coal mine (just like the ones in turkey) reopened, 70 jobs created. Poorly paid and damaging to workers health, make america great! wouhou!

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
For once I agree wth Trump.
I am not against initiatives to save the environment, but it cannot be a one way street.
I have been many times to Russia and China and what I saw there was horrendous, they are not concerned in the least with spewing all kinds of garbage into the atmosphere as long as it is profitable, and large corporations all over the world pay lip service to protecting the environment and then flock to Russia and China to have their goods manufactured there.

Time to either hold everybody equally accountable or stop this bulshit of having a couple of countries paying for things that clearly do not have much affect when countries such as China , India, and Russia blatantly ignore any type of agreement.

It's not a one-way street because it was a global agreement, minus Syria & Nicaragua. One abstainer is currently engaged in a civil war, the other abstained because Paris targets weren't stringent enough. Global problem requires a global solution. Everyone loses with global warming so it's in everyone's interest to lower emissions. Aside from abdicating leadership by leaving, the US is a big part of the problem because we are the second biggest carbon emitter. Also, many large corporations urged Trump to stick with the accords.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Trump told a blatant lie.
He said that other countries were happy when the USA signed the Paris agreement because it put the USA at an economic disadvantage.
He twists things to appeal to his voter base, telling them what they want to hear. He knows his supporters like to blame outside forces for everything, so the UN and scientists are convenient bogeymen.
He knows nothing of science or the world around him. But his ignorance is not his alone, xenophobia and cognitive dissonance rule the day.

Jalimon, do you think those miners will get coverage for any lung cancers they develop?
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