Montreal Escorts

Stat About Merbites...

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Mar 26, 2004
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Rude? To respond in French on a Montreal Board? Pas de tout!!!!

Suspend someone for their choice of language? Jamais!!!!

EB please just live and let live.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Dee said:
Rude? To respond in French on a Montreal Board? Pas de tout!!!!

Suspend someone for their choice of language? Jamais!!!!

EB please just live and let live.

Dee, meme si je suis d'accord avec toi, je crois que la distinction importante est que le board est des escortes de Montreal, pas un board de Montreal sur les escortes...

Simultaneous translation:

Dee, even if I agree with you, the important distinction I believe is that this board is about Montreal escorts, not a Montreal based board on escorts...

Also notice how simultaneous translation of: "tasse-toi monon'c" could be "cup you monon'c"...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I suppose we have no choice but to ignore mazingerz if we can't understand his posts anyway.

I have no intent in starting a debate about language restrictions, however, I believe it is an unwritten rule of courtesy that you respond to a poster in that poster's native tongue as indicated by the language of his post. This is not a restriction. It is courteous behavior. And if he feels his English is not good enough, then he should not respond. Or should try his best if he knows enough. I suspect the latter applies with mazingerz given his comprehension of English. Even I can read enough French to see his English comprehension is there.

I am well aware of the feelings of SOME of the French Canadian posters on these issues and have seen them debated endlessly in other, monster threads, threads that were actually usually started by trolls or troublemakers. I have usually not gotten involved in those debates.

However, my intuitive feeling is that the people who feel strongest about these issues are going to be failures in the business world. I don't have a problem with preservation of French language and culture, just don't throw it in my face.

One thing I agree with in Amanda's post is that you have to adapt. One of the great success stories in this business is Martin of XXXtase. He's a French Canadian guy and when he opened his agency a few years ago, he could barely speak English. Now his English is much improved. He has also opened a resto in a French area of Montreal, but because some tourist customers started coming to his resto, he got some English language menus to go with the French. He did not have to, it's just common sense and good customer service.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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hormone said:
not a Montreal based board on escorts...

As I stated earlier, this Board is Toronto based, and is run from an office in Toronto. MERB's offices are in Toronto, Ont. so calling this a "Montreal based" Board is fiction. It is a Toronto based Board on the Montreal escort business.
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Special K

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May 3, 2003
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EagerBeaver said:
He has also opened a resto in a French area of Montreal, but because some tourist customers started coming to his resto, he got English some language menus to go with the French. He did not have to, it's just common sense and good customer service.

Nope, someone asked him recently if he has gotten English menu's and he's yet to do so. Intends to, but hasn't yet.

Oh yea, and as far as the internet debate goes, I blame it all on Al Gore.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Special K said:
Oh yea, and as far as the internet debate goes, I blame it all on Al Gore.

You mean too much internet activity = too many computers on = more energy spent = more global warming... right??? :p

Or is it: internet is a fiction, like global warming??? :D


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
As an English Montrealer I have often been annoyed by the many ridiculous and discriminatory laws applied by the racists leading the battle to obliterate English.

Reading Eager Beaver's rants however, I now have a great deal of sympathy for the aforementioned zealots. How typical of an American that he feels the world must bow at his feet. If French posters are being disrespectful by writing in their own language then perhaps self-righteous English speakers who seem to think the world must adhere to their rules are being even more disrespectful - not to mention shallow, close-minded and ignorant.

If a French person can learn English then why can't a university-educated person learn French? It is probably not that he lacks the intelligence so we can only assume that he lacks the desire...or that he feels the rest of the world must make up for his shortcomings.

The answer is simple Eager Beaver: learn French or learn to live without reading French posts. Personally I don't start complaining if I go to Chinatown and can't read some of the signs!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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As has already been mentioned in this thread, it's easy to be bilingual if you live in a city that is bilingual and you hear and use the two languages all the time. It's not so easy when you live somewhere where English is the only language ever spoken and there is no French.

I can read and understand a little bit of French. I know the meanings of certain basic words like on a menu, I know oeufs means eggs. However, I cannot put sentences together and when I listen to spoken French on TV when I am in Montreal, all the words blend together. I can even understand some of mazingerz's posts, at least bits and pieces. However other posters have complained, in particular, the posters he has responded to have complained. And frankly he is the only poster I have noticed doing this on a consistent basis. I have seen seemingly less erudite French posters make an attempt to respond to English posts in English, and he should do the same.

It's not asking anyone to "bow at my feet" to adhere to a commonly understood board courtesy of responding to a poster in the language they have chosen to post in. It's called courtesy and respect.
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Mar 26, 2004
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Time for a little humour.... a bilingual joke if you will.... read it out loud:

Why do French speakers eat only one egg?

Parce ce que en francais (because in French) "one egg" is "un oeuf" ! :)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
hormone said:
So while I agree MERB is in cyberspace and should not be governed by language laws, I can't ignore its context.
I'm in partial agreement with EB. I can't ignore context either. I do agree that it is rude to reply to a thread begun in English with a French reply. This board is heavily populated by non-Canadians who do not speak French and that should be taken into consideration when replying to threads in which these people participate.

Similarly, I would also consider it rude to reply in English to a thread that was started and continued in French.


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Jun 20, 2003
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I agree rumples pal of mine, the guy obviously understands english enough to post a reply, two bits says that he is fluently bilingual.

Ps- Does Robert Gillette and pepito_514 ring a bell to anyone.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Joe.t said:
two bits says that he is fluently bilingual.Ps- Does Robert Gillette and pepito_514 ring a bell to anyone.

I raise your two bits and bet one week of Rumples' salary against one week of yours that mazingerz is fluently bilingual. It's the latest in a growing line of frauds perpetrated on this Board that mazingerz is somehow this poor oppressed guy who struggles to post in English. This is more bullshit propaganda that you can file away in the honorary Naughty Nadia trashbin for bullshit. In addition to Robert Gillette/pepito_514 (definitely rings a bell to me since we kinda caught him in person at an Internet Cafe), I can think of a few other frauds along the same lines. Any fraudster that plays upon the fears/biases/feelings of a certain group on this Board should be HARSHLY punished by the Mods. I am sick of all the bullshit already.
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Sep 19, 2005
EagerBeaver said:

When I sent in my payment to become a supporting member of MERB, do you think I sent it to Montreal??????? Do you people think this Board is run in Montreal?HAHAHAHHA:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Dude, I sent the payment to an address in Toronto, Ontario, Canada!!!!!!! That`s where this Board is run from. Is this news to all of you?

By the ways, Bill 101 is not law in Toronto, in cyberspace, or where I am posting from. So exactly what geography are you talking about?????????
Monsieur le CastorGourmand,

Tes messages sont d`une arrogance déconcertante. Ceci est loin d`être la première fois qu`on a eu à subir ton arrogance ``made in the U.S.A``. C`est comme dirait l` autre ``We come to fuck your girls and spit on your people``. Tes blagues sur le pauvre col bleu québécois qui te demandait son chemin sur le boulvard René-Lévéque, tes insinuations que la plupart des québécois sont sur la BS et j`en passe et des meileures. Ton regard sur Montréal m`a toujours semblé être hautain et méprisant.

Le nick mazingerz ne me dit strictement rien, donc je ne sais pas si ce membre poste sur MERB juste pour promouvoir ses convictions nationalistes. Ceci est certainement déplorable. Cependant bannir des membres juste parce qu`ils répondent dans une langue différente est vraiment exagéré. Je n`oserai même pas imaginer comment devienvrait MERB si une personne pleine de compassion et d` humilité de ton genre en serait le propriètaire ou un modérateur.

Comme d` autre membres l` on signalé, ton argument de ``Ceci est le cyber espace``, ne tiens pas debout dans le cas de MERB. Il y a des sites généralistes sur l`internet qui parlent de technologie, de vin, de beaucoup de ces sites sont en Anglais. Par contre, MERB fait partie des sites régionaux. Il parle de Montréal et à Montréal on est bilingue, et beacoup de Montréalais sont même trilingues, que tu le veuilles ou pas Castor. Ils y a ceux qui trouvent la diversité enrichissante et d` autres qui veulent adapter le monde pour accomoder leur petite personne. Une chose est sûre, ce n` est pas à ton hôtel ou tes restos chics que tu te rendra compte de la réalité Montréalaise. Personellement, à chaque fois que visite une ville étrangère, je m` aventure dans les quartiers populaires, justement pour me rendre compte comme le vrai peuple y vit.

Estime toi heureux que les merbites n` éecrivent pas dans leurs langues materellis respectives. MERB serait devenu une nouvelle tour de Babel :D

Ton argument que le propriétaire ainsi que (vraisemblablement) les mods sont anglophones n` est pas valide non plus. si demain j` ouvre un site qui parle de la Chine, ce site sera en Chinois et pas en Anglais.

Enfin, certains membres anglophones ici se proclament bilingues mais écrivent toujours en Anglais, même pour répondre à des postes rédigés en Français. Je pensais à des motifs politico-nationalistes au début, jusqu` au jours où j`ai vu ces mêmes membres écrire en Français. Certaines personnes ont une parfaite maîtrise de l`anglais, mais leur Français est pire que celui d`un élève du primaire. Donc, ils préférent poster dans une langue qu`ils maitrisent mieux au lieu de se ridiculariser et donner une fausse image aux autres sur leur niveau de scolarité. La même chose devrait aussi être vraie pour les membres francophones et j`ai au moins un membre en tête qui parle mal l`Anglais, qui écrit impeccablement bien en Français. Si ce membre a continué à écrire en anglais on aurait continuer à croire qu`il a juste compléter l`école primaire, et pourtant ce membre détient plusieurs diplômes universitaires. Donc, on essaie toujours de poster dans la langue qui nous mettra le plus en valeur, enfin je pense.

Enfin, un traitement de faveur juste pour toi CastorGourmand et afin de te remercier pour ta compassion et ton ouverture d`esprit, je ne te répondreai désormais que dans la langue de Molière.
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Special K

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May 3, 2003
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spiderman05 said:
Monsieur le CastorGourmand,

Tes messages sont d`une arrogance déconcertante. Ceci est loin d`être la première fois qu`on a eu à subir ton arrogance ``made in the U.S.A``. C`est comme dirait l` autre ``We come to fuck your girls and spit on your people``. Tes blagues sur le pauvre col bleu québécois qui te demandait son chemin sur le boulvard René-Lévéque, tes insinuations que la plupart des québécois sont sur la BS et j`en passe et des meileures. Ton regard sur Montréal m`a toujours semblé être hautain et méprisant.

Le nick mazingerz ne me dit strictement rien, donc je ne sais pas si ce membre poste sur MERB juste pour promouvoir ses convictions nationalistes. Ceci est certainement déplorable. Cependant bannir des membres juste parce qu`ils répondent dans une langue différente est vraiment exagéré. Je n`oserai même pas imaginer comment devienvrait MERB si une personne pleine de compassion et d` humilité de ton genre en serait le propriètaire ou un modérateur.

Comme d` autre membres l` on signalé, ton argument de ``Ceci est le cyber espace``, ne tiens pas debout dans le cas de MERB. Il y a des sites généralistes sur l`internet qui parlent de technologie, de vin, de beaucoup de ces sites sont en Anglais. Par contre, MERB fait partie des sites régionaux. Il parle de Montréal et à Montréal on est bilingue, et beacoup de Montréalais sont même trilingues, que tu le veuilles ou pas Castor. Ils y a ceux qui trouvent la diversité enrichissante et d` autres qui veulent adapter le monde pour accomoder leur petite personne. Une chose est sûre, ce n` est pas à ton hôtel ou tes restos chics que tu te rendra compte de la réalité Montréalaise. Personellement, à chaque fois que visite une ville étrangère, je m` aventure dans les quartiers populaires, justement pour me rendre compte comme le vrai peuple y vit.

Estime toi heureux que les merbites n` éecrivent pas dans leurs langues materellis respectives. MERB serait devenu une nouvelle tour de Babel :D

Ton argument que le propriétaire ainsi que (vraisemblablement) les mods sont anglophones n` est pas valide non plus. si demain j` ouvre un site qui parle de la Chine, ce site sera en Chinois et pas en Anglais.

Enfin, certains membres anglophones ici se proclament bilingues mais écrivent toujours en Anglais, même pour répondre à des postes rédigés en Français. Je pensais à des motifs politico-nationalistes au début, jusqu` au jours où j`ai vu ces mêmes membres écrire en Français. Certaines personnes ont une parfaite maîtrise de l`anglais, mais leur Français est pire que celui d`un élève du primaire. Donc, ils préférent poster dans une langue qu`ils maitrisent mieux au lieu de se ridiculariser et donner une fausse image aux autres sur leur niveau de scolarité. La même chose devrait aussi être vraie pour les membres francophones et j`ai au moins un membre en tête qui parle mal l`Anglais, qui écrit impeccablement bien en Français. Si ce membre a continué à écrire en anglais on aurait continuer à croire qu`il a juste compléter l`école primaire, et pourtant ce membre détient plusieurs diplômes universitaires. Donc, on essaie toujours de poster dans la langue qui nous mettra le plus en valeur, enfin je pense.

Enfin, un traitement de faveur juste pour toi CastorGourmand et afin de te remercier pour ta compassion et ton ouverture d`esprit, je ne te répondreai désormais que dans la langue de Molière.

Just for you Beav...Using Google Translate tool.

Mr CastorGourmand,

Your messages are a bewildering arrogance. This is not the first time they had had to suffer your arrogance ``made in the USA``. It looks like the other ``We come to fuck your girls and spit on your people``. Your jokes about the poor blue-collar Quebec who demanded his path on the boulevard Rene-Lévéque, your insinuation that most of Quebec are on the SB and the list goes on and Best. Your eyes Montreal has always seemed to me to be haughty and abusive.

The nick mazingerz not told me anything, so I do not know if this member`s position on MERB just to promote his convictions nationalists. This is certainly regrettable. However banish members just because they meet in a different language is really exaggerated. I n`oserai not even imagine how devienvrait MERB if a person full of compassion and humility your kind would be the owner or moderator.

Like the other members is being reported, your argument ``This is cyber space,`` do not want to stand in the case of MERB. There are general sites on the Internet that talk about technology, wine, crafts ... and a lot of these sites are in English. By contrast, MERB is one of the regional sites. He speaks of Montreal and Montreal on is bilingual, and a lot of Montrealers are even trilingual, that you like it or not Castor. They are those who are enriching the diversity and others who want to adapt the world to accommodate their small person. One thing is for sure, this is not your hotel or your chic restaurants that you will reflect the reality Montreal. Personally, whenever visiting a strange city, I am adventure in the popular districts, precisely in order to realise the real people live there.

Considers you glad that merbites n `éecrivent not in their respective mother tongues. MERB become a new Tower of Babel

Your argument that the owner and (probably) the mods are anglophone it is not valid either. If tomorrow I opened a site that talks about China, this site will not in Chinese and English.

Finally, some members here will proclaim English bilingual but still write English, even in response to posts written in French. I was thinking about the political and nationalistic motives at first, until the day where I saw those same members write in French. Some people have a perfect command of English, but French is worse than that of a primary school child. So they prefer poster in a language they maitrisent better instead of ridiculariser and give a false image to others on their level of education. The same should be true for francophone members and have at least one member in mind who speaks little English, who writes in French impeccably well. If that member has continued to write in English we would continue to believe that it has just completed primary school, and yet this member holds several university degrees. So, we always try to post in the language that we put the most value, finally I believe.

Finally, preferential treatment CastorGourmand just for you and to thank you for your compassion and your open mind, I will never répondreai now in the language of Molière.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
EagerBeaver said:
It's the latest in a growing line of frauds perpetrated on this Board that mazingerz is somehow this poor oppressed guy who struggles to post in English. This is more bullshit propaganda that you can file away in (...) Any fraudster that plays upon the fears/biases/feelings of a certain group on this Board should be HARSHLY punished by the Mods. I am sick of all the bullshit already.

Hey EB, you're off now, you are seeing too many conspiracies here. If one can't post hypotheses that don't fit with your line of thinking, it's propaganda or bullshit? You are a great example of respect...:rolleyes: You only see your point, aren't really able to put yourself in other's shoes, as we tried here. Well, I guess you never bothered learning much about the place when all the times you came... Can you see a point other than yours??
I think you callling someone here a fraud is a pretty serious accusation, without any backing. When did Maz lie/ try to pass for something he is not? When did we lie/ try to make him pass for something he is not? Maybe you should be banned? You have shown a lot of disrespect so far...
Could you be a fraudster playing on the biases/feelings of anglophones about this language issue? We here (Mtl group) are way more tolerant about it than you...
You may not like that Mazingerz posts in french only. Your problem. Grow up guys, this is not your property. You can't force people to be like you want them to be.
Mazingerz, tu as tout mon soutient pour continuer a ecrire en francais.


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Feb 28, 2007
Doc Holliday said:
CastorGourmand=EagerBeaver :D :D :D

But shouldn't it be GourmandCastor instead??

Hey Doc, in french (and latin languages), the adjective comes usually after the noun... ;) I won't go into the exceptions here... I never learned them, I just know by habbit when it sounds weird!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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This discussion has taken an incredibly silly and ignorant turn. What is the purpose of a Board like this? Is it to exchange information, or to promote personal or political agendas? Obviously we see from spiderman's post he believes the latter. I have always believed in the former. So that gets me labelled "arrogant" because I think that posts should be responded to in a manner that they can be properly understood? It's "arrogant" to ask someone to respond to a post in the language of the post they have responded to? I thought it was basic Board courtesy and respect. It's obvious some posters here believe that courtesy and respect are secondary to personal/political agendas.

Oh, and before someone says spiderman posted in French because he can better express himself that way, please bother to look at his posting history.

It is not my intention here to start a language debate or get into local language issues. The issue that exists here is maximizing the exchange of information so as to reach the broadest possible audience. It would be the same issue if this was an Israeli Escort Review Board and we were having a debate over whether something posted in Hebrew should be responded to in Hebrew or Arabic. Most of the educated people there are similarly bilingual.

Karma, this Board is not face to face conversation where you know if the person understands what you are saying and you are free to move from one language to the next. On an Internet Board you cannot presume bilingualism, and you certainly can't presume it for the American members for reasons I have already stated.
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not going there anymore
Jan 17, 2004
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hormone said:
Hey Doc, in french (and latin languages), the adjective comes usually after the noun... ;) I won't go into the exceptions here... I never learned them, I just know by habbit when it sounds weird!
Is this word relate to the expression "mange ma noun" ? :D
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